neist · 3 hours
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kickthegrind: This is the green house in the “Plant Kingdom” of el Nido de Quetzalcoatl in Mexico. Created by Javier Senosain, this is one of the many examples of Organic Architecture in his park.
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neist · 4 hours
Source: instagram.com/tanya
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neist · 4 hours
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neist · 1 day
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Spent some time wandering about out west. Slept on a train, visited some millennia old trees, and encountered a friendly humpback whale named Chi.
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neist · 1 day
I hope everyone grows tired of being cruel to each other soon
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neist · 1 day
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neist · 1 day
My one critique of KAOS (2024) is they still say 'oh god' not 'oh gods,' like come on, y'all got a polytheistic religion going on over there, get with the correct nomenclature,
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neist · 1 day
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I got this comment on my reddit post and I've got a bad feeling anyone who creates surreal art is going to have to deal with this going forward. My Otis art took about 15 hours to create and I don't actually think it has that uncanny look of AI, but anything weird is now being deemed to look the same.
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neist · 1 day
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Larches in Snow
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neist · 1 day
Like, getting political for a moment. A thing a lot of people need to understand is that, ultimately, rules only exist if they are enforceable. The mechanism of enforcement is what determines the realness of a rule.
If you're playing Monopoly and you decide that being in Jail sucks so you move your piece to Go and call it a tunneling loophole, there's nothing built into the game to actually stop you from doing that. Other players yelling at you and banishing you from the table is how the rule is enforced. But if they don't, if they let you do that, then I'm sorry but that's just how the game is played now. If you're allowed to do it then it's not against the rules.
We all instinctively understand that when you're running track, you're not supposed to cross the lines into someone else's lane. But the lines are not a wall. They're not physically preventing you from doing anything. If you decide you want to run into the lane to your right and jump-kick the other racer, you physically can do that.
The line on the ground is a social construct. It's part of the magic circle; A thing that takes on special meaning, even psychological power, so long as we exist within its play space. But it's not real, and it only has power if somebody comes over and drags you off the field for striking that other racer.
At the highest echelons of power, a lot of what "can" and "can't" be done are actually just the boundaries of a magic circle with few real enforcement mechanisms. The President can't do that. But. Like. Who's going to stop him if he does?
The biggest thing we learned during the Trump Presidency was just how many restrictions on government power are illusory. Trump spent his four years in office testing the limits of what he can and can't do. Stepping over the lines of the magic circle to see which ones had enforcement mechanisms and which were merely decorative. And revealing that an alarming number were decorative.
Because the thing about the highest offices, about POTUS and SCOTUS and Congress, is that they're the highest offices. There's nobody above them. The only check on their power is each other and, contrary to what high school social studies might tell you, those checks aren't very strong at all.
Trump wants to redefine the game rules to be dictatorial. The magic circle says he can't do that. But the only factor that truly decides whether he can or can't is whether the other players at the table will let him do it. And if you listen to the way Republican Congressmen talk, it's not reassuring.
There are no executive super-cops who will arrest Trump if he breaks the rules. The Avengers are not going to show up and stop him from continuing to reconfigure the magic circle to his liking. The only thing, the only true restriction on his power, is the vote. It's the fact that we, as a population, get to make a choice as to whether or not he even gets to sit back down at the table to play again at all.
In a democracy, voters are the enforcement mechanism. Let's try and remember that when November comes around.
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neist · 1 day
Frank Zappa knew in the 80s
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neist · 1 day
if 3000+ devices exploded simultaneously and thousands got injured, 37+ ppl died in usa or london or france anywhere in the imperial core this website would be talking about it nonstop. my coworkers' relatives are lebanese and he hasn't been able to contact them because everyone's nervous of using anything with a lithium battery. the kids from diaspora are teaching their parents how to turn off find my phone and airdrop and other geolocating options. it's absurd to me people are carrying on like its normal, or just don't care cause c'mon ppl blow up in the middle east all the time, right?
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neist · 1 day
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About Gaza Funds
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neist · 2 days
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neist · 2 days
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Sam Vimes-core
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neist · 2 days
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Dysfunction is, after all, what we do best in this family!
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neist · 2 days
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