nelsonwordy-blog · 5 years
regan loso pecha egolofa nee, coins gi 1000 bob note gi jokmoko
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147 notes · View notes
nelsonwordy-blog · 5 years
hawa wasichana ni wangu na wanataka kuninyang’anya bwana, peter crying hahhaaa, fanyakitu bro
Money esp are made as well using cow dung put in like a big plastic conteiner then you urinate unto it on the container well or just directly on the sport where you salivate or urinate unto the dung and boom there is the coin 4 every nation you like and thats why the luo, Kikuyu, kisii, masai and Nigerians are eger to get to Eu or America coz they have known the same. So can get rich quickly bro. And all the direct flights to EU or America to facilitate the same bro. With notes when taking shower in the big refrigerator or mobile plastic toilet, after you have painted the top of a pillar not roofed house the paint fall from up above to make the notes, the same you can use suspended chicken or goat and it makes the same bro. The container can be a box, drum, tank, safe, microwave, washing machine, inside of a blender, cooker, oven. Silver is made with cattle intestine like cow, copper chicken intestine etc
Get the names and check on ya Facebook 4 more
It was made that way, the greenman told the Germans and the britons and the jew as the italians, Rusians and japan the technology 1st s that their character is known and it matches which african tribe, 4 the the guilt to be removed and stop widespread marriage and spread of that Gin. French are luyas as indonesia blood, Rusians are Tanganyika, fulani or Kamba blooded, Hindu are luo blooded as well as britons, Italians and japanis are kauma, Portuguese are choni. Its a blessing in disguise and any tribe is good in their own once they have learnt automation. The burden is the luo who are involved in following others like with soccer angering other Eu nations like Rusia who also want to be praised so also investigates through their legue as much as Germany. This infiltrates jealousy so many whites love people who praise them the next morning and its a gimmick with the luo to make the whites think 4 them to be praised all african tribes must have that blood so they do this and that to bring people here to spread that gene bro. Like loop oil make fake coin cash, being jew/Egyptian thing and thats the whole drama
The bristle spring of a car or plane should be elastic, when the plane make an impact down or a car it breaks and the same technology used in steels used to make storey houses, the latest story houses fall idea, Click the link below 4 more.
Car alternator gives you about 80-180 volts when rotated very 1st and if you got a computer back up and channel that current it gives you about 100-200 bro to be used to power your gadgets. 4 wet cell then connect to a welding machine then to the computer back up gives you the same bro. Make works easy, never strive to struggle bitch.
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875 notes · View notes
nelsonwordy-blog · 5 years
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1K notes · View notes
nelsonwordy-blog · 5 years
De trut
click the links below 4 more information dude https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/7682439?hl=en https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=steps+on+how+to+recover+your+gmail+account https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=steps+on+how+to+recover+your+yahoo+account So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!! https://www.tumblr.com/search/mrmonde https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondewords https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondesky You can tumblr search nelsonbotomsiepa or chalmerslynnmonde and still find my post bro https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondetheko Artificial tea spoils the teeth very fast, so if u mind of ya teeth, go to the firm and buy plucked tea leaves u r seeing, then dry it up b4 grinding and then make ya tea as well as any fruit, or food. Goat parable to cement the truth as well as eggs, go when the chicken is laying the eggs when you are seeing- Malachi four to as well cement the truth bro. Inquire first to want madly someone who wants to strangle himself women. There is a fighting spirit among people out of the explanation on the bible hypocrisy. People are looking 4 what to follow, even grown ups bro, people wanna put up a fight with each other. They champion high population as much as squeezing people in Africa yet them they got vast lands to increase the liquidity ratio as cash flow for them to benefit out of many small business opened as you pay 4 life if right management extend credit to ya which many operate their business with in Africa dude. Mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth bro. If the land around lake Victoria sinks then the water will rush to fill the rift valley which has the tea and white lands as cereal thus will destroy those lands & central and Eastern province will to a great percentage survive so Tea will thrive there making it scars as the bread basket has been destroyed so will be priced much high in world price to benefit the people to be in a good position world wide to cement the truth the jew will rise somehow if it happens and the G-5 wants that coz most of the wife to Jacob and Esau had from far kikuyouth blood. King of the jew to cement the truth esp the made servants MS. Small accessories like phone, Radios, watches or TV are made with offering like khart/mira, grass, matawi/leaves, hide, fruits as well as seeds, mafi are put in an enclosure like big suit case, water tank, super drum, wooden or metal or plastic boxes, fridges, oven, cookers, plastic/metallic toilets, big dust bin within the pool like structure in the dark, then a group of people urinate, piss, salivate, spit saliva, hurl shit unto the container from outside to form gadgets like the latest phones, Tv, Radio etc The watch in the link below can be used to curb theft at schools, institutions, jobs, banks, airport etc https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTpcMD3_eFu-m2eXnmBnAINAQWnJA:1571639303166&q=images+of+new+pulse+rate+reader+risk+watch&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNTpcMD3_eFu-m2eXnmBnAINAQWnJA:1571639303166&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiviYXT3KzlAhUm-YUKHeDeAcgQsAR6BAgFEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 Now the have stolen enough both in all E.A countries and now Mr Putin is coming to collect his share without shame bro, Petty theft in others business or houses or pocket ugondi dude. Buy gadgets made out of boiled maize, has less side effects dude. Scrap metal can reduce if the welded windows and doors can be made in factory as this will reduce the no of small cut metal pieces folks pick to take to the vendor. You can use old car alternator, lorries, buses, trucks as they are durable not china made that gets burn easily to even fix on your aero-plane period. Click the link below 4 more, Identify such and buy the alternator https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=910&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSlsqoABHcGOeIx959bv2jsgxIs_Q%3A1571639625123&sa=1&ei=SVGtXbqdB47eapfukrAK&q=old+lorries+of+50s&oq=old+lorries+of+50s&gs_l=img.3...10053.11749..12591...0.0..0.198.1357.0j7......0....1..gws-wiz-img.14tvD2uPg2w&ved=0ahUKEwj65cfs3azlAhUOrxoKHRe3BKYQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=910&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRT-CDNeHKcvaxT76XCkHf7dGMaFA%3A1571639306824&sa=1&ei=ClCtXaPmMcecgQb91oq4Dg&q=old+trucks+of+50s&oq=old+trucks+of+50s&gs_l=img.3...306556.316046..316564...0.0..0.271.3377.0j11j6......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i67j0i131j0i131i67j0i8i30j0i24.wdSpBcse6Ig&ved=0ahUKEwijk-TU3KzlAhVHTsAKHX2rAucQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 Yawhoyi go Jim, Yawhoyi oyiech, korgi opong malich, ewacho nichokene are too heavy to osiepe ne thindo thindo to ginemonego ni giting’o sanduku mare. yawhoyo oyiech mar ting’o sanduku ni machiengi- giseneno tho ni bwana. Gim opong mokwach wawhoyi. Open ya linkedin and click the link below to open in a new tab bro https://www.linkedin.com/in/monde-underwood-446650196/detail/recent-activity/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gJNYbChFuw search [email protected] and [email protected] using the you-tube link above to get my white woman post bro. Water pump mouth link below where you remove the motor part and fix an alternater maybe after incorporating gears to run fast like the head of a sewing machine to produce power bro, or maybe a water tank put up high to rotate the same then pumped back to the very tank to continue the cycle bro. https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ_lCBANccITZpFtw8ZiNvzH5zC8g:1571739846883&q=parts+of+a+water+pump&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtwoKa06_lAhVEExoKHVjCD7cQsAR6BAgDEAE&biw=1280&bih=913 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNREyXJQN4mb0x-YCQlVom5Y3M-x0w%3A1571739859126&sa=1&ei=09iuXferB46VlwTVqq7IDA&q=water+tank+photos&oq=water+tank+photos&gs_l=img.3..0.25507.31095..31760...0.0..0.825.8211.3-4j8j4j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0i67j0i5i30j0i24.-qldOogjlnk&ved=0ahUKEwi34e2f06_lAhWOyoUKHVWVC8kQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrdtZyiJ_kSUklR8DHpiPpA_o8mg%3A1571739925810&sa=1&ei=FdmuXeGOMae_lwSBrJaIDg&q=photos+ofsewing+machine&oq=photos+ofsewing+machine&gs_l=img.3...6374.9739..10290...0.0..0.499.5336.3-11j3......0....1..gws-wiz-img.OSfaXAZcE7U&ved=0ahUKEwih7dO_06_lAhWn34UKHQGWBeEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrdtZyiJ_kSUklR8DHpiPpA_o8mg%3A1571739925810&sa=1&ei=FdmuXeGOMae_lwSBrJaIDg&q=photos+ofsewing+machine&oq=photos+ofsewing+machine&gs_l=img.3...6374.9739..10290...0.0..0.499.5336.3-11j3......0....1..gws-wiz-img.OSfaXAZcE7U&ved=0ahUKEwih7dO_06_lAhWn34UKHQGWBeEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=-rOlVcjwDvyY6M: https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQwem4NetIz8aupd0BcmwzuU4U3vQ%3A1571739937505&sa=1&ei=IdmuXcuxHrDBlwSsrZrIDw&q=photos+of+dish+decorder&oq=photos+of+dish+decorder&gs_l=img.3...46009.51789..52921...0.0..0.502.5422.3-9j4j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0j0i24.LETy_TR8j-k&ved=0ahUKEwiLxp3F06_lAhWw4IUKHayWBvkQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE798KE798&biw=1280&bih=913&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNT5YiAKp11T4YZWJEy3QfW_vYmGZg%3A1571740052142&sa=1&ei=lNmuXaatCMXwaP7zv-gO&q=photos+of+cylinrrical+air+conditioner+put+on+roof+tops&oq=photos+of+cylinrrical+air+conditioner+put+on+roof+tops&gs_l=img.3...11670.15908..16930...0.0..0.577.4712.2-1j7j2j2......0....1..gws-wiz-img.OFbvVV_KA1E&ved=0ahUKEwimx_L706_lAhVFOBoKHf75D-0Q4dUDCAc&uact=5 The link above just shows how a new solar panel should look like described by Mr monde or the cylindrical airconditioner type to eliminate monotomy bro. Artificial Salt AS is made out of maize/mahindi mbichi, christ with little children, where you grind it like in a posho mill pm them put it as sacrifice on the pool like structure then hurl saliva, sperm, sewer water unto it and boom there is the salt, cotton wool can do this as well. Check this emails on tumblr, linkedin that i had used to open such, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Mochanda thex kodi mit, thex na wewe sweet, thex wid u thamu x3. Kebi could not stop that ritort at night as he was giving it to her again and again bro. Ni thamu x3, Nithamu sana. If you use gadgets made out of food stuff like cereals yet there is hunger everywhere it takes you to hell and infact the EU has found solution of the Ae technology of how to power future gadgets so making oil redundant so has gone to Nigeria and Iran from below and dug the hole through and believe me you me the oil is falling unto the outter space. They hate people who pride themselves without looking beyond the nose and same mrmonde has blocked all his a/c and brought the solar way which any1 can make which has angered them and you can see Rusia in Africa issues not 4 friendship but to thwart it. They like being praised and to lead the parade period but this time round we wanna tackle them. If you partake mwarubaine leave as chew or put a coin in the palm of ya hand, you see this bro.
hawa wasichana ni wangu na wanataka kuninyang’anya bwana, peter crying hahhaaa, fanyakitu bro
Money esp are made as well using cow dung put in like a big plastic conteiner then you urinate unto it on the container well or just directly on the sport where you salivate or urinate unto the dung and boom there is the coin 4 every nation you like and thats why the luo, Kikuyu, kisii, masai and Nigerians are eger to get to Eu or America coz they have known the same. So can get rich quickly bro. And all the direct flights to EU or America to facilitate the same bro
Get the names and check on ya Facebook 4 more
It was made that way, the greenman told the Germans and the britons and the jew as the italians, Rusians and japan the technology 1st s that their character is known and it matches which african tribe, 4 the the guilt to be removed and stop widespread marriage and spread of that Gin. French are luyas as indonesia blood, Rusians are Tanganyika, fulani or Kamba blooded, Hindu are luo blooded as well as britons, Italians and japanis are kauma, Portuguese are choni. Its a blessing in disguise and any tribe is good in their own once they have learnt automation. The burden is the luo who are involved in following others like with soccer angering other Eu nations like Rusia who also want to be praised so also investigates through their legue as much as Germany. This infiltrates jealousy so many whites love people who praise them the next morning and its a gimmick with the luo to make the whites think 4 them to be praised all african tribes must have that blood so they do this and that to bring people here to spread that gene bro. Like loop oil make fake coin cash, being jew/Egyptian thing and thats the whole drama.
Go to montana or kansas or Wyoming with few blacks dude if you wanna be therehttp://worldpopulationreview.com/states/black-population-by-state/
EMAIL company or of the social medias to avoid impersonation as you can open email in ones name new or one which you know but he had signed out or deleted of service, 4 malice as you can comment on youtbe or send malicious email to put the fellow in problemo.
Click the links below
Mbona hammuoni mtu na chakula na mnataka kukula kwa nyumba cha mtu hata kuleta vita naye by force. Eti mnataka watuwaachane nanyi, swali nyeti kwani mna nini wenzangu? Uwizi bro!!! Wacha bwana, kufa kifo chako!!!
My email for 1 of my a/c is [email protected] and password is kebikasle but it was closed so click next until you see the pattern or [email protected] like wise with these code. click the link below dude
The alternator should be protected as shield on a wire mesh so no intruder who transform gets into it to cut the wires bro or should be put under strong light with camera to be monitor by the pilot in case of intruder, siren gas to be blow to avoid plane fall/crush.
The plane fall is out of fake alternator which is changed with the dubious engineers during the plane repair, they should be 2-3 that if one burns up or is cut the plane don’t fall like the silver stone Ethiopian made plane fall at Wilson airport in Nairobi.
whoyi ma mande tech ta, motimo nd'adhu, maka-nyathi manyako oneno duong ne wacho, to ma ang'o ni, mand mimulo toyie bwana
Australia is the fight bro, they dont wanna take austrians and swedish back to their lands as well as other SA tribes, Aborigins were from present Egypt. They were relocated. The french, Germans and British just take big lands and want to squeez people here in small nations in Africa saying its 2nd bigest yet North America is much bigger than africa to dwindle the whole story. Ruto stop going abroad to plot violence as organise hooliganism among the motor bike rider and to meet women and what to steal. Sasa tingisha kichwa ya kukampein bro!!!
Italy will have swag as Christ was from their, so they went to babylonding to arrest jesus in Gem at Nebuchadnezzar place, he was crucified on the right side hills when you are heading to gem akala- worker & vineyard parable to cement the truth. Rusia killed christ thinking he was luo blooded and wanted to know if they had known how to make gadgets as well as luya or what they will do as much as itallians. The Rusians are guilty the got the tz kamba blood, Germans, Dutch got guyana blood, britain got luo blood guilt yet pride themselves as good. This is due to some pretence of character when they were under slavery of some goodness in them as they wanted to go back- tafadhali. Rusia took a big land to upset naftali as they loved spacious things as nafasi yet if you go to rome everything is squeezed to puzzle the whole truth. Or Rusia will say they got that best land for unforseen future 4 the benefit of all of the jew tribes. At that time itallians never knew to make sophisticated ammunition but right now they know including all nations of EU now forging alliance with the very very jew for their own interest making rusia to fear. Thats the story bro!!!
People will see Rusia as croocked out of the oil gotten from below but its put in a 2goinvoice a/c which every nation in Eu access which is the guilt when oil is depleted or other sources crop in like charged or solar car as well as AE. They changed the jew thing to kikuyou to tell them later how gadgets are made like Rusia to N-KOREA to force a defeat to puzzle the bible truth yet they know better as they can head to new world/planet and leave the earth in deep shit bro or kill the kenyans in war to take tea lands 4 their own benefit bro.
Christ came to onding with many others via ship b4 being arrested to spread the gospel within Nebucadneza kingdom. The guard came to arrest him to upset itallians as they were saying they were joking with him as telling the people in wilderness how gadgets are made to defaet them period bro. The railway station in ksm is where mary and magdalin mary at that time were while the tomb was situated at tychus nyangah in milimani place, behind there was a made booster like structure incase quakes happen and the lake victoria water rush out, out of land slide to destroy other lands like tea lands they rush to climb it as well as the soldiers were behind the tomb bro. In a nutshell they wanted to destroy the tea lands as tea if sold world wide the profits are too huge if the local people dont know how to make artificial tea but the good thing they know now.
Take normal wire lay binding tape on table bit by bit and musk that wires horizontally without cutting it and make your 50-100 metres wire 4 the invator b4 you wine it again somewhere. Google the link below fellows
What i have put here bro as write is also found in another tumblr link i have provided, so if you delete it or access it, i still have it in 2-4 tumblr a/c, how do you get things bro!!!
They even collect copper wire, brass plates and alluminium wire from the cartel but the cartel dont know about it well and sell them abroad like in N-Americah or Europe for 1000% profit bro, they dont sell them in kg but in tonnes dude. They even target planes or ships as cruise and transport them to Europe, William ruto even sell them in Europe like Austria with even the presidents jet bro. See, unsrupulous business men. Copper wire are made out of traditional chicken matumbo/intestine as lost coin parable another version to cement the truth and alluminium human being intestine, brass plate cattle hide dude. Kisii in minesota as well are known in this lucrative business bro.
The mothers request and the promises to the 12 sons and who is the mother is what is angering other tribes who share the same mother and thats the problemo. Italians met Kebi at tuskys supermarket at KFC and told him they have learnt how to make big ammunition and whats the fear if ya brother has became a wild Dog so they wanna say Christ existed among them coz many of them can land in hell. They were weak now strong and got alliances so what will kenyans say about their being Jew or Egyptian. Will they accept and relent or be turf headed. We wanna see bro who will win, its shear stupidity bro and fuck that dude. Naftali are kauma as well as japanis and now shame bro as much as Rusians and Britons. Click the links below 4 more data!!!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tabhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblrhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.
S.A should also build their own fence to stop women from disrespecting poor handsamu people as they tell them secretly to find their way to sa to rob to please their wants.
The padlock security as googled should not have the key opening and the one stuck hole where the upper shinny loop roles on to open the locked padlock should not be fixed but just the same with the other side where each day or evening you cut it with a wireless grinder chargeable or with wire from a nearby socket outlet. So the upper parts which are serialized can be bought at an extra cost in the shops or hardware. This serial allows you to find if it was tampered with but with normal padlocks you can use along if you wanna dude.
Just continue saying gadgets are not made yet am seeing progress from every nation what they have made as i have reached them in youtube or via email. You would rather try to find out what they have made and you have not bro.
With electric timer you can open it and locate with a volt meter its transformer wire outlet to use dc power and connect it to the battery that powers the same inverter bro.
Germany invaded Poland, china should also do that to India so they stop their absurdities.
The gate-man in many places in town in those premises they guard have made keys on a soap or by scanning, snap shot and making the same their by at night all sex in those business premises for an extra- cash liaising with the managers.
The link below show the parts of a padlock dude click and get the upper part that should be bought in shops called the shank/shackle
Final destination movie one shows you exactly what can happen to you if you get money off the 2goinvoice via the certificate or bolt or in rights.com then you lie to others its handwork. Click the link below dude
The jew, Egyptian thing that its East Africa was in place if oil is finished with another method like AE, coz no-matter how much you worship God the truth is oil is finished and its 90% of your Economy so you must resort to lies or theft or slow down as reduce the population. Worshiping God wont transform a country like saudi or Naigeria into an highland got to do something bro. Worshipping of God is easy when your land is very fertile like Rwand, kisii, cameroon, tz, ethiopia or Congo but when dry like Nigeria better look 4 another way to feed ya stomach even if it means killing yaself- king of jew to cement the truth. Many africa nations had it in pray to find oil like Nigeria so they are not left behind, but the irony is the same same oil has been rendered useless by solar or chargeable cars which are just about to hit the market. So what you gonna do bro!!!!
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tabhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblrhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.  
Click the down link 4 more friends
The cabin of a tuk tuk the green one can be used as a safe for keeping money bro, the door can be used as well in the thick plate tied made safe bro. Save money live large.
If you are involved in infidelity it gives spirit if the sex is done anywhere, people belittle ya, its removed in story house or gorofa, Road to emaus with Christ or goat & sheep parable to cement the truth. Rich-man and Lazarus parable, I got five brothers bro.
The link below shows water tank mounted on a metalic case which your safe with Gas tank 4 a truck can be modified.
Yep you dont want people to see the women in Youtube, well, so good but how will you win them yet you got less money and all ya plan have been blocked or they know like rights.com, 2goinvoice.com, organised petty theft of even making a duplicate key and the Ae technology at Mrmonde in the turmblr has beebn dis-enabled. Grown ups stop this crazy stuff as well they have learnt automation as you. So how will you win them. Dignitaries are even playing Betting making them broke early b4 the month ends, paying people should be weekly to avoid this shit, you can never be broke dude, b4 you are broke it gets in, lost coin and little lids with Christ bro. Can bring peace into the world bro.
0 notes
nelsonwordy-blog · 5 years
Go to montana or kansas or Wyoming with few blacks dude if you wanna be therehttp://worldpopulationreview.com/states/black-population-by-state/
EMAIL company or of the social medias to avoid impersonation as you can open email in ones name new or one which you know but he had signed out or deleted of service, 4 malice as you can comment on youtbe or send malicious email to put the fellow in problemo.
Click the links below
Mbona hammuoni mtu na chakula na mnataka kukula kwa nyumba cha mtu hata kuleta vita naye by force. Eti mnataka watuwaachane nanyi, swali nyeti kwani mna nini wenzangu? Uwizi bro!!! Wacha bwana, kufa kifo chako!!!
My email for 1 of my a/c is [email protected] and password is kebikasle but it was closed so click next until you see the pattern or [email protected] like wise with these code. click the link below dude
The alternator should be protected as shield on a wire mesh so no intruder who transform gets into it to cut the wires bro or should be put under strong light with camera to be monitor by the pilot in case of intruder, siren gas to be blow to avoid plane fall/crush.
The plane fall is out of fake alternator which is changed with the dubious engineers during the plane repair, they should be 2-3 that if one burns up or is cut the plane don’t fall like the silver stone Ethiopian made plane fall at Wilson airport in Nairobi.
whoyi ma mande tech ta, motimo nd'adhu, maka-nyathi manyako oneno duong ne wacho, to ma ang'o ni, mand mimulo toyie bwana
Australia is the fight bro, they dont wanna take austrians and swedish back to their lands as well as other SA tribes, Aborigins were from present Egypt. They were relocated. The french, Germans and British just take big lands and want to squeez people here in small nations in Africa saying its 2nd bigest yet North America is much bigger than africa to dwindle the whole story. Ruto stop going abroad to plot violence as organise hooliganism among the motor bike rider and to meet women and what to steal. Sasa tingisha kichwa ya kukampein bro!!!
Italy will have swag as Christ was from their, so they went to babylonding to arrest jesus in Gem at Nebuchadnezzar place, he was crucified on the right side hills when you are heading to gem akala- worker & vineyard parable to cement the truth. Rusia killed christ thinking he was luo blooded and wanted to know if they had known how to make gadgets as well as luya or what they will do as much as itallians. The Rusians are guilty the got the tz kamba blood, Germans, Dutch got guyana blood, britain got luo blood guilt yet pride themselves as good. This is due to some pretence of character when they were under slavery of some goodness in them as they wanted to go back- tafadhali. Rusia took a big land to upset naftali as they loved spacious things as nafasi yet if you go to rome everything is squeezed to puzzle the whole truth. Or Rusia will say they got that best land for unforseen future 4 the benefit of all of the jew tribes. At that time itallians never knew to make sophisticated ammunition but right now they know including all nations of EU now forging alliance with the very very jew for their own interest making rusia to fear. Thats the story bro!!!
People will see Rusia as croocked out of the oil gotten from below but its put in a 2goinvoice a/c which every nation in Eu access which is the guilt when oil is depleted or other sources crop in like charged or solar car as well as AE. They changed the jew thing to kikuyou to tell them later how gadgets are made like Rusia to N-KOREA to force a defeat to puzzle the bible truth yet they know better as they can head to new world/planet and leave the earth in deep shit bro or kill the kenyans in war to take tea lands 4 their own benefit bro.
Christ came to onding with many others via ship b4 being arrested to spread the gospel within Nebucadneza kingdom. The guard came to arrest him to upset itallians as they were saying they were joking with him as telling the people in wilderness how gadgets are made to defaet them period bro. The railway station in ksm is where mary and magdalin mary at that time were while the tomb was situated at tychus nyangah in milimani place, behind there was a made booster like structure incase quakes happen and the lake victoria water rush out, out of land slide to destroy other lands like tea lands they rush to climb it as well as the soldiers were behind the tomb bro. In a nutshell they wanted to destroy the tea lands as tea if sold world wide the profits are too huge if the local people dont know how to make artificial tea but the good thing they know now.
Take normal wire lay binding tape on table bit by bit and musk that wires horizontally without cutting it and make your 50-100 metres wire 4 the invator b4 you wine it again somewhere. Google the link below fellows
What i have put here bro as write is also found in another tumblr link i have provided, so if you delete it or access it, i still have it in 2-4 tumblr a/c, how do you get things bro!!!
They even collect copper wire, brass plates and alluminium wire from the cartel but the cartel dont know about it well and sell them abroad like in N-Americah or Europe for 1000% profit bro, they dont sell them in kg but in tonnes dude. They even target planes or ships as cruise and transport them to Europe, William ruto even sell them in Europe like Austria with even the presidents jet bro. See, unsrupulous business men. Copper wire are made out of traditional chicken matumbo/intestine as lost coin parable another version to cement the truth and alluminium human being intestine, brass plate cattle hide dude. Kisii in minesota as well are known in this lucrative business bro.
The mothers request and the promises to the 12 sons and who is the mother is what is angering other tribes who share the same mother and thats the problemo. Italians met Kebi at tuskys supermarket at KFC and told him they have learnt how to make big ammunition and whats the fear if ya brother has became a wild Dog so they wanna say Christ existed among them coz many of them can land in hell. They were weak now strong and got alliances so what will kenyans say about their being Jew or Egyptian. Will they accept and relent or be turf headed. We wanna see bro who will win, its shear stupidity bro and fuck that dude. Naftali are kauma as well as japanis and now shame bro as much as Rusians and Britons. Click the links below 4 more data!!!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.
S.A should also build their own fence to stop women from disrespecting poor handsamu people as they tell them secretly to find their way to sa to rob to please their wants.
The padlock security as googled should not have the key opening and the one stuck hole where the upper shinny loop roles on to open the locked padlock should not be fixed but just the same with the other side where each day or evening you cut it with a wireless grinder chargeable or with wire from a nearby socket outlet. So the upper parts which are serialized can be bought at an extra cost in the shops or hardware. This serial allows you to find if it was tampered with but with normal padlocks you can use along if you wanna dude.
Just continue saying gadgets are not made yet am seeing progress from every nation what they have made as i have reached them in youtube or via email. You would rather try to find out what they have made and you have not bro.
With electric timer you can open it and locate with a volt meter its transformer wire outlet to use dc power and connect it to the battery that powers the same inverter bro.
Germany invaded Poland, china should also do that to India so they stop their absurdities.
The gate-man in many places in town in those premises they guard have made keys on a soap or by scanning, snap shot and making the same their by at night all sex in those business premises for an extra- cash liaising with the managers.
The link below show the parts of a padlock dude click and get the upper part that should be bought in shops called the shank/shackle
Final destination movie one shows you exactly what can happen to you if you get money off the 2goinvoice via the certificate or bolt or in rights.com then you lie to others its handwork. Click the link below dude
The jew, Egyptian thing that its East Africa was in place if oil is finished with another method like AE, coz no-matter how much you worship God the truth is oil is finished and its 90% of your Economy so you must resort to lies or theft or slow down as reduce the population. Worshiping God wont transform a country like saudi or Naigeria into an highland got to do something bro. Worshipping of God is easy when your land is very fertile like Rwand, kisii, cameroon, tz, ethiopia or Congo but when dry like Nigeria better look 4 another way to feed ya stomach even if it means killing yaself- king of jew to cement the truth. Many africa nations had it in pray to find oil like Nigeria so they are not left behind, but the irony is the same same oil has been rendered useless by solar or chargeable cars which are just about to hit the market. So what you gonna do bro!!!!
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tabhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblrhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro. 
Click the down link 4 more friends
The cabin of a tuk tuk the green one can be used as a safe for keeping money bro, the door can be used as well in the thick plate tied made safe bro. Save money live large.
If you are involved in infidelity it gives spirit if the sex is done anywhere, people belittle ya, its removed in story house or gorofa, Road to emaus with Christ or goat & sheep parable to cement the truth. Rich-man and Lazarus parable, I got five brothers bro.
The link below shows water tank mounted on a metalic case which your safe with Gas tank 4 a truck can be modified.
Yep you dont want people to see the women in Youtube, well, so good but how will you win them yet you got less money and all ya plan have been blocked or they know like rights.com, 2goinvoice.com, organised petty theft of even making a duplicate key and the Ae technology at Mrmonde in the turmblr has beebn dis-enabled. Grown ups stop this crazy stuff as well they have learnt automation as you. So how will you win them. Dignitaries are even playing Betting making them broke early b4 the month ends, paying people should be weekly to avoid this shit, you can never be broke dude, b4 you are broke it gets in, lost coin and little lids with Christ bro. Can bring peace into the world bro.
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