nemeton98 · 2 years
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nemeton98 · 2 years
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Dropping this artwork that was recently featured in the Fairyloot February 2023 YA box! Another papercraft of Jacks and Evangeline from ONCE UPON A BROKEN HEART by Stephanie Garber. The box was themed Morally Grey - so of course I went Morally PINK. This one was a bit more abstract than my previous OUABH papercrafts used for the reverse dust jackets of the FL editions. (looking back, it’s very Sailormoon-ish??) 💔🌙 Lots of symbols from the series, but also a call-back to the Deck of Destiny from the Caraval series. Jacks is reaching out through The Prince of Hearts card, manifesting from a dark and starry form, to reach out to Evangeline. Like the previous IN THE LIVES OF PUPPETS papercraft, Jacks is sporting another instance of color shifts that I love to assemble! 🍎 I had a super fun time with Evangeline’s outfit here; the fox-inspired dark gloves and fluffy tail/train, the arrow motifs, and the very Stephanie-esque ballerina ensemble to tie it all together. I can’t get away from the vellum! 🦊 Fairyloot spoiled me with opting to use foil accents on their print, so I made sure to use a gold foil paper in the original papercraft as well! Just more EvaJacks, tiding me over until Curse. ;_; 👉👉👉💌💔
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nemeton98 · 2 years
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Y'all, this was a stupidly fun papercraft to build. And it’s huge. 16 x 31 inches! (by comparison, the recent Wicked King papercraft is 11 x 14″) I really had fun experimenting with this one, especially with the colors. I limited my selections to vibrant reds and dulled blues/greys and really stretched the color contrast muscles. Paying homage to the brilliant book covers, I imbued a crow/cityscape with a collage of elements inspired by noir, art deco and M.C. Escher. And I’m super happy to let Nina finally have her waffles.
I’ve had this planned since early last year, and finally decided to build it in celebration of the King Of Scars release…but then Netflix dropped their news about the Grishaverse mini series!?! So let this papercraft be my mortal sacrifice to the book-adaptation gods to bless Leigh Bardugo and Eric Heisserer & crew on their venture!
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nemeton98 · 2 years
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Ooooh this was a fun study; had to brush up on my arm anatomy to make sure I could get Kaz posed to *NOT TOUCH* Inej in the most intense game of Operation ever.
The Dregs tattoo is referenced from the Leigh Bardugo commissioned design by Kim Saigh!
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nemeton98 · 2 years
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It’s finally here! Happy release day to Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber! A little illustration to celebrate! Ever since I first read Legendary, Jacks has always been my favorite character in the series and I was stupidly happy when his spin-off series was announced! I am SO here to learn more about our mysterious Fate and love the clever way Stephanie has woven this new story from the lingering threads left over from Finale. 😩👏 Our new protagonist, Evangeline Fox, is just what we need to pick our heartbroken prince off the floor for this new adventure! For those of you just picking this up today, I hope you love exploring this as much as I did. New characters, new places (I love winter settings!) And new dynamics introduced to the Caraval universe! 😱 It’s truly a modern fairy tale, with lots of kisses …and lots of bites. Absolutely can’t wait for the sequel! 🧡🧡
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nemeton98 · 2 years
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New Sketch-a-Wish voted on my wonderful Patreons for January! Featuring Kaz and Inej from Six of Crows!
Who’s ready to see scene this in live action? 😩✨🧡👀
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nemeton98 · 2 years
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Here is last month’s Patreon voted Sketch-a-Wish! A snaggle-tooth scene between Jacks and Evangeline from Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber! I swear, Jacks is a walking bundle of my favorite tropes. Stubborn, cold, full of mystery, but secretly soft for the person he (hates to) luff. Has a token quirk (eating apples) And then this scene! When the pair are put in a precarious position of one endangering the other against the former’s will, and using all of their willpower to fight against it. (Very specific trope!!)
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nemeton98 · 2 years
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Hi hi, is anyone still alive after reading Ballad? 👋 Time to finally drop the artworks for the reverse dust jacket and foil design for Fairyloot’s edition of The Ballad of Never After by @Stephanie_Garber! The Hollow scenes were my favorite and Anissa (@Fairyloot) and I were totally on the same page as far as the scene we wanted to depict! I’m avoiding spoilers here, but this scene is an amalgamation of both times that Jacks carries Evangeline across the bridge, and really a depiction of the ambience and feelings, rather than the details of what is happening during the scene (again, avoiding spoilers! but see my notes below the spoiler warning!) I had a really fun time with the design of the tree loft. It’s not apparent at first, but I opted to use real fairy lights in the windows! (Seen better in the video!) The branches all have this ‘come hither’ curls to them, so welcoming and comforting. 😭~ The foil design is another secret book design, this time highlighting The Inglorious History of House Slaughterwood - a prominent family in the second book! Spoilers for TBONA below *********** We all absolutely were fawning over the way Jacks is carrying Eva, and that was simply a mathematical result. Imagine if you had a flayed back like Evangeline, would you really feel comfortable being in the cliche romantic princess carry? I had to think about what would be the most comfortable for Eva, and it turned out so adorable in the end! *********** END SPOILERS Anywho, I’m glad I got that off my chest. (now to await the incoming 3rd book and start my torture all over again. 😭)  
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nemeton98 · 2 years
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Part one of three new Grishaverse artworks! I had the privileged of collaborating with Macmillan Children’s Book on a design for a slipcase for a 5-book paperback box set of the Shadow and Bone trilogy and Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo. (shown here on the last photo!) This set is a Costco exclusive and is available for purchase on their website - visit my bio link for easy access! There were three artworks in total and I will be posting the other two over the next two days in a nice little line-up (without my thumbnail branding). Or you can go to the sales website to get an early preview! This piece is on the Six of Crows side! A very recognizable scene if you’ve read the duology. Lots of symbolism here, and nice bright colors to represent the optimism of the scene. I love looking at this one from time-to-time; feels like a fresh breath of air. 😩🧡 See you tomorrow for more! 👋 #grishaverse #shadowandbone #shadow&bone #sixofcrows #kazbrekker #inejghafa #kanej #ketterdam #thewraith #leighbardugo #macmillian #isMyTieStraight
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nemeton98 · 6 years
Il mio nemico più grande sono io stessa.
Non perché non accetto le critiche de gli altri. Ma perché ci penso, e mi chiedo cosa si giusto cosa sbagliato.
Non mi piace sentirmi sbagliata.
Ma se lo sono vorrei volermi lo stesso così.
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nemeton98 · 6 years
Come si comunica con una persona che non vuole ascoltare?
Cioè ha ragione. Ma non capisce che comunicare il quel modo
L annega e basta.
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nemeton98 · 6 years
La verità è che io non voglio essere salvata dalla mia oscurità.
Non perché non lo merito, perché tutti meritano una possibilità.
Ma semplicemente perché sono vetro che taglia.
Non una buona amica.
Non una buona fidanzata.
La verità è che io non merito la felicità.
Perché i pezzi di vetro non meritano di essere rimessi insieme, mancherà sempre qualcosa.
I pezzi di vetro vanno buttati per non tagliarti di nuovo.
Ma la gente mente, ora non sono sicura, ma forse il vetro può essere ri sciolto, e riassemblato. Può diventare qualcosa di nuovo o la stessa cosa che era, ma brillerà di luce diversa.
Che caos hahaha, in una risata che non si sa più se è vera o falsa.
Ma cos'è la felicità ?
Qual'è lo scopo di tutto ciò ?
Vorrei essere più viva e meno così ingusciata,
Ma la verità è che io stavo bene nel mio mondo. E ora mi sento di dover scegliere.
Ma io voglio tutto. E niente.
E quindi lascio andare.
Ma la corrente sta volta non mi trascinerà via.
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nemeton98 · 6 years
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Art By IG: @heidi.annalise.art
Instagram: @artwoonz
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nemeton98 · 6 years
“Credo che il tempo sia il regalo più bello che una persona possa fare ad un’altra”
Ermal Meta
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nemeton98 · 6 years
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nemeton98 · 6 years
Ti senti viva solo quando stai male.
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nemeton98 · 6 years
C’è chi osserva tutto e chi non si accorge di niente
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