nemnesic · 9 years
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nemnesic · 9 years
I almost made $19.5 million in 7 days!
This is a tale about "Reverend Michael Franklin" and how he wanted to give me 40% of $19.5 million dollars because "a foreign contractor left $19.5 Million untouched" for me. I told Reverend that my name is Peter Griffin. I sent him Peter’s ID and got him to fill in every form that wanted me to fill b/c I am “bad with computers”. Our full conversation is pasted below. I hope you enjoy it.
Attachments are part of the emails below however, they deserve to be on the top of this post since they are ‘legal’  documents.
Certificate - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VaTg4aDUwOV83cE0
Reverent’s passport: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VaDNUVUZxcjY3Q1U
Authorization letter:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1Va0cyMG5QZ1QyN1U
Peter’s ID: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VOS1aUk9BeHBOUTA
“Real Peter’s ID” :https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VYTB0ak9fUXJDMjg
Letter of disagreement: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VcDdXMW9ILUFTcFk
Initial offering: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VVG5YR2hmTmpNZVk
Receipt: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VMVk5eU9Uc0tUVGs
Certificate 2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VMnJNWHY0YlJwc3c
Another certificate: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VNVU1cHJ6c045dGs
Bank form: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VMUR6N0VUdUtld1U
Bank form 2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VNmt6M0dGQzRIbDQ
Bank form 3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VSmlIeEtYdVpqY28
Wester union fake receipt: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VV19aNEp0UzBSTnc
WU form: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VMlhzNmdjMEdPdEU
WU form 2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VdlM5dHVHbEFVeW8
WU form 3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B___mGMDtI1VWEhMT3I3MWJKdEk
Initial contact
REVEREND MICHAEL FRANKLIN <[email protected]> bcc: me
Dear , This is an official legal notice  A foreign contractor left $19.5 Million untouched, we wish to present you to make claim due to the fact that you share same surname, Re} Contact me directly for more details.
Yours Sincerely Michael Franklin, Barr, Fr.
======================================================================= From: ME - to REVEREND Hi im writing about a check someone left for me. Please let me know what i need to do
Sent from my mobile ======================================================================= Reverend Michael Franklin <[email protected]> Jun 23 (6 days ago) to me
It is with trust and sincerity that I approach you for assistance to transfer the funds into your bank account. Please do accept my apology if my mail infringes on your personal ethics. I check your name on internet and I find out that you are sharing the same last name with my late client I am Reverend Michael Franklin, I am a Reverend and a Private Lawyer based here in Lome Togo. Honestly, it will be my humble pleasure if we can work together.
I would like you to act as the next of kin to my deceased client. Who is a  citizen of your country who made a deposit of $19.5 million only with a Bank here in Togo few years back, He died as a result of an industrial accident in his energy & gas exploration without any registered next of kin and as such the funds now have an open beneficiary mandate with a Bank, This means that any person from your country can act as the next of kin of the deceased person for claiming the inheritance funds without any risk involved.
Meanwhile, I have received official letter from the bank suggesting a likely proceeding for confiscation of the Fund in line with existing laws by the bank in which my client deposited the sum of $19.5 Million Dollars. According to the Government Law as provided in section 129 sub 63(N), Republic of Togo Banking Edit of 1961 at the expiration of 12 years the fund will revert to the ownership of the Republic of Togo Government, if nobody applies to claim the fund.
My proposition to you is to present you to the bank as the Next of kin and beneficiary of my deceased client so that the bank will pay this $19.5million to you so that we can share the amount on a mutually agreed percentage as I mention it in my last email.
All legal documents to back up your claim as the deceased Next of Kin will be provided by me. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.
The first step towards getting the funds transferred to you as the Next of Kin to the deceased and legitimate beneficiary of the funds is to submit an Application of Claims to the Bank where the fund is deposited for the release of the funds to you. So I have to apply formally to the bank on your behalf so that they can process the application for the release and transfer of the deposited funds to you. To apply formally and fill the claim application form at the bank on your behalf you are required to confirm the following information:
I propose that the sharing mode of the funds will be as follows: 55% to you for your part in this transaction for standing as the next of kin to  my deceased client, and 35% for me, while the remaining 10% will be donated to the world health organization committee to fight Ebola  around the world. But if you feel otherwise, do not hesitate to notify me. Please, note that as soon as the fund is transferred into your account then you will arrange for me to come and meet you in your country to collect my share. I will also like to invest a certain percentage of my share in your country.
After we agree on this, we will sign a written agreement.
I wait to receive the requirement soon.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Franklin =======================================================================
From: Me to Reverend Hi there! Yes, here it is.
FULL NAME: Peter Griffin ADDRESS: 31 Spooner Street Quahog, RI COUNTRY: USA NATIONALITY: USA OCCUPATION: Toy factory worker MARITAL STATUS: Married AGE: 45 TELEPHONE NO: (352) 248-1122 E-MAIL:
======================================================================= Reverend Michael Franklin to me
I received the info you sent for the purpose of filling an Application form on your behalf with the bank I will submit the Application for Claim to the bank on your behalf today. The bank will contact you directly regarding the process of the claims.
Please, inform me as soon as you get any response from the bank so that I can advise you on what to answer to avoid any mistake. When you get any message from the bank forward it to me so that I can look into it first and advice you on the proper response.
I want you to have trust in on this transaction, and I want you to be assured that you are going to receive your funds,
Therefore, you should get in touch with bank manger at your earliest convenience to receive the transfer details from the bank so that you can be able to receive your funds directly and please get bank to me Below is the Name and e-mail address of the bank;
Official Email:  [email protected]
Please you need to be response time to time to avoid any delay on this transaction because normally it will take 7 days
Sincerely, Michael Franklin
======================================================================= From: Me to [email protected] I am writing in the response for Name: BSIC TOGOLAISE DE BANQU Please contact me with more details
======================================================================= BSIC TOGOLAISE DE BANQU Jun 23 (6 days ago) to me Attention Peter Griffin,
We acknowledge the receipt of your application of claims for the release of the funds deposited by our late customer.
Be informed that claims from this bank are determined with the below category “A” official questionnaire in accordance with our financial and allied matters of 1962 as amended in 1996. You are therefore advised in your own interest to answers as it is written in the deceased security file jacket submitted to our bank before his/her death;
Note that we shall not tolerate any delay, mistake as that might lead to not approving your tendered application. We are anticipating to receive the filled questionnaire as soon as possible to enable us commence the verification process.
We remain at your service.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. James Moore DIRECTOR OF CREDITS AND INTERNATIONAL REMITTANCE =======================================================================
From: Me to BSIC
All sent! What are the next steps?
thanks =======================================================================
BSIC TOGOLAISE DE BANQU Jun 24 (5 days ago) to me
PLEACE FORWARD THIS TO Rev Michael Franklin to reply after we receive the right answer we will give you the next step thank you
From: Me Jun 24 (5 days ago) to reverendmichae.
The bank asked me to forward this to you.
Thanks, Peter =======================================================================
From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
I'm sorry for providing the answers late. I was taking my time to cross-check the answers to make sure that there is no mistake. Find enclosed the answers to the questions. Kindly, sent it directly to the bank.I believe that we are now set to achieve success. If you receive any other information from the bank, please inform me as soon as possible.
1. STATE THE NAME OF THE DECEASED?  Richard Harrington Griffin 2. STATE THE DECEASED DATE OF BIRTH? 14TH MAY 1960 3. WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE DECEASED SPOUSE? Anna Malysheva 4. STATE HIS/ HER OCCUPATION/ PROFESSION? Contractor/Business man 5. STATE CLEARLY THE DATE THE DECEASED DIED AND WHAT LEAD TO HIS / HER DEATH? (He died as a result of industrial accident in his energy & gas  exploration Accident) 6. THE DECEASED LEFT WHAT IN OUR CUSTODY? IF CASH, STATE HOW MUCH AND  THE ACCOUNT  NUMBER WHERE IT WAS LEFT?  He left cash. A total of US$ 19,500,000.00. Deposited in ACCOUNT # 001-472875 7. DATE OF OPENING OF THE ACCOUNT? 10TH February, 2002. 8. TYPE OF ACCOUNT? Brokerage Portfolio Account 9. SOURCE OF FUND? Contract /Import and Export 10. NAME OF REFEREE TO THE DEPOSITOR IN THE BANK? Mr. Coulibaly Francois
Please  you need to be reply on time  to avoid any delay thank you. =======================================================================
From: Jun 24 (5 days ago) to BSIC You will find answers below. Sorry for the delay.
-Peter =======================================================================
We are anticipating to receive the filled the international transfer slip and scan it back to us or you can send it to us in word via email to avoid any mistake to enable us commence the verification process.
Bank Name: Bank Address: Account number: Swift Code: Account Name: Address: Building:
We remain at your service.
Yours faithfully,
Preview attachment Peter Griffin, .pdf PDF Peter Griffin, .pdf Preview attachment UTB FORM.pdf PDF UTB FORM.pdf
======================================================================= From: ME to Reverend Hello,
I am so sorry, but I am not quite sure what I need to do with the forms. Can you please help me fill them, so I can send them to the bank again. Thanks,
2 Attachments
Preview attachment Peter Griffin, .pdf PDF Peter Griffin, .pdf Preview attachment UTB FORM.pdf PDF UTB FORM.pdf =======================================================================
From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
I will require the following to be able to represent you at the court and procure the legal documents (i.e. Official Letter
Of Administration Without Will & Sworn Affidavit Of Claim) on your behalf;
1. Letter of Authorization (I have attached it with this e-mail. Please sign and return it to me)upon receipt of the Letter
of Authorization I will make the notarize copy.
2. Scan copy of your international passport or Driver's license.
I wait to receive the requirement soon.
Michael Franklin Attachments area Preview attachment authorize letter.pdf PDF authorize letter.pdf ======================================================================= From: ME to Reverend Hello,
attached you will find the authorization letter. Is there anything else you need from me?
Thanks! P.
Attachments area Preview attachment authorize letter.pdf PDF authorize letter.pdf
======================================================================= From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
Thank you very much for this good news. I have gone through the letter from the bank carefully. I am very glad to note that the bank has approved you as the legal Next of Kin to my late client and ready to make transfer. This is a major break-through for us and we are now at the doorstep of victory. The remaining procedure of this claim is just a formality.
I have in my possession one of the requested document (i.e. the Certificate of Death). I have attached it with this e-mail so that you can send it to the bank immediately. The other two documents can only be issued from the High Court of Justice of my country. I will go to the High court and apply for the issuance of these legal papers on your behalf tomorrow
Meanwhile, write an email to the bank and acknowledge receiving the letter, inform them that you are in process of getting the requested documents and that you will send it to them as soon as possible. At the same time send the documents that are available with you to the bank ;( your passport copy or National Identity card and the death Certificate)
Regarding filling the bank form that was enclosed, you should send to me your bank account details for receiving the inheritance money so that I can assist you to complete the form myself. After, filling the form then I will return it back to you so that you can submit it to the bank or you can print it out and fill it by yourself and scan it back  just fill it with you account information as it’s in the form.
Once again, I thank you for the good news.
Michael Franklin
P.S. Please, I need you to understand that we have achieved victory already. The documents requested by the bank are for their record purposes only. Please, at this stage of this transaction I will advice and plead that you keep this transaction only to yourself. Don't disclose it to anyone to avoid any leak of information that could jeopardize this life-changing opportunity that has come our way Attachments area Preview attachment scan001(1).pdf PDF scan001(1).pdf
======================================================================= From: Me to BSIC
Hello I am writing you to acknowledge receiving the letter, and I am informing you that I am in process of getting the request documents and I will send them to you as soon as possible. Attached are documents you requested. Please if you need anything else, let me know.
Sincerely, P. Griffin.
Attachments area Preview attachment scan001(1).pdf PDF scan001(1).pdf =======================================================================
from: ME to Reverend OK thank you. I just sent them an email. Please let me know if theres anything else.
======================================================================= From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me I will need the copy of your passport or your ID card before i can get those document ======================================================================= From: Me to Reverend Oh i am sorry i forgot. Here is my ID i dont have passport yet. Is that going to be a problem?
Attachments area Preview attachment pete-id-scan.jpg Image pete-id-scan.jpg
======================================================================= From: BSIC TOGOLAISE DE BANQU to me REF: LEGAL PROCEDURAL BACK-UP PAPERS
We acknowledge receipt of your email;
We will be given to all relevant authorities for the immediate release of the funds, Thank you for your better understanding
Once again; we assure you that no other document will be involved after this.
======================================================================= From: Me to BSIC Hi,
i think you forgot to attach V. COMPLETED INTERNATIONAL TRANSFER APPLICATION FORM Please send it to me so I can fill it in. You will find my ID in this email attachment.
Attachments area Preview attachment pete-id-scan.jpg Image pete-id-scan.jpg
======================================================================= From: BSIC TOGOLAISE DE BANQU to me
We acknowledge receipt of your email; we have received
The  OFFICIAL LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION WITHOUT WILL must be issue from the High Court in Republic of Benin where our head office is located not here in Togo tell  your Lawyer MICHAEL the OFFICIAL LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION WITHOUT WILL but be issue in Republic of Benin because that is where the funds is keep
Attachments area Preview attachment UTB FORM.pdf PDF UTB FORM.pdf ======================================================================= from: me to Reverend
Hello Reverand,
the bank sent me this document. I am nto sure what to do with it bc I dont want to make a mistake. Can you help me fill it in please? thanks P.
Attachments area Preview attachment UTB FORM.pdf PDF UTB FORM.pdf =======================================================================
From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
Kindly send it to the like this via email that is all i will go to their office and fill it tomorrow on your behalf
Bank Name: Bank Address: Account number: Swift Code: Account Name: Address: Building:
Thank you ======================================================================= From: Me to Reverend
Ok sorry Reverand for not knowing how to fill the form you sent me. Here ire the details here:
Bank Name: Quahog National Bank Bank Address: 121 McFar Lane Account number: 1ACX08 Swift Code: PNCCUS33 Account Name: Peter Griffin Address: 31 Spooner Street, Quahog, RI USA
======================================================================= from: me to Reverend
is there anything else you need from me to move forward with the transaction?
Thanks P
======================================================================= From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
Today has been a very hectic day for me. I’m just returning from the High Court. The cost of procuring the two legal documents (i.e. Sworn Affidavit of Claim and the Letter of Administrative Without will) is 6050 Euros (Six Thousand and Fifty Euros) only.
However, to be sincere this cost is above my budget. I only possess a total of 3,800 euro in my account and this is all my savings. Therefore, I was only able to procure one of the document (the Affidavit of claim) find the affidavit enclosed and send it to the bank.
Nevertheless, we must not delay at this stage. Please, make arrangement from your side as soon as possible to transfer the remaining balance of 2,250 euro only  this last document will only issued in Republic of Benin – Cotonou  to enable us procure the last document that will complete the bank's requirement for them to transfer the inheritance amount to your provided bank account immediately.
Regarding the balance of 2,250 euro, use the below information to transfer the funds through Western Union or Money Gram Transfer service;
Receiver's Name: ADEKUNLE OLUWAFEMI JEGEDE Location: REPUBLIC OF BENIN City:  COTONOU Address, Lot 01 BP 363 Patte ,Cotonou Phone Number: 229-64849301
Please, scan and send copy of the Transfer receipt when you send funds for my reference. Also, provide the relevant transfer details. after we  finish with this documents they will send you international transfer form to fill your account  information on it to make the transfer
I wait to hear from you soon. 3 Attachments
Preview attachment RECIEPT.pdf PDF RECIEPT.pdf Preview attachment scan 001.pdf PDF scan 001.pdf Preview attachment UTB FORM1.pdf PDF UTB FORM1.pdf
======================================================================= From: Me to Reverend
OK, i ll have to go by the bank first and then stop by western union. It will be about an hour to complete everything. I ll email you when the transaction is complete.
======================================================================= From: Me to Reverend
Hi i was able to do it faster than expected. Let me know if this is ok thanks P
Attachments area Preview attachment western-union-form.png Image western-union-form.png =======================================================================
From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
You can send it by Monday morning  and while sending it please   avoid any question to avoid the bank to alert   the IMF so that we will not pay for the IMF  i hope you understand  and don't  make mistake on the name and the country please
Receiver/ ADEKUNLE OLUWAFEMI JEGEDE COUNTRY/ REPUBLIC OF BENIN CITY /COTONOU PHONE /229-64849301 ID No: A03874333 ADDRESS/ B.P. 196 Recette , Cotonou, Benin Total Amount in Dollars is : $3,850.00 You can send it via Money Gram transfer is easier  once you send it kindly scan the copy to me thank you .
======================================================================= From: Me to Reverend
is this good? I sent it using WU
Attachments area Preview attachment western-union-form.png Image western-union-form.png ======================================================================= From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me Alright you can go and send WU then and get back with the payment slip today or tomorrow or Monday =======================================================================
From: me to Reverend
Attachments area Preview attachment western-union-form.png Image western-union-form.png =======================================================================
From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me Please fill the form by yourself  the form is too small i can't see it   this is the information you need   and scan it  it back to me
Receiver/ ADEKUNLE OLUWAFEMI JEGEDE COUNTRY/ REPUBLIC OF BENIN CITY /COTONOU PHONE /229-64849301 ID No: A03874333 ADDRESS/ B.P. 196 Recette , Cotonou, Benin Total Amount in Dollars is : $3,850.00
when you send it get back to me with this information's
======================================================================= From: me to Reverend
Oh i am so sorry. Here it is. MTCN : 8273910928 SENDER NAME : Peter Griffin QUESTION: What color? ANSWER: White AMOUNT SEND :  3850
======================================================================= from: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
Kindly scan the payment slip and send it it to me thank you =======================================================================
From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
The MTCN is not correct =======================================================================
from: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
Dear Mr. Peter,
Why are you playing a game with me i told you to send me the payment slip you used to transfer the sum of $3850 for us to pick up the last document for the bank to release the funds to your account and you send me incorrect mtcn i did not expect that from you thank you
======================================================================= From: me to Reverend Oh I am so sorry I guess I copied the wrong number. here it is again. I am home now and I dont have scanner here. If you need me to scan it to you, I ll have to find someplace.
MTCN : 6273910926 =======================================================================
From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me PLEASE IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO FIND A PLACE TO SCAN IT  AND SEND IT BACK TO ME SO THAT WE CAN MAKE SURE THE PAYMENT IS MADE THANK YOU =======================================================================
Dear Peter.
It is my modest obligation to write you this letter as regards the Authorization of your owed payment through our most respected financial institution the newly appointed/accredited international paying bank, we have been instructed by the world governing body together with the committee on international debt reconciliation department to release your overdue funds with immediate effect; with this exclusive vide transaction
Be informed that we have verified your payment file as directed to us and your name is next on the list of our outstanding fund beneficiaries to receive their payment. Be advised that because of too many funds beneficiaries, you are entitled to receive the sum of (Nineteen million Five hundred thousand us dollars (US$19,500,000.00 USD dollars)
But we are still waiting  for the compulsory  Official Letter of Administration Without Will, Once the certificate is issued, your funds will be cleaned, and quick instruction will be given to all relevant authorities for the immediate release of funds in your bank account is defined.
As we receive the above mentioned information, your payment will be processed and released to you without any further delay. This notification email should be your confidential property to avoid impersonators claiming your fund. You are required to provide the above information for your transfer to take place through bank to bank transfer directly to your bank I want to inform you that you only have few more days to meet  with our requirement.
Sincerely yours,
Mr. James Moore.
======================================================================= From: Me to Reverend
I am sorry. not sure why it wasn't working. here is the attachment. please let me know if u need anything else.
Attachments area Preview attachment westernunion.jpg Image westernunion.jpg ======================================================================= From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
Can you Please scan it very well on PDF the attached file is not clear to avoid any mistake  please let the copy clear very well so that the bank here can verify it details =======================================================================
From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
You can go to any Internet Library  around your area  and scan the payment slip and it most be clear ======================================================================= From: Me to Reverend
Ok here it is again. Sorry for confusion. I dont know how to save in pdf
Attachments area Preview attachment western-union-form (1).png Image western-union-form (1).png
======================================================================= From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me
Dear Peter,
The attached file you sent now is just a western union form  filled by you kindly go to the Western Union office you used to send the money to post the money to this information and they will give you payment slip  with their stamp  and then scan it back to us here
======================================================================= From; Me to Reverend
I am so sorry i am stupid. I am bad with computers. Here it is again. Is this OK?
Attachments area Preview attachment Western-receipt.jpg Image Western-receipt.jpg =======================================================================
From:Reverend Michael Franklin to me
Stop Playing Games with me  Mr. Peter the signature is not the same with your Drivers ID  and the is is just a form you have not post the payment  at my age i don't believe i will sit here in my office and you will be fooling me that you make a payment in which i called the bank to confirm and they said that is no money on that information you sent earlier today  please let me know if you are no longer interested on this transaction  so that i can seek for the help of another partner that will be faithful  and honest i am 65 years old you can see it on my passport i am not a kid alright i am very disappointed in what you are doing right know let me know if you are not interested again so that i can send you a letter of disagreement   for you to sign so that i can seek for the help of another partner thank you
My passport
From: Me to Reverend OK, I think it is time to stop playing games. How about you go in your backyard, find one of the goats, lift up its little white tail, unzip your pants, pull out your dick and shove it up its ass? Thanks for filling all the forms for me too! Oh and next time find someone who is better in photoshop and knows how to edit photos properly. And one more thing - find an honest way to earn money! I hope all the time you wasted with me saved someone else.
Btw - Peter Griffin is a cartoon character! So, do your homework! I'll email you the blog post link soon.
Thanks for these past few days. It was mildly fun!
Sincerely, "Peter Griffin" :D
Attachments area Preview attachment bestever-1.jpeg Image bestever-1.jpeg =======================================================================
From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me Dear John,
Well i thank you for your support and the kindness regarding on this transaction   but i want you to understand that i am 65 years old and i can never put my honest and true words to scam people  in a criminal act in other not to waste each others time i will required you to help me sign the letter of disagreement attached so that i can be able to seek for help of another person that will have trust on this transaction i hope you have a good bye and my regards to your  family and if you still want to confirm the legitimacy of this transaction i will required you to come over to France and the head office of the bank is and we can both go to the  firm and resolve this issue if also feel other wise please do sign the attachment    thank you .
Attachments area Preview attachment LETTER OF DISAGREEMENT.pdf PDF LETTER OF DISAGREEMENT.pdf =======================================================================
from: Me to Reverend Have you found a goat yet? If not, I can send you one - but you just need to pay for shipping and handling via Western Union. I can send you my details how to transfer the money. If yes, let me know. The time is of the essence!
Oh, and who the fuck is John?
From: Reverend Michael Franklin to me I received your email and I quite understood your financial constraint.I appreciate all the efforts you made towards raising money to support this transaction though it did not yield fruit. I believe all you have said and I am convinced that you are a sincere person and willing to help.
Nevertheless of the circumstances that we are facing now, I can never give-up now that we are at the threshold of victory because I have input all my resources and efforts for us to reach at this final stage. If i  have the possibility of raising the needed amount from my side I would not have bothered you. Please, understand.
The situation is difficult me now, if not for my  major surgery operation few months ago which took almost my savings and put my credit on red I would not have demanded for your contribution in a matter that is very important to me. I took a loan from the bank before towards my  medical surgery bill few months ago and my credit is still bad so the bank could not give me another loan.
I know the situation is difficult for you but, you have to try your best to help now that victory is already sure so that we can complete this transaction quickly. I assure you that every effort you make towards the completion of this transaction will not be in vain and you will not regret. The content of the approval letter from the bank is self-explanatory which states that they will transfer the inheritance funds into your account within two days the requested papers are submitted to them. And let stop this game and handle this transaction like man
I await to hear from you soon.
Michael Franklin
0 notes
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Data dump svih mesta u Srbiji, sa geografskim sirinama i duzinama. Nekome ce sigurno koristiti. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B___mGMDtI1VeHlPR0pyQ2VaLVU/edit
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Here is mysqldump for every city in Serbia with their official Government ID number, zip code and latitude and longitude. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B___mGMDtI1VeHlPR0pyQ2VaLVU/edit
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Parse HTML with groovy
I was working on a project that required me to find and store names and coordinates of every place in Serbia. After some google-ing i found - http://toolserver.org/~dungodung/geo.html So, now I needed to parse this list and store the data. Here is the code: Example:
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