neodex · 3 years
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the only problem i seem to have in distancing myself from tumblr is that i often miss gems like this and only get around to them quite a bit later. vee, love, thank you for unofficially attributing this to me. you are just batshit crazy for fitting seven full-grown men into jaemin's mom's convertible.
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honest to god, vee's writing style feels like i've stepped into a mainstream romcom novel. i stopped by barnes and noble today and please, these 2.6k words trump nearly all the novel synopses of the books i picked up at random in the romance section. i began writing fanfiction partly because i believed there weren't enough writers who could produce quality as much as quantity. but among the writers i've met on here that i believe do meet that criteria, i'd have to crown vee. said this before but i'll say it again. i trust vee's writing immensely. she writes predictably well in a way that i don't get caught up or have to fuss around with sentence structure or plot arrangement or any other technicalities. when i come to her blog to read, it's because i want to have good time. and i trust in her works to provide just that.
thus, seeing this piece in my notifs was like. "holy fuck, you were made for me." lee jeno? best friends to lovers? hello???? it was good and it was sweet and i had a good time. shirtless jeno is hot. i have no complaints. also i feel like whenever i read your works (meaning, don't quote me on this), you always spend a paragraph or two just introducing/addressing all the members. it's cute.
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(i don't know the details or even the extent, pardon me, but fuck everyone who's messing around with vee. why do some people think that us writers are here to entertain you with our presence and not, in fact, just our writing??) ALSO, i think i have an upcoming fic i can dedicate your way as well, vee. as in, i think you might tremendously like it. we'll see. have a good day, love.
sugar kiss.
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pairing | lee jeno x reader (female)
genre | fluff, friends-to-lovers!au
synopsis | you think your best friend is the sweetest treat the summer can offer.
warnings | swearing, not really that suggestive kissing
word count | 2.6k
notes from vee | i hate all of you. this was supposed to be for my one year on this hellsite, but a lot of you pissed me off in my inbox and dms. i hope you enjoy this, even if you think i’m a bitch. thanks, and if you’re going to shit on me for dropping something, go take a walk. this is unofficially for @rouiyan, who perhaps (read: absolutely) deserves the world. btw funnel cake is the superior boardwalk snack, no one can argue with me on this. EDIT: super big thanks to my best friend @moonbeamsung for dealing with my fic-long rants and for beta reading this!!! <3
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Being enamored by the waves in the deep ocean or the eyebrow-scrunching taste of the risen sand, you stroll down the boardwalk, unfazed by the chaos around you. Almost a given—you think—to expect such liveliness from people at this time; after all, it’s the best time of the year, the summer. It’s when people finally open up their porches to morning sunshine and drive with their windows down, hair blowing in the wind. It’s when students finally smile genuinely at the sound of ending semesters and silent school bells. It’s when families drag along their children for excursions on the beach and around town, with parents sighing at the relief of some peace in it all.
Finally, it’s summer.
The smell of deep-fried oreos and funnel cake captures the attention of your nose as you pass by a particular open shop, encouraging you to pull out a few bills. You end up giving in, walking to the stand with a smile and a soft grumble of your stomach, unable to resist the temptation of sweets. As you finally settle down on a bench facing the shore, you glance up at the sky—aware of the sun basking harshly on your head—and frown.
Your hand fumbles to your phone, scrolling to press on a particular contact that belonged to someone whose presence is missing. It rings through a few times before a call is taken, and you wait from the other end.
“Are you here yet, Jen?”
The opposite line stays silent until you repeat your words, and sound comes bellowing from the other side. Instinctively, you hold the phone away from your ear, rubbing at the area that was just abused as if it would soothe it. You press the speaker button instead, munching on an oreo.
“We’re coming,” you hear amongst the static on the other side, and you notice a few walkers glancing over at you. You awkwardly lower the volume. “Sorry we’re taking forever, Hyuck said he’d be here at ten and he came at eleven and then him and Renjun argued for like twenty minutes. We’re coming like right now, like now, leaving in like two minutes max—”
Jeno’s voice is cut off by a bellowing voice in the background, thankfully a bit muffled through the phone, which seems to belong to Chenle. However you receive more startled looks when the boy you’re speaking to responds in the same loud tone, nearly making you drop your phone. Deciding to hold your phone back to your ear, you suck on your teeth disapprovingly.
“Sorry,” he says again, sounding awfully genuine. “We’re getting into Jaemin’s mom’s convertible, like now, so look out for a kind of red vintage looking car. We’ll be there in like five, okay?”
“Alright,” you mutter, glancing down to see that you’ve finished all your fried oreos. The funnel cake lies on the side, however, untouched. “I even got you funnel cake. Hurry up.”
“Wait seriously? We‘ll—We’ll be there in three then.” You wince as Jeno calls out for Jaemin, then bringing his attention back to the call. “Alright see you soon, bye, love you.”
“Love you too,” you mutter back subconsciously, hanging up the phone quickly after before realizing the words that just tumbled from your mouth.
Although you sit alone, you eye around carefully as if to search for someone that might’ve caught onto your words. Stuffing your phone back into your pocket, you grab the bag of funnel cake and stand up, making your way to the parking lot. With the slight visual idea of Jaemin’s mother’s car in your mind, you lean against the nearby bench, sighing at the growing heat. It’s starting to get a little unbearable, the scorching now feeling as if the sun caught onto your skin and decided to sear it.
The desire to stuff your hand down into the funnel cake keeps you alert, however, as you force yourself to remember that the need for a motivating factor was necessary. When you notice the colored vehicle, seemingly a bit rusty but blasting the latest tunes, you’re glad that you decided to hold back. Your friends’ presence is confirmed from the right back seat and by Jisung’s head being held out forcibly by what looks like Donghyuck; they’re yanked back in as the car heavily parks in a free space near you, barely positioning between the two lines.
“Y/N!” It’s Renjun, who waves in your direction as he descends from the backseat. Chenle and Jisung follow too, and you return the greeting. Although the sun is nearly blinding, you still manage to smile back with your eyes shining as the rest of the boys disembark and walk towards you. Donghyuck’s eye catches onto you, but he merely yells out a ‘hey motherfucker’ with a loud undertone that Jaemin shushes, before he grins towards you. Jeno peeks out from behind Mark—who had clearly been stuffed in the very back—and gives you a short wave; to that, you hold up the bag in your hand, and his eyes fix on it instead.
Mark notices, leaning over and whispering into Jeno’s ear before he nods, and turns back towards you; the other boy leaves a pat on Jaemin's shoulder before making his way towards you, coming in a short jog while looking from side to side. You nearly choke on air.
He’s rather good looking.
Jaemin would probably say something along the lines of ‘isn’t that self-explanatory?’ to work with Donghyuck’s ‘he’s a masterpiece’ if you were to ask them, but you don’t think about it at the moment. His freshly dyed platinum hair stands out the most under the brightness, proving to be almost unsuitable for the naked eye, especially as it bounces in short waves over his forehead. You know he doesn’t like to style it in a certain way, it just falls where it falls and he goes with it, but it always seems perfect. Even when there’s messy strands in the wind and tips of blond falling in his eyes, he makes it look astonishing.
The worst best part is his true genuine smile—not the one he gives your dad as he grills him about college recommendation letters—the one that makes his whole face light up like the stars have fallen to Earth. His eyes scrunch up at the very bottom as well, proving to make it practically irresistible to all temptation of squealing at how handsome he looks. And as he stops in front of your very feet, he gives you that very smile.
“Hi,” he states—plainly, yet excitedly—and you can’t help but grin back. “What’s with the smile?”
“What’re you so excited for?” You tease shortly, opening up your arms for a hug. Your friend stands there like a statue, however, looking at your posture and beginning to ponder with an unreadable look on his face. You sigh. “I know it’s hot, but can you hug me already? People’ll start to stare.”
Jeno lets out a noise of acknowledgment, apologizing with a low voice before engulfing you into his own arms. Resting against his chest—that you can’t help but notice is extremely toned, nothing out of the ordinary—you exhale a breath you’ve been holding inside, relaxing into his touch. He does so too, almost unknowingly, as his chin rests softly against your shoulder as you close your eyes to bask in the moment.
Not only is he good looking, but he gives the best hugs.
Your eyes only open when there’s an exaggerated clearing of a throat, and you find yourself staring back at the devil Lee Donghyuck himself, who eyes the two of you back and forth. Pulling away from Jeno, you gulp down hard, settling whatever feelings that arose in that moment and producing the bag in your hand.
“Funnel cake,” you press it into Jeno’s hand, meeting his widening eyes. “I got it maybe fifteen minutes ago, but it should still be good.”
“You’re literally the best.”
You’re about to answer that heart-rate increasing statement when a flash of skin is presented to you instead, and whining fills your ears instead. Jaemin—you see finally after squinting past the brightness—stands half bare with his large arms out in the same stubborn fashion you had earlier, but with the proximity being much closer. Right before you take a step back, the boy wraps his arms around you tightly, squeezing the life out of you momentarily.
“Move! I wanna hug Y/N too!” A pitched voice fills the area, belonging to Chenle, who gives you a warm hug after Jaemin reluctantly pulls away. Jisung stands at the very back, timedly sticking beside Mark as he offers you a friendly wave. Smiling endearingly, you wave back.
There’s a gentle touch to your wrist just as you lower your hand, making you turn to see Jeno holding the cake out for you, urging you with creased eyes to take a portion of the sweetness. Curling your fingers around his hand, you bring the powdered sweet to your mouth, carefully biting in the corner—which seems to be left untouched for you—and pulling the cake into your mouth. Although you can feel the light weight of the sugar on the corners of your lips, you take a brief moment to ponder on the goodness of funnel cake. It makes you smile subconsciously.
“Fried dough,” you hear Renjun criticize beside you, his voice enunciating clear dislike. “How can you put that shit in your mouth?”
“It’s called having taste, Jun.” You reply as you finish chewing, shooting him a glare. “Why am I still speaking to you? You don’t even like mint choco ice cream.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t appreciate eating toothpaste for fun.”
You’re about to let go of Jeno’s hand to continue arguing with the short-tempered blond when a sudden thumb swipes at the corner of your mouth, rendering you breathless. Stuttering in your attempt at a witty response, your eyes falter as you focus on your best friend, who just seemed to realize his actions. With wide eyes, he accidently yanks the bag harshly away, leaving you to crash unceremoniously against him.
Jaemin’s wolf whistle doesn’t cause nearly as dark of a blush to rise on the other boy’s face as the inch-distance between your faces does.
“Sorry,” he whispers, just as Chenle and Jisung groan about getting to the water to cool down. Gulping, you nod, stepping away with a subconscious glance to his lips. “Y-You got the sugar, like the—”
Jeno’s sentence gets cut off as Jaemin swoops between the two of you, latching an arm into yours and whirling you away to the beach. With a sigh, you chuckle in humor when your feet finally meet the sand and you’re required to carry your flip flops in your hand the rest of the way down. As the rest of the boys yank their shirts over their heads and begin to cause a ruckus in the shallow waters, you opt to find an empty space to take a seat.
The burning sun basks down on you, heating your skin almost immediately, as the familiar ocean breeze passes by your face. You press your hands down into the sand—which is surprisingly cool—before burying the tips of your toes inside; as you let the fine grains slip between your fingers, a shadow falls over you.
“You’re not going in?” Jeno settles down beside you as you shake your head, and you notice that he’s discarded his T-shirt. Perhaps you notice a bit too obviously, because your hands falter and your face flushes at the sight. “Shit, we should’ve brought out the towels first. Now they’re gonna come back and torture us about being cold.”
You’re positive that Donghyuck or Chenle would eventually make their way over to drag one of the two of you into the water, but you leave it up to the future as you chuckle in response. Glancing over at your best friend, you eye the paper bag that’s still in his hands.
“Hey, wait, you’ve got a little—” the blond points discreetly at your cheek, and you widen your eyes, quickly wiping off the area. Even so, he scrunches his eyebrows. “—here, I’ll just—”
Jeno shuffles impossibly close to you, closing the short distance between your legs that you can feel the heat emitting from him; your heart betrays you when it speeds up on its own accord, only pausing as his fingers gently swipe at your face. You take a moment to observe the boy’s unforgiving features, shamelessly scanning over his wandering eyes and delicate structure. With a hitch to your breath, you even take a glimpse down at his lips.
“Got it,” he murmurs to himself, meeting your eyes in satisfaction before they alter. You can’t seem to tear your gaze away from him, not when he stares back at you with identical intrigue. The tips of his fingers brush over your cheek again, although this time, you’re positive it’s not a sugar stain that urges him to do so.
The barrier shatters—in silence—when you take yet another risk, something you’ve managed to do several times today, and move your eyes to his mouth. This time, you know he watches, because his pinked lips part in soft surprise to your actions. You only hope that the surprise is a reflection of your feelings.
When you move up to see his gaze trained on your own lips, you’re ultimately convinced.
The words wouldn’t come if you were to try, too many months of waiting and pining, so you opt to rest your palm against Jeno’s chest, gauging his reaction quietly. When he doesn’t make a single move to back away, the courage of all that time bundles up into one moment; your fingers run up the side of his neck, causing obvious shivers, before leaning in briefly to press down the most minute peck.
“You had a bit of sugar there,” you mumble, curving your hand over the nape of his neck. He stares at you in awe—like a lost puppy—and touches at his lips in wonder, as if the kiss was a hallucination. “Actually, you have a lot more, I should probably help you with that.”
This time, when you mold your mouth against his, he meets you halfway, securing a tight arm around your waist in efforts to keep you close. Butterflies rise in your stomach, flying up to your heart and tickling a hint of infatuation out of you. You’re soaring, far up into surroundings that envelope you in comfort. He’s kissing you back, you realize, with enough fervor lacing through his actions to press you flush against his chest.
The taste of fried sugar has you smiling gently against him, the sweetness has you grasping him in desperation, and the intense emotion ripping through your body has you kissing him back harshly enough to leave a bruise. After all this time, you think you deserve to savor the moment—at least until you’re forced to pull away into reality once again—and you do.
Jeno pulls away with some effort, holding your chin to keep you from crashing back against him; he breathes in deeply, still squeezing at the skin of your waist, before he meets your gaze. “Did you get all the sugar?”
You tilt your head in amusement, seeing a pretty smile stretch over his now-reddened lips. “No. I think I should try again.”
And so you do, ignoring all the obnoxious becks from the ocean boys and savoring the sugary taste of your best friend.
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all rights reserved © navyhyuck 2021.
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neodex · 3 years
(unnecessarily long) full review below, but might i just say that i trust vee's writing to a great extent. and that you should too. warning : spoilers under the cut !!
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what i seem to enjoy in both writing and reading dream, is just how remarkable and personable they are irl and how easily that can be translated into writing. not only that, but their personalities are, even then, still malleable enough to mold to fit any story and still be considered a legit ode to the real persons.
donghyuck, case example, is as bratty and teasing as ever. but it's the writer that brings out the flustered side of him, the underlying pining, the longing glances towards her lips, the way he always cuts off y/n whenever she talks of linking renjun's channel in the desc. his character is just so warm and so real; i could reach my hand out the window and into the sun and feel his presence oh-so close. (too bad it's a bit overcast as i'm typing this).
as pertaining to dynamics though, i'm just in appreciation for how much thought went into them and also how they were utilized. i've seen it many times where i feel like authors forget how many tools they have to their disposal when trying to deliver a story, dynamics being the one that's most often lost (or only limited to the mc's). but here, the dynamics between mark, jaemin, jisung (and even renjun) with y/n are all different on paper, though they all serve the same cause in making donghyuck progressively realize that 'oh. i don't like seeing her with him' and in tow 'oh. i want to be the one instead.' enough said, next !
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☆ — 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓.
i remember taking a breather after having read the first section, only to roll over on my back and think, this is going to be so fucking good. that, and also that the first word that comes to mind when describing the plot is just: organic. and maybe that's just plain pretentious of me, because no i couldn't simply say real, or natural, or authentic; i just had to say organic. but no! the problem i have with a handful of youtuber aus that i've read is that they're anything but organic! they're ridden with so much cheese and overused cliches that i wouldn't even wish to watch it as an actual youtube video, much less read it. this however, the videos in themselves are interesting. i can understand the something-million subscribers and where they're coming from. and i really don't mind reading all the little nuances that go on around them. in fact, i want to because the plot and premise alone are intriguing enough (and also attractive to a large audience of youngins'.)
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okay yeah, i have more to say. sue me. anyways, i've mentioned something like this in the only other review that i've done on this sb, but best friends to lovers can't ever (and i mean ever) go wrong. it's much more likely to fall in love over the course of a decade than to fall in love at first sight. so yes, i will revel in this slow burn and i will soak all of the fluff in, even though i already know how it ends.
the addition of quarantine adds more character, the so 2019 and so 2006 dora the explorer allows for a brief smile, y/n's self-awareness of her feelings is so appreciated, the backstory is unrivaled, the two second angst in the confession scene is sure enough to get someone to cry after reading (what i'm assuming to be about) 20k of gushy feelings.
i was so on point to leave this to indulge in after a long day. i went into it knowing that i would just be smiling paragraph after paragraph. it was light on the shoulders and so easy to get lost in. right at the end, i just laid there thinking: i want to fall in love, and i want it to feel exactly like this.
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"You’ve known Donghyuck long enough to know that the two of you should’ve gotten tired of each other halfway through high school or at least after college graduation, but you’d stuck together like a stubborn piece of processed cheese on whole grain toast."
this, out of all lines, is the one that stuck with me. it's not extremely pivotal, and doesn't possess any significant amount of expertise. i think it might be the doing of the processed cheese reference, but it just explains the whole story, the fun-loving tones, their irritable yet endearing relationship, in one sentence. nah i don't know, i think it might just be the cheese. it's such an un-thought-of simile.
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☆ — 𝐅𝐈𝐍.
i'm gonna wrap it up before i go on to neglect the rest of my day. i don't know vee, i just hope my review lives up to all the effort i'm sure you've poured into this piece. and for all the effort, thank you for a good read !!
this is the story of how we fell in love, apparently.
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pairing | lee donghyuck x reader (female)
genre | fluff, humor, youtuber!au, roommates!au, friends-to-lovers!au, mutual pining
synopsis | running a youtube channel with your best friend isn’t easy, not when he’s like a ticking time bomb that’s constantly bubbling up something new. what’s worse is that you’ve had a crush on him for the past three years.
warnings | swearing, some descriptions of food, mentions of covid-19, quarantine, and protective face masks (this fic does take place during covid era, but no one actually gets the virus.), one suggestive makeout scene that includes a camera (in scene ‘viv’ if you would like to skip; it’s nothing close to explicit, however, but it might make some people uncomfortable.), some sexual jokes and innuendos, crying from happiness/relief, some personal negativity, mild jealousy, mentions of practical fears
word count | 25.6k ​
playlist | here
notes from vee | here are some pre-reading components i would like to add: there are cameos of all dreamies, mark and jaemin live with hyuck and y/n (all four of them are roommates.), jaemin is their video editor, there is a significant age difference between some of the dreamies (jisung is mentioned to be a freshman in college while hyuck and y/n have graduated. this isn’t necessarily important to the fic but i’m just adding this to deter confusion.). anyways, hi! happy birthday to literally the most beautifully bright soul on this planet! this fic includes portions that are rather personal to me, so i’ve somehow gotten attached to it. the story of how hyuck and y/n met is real; this is how i became friends with my current best friend (although it is fully platonic, hehe). some antics are inspired by the very intriguing discussions i’ve had with brooke (@lebrookestore; which tumblr just hates to tag ;-;) who also beta-read most of this absolute monster of a fic, so, many thanks! please hold on, there is an awful lot of pining (you have been warned), and enjoy! this is the longest fic i’ve ever written on this blog, but i promise it’s worth it!! regardless, it would be lovely if you could leave feedback! <3
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i. we drove to mcdonald’s at 3 a.m.!
Life is filled with those little moments in between all the chaos and uncertainty, the countless whispers of truths or continuous actions of success contribute to the unavoidable, yet constant, thrill. You’re glad to say that all those little moments are ones that you never miss. Generally, you have your best friend to drag you along on excursions that you didn’t always agree to, though it didn’t stop you from planning your own as well. You’d say that’s why the two of you began shooting videos to accompany your daily lives, and after twenty million followers and a blue checkmark on social media, you’d also say that it’s the reason you’re embarking on a journey to Donghyuck’s car about three hours before sunrise.
“So,” you hold up the small camera on the tripod over your head. “As you can see, Hyu—Haechan’s a little clingy in the morning.”
Clingy might be an understatement from the way your best friend has his arms wrapped loosely around your waist—with his head resting heavily against your shoulder and his eyes barely open—as you both make your way to the parking garage. He doesn’t respond to your comment verbally, only tightening his grip around your waist, eliciting a giggle from you. 
“He doesn’t really like being woken up,” you mention softly, watching through the camera screen as he turns his head towards the lens and smiles lazily. “Oh! I almost forgot, gosh, but we’re going to McDonald’s! Though you probably know that from the title…and the thumbnail, but anyway, yeah! This was actually an idea given to us from Renjun! I’m sure you guys have heard about him before from our other videos, but if you’re new, it’d be great if you checked out his channel! I’ll link it in the descrip—”
“It’s not the morning if the sun isn’t in the fucking sky, Y/N,” Donghyuck interrupts lately with a sour tone. “And as you can see,” he gestures to his face with one hand, “the sun hasn’t woken up yet.”
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neodex · 3 years
extended review below but all in all, lovely job brooke. this was one hell of a read and i'm here to recommend it to any fan who needs a little push (shove) into the world of ult bias lee jeno. warning : spoilers under the cut !!
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as much as i love any piece of writing that includes the name 'jeno,' i must say that i really adore how you wrote cherry's character as well. she's not your typical antagonist, doesn't wish the wish the worst for anyone, and contributes to the progression of the story, the character arcs, and the *drama* very practically. i love how in such a heavily stereotyped au — especially one in which actresses can be so easily to be written off as snobbish off screen — cherry serves as quite the refreshing testament to how the people idolized on screen are really just your day-to-day people. that, and also the irony and wit behind how though she plays the role of main female lead in the movie, she turns out to be the actual 'supporting character' in the whole scheme of things. long story short (too late), she's well-written and useful — two things that i love to see in an oc.
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☆ — 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓.
yes, yes brooke knows this, you know this, everyone on this hellsite knows that i am such a big fan of the best friends to lovers trope. i love writing it, i love reading it, and most of all i love how every best friend dynamic has its own chemistry that the writer personally mediates (and projects), thus making it so it is impossible to ever grow tired of it. what's distinct about this specific one is just how jeno's denseness and y/n's woke-ness (?) compliment each other so fully. unregistered feelings versus hidden feelings always gives a solid, one-way ticket to beautifully orchestrated arguments where one is hit with the realization that they love the other, while the other is hit with the realization that their love is now overt. the scene following their trailer viewing is so perfectly relevant and needed !! the pent-up emotions, the thick swallowing, the clenched fists !! those are the kinda feelings that stick the knife into the reader, and then twist it.
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i'll tell you that i really appreciate the touches on media portrayal in this piece. glamorized, but toned down to the point where it develops and introduces another conversation about problematic paparazzi, the 'all publicity is good publicity' tones, the pedestal that we put celebrities on. brooke, you put this au to good use, you really did. on another note, i completely soaked up the themes of acting, pretending, 'do it for the gram' kinda suggestions. it definitely cleanly ties in and compliments the whole show biz narrative with guarding personal feelings / acting on screen with acting off screen. there are so many more interesting dynamics that i could pull out of the text but for the sake of brooke reading this, i will abstain.
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"he hadn't been home in a while."
i would have easily shed a tear at that very moment, had i not been reading this at the hospital. one of my favorite metaphors is describing relationships — not places — as a home, as warmth, as comfort, as a safe space to return to after a long day. it's the perfect way to describe the tipping point at which someone realizes that they already have all they need, that all they need to do is return to them, claim them as theirs, cherish them. and honestly, those seven words were all it took to win me over. (the quentin taratino foot fetish reference was a close second.)
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☆ — 𝐅𝐈𝐍.
first review done ! apologies brooke, this took me so long to get all the things i wanted to say out of my system + i wanted to make sure that everything was constructive and not so much run-of-the-mill. thank you so much for writing this piece, keep up the good work !!
supporting characters; l.jn
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Pairing: Lee Jeno x female reader
Themes: actor! au, celebrity! au, hollywood! au, best friends to lovers, angst, love triangle but not really?? fluff, SLOWBURN
Warnings: swearing, food (waffles galore), heavy angst, sex jokes and sexual innuendos, vandalizing, PG 15
Wc: 22k
[moodboard] [playlist i was given]
Summary: Landing the role that could kickstart your career, you stay side by side with your best friend, Lee Jeno who plays the lead. The problem? You’re just a supporting character
Taglist: @danishmiilk @channoticedmeuwu @chicksung @1-800-seo @blueprint-han @jenosslut @cupidluvstarrz @kkakkdugi @prettyjaems​ @sweetlyjaem @wonciel-main @leetaeyonglover @kunrengui @unknown5tar @kisshim @intokook @mrkcore @coco-riki @bigbrainenergytingz @dearyongs @keemburley @oifelixcmerebrou @adoreateez @kariskwn @radiorenjun​
Featuring: @byutafy​
For the nct dream vibe collab created by @/glossyjaems and hosted by @give-seconds
Authors Note: ahh i finally finished this one! It’s a doozy that’s for sure, but I had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope you have fun reading it! Thanks to @jisungiest​ for beta reading this monster and bearing with my complaining and ranting. This fic is dedicated to @dearyongs​ and @rouiyan​<33 as always, feedback is very much appreciated!!
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“He’s so amazing! Honestly Aria, I can’t believe he even took the time to look at me”, she said, sighing happily and resting her chin on the palm of her hand. Her eyes held a wistful glint as she spoke of the boy that infiltrated her every thought.
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neodex · 3 years
☆ — 𝔤𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫'
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𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 <𝟑
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☆ grrr, check weekly / biweekly for ree's fic recs !! i'm an annoyingly picky reader for predominantly sfw 7dream, emphasis on jeno as well as my mutual's works. click here to check out some of my older recs.
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☆ — 𝔫𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔤𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
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( will embed links after 10+ works have been rec-ed )
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