neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Blueberry is a down-to-earth dragon. She arrived shortly after Newgrowth, dragging along her brother Bloodseer. She bonded quickly with Newgrowth, and they began a deep friendship that eventually transformed into something more. They both help with the guiding of the older dragons, leaving Soullinger and Fireheart to tend to the babies. It works out.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Bloodseer is the exact opposite of his sister. Where she is down to earth, he is in the stars. He eats when something is presented to him, he sleeps when and where he’s told to. He tends to be nocturnal, staring up at the night sky and contemplating the stars. When he’s asked questions, he usually answers them in the most obtuse and roundabout way possible, though he doesn’t seem to do this on purpose. He would probably have died in infancy, if his sister wasn’t looking out for him.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Glitterblitz is pretty and he knows it. He’s pink and purple, which is convenient because his favorite colors are just as pink and sparkly as it gets. He likes to gather flowers and make decorations to liven up the lair, although he has to be careful where he puts things. Too close to the magma pools, and things begin to spontaneously combust. He’s still working on a fix for that.
As a child, he was sometimes made fun of for being ‘girly’ and he quickly put a halt to that. He didn’t see that as an insult, but he didn’t like that it was being used that way. Some of his best friends were girls, after all! It took a little while, but the dragons around him did finally accept him for who he was. And he likes being beautiful and fantastic!
Glitterblitz, as well as his girlfriend Raspberrycreme, are both members of the Pink Hat Society. This club is made up of pink dragons who enjoy wearing pink daisy cabbies and love discussing important dragon matters such as fashion and interior design. They have been known to invade private areas of their clans' lairs in order to "brighten up the place a bit." Walking in on busy dragons is basically Blitz's favorite thing.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Fireheart and Soullinger being cute together!
drawn by a friend of mine
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
[[OOC Commentary: Dragon Sexuality]]
So one of the things the casual observer of this tumblr will notice (by the Flamecaller, I don't understand why any of you are following me, but hey) is that several of my dragons are not heteronormative. It just kind of happened that way, I swear! I'm not trying to make a statement with it or anything, but it's something I've noticed, and something I've seen with my friends' dragons as well. We have dragons that we will identify as having committed relationships with dragons of the same gender, for example, and yet still breed those dragons.
For myself, I have several non-heteronormative, or at least non-traditional dragon relationships. Fireheart and Soullinger seem fairly standard, but human gender roles have been reversed in their relationship, with Fireheart the more femme and maternal, while Soullinger has the more traditionally masculine roles. Ladystar and Winterheart both have very very open relationships with their beaus, and aren't actually committed to them at all. Bananaboat and Springstem have an extremely committed, extremely nonsexual relationship. My Wildclaws are in a threesome together. Harvestdawn and Silvernight are bros who mess around, while Brightflame and Coolbreeze are very gay and very committed to each other.
But how does all of this work in a breeding game when I loan out and breed all my dragons, even the ones that in my head are 'gay'? In a game where I could buy/adopt any baby that would make a non-breeding pairing happy if all they wanted was children. how do I justify ICly their actions? Do I gloss over it? It's a conundrum.
I don't know about anyone else, but in my headcanon, dragons have separated out attraction and procreation. They're happy to help with the next generation, but that has nothing to do with who they're attracted to and who they are committed to.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Sunbreeze and Orangeblush have gone to serve the Flamecaller. Though we were sad to see them go, we knew this was their dream, and we wish them well. They left us with three hatchlings that we will take care of as though they were our own until they choose to leave.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Sunblush came to the clan even more accidentally than most. He was grown by the time he arrived, and seemed more than a little confused when Soullinger led him in. It seemed he’d gone out of his home clan for a bit of a breather, since it was more than a little overcrowded, and had wandered too far. He wasn’t sure how to get back, but Soullinger didn’t mind him coming over.
At first, Fireheart was a bit jealous. Here, after all, was another Tundra, and wouldn’t Soullinger prefer to be with one of her own race? But his fears were unfounded, as neither ever showed any interest in the other. He eventually relaxed, and Sunblush began to feel more welcomed.
It didn’t take too long for him to notice Grapeorchid, another shy Tundra in the clan. She smelled like comfort and relaxation, in his mind, and he wanted to get to know her better. He’s not sure whether or not she is interested in him, but he’s willing to stay and settle for friendship, if it means he can be near her.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Having fallen for Squibba, Berrywine is going off to join her clan. It wasn’t what he’d originally planned for his life, but love rarely follows plans, and he’s incredibly excited to begin a new chapter!
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Newgrowth came from a rather unusual clan. She went without a name throughout her entire childhood, and even after having her first clutch she’d still not taken or been given a name, nor had most of her own hatchlings or her mate. She finally ran away from home, stumbling into Soullinger by accident as she did.
The clan took her in, showing her a love and affection she’d never had before. Soullinger was more than willing to curl around her for cuddles, and though the others grumbled, they quickly joined her. The clan is a very affectionate place, and Newgrowth was seduced by this intimacy. She took on the name “Newgrowth” as a symbol of her new beginning, and now helps Soullinger with the babies. In some ways, she does it in mourning of her own lost hatchlings and lost childhood. She also helps keep Harvestdawn and Silvernight in line, and generally assists with keeping the peace all around. She in some ways makes a better parental figure to the group, since unlike Fireheart and Soullinger, she’s willing to discipline even the grown dragons.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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She’s fallen hard for Sunblush, and though she isn’t sure he feels the same way, she is prepared to confess, and will settle for friendship if that is all that she can get from him.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
Black Wolf Finding
    She’d stopped by Pinkerton’s pile that day just the same as every other day. It was kind of a crapshoot, she knew. Usually she just got junk, but who knows, perhaps today Soullinger would get something good.
    He pushed her towards the back of the pile, rushing her through any attempt at selection. She was used to that. Pinkerton was always worried that his sister would catch him giving this stuff away before she had a chance to catalog it. But it Soullinger had been paying attention, perhaps she wouldn’t have reached in quite where she did.
    She jerked her paw out. There was a wolf attached by the teeth to her foreleg.
    “How lucky! I didn’t know that was in there! Good for you! Now get going before your screams attract attention!! Go!”
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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CitrisShine has gone to serve the Flamecaller. Though we were sad to see her go, we knew this was her dream, and we wish her well. She left us with two hatchlings that we will take care of as though they were our own until they choose to leave.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Harvestdawn was a troublemaker from the day he was born, though never intentionally malicious. He would and will happily own up to every mishap and misadventure he’s ever been a part of, though sometimes not until it’s over. As a child his pranks were not always well-done, and sometimes would end in hurt feelings or, rarely, hurt bodies.
The older and more experienced he got, though, and so pranks became less and less likely to actually injure anyone. He also caught the notice and interest of Silvernight. The spiral was slowly going mad, desperately trying to find a way to occupy his mind and body. Harvestdawn invited Silvernight onto his next prank, and they never pulled a prank separately again. They began rooming together shortly after, better to secretly devise more pranks.
All their pranks, though, ultimately have the goal of making everyone smile. They’re careful to tailor their pranks to each victim and to spread the jokes around so that no one dragon feels picked on. They sleep in a puppy pile in their room, exhausted from their days of activities, Their clan puts up with them in a sort of exasperated affectionate sort of tolerance, and they make each day brighter with their bright laughter echoing through the caverns.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Silvernight found his way to the clan by accident, much like the others. He was excited to find Springstem, thinking that having another Spiral around would be great, and would excite her as well. In the beginning she was very excited, but she still preferred Bananaboat’s company to hers. He tried at first to convince her that they were ~destined~, attempting to get between Bananaboat and Springstem. When she made it very clear that was not okay and Bananaboat… expressed his own displeasure, Silvernight backed off.
It wasn’t that they weren’t sympathetic, but Silvernight was a bit overwhelming, a bit desperate, and the pair were too balanced to want to deal with that again. Fortunately, about the same time they made their positions clear on the matter, Silvernight made a new friend.
Harvestdawn was a child when Silvernight first arrived, not someone Silvernight noticed especially. But when Harvestdawn came to majority, and then promptly began playing pranks throughout the lair, Silvernight couldn’t ignore him. Bonding over pranks became the thing that saved Silvernight. Now they cling together, making good-natured trouble for the rest of the clan, running around creating laughter and joy within the lair. The others can’t even be truly angry with them, because of how much they brighten up the place.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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AppleJack has gone to serve the Flamecaller. Though we were sad to see him go, we knew this was his dream, and we wish him well. He left us with three hatchlings that we will take care of as though they were our own until they choose to leave.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
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Cornstalk is a bit different from the rest of his race. As a child, he was kicked from clan to clan, always reminded that he was ugly and unwanted. More than once he almost lost his pearl. He’s become a bitter and angry dragon, and though he’s found a clan to love him, he’s convinced that something will happen to make it all go wrong. He helps with the hatchlings, showing them the love and affection he never had as a child and only allowing the younglings to see his softer gentler side. When he’s not busy with the younglings, he sits at the top of the magma falls writing emo poetry and composing sad songs. Sometimes the younglings are able to follow him up there, and he will in turn make up-beat happy songs that they will then sing for days later. Soullinger desperately wants him to feel like he belongs, but since he won’t let her curl up around him and cuddle, she doesn’t quite know what to do. So she watches and she waits and she and Fireheart worry over him.
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neonfoundlings · 11 years
Bananaboat's Life Before Neon Foundlings
Prior to arriving in Fireheart and Soullinger’s lair, Bananaboat lived among the Shadow Flight. His mother, the matriarch of his birth clan, ruled her harem of male dragons with all the respect and power due a dragon of her status. Generally, her offspring are dark and mysterious, like the shadows they travel through. However, Bananaboat was an… exception, to say the least. After his birth, his mother took him to one side and gently suggested that he would have a difficult time lurking through the darkness with the rest of the clan, and perhaps should find a ward in a more suitable area for his unique coloration. So off he went, to make his way outside of the world of night that he’d been born into.
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