neonnnoise · 9 years
This is brilliant. I love it.
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neonnnoise · 9 years
Things that need to/will happen in 2016
- Move to London (October)
- Sell flat here and buy flat in London without hating the world in the process
- Find a new job for October
- See more movies in the cinema
- Study Korean again
- Read 52 books
- Write in my diary a lot
- Go to Seoul, Barcelona and Amsterdam
- Figure what I should do with my life and why we are all on earth for such a small period of time, or just stop asking myself these silly questions.
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neonnnoise · 9 years
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QUEEN Serena Williams is Sports Illustrated’s 2015 Sportsperson of the Year. BEHOLD THIS RADIANCE.
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neonnnoise · 9 years
My story starts with me as a fan. And to be a fan is to know that loving trumps being beloved.
Carrie Brownstein, in her new book Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl (via rachelfershleiser)
Just finished reading this and it is my one of my favourite books of the year, if not ever. With her I went back to my childhood and teenage years and saw the other side of it.
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neonnnoise · 9 years
So glad Nadal is playing well these days. Watching the match today, you can really tell that he is getting his mental back. And his game of course.
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neonnnoise · 9 years
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 Three incredible return winners in a low [x]
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neonnnoise · 9 years
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neonnnoise · 9 years
That was a bit of a useless waste of a lie-in. At least Nadal fought until the end. Not sure what happened during sets 3 and 4, but I am sure the media will explain to me that this is the mental breakdown of all Nadal mental breakdowns and that he should change coach, will never win anything again and need to retire.
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neonnnoise · 9 years
Paint’s Peeling // Rilo Kiley
And I feel nothing, not sane It’s a hard day for dreaming again
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neonnnoise · 9 years
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I am as addicted to Mr Robot as Elliott is addicted to morphine.
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neonnnoise · 9 years
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How 7 things that have nothing to do with rape perfectly illustrate the concept of consent.
Image from Everyday Feminism
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neonnnoise · 9 years
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neonnnoise · 9 years
Somehow I feel more relaxed now. Nadal will lose, but this is the best he’s played since...the RG final last year. He is getting in the right direction. All he need is a bit more confidence and a good first serve. Playing Djokovic not at his best would help too.
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neonnnoise · 9 years
I have never been as happy after Nadal losing a set. I can’t believe how well he fought. Coming back from 0-4 is such an achievement in itself.
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neonnnoise · 9 years
My worst case nightmare scenario is coming true in front of my eyes and I just feel so hopeless I am just laughing at my TV screen.
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neonnnoise · 9 years
Exactly what I needed to see when I am starting to write a diary again (really just bullet points of 3 to 5 things I liked during the day at the moment).
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“I’m writing in my journal. When I was in 11th grade, I had an English teacher named Ms. Lois Bricklin who required us to write in a journal every day. Then at the end of each marking period, we were supposed to turn in our journal. For the first two marking periods, I wrote all my entries right before the journal was due, and then backdated them. But for the third marking period, I actually made an effort to do it every day. By the fourth marking period, I was hooked. I haven’t missed a day in over 30 years. It’s like brushing my teeth. I turned 50 in January, so my latest entries have been very reflective. I’ve been questioning whether I’m living the life that I wanted to live.”
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neonnnoise · 9 years
portrait chinois
Si j'étais un objet je serais… un ordinateur
Si j'étais une saison je serais… l'automne
Si j'étais un plat je serais… des pates
Si j'étais un animal je serais… un tequel
Si j'étais une couleur je serais… le rose
Si j'étais un personnage de fiction je serais…
Si j’étais une légende je serais… Rafael Nadal
Si j'étais un oiseau je serais… un merle
Si j'étais un végétal je serais… un pissenlit
Si j'étais un fruit je serais… une cerise
Si j'étais un bruit je serais… la pluie qui tombe sur une fenetre
Si j'étais un loisir je serais… le kakaroke
Si j'étais une planète je serais… la lune
Si j'étais un vêtement je serais… un pyjama
Si j'étais un véhicule je serais… un avion
Si j'étais une chaussure je serais… des chaussons
Si j'étais un pays je serais… la Corée du sud
Si j'étais un super héros je serais… Batman
Si j'étais un insecte je serais… une coccinelle
Si j'étais un meuble je serais… un bureau
Si j'étais un monument je serais… Trinity Church et son cimetière
Si j'étais une partie du corps je serais… les cheveux
Si j'étais un phénomène naturel je serais… le lever de soleil
Si j'étais un magazine je serais… Careless Talk Costs Lives
Si j'étais un site internet je serais... makemylemonade.com (d'où j'ai copié ce portrait chinois)
Si j'étais un compte twitter je serais… @on_kawara
Si j'étais un compte instagram je serais… @leahface
Si j'étais une maxime je serais...Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you
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