neopronoun-checks · 1 year
Hi y'all! Sorry it's been a while since I last posted- I personally have stopped using neopronouns as much and therefore my hyperfixation on them has faded. Apologies!
I will try to make this place active again at some point, but right now school is crushing me and I just lack energy.
Thanks for understanding! <3
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
explained the concept of neo-pronouns to my granny today and her thoughts were “aww thats so sweet its like everybody gets a little nickname that they like!” i love you i love you i love you
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
by the way, the US trans survey goes online the 19th, and you can take it on their website! i highly recommend taking it if you are trans, over 16, and live in the united states!
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
Good morning! I am tired as fuck of people's bullshit, so here's your friendly reminder:
People who don't use labels are epic
People who use vague labels are epic
People who haven't found labels to fit their gender/sexuality yet are epic
People who use very specific labels are epic
People who identify with several different things are epic
People who microlabel are epic
People who use umbrella terms as labels are epic
You are epic, and nothing anyone says can change that <3
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
I fucking love neopronouns. I love neopronouns, I love nounself pronouns, I love emojiself pronouns, I love people who hoard neopronouns, I love people who coin their own neopronouns. If you use neopronouns I hope you have a good day and that your pronouns are respected.
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
to all binary trans/cis people who use neopronouns…. you are SO freaking poggers and are very valid <33
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
i love xenogenders and neopronouns and i think theyre wonderful and amazing and perfect and people who have them are insanely sexy and cool. love and light
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
Historical ‘neo’ pronouns are great and do exist, and it’s great to learn about them, but for the record, just because a word, label, or pronoun does not have an extensive, known history does not mean it’s lesser or that it doesn’t matter.
You can use pronouns that were invented this decade, this year, yesterday, today, or one minute ago. That doesn’t make it less “real” than than pronouns that came into our languages centuries ago. Once upon a time, all our words were new. You are just at the beginning of another new word, at the center of a coining following many others before you. Old words would not be here if they were never made. Making a new word now does not mean less than making a new word in 1300, or 1844, or 1920. It is the same linguistic process, only separated by time and generation.
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
hii i was wondering if u have any names that r similar to mika !!
preferably neutral but i wouldnt mind fem or masc names either ^_^
- Mickey
- Mike/Mick
- Kim
- Mica
- Mia
- Mac
- Ka/Kah
- Micah
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
Shoutout to neopronoun users who identify with a binary gender. Cis people who just want to use some neopronouns to fuck around with social norms? Binary trans people who still want to queer their gender a bit? Multigender neopronoun users? Nonbinary girls? Nonbinary boys? Genderqueer girls? Genderqueer boys? Agender girls? Agender boys? Xenogender girls? Xenogender boys? People questioning and experimenting with pronouns but are sticking to a binary gendre for now? You are all so cool, I love you.
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
Hi! can ly get a pronoun check with the name Rain and pronouns moth/ae? Ly like to draw, mushroomcore, and writing! ty in advance!
This lovely person has requested a pronoun check! Moths name is Rain. I love aer moth pronouns, I'm halfway tempted to use them myself- Mo likes writing, mushroomcore, and art, I wonder what sort of things ae like to write?
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
Celebrating the end of 2020 by remembering that ae/aer pronouns were published in a book for the first (known) time exactly 100 years ago in 1920.
Love to everyone who uses ae/aer, and all other neopronouns. Remember we have always existed, and we cannot be erased entirely.
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
Hey shout out to the people who use any pronouns including neos and people only use she/he/they for you. You deserve to be called neopronouns too.
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
using neopronouns bc they seem more comfortable? amazing!
using neopronouns bc they are cool? magnificent!
using neopronouns bc they represent u better? perfect!
using neopronouns bc u don’t like the binary? swag!
using neopronouns bc they make you happy? cool!
using neopronouns? VALID!
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
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more weird divider things to come when I'm not feeling as lazy, if you use these credit is appreciated but not necessary
requests are open, i will also do other flags if you want ig
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
hello uh. can you do cat-inspired neos and mystery-inspired neos?
and also a check,, if that's ok
name's sol, you can pick a set of cat-inspired and a set of mystery-inspired neos for 'em
Today I met this fabulous person named Sol! Sol requested custom neos, and for me to use those neos for clu, so I tried my best! Paw didn't tell me much about fluffself, but kit seems very nice! I hope mys has a great day, and thanks for the request!
Custom Neos:
- Mys/Myst/Mystery/Mysteries/Mysteryself
- Que/Ques/Question/Questions/Questionself
- Clu/Clue/Clues/Clues/Clueself
- Paw/Paw/Paws/Paws/Pawself
- Paw/Pad/Paws/Pads/Pawself
- Fluff/Fluffs/Fluffs/Fluffys/Fluffself
- Cat/Cats/Catty/Cattys/Catself
- Kit/Kitten/Kittens/Kittens/Kittenself
- Kit/Cat/Kits/Cats/(Kittenself/Catself/Kittycatself)
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neopronoun-checks · 2 years
“omg ur hurting trans people by using neos 🤓🤓”
literally how. i’m not going out of my way to actively silence other trans people. i’m not placing them in boxes. i’m using funky little words that make my brain go brr when i get called something like foe or moss or dark. the trans community is not collapsing just cause some of us perceive gender and pronouns differently Brenda
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