nerdy-pants · 6 years
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
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Thread on abortion. Men bear no responsibility. Women are expected to suffer. This is part of our patriarchal culture and it has to change.
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
i wish men understood that when women are talking about feminism and rape culture and shit, it’s not just a political conversation. it’s not about being a “social justice warrior” or whatever. it’s about our actual lives being shaped by misogyny since childhood, and the daily reality of living in fear of violence. this isn’t a fucking game or philosophical debate. this is our fucking lives. 
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
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The swing voter in November will not be the Republican to Denocrat or Democrat to Republican.
It will be the non-voter to voter.
Young people,
this is your moment.
This is your election.
This is your time to win.
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
Is there rly any softer scene than when o'malley sees duchess and falls in love with her at first sight in the aristocats, complimenting her at every turn and climbing into a cherry blossom tree to make the flower petals snow gracefully down on her? How dreamy 🥀💕
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
not killing myself is a personal achievement but you cant really brag about that at dinner parties
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
me talking to my therapist: i want to die…but like….not actually just…metaphorically…as in like if u offered me immediate death and relief from my consciousness…id say yes….metaphorically…hypothetically…in a theoretical situation…in a hyperbolic manner…metaphorically speaking
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
He loves getting his haircut!
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
“‎’Slut’ is attacking women for their right to say yes. ‘Friend Zone’ is attacking women for their right to say no.”
— And “bitch” is attacking women for their right to call you on it. (via radolescence)
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nerdy-pants · 6 years
a man: men now have to think before they speak, they are afraid to be criticized or accused of something, can we believe that we have to live like this now?? uwu
all the women that had to grown up being super self-aware of what they wear, what they think, what they say, how they act, where they are, with whom, etc in every aspect of their life, all the time, in this sexist society (especially women of color, non-straight women and trans women): good. finally you all have to learn how to behave.  
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