nerdywebster ¡ 2 years
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nerdywebster ¡ 2 years
every single person you know has something in their life and past that is probably worth collapsing to the ground in an uncontrollably sobbing heap over, so be nice to each other and tell good jokes
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
bring back the habits that made you happy as a child. there’s no reason you should ever have to give up harmless things that bring you joy. you don’t have to age out of having fun. finger paint. write mediocre fanfiction and questionable poetry. put chocolate chips in your waffles. sing in the bath, and while working in the yard, and while washing your hands. hammer tunelessly on a piano. spin in circles until you fall down. climb a tree. just because you’re now in charge of your life doesn’t mean you’re expected to give up on the things that make life feel worth living
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
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I hope I find someone that loves me the same way Stephen Colbert loves his wife ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
eventually you realize you don’t want to die. you just don’t want to live the life you’re living. and slowly you try to create a life you want to live. just gotta start there.
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
my theory on why “agender clothing lines” are always so dull and shapeless is that it’s the same logic that makes people very judgey towards nonbinary people with prominent secondary sex characteristics, like breasts or facial hair. those things are gendered by society, so for a true ~neutral~ look, they must be hidden away. similarly, anything that can be considered masculine or feminine style - too much jewelry or makeup, anything with a fitted waistline, anything too tailored or boxy, skirts/dresses, buttoned shirts, even colors themselves - must be stripped away, leaving only neutral colors and items that are already considered unisex, like a hoodie.
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this is nonsense. obviously. but clothing manufacturers still seem to think that what people want when they talk about “agender” clothing is something so bland it cannot be gendered. fully androgynous, just like the hypothetical nonbinary person with no secondary sex characteristics or defining features at all. what i want, personally, is more ‘masculine’ items that will fit over my boobs. i would like one (1) button up shirt that fits. i know plenty of amab trans or nonbinary people have mentioned that they want ‘feminine’ items that aren’t so short. and a lot of nb people love loud stupid patterns! we gotta impress upon the cis that nonbinary isn’t a third gender category defined by shapelessness and neutral colors, it’s an umbrella of different genders, and cannot be defined at all. and also that we love an outfit made entirely of statement pieces so the above stops happening.
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
Poll: if your mom remarries when you’re 26 years old is that guy still your stepdad or is he just your mom’s husband.
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
I find it endlessly fascinating that most humans just want someone who will get up in the middle of the night to close the windows with them when it starts down pouring. We want someone to dry our dishes after we wash them. We just want another person to do mundane activities with. We want to tell someone how the copy machine broke at work and we want to listen to how Debra is causing office drama again. We just want something so simple. We want human connection and honesty and to be bored with someone else instead of bored alone. 
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
let’s just take a couch nap, share a blanket, and feel safe together
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
So... I found this and now it keeps coming to mind. You hear about "life-changing writing advice" all the time and usually its really not—but honestly this is it man.
I'm going to try it.
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
I think part of the issue is people assuming that everyone MUST want to move upwards. Like... it's the next logical step for a person to want to move up the chain: from worker to manager, to district manager, eventually owner.
But I always think of growth like plants.
Aspens grow tall to reach the sun, for sure. But dandelions grow deep, understanding themselves fully so that if some misguided fool tries to uproot them they'd have to try damn hard. And then there's thyme and other creeping plants, which spread themselves out so much that if you chop a part of it off it roots wherever it can find dirt to root in.
It's okay not to have lofty dreams. You know what kind of plant you are better than anyone else.
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
my favourite adhd / general executive dysfunction feeling is when you become very consciously aware that you are bored and there is nothing interesting left on the 5 social media apps you’ve been cycling around for the past hour and finally a small logical part of your brain goes “hey! perhaps at this point it might actually be more fun to do one of the productive things you’ve been putting off!” and you’re this close to going oh huh yeah maybe that's true! and getting up to do some housework or read a book or something when a far louder part of your brain goes “NO WAIT!!!! maybe THIS time when we refresh tumblr.... it will be interesting again” and you’re like "ohhhh right sorry for doubting you boss" & promptly get right back to doing fuck all
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nerdywebster ¡ 3 years
What's your best example of correlation not equaling causation?
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