neremirofrohan · 4 years
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That’s what I call justice
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neremirofrohan · 4 years
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neremirofrohan · 4 years
A comprehensive list of 2016's memes
- If ____ wore pants, would it wear them like this or like this - a buddy of mine saw Kylo Ren take his shirt off in the shower and he said that Kylo Ren has an 8 pack. That Kylo Ren was shredded - Middle school emo Jared Leto/joker - “you fucked up a perfectly good ____ is what you did. Look at it. It’s got anxiety” - tag yourself - Squidward dab - half press A - krumping Marge - jeans?? jean things??? The hellspawn of jeans and every other object??? - kazoo kid - DAAAAAMN, DANIEL - Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer - Top 10 anime deaths/top 10 anime fights - Pokemon sun and moon - Leonardo Dicaprio and his Oscar - I think thebootydiaries counts as a meme - So does memeufacturing - and also probably communismkills - I don’t know if this counts as a meme but there were a lot of accounts created that were like ______suggestion?? You know what I’m talking about - ✔️ Read 10:30 PM - pacha / “when the [noun] [verb]s just right - [text from mom] “Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. Come downstairs, we need to talk” - History of Japan - The stupid lizard election existed for like .2 seconds???? - Can we listen to something besides ________? - Homestuck came back. And then it ended - Sharkboy and lavagirl (HE RUINED MY DREAM JOURNAL) - Dark _____ show me the ______ - Succ - Dabbing - That one blurry picture of mr krabs / blurry spongebob in general - The Dover boys - DAT BOI - The new pokemon starters - Roundabout/to be continued - Prehistoric spongebob - PEOPLE SMASHING BLUE BUTTONS OF SOME SORT idk there was one with a shift key and there was one that was a hand slamming the nut button - The car horn honking meme - “SHOOT THEM, THEYRE THE CLONE” “*cocks gun* the real _____ would never pass up an opportunity to die” - Are you a ___ person or a ___ person - That “BREAKING NEWS” picture format - Wholesome memes (about how much you love your gf/bf/so/best friend) - Get a man who can do both - Be careful who you call ugly in middle school - Loss made a small comeback - Chicken nugget the nonbinary butterfly (aka 2016’s true savior) - Dicks out for harambe - Malicious tom - *breathe in* /boi/ - Deep fried memes - Old friends senior dog sanctuary made a return - Joe Biden memes - You’ve heard of _____, now get ready for _____ - formatting 👏 very 👏 nonsensical 👏 or 👏 peculiar 👏 statements 👏 like 👏 this 👏 / putting 👏 the 👏 clap 👏 emoji 👏 inbetween 👏 every 👏 word 👏 - DICKS OUT FOR HARAMBE - Arthur hand - Userboxes - The nutshack - Ocean man - Clown pandemic - I ARRIVE AT ___ / I AM FORCIBLY REMOVED FROM ____ - [consonant][vowel]-ngus (bingus, scrungus, etc) - Bone apple tea/the horrible butchering of “bon appetit” - Dark kermit - Self care is ______ - RANDY YOUR STICKS - no ____ we ____ like men (ex: no coping mechanisms we die like men) - ______ but it gets faster AND ______ but every time ______ happens it gets faster - The bee movie, a-fucking-gain - We are number one - Just. Lazytown in general - WUSS POPPIN JIM🅱O - Removing the two middle panels of a CAD comic and instantly making it better - BODE - Yall mind if I …
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neremirofrohan · 4 years
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neremirofrohan · 5 years
physically force your brain to provide dopamine at all costs
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neremirofrohan · 5 years
older school literary theorists are like “there are 81 stories in total and they’re all about how the gods are going to die several times, forever”
Old-school literary theorists are like “there are only seven basic plots, and they’re all about disaffected thirtysomething men who hate their dads”.
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
 things that are included in the crows tv show or we riot
every beat of the opening scene
especially “If I see a single scratch or nick on those, I’ll spell ‘forgive me’ on your chest in bullet holes”
a lot of detail on the city and its atmosphere. atmospheric music required
“I’m a businessman. No more, no less.”—“You’re a thief, Kaz.”—“Isn’t that what I just said?”
everyone thinking Wylan got kicked out for banging his tutor. this needs to be built up really dramatically and then we meet him and he’s like, himself
Kaz undressing & taking his gloves off and Inej “darting a glance at him” an underrated moment
all the lowkey gay scenes between Inej and Nina in all their delightful glory
Jesper and Inej telling each other they mutually deserve better than this hot asshole they’re both crushing on
“Just girls?”
“I. Should. Let. You. Die.” –Matthias while saving Kaz’s life
Nina being a bi legend!! that’s obligatory
the crows being an absolutely terrifying wall when confronted by Jan Van Eck’s scheming ass
maybe I liked your stupid face!!!!!!
the neck kissing scene in FULL detail
A really dramatic shot for when Jesper shoots that bullet. must be as extra as possible to suit the tone
the Nikolai cameo
every single beat of the scene between Jesper and Wylan and his father at the end of CK, and of the heart was a river scene
every scene involving Inej killing men
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
me: *finishes Crooked Kingdom*
goodreads: you finished Crooked Kingdom. what’s next?
me, sobbing: I DON’T KNOW OKAY
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
John C. Miller, President and CEO of the Denny’s Corporation: Oh boy the teenagers have started making fun of me
Millennial, pressing their face against the window: You are a capitalist running dog and I will seize your wealth and redistribute it to the people.
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
Izuku: Dad, I'm hungry.
All Might: Hi hungry, I'm Dad.
Izuku, tearing up: Did you just make a dad joke?
All Might, sobbing: Did you just call me dad?
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
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Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, England, August 25, 1923
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
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The Akron Beacon Journal, Ohio, July 30, 1927
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
honestly the shamokin news dispatch is throwing more spaghetti shade than im really ok with
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Shamokin News-Dispatch, Pennsylvania, March 14, 1940
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neremirofrohan · 6 years
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Sunday Mirror, England, July 21, 1939
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