nereydakat · 7 years
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nereydakat · 7 years
fun fact
bi means two so whenever you encounter a bisexual, there is a smaller, angrier bisexual hiding nearby. watching. waiting.
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nereydakat · 7 years
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nereydakat · 7 years
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nereydakat · 7 years
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nereydakat · 7 years
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Athena blessed her with the ability to protect herself and men beheaded her for it.
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nereydakat · 7 years
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nereydakat · 7 years
this is the kind of wholesome content this website desperately needs
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nereydakat · 7 years
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nereydakat · 7 years
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nereydakat · 7 years
this is the only context i’ll allow country music bc this video is possibly the gayest and most romantic one i’ve seen in my eighteen years on this earth
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nereydakat · 7 years
Sexual orientation: People are pretty and I am scared of all of them.
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nereydakat · 7 years
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There are no homosexuals in Iran by Laurence Rasti
“In Iran, we do not have homosexuals like in your country.” — Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, speaking at Columbia University, September 24, 2007.
While today some Occidental countries accept marriage for gays and lesbians, in Iran, homosexuality is still punishable by death. This sanction prohibits homosexuals from living out their sexuality openly. Their only legal options are to leave the country, hide their sexuality, or choose transsexuality, a practice tolerated by law but also considered pathological.
In Denizli, a small town in Turkey, hundreds of Iranian gay refugees have put their lives on pause while waiting to join a host country where they can freely live their sexualities. In this context of uncertainty, where anonymity is the best protection, this series of photographs questions the fragile nature of identity and gender concepts. It tries to give back to these people a face that their country has temporarily stolen.
— Laurence Rasti (via LensCulture)
See also:
- Les Boutographies 2015 : Laurence Rasti, There are no homosexuals in Iran The 2015 Jury Prize | The Eye of Photography
- There are no homosexuals in Iran, a photo series by Laurence Rasti | Konbini
- There Are No Homosexuals in Iran | Fotografia Magazine
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nereydakat · 7 years
An aquarium full of gay people
an aqueerium
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nereydakat · 7 years
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I like how everybody is paired off haha
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nereydakat · 7 years
I'd very much like to punch a feminist.
I’d never, ever hurt a lady but I’d be happy to punch a feminist. It’d bring me great joy.
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nereydakat · 7 years
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“I am my own muse, I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to know better.” -Frida Kahlo 
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