This is me
Hi there;
Your here in my humble abode, I welcome you with open arms. So tell me again why are you here?  Because if you’re here expecting some sort of incredible ted-talk alike story of how I survived five years in the wilderness or how I finally understood the purpose of life after one meeting with a ten year old boy - you are wrong, your at the wrong place, sorry, I don’t have any of that. God I wish I did, imagen; 16 year old girl  figured out the meaning of life. That’s a ted-talks for you.
Anyways if your still reading; i’m sorry, if your not; good for you. At this stage you might be wondering who is this girl with obviously no clue what to write about, who says a lot of stuff but don’t seem to have a point with it, and definitely just trying fill out some space with random rumble. My name is Moa thanks for asking. I’m not quite as confused in real life, but not too far away either. You know how people say “live your life like there is no tomorrow”; well yeah that’s not me… Most of my days are composed by going to sleep, going home from school, going to school, eat and homeworks. Not necessarily in that order..
So what is an Identity, my identity, what  defines “identity” some may argue identity and personality is the same, however I don’t really think it is. Identity is “who you are” in terms of how you've become who you are whereas personality is not as much of “how you become you” but the definite outcome of your identity. Does that make any sense? Maybe not…  anyways I would consider identities divided into 5 different sections:
1) My past and history; “What” or “Whom” shaped me to who I am today. My parents? Economical resources? Friends? Education?  
2) My role; How I behave and/or appear in different situations? How do I act and appear home vs in school.
3) My goals and ambitions; Profession? University? Future?
4) My individual rather superficial means; what activities I enjoy doing, or maybe if some things as in objects would  have scentimental values for me?
5) My values; What do I think is important, Family?, political statements?  
My family is the fundamental pillar stone of my identity. The cup to my coffee, the canvas to my colour, the watch to my time. They shaped me, loved me ( hopefully they still do), raised me, broke me ( hopefully not too much), and thought me basically everything I know about life. I have a lot to thank my mum for, she always thought the best of me. She always saw potential, not failure. She is the reason I’m in the IB diploma program and the reason to why I’m attending IHGR. She taught me that education is freedom, and the more education one have the more freedom one may achieve. I don’t know what I want to become, what profession I would like to work with or even where I would like to live, but I do know I'll have a broad educational base and therefore a lot of options. I know that I will attend university and I know that I always can change my mind. For now I’m just happy to be where I am.
Besides from studying I like to draw, to read, to hike and to be with my pet rats. I could do a whole essay talking about my rats, but for your sake i’m going to keep it short. Andrew is my oldie. He is rather judgmental, you can’t just expect him to like you. However Edward, Walter, and Murphy are all very outgoing and truly lovable although Walter have a tendency to be a bit grumpy once in a while. Last but not the least, Harry, his my cutie. He is the most nervous of them all however, you give him food and he will never forget about it. We usually just chilling around together, they like interrupting me whenever I’m studying or drawing or reading… and they like even more stealing my food… They're great.. Jokes a side they are the best.
Since I sincerely think books is a valid matter in any, note, any situation. You will therefore receive 5 books worth reading again, note, again.
Graceling - Kristin Cashore
The hunger games - Suzanne Collins  
The host - Stephenie Meyer
The fault in our stars - John Green
The universe in your hand - Christophe Galfard
A wise woman once told me, and I'm paraphrasing ; there is a reason why we all have read The Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, To kill a mockingbird, The Alchemist etc it's not necessarily because they are so interesting or well written but because the books have something to say, a summary of a truth you need to hear.
Well to sum this up. My life have just begun and I am so excited to continue it. I love my family and I'm grateful for every experience, every opportunity, ever small thing I’ve got from food on the table to the roof over my head. I have badass pet rats, and a great family. I guess I like being alone and that’s why all my activities exclude everybody else but my rats and I’m also nice.
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Pineapples on pizza, synchronized swimming and writing.
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I want to start this entry just like my last one with a question: Is pineapple on pizza okay? I think it is, I know I’m one of those persons! There are more things I like than pineapple on pizza though, like playing tennis (which I’ve mentioned before), swimming and writing. I used to do synchronized swimming and I was actually good at it (came second place at USM. USM is the Swedish Championships for youth). I quit due to too much pressure. However, I now play tennis, instead of swimming, and I would like to say that I’m as good as Serena Williams but I’m not, and that’s okay as long as I think it’s fun.
Another thing I like to do is write, and I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. In the beginning I used to have these small notebooks that I would write in. I never finished a single one of those notebooks. Instead I started on a new one when I came up with a new idea that I wanted to write instead. Then I discovered that I could write on the computer, and it changed everything! I’m joking but writing on the computer was faster and I started writing longer texts.
My mom always asks me if she can read something that I’ve written but I always refuse even though I publish my short stories and novels online (but she doesn’t know that). The reason for why I enjoy writing so much is because I get to use my fantasy and come up with the characters and I also like it because everything is possible. One of the best feelings is when a story comes to life and the words just keep flowing. I dream of writing a book one day that is so good that it’ll change somebody’s life just like my favourite book (All The Bright Places) changed mine.
/ Julia
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“Who am I?”
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“Who am I?” It’s a very difficult question for me to answer because I see myself as very mundane, but I’m going to try to make my answer as interesting as possible for you.  
My name is Julia. I’m a 17 year old, who sleeps too little and drinks too much coffee. I’m a 17 year old who plays tennis, reads and writes both novels and short stories. I’m a 17 year old who loves to hang out with her friends, but also loves to spend time with her family. My mom’s parents are born and raised in Sweden, and my dad’s parents are from Greece and yes I do speak greek. When I’m with my family we usually go to the cinema and watch movies, play tennis or cook dinner together.
My family has influenced who I am today, and I think that I am more myself when I’m with them than I am when I’m in school. It fascinates me that I change persona depending on where I am. In school I’m very quiet, and there are things that I want to say but don’t in fear of sounding stupid or making a situation awkward, while at home I joke and talk a lot.
But who am I really? Like Finch, from the book All The Bright Places, written by Jennifer Niven said “Which of the mes is me?” (P. 314). I know that I have different personas depending on where I am and who I’m with but which one is the real me? Maybe it will take time before I truly know who I am. Maybe I will never find out. Maybe it doesn’t matter who we are but how we are; how we treat other people and how we treat ourselves. 
Dinner is ready now.
/ Julia. Ps. We’re eating cannelloni and it’s delicious!
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Reading a good story
I don’t know why this feels so good, but reading a good story makes me instantly more excited about life. Maybe that is because after I read a story I actually enjoyed, I see the world in a different perspective? Or maybe I can reflect of someone else's life instead of my own? Or maybe a story shines light on magical things or weird phenomenons that I didn’t recognise before, that first now became interesting? I think I love stories because they make me feel less alone and weird but primarily because stories make me see the beauty in my life that I didn’t recognise before. Oscar Wilde’s quote “life imitates art” therefore truly speaks to  me. Stories help me to appreciate life when it sometimes gets boring, it gives it flavour , that extra kick or zest that I think we all need.
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Cooking or overall handling food is one of the most soothing things I know. Because you can fully immerse yourself in the activity (and you sort of have to if you don’t want to burn anything). When I prepare food I can go into my food bubble where everything for just a moment revolves around making something delicious. Where making food or essentially what to do next takes over all my senses ; touching, smelling, seeing and even listening too. I am truly in the moment when I make food, even if it is just a grilled cheese sandwich. Its therefore my meditation because I am only concerned of what is happening in the moment not in the future, nor the past.
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Karate was my first love. It was the first activity I ever did where I didn’t care about how good I was, I just did it because I simply enjoyed it. Now looking back I realise that it was one of the few times in life where I wasn't holding myself back or being restricted by expectations or rules (like in school). I was just being. It was liberating to let yourself go and just kick people as hard as you can, punch people whenever you wanted and like an animal strike fear in the enemies eyes by looking them dead in the face before another fight. I found my courage through karate and practised to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations which in my opinion is the most important skill in life.
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Before you read anything else about me.
When I do things I actually enjoy doing it always leads me back to my authentic self. I therefore think that the activities we choose to do for pure fun tells people more about who we are than our ethnicity or cultural background which we have no control over. I therefore choose to talk about three random things that makes me happy or gives me a nice warm feeling in my stomach.
What these activities then says about me as a person or who I am on a deeper darker psychological level, well, that is for you to decide.
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