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Feelin’ sort of like making a new blog. A new personal blog, one that isn’t a side blog, since i’m an impatient fuck and I can’t wait for a change that will let me switch my main blog. 
I like this idea. 
Would y’all be willing to follow me if I did?
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Feelin' sort of like making a new blog. A new personal blog, one that isn't a side blog, since i'm an impatient fuck and I can't wait for a change that will let me switch my main blog. 
I like this idea. 
Would y'all be willing to follow me if I did?
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if u have a bad relationship w your mom I’m really sorry I hope u have a nice older sister or stepmom or grandma or aunt or maybe even just a really nurturing best friend bc mom figures are the most important figures in society and if u don’t have a mom figure I’m your mom now
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Joey can't stand the vacuum cleaner, so he's brought all four of his tennis balls into my room and is curled up by the heater. As much trouble as I'm having getting going today, that alone made my afternoon.
In other news, it's probably not normal for me to want to continue sleeping even though i've only been up and about for a little over an hour. 
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if you are a young thing i have one piece of advice for you:
being enthusiastic and happy about things you love is more important than being apathetic and snide. you will go so much farther in life spending energy on and talking about something you love than wasting energy on only complaining about or making fun of something you don’t. 
don’t focus on mocking others for being genuinely excited about something. focus on the things and people you love. 
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epic rap battles of history: xkit guy vs tumblr staff
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((transparent buddies for the blogs’ themes))
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i'm having a pretty depressive day, and mom and Edgar are both kind of mocking me for it =~=;
Mom: You should have taken a walk earlier.
Mom: A body in motion stays in motion. Edgar: -snickering-
Mom: I can't believe you won't even get the dustpan and clean this up right here. disgusting.
It really doesn't make me want to get out of bed any -more-, in case she doesn't realize that. I don't think she quite understands depression and what it does to the brain. She goes "You have to make yourself do things." 
But. I. Can't. Do. That.
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In other news
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You should ask me things on my pony ask blog.
I'll love you forever.
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So I heard you like updates...
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This is a nice change, and all, but...why can't I make my side blog my main, yet? Is that not a possible thing? C'mon...I don't use my main blog, but if I delete it, it'll delete this one too. 
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Mudrunner: sketch
Using Ponylumen to generate 3D pony models for more show-accurate anatomy practice. So far, so good! This obviously isn't done, but I felt the need to share what I have so far because this is a rather fun exercise. 
In a poni poni poni mood right now. No regrets were had.
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Praise the sun~
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Celestia by Audrarius
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(( Dearest Vanessa, it always pains me to see such wonderful, beautiful people such as yourself go through such worrysome times. But know that I give the best of wishes to you at all times, and that you manage to find ways to stave off the anxieties and find the love and warmth you so rightly deserve. Wuuuuuv yoooou~ Your friend Jakie! :3 ))
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Love you too, man!
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Heya Nessamun, I'm just popping in your inbox to say I hope you'll feel better soon ;v; Try to keep the little stress demons out of your head and remember to rest enough ♥ Have a great rest-of-the-day!
Aah, it's my kind anon! Hello again friend!
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I'll be okay. Thank you very much for your concern - it absolutely makes my afternoon to see that someone's thinking about me. You're so sweet! 
You take care as well, my friend!
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On another note.
I love having those people where all I have to do is think about them and I get the warm fuzzies. 
I think about you guys a lot, and just thinking about holding your hand or giving you a hug or sharing stories...it makes me so happy. 
I dunno. I'm feeling sappy. Thank you for sticking with me, friends. Nessa loves you. <3
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I woke up at 2:21 PM today. My sleep schedule is so fucked up.
I think I'm still absorbing people's stress in this house, and it's affecting me adversely. I'm incredibly achy and unrested, but oh well, what can you do? At least the coffee is helping some. 
I need to do things, I want to do things, but for now, it can wait. I'm still fuzzy as hell.
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I like you
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