nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
HE CONSIDERED HER WORDS, WEIGHING THEM IN HIS HEAD.  a lot of the older heroes thought he was just the muscle of the younger kids - all the brute force, brawn, and recklessness.  Well.  He was that, but he wasn’t an idiot either.  Sure, he stepped back and let people like Tim and Cassie make plans because that was what they were good at, but he wasn’t half bad.  He’d been considering getting a Doctorate in Physical Therapy back at home even.  ❝ You think it’s one of those things that’s like it got too quite so something was bound to happen? ❞
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   It was something a lot of heroes believed.  If they didn’t have a lot going on, an invasion was about to happen.  The calm before the storm sort of deal.  Kon had never wanted to give into those kinds of superstitions.  If you believed it, you kinda made it happen.  ❝ I don’t know.  I mean, maybe?  I don’t like believing in fate though. ❞
❃゜・。. ・°゜
Nesta shrugged lightly, “I don’t think of it so much as fate.” She hummed quietly to herself and turned to look at him with a slight lift of an eyebrow. “For all that Sallow Hills is small, it is rarely quiet. So for things to be so quiet means something is going on somewhere and there is extra care being taken to stay quiet and it’s disrupting the usual flow of activity. No place this small is always quiet.” 
It was a town where there was nearly always something happening somewhere. The cathedral and its problems, the forest, small things around the town, people appearing and disappearing, there was always something. Not so much in recent time.
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
.·:*¨༺  KON  ft.  nesta
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THE  LAMP  POSTS  AND  STOP  SIGNS  WERE  COVERED  WITH  POSTERS.    advertisements  for  the  events  the  white  rabbit  was  hosting,  but  also  promotion  for  the  people  running  for  the  mayor’s  office.    It  was  crazy.    Maybe  JT  had  been  right  -  this  was  all  a  lot.    He  needed  to  go  make  sure  he  was  doing  alright,  but  truthfully  Kon  didn’t  want  to  push  it  right  now.    
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     He  sensed  someone  come  up  to  stand  next  to  him,  or  rather  heard  their  steps  and  their  heartbeat  as  they  got  closer.      ❝  It  seems  crazy,  doesn’t  it?    The  fact  that  the  Mayor  would  just  resign  out  of  the  blue?    It  isn’t  something  I  see  happen,  not  unless  something  bad  happened  in  politics.    This  town  is  weird,  but  this  seems  extreme  even  for  Sallow.  ❞
. ・°゜⊱⋅⋅ @nestathevalkyrie· 
❃゜・。. ・°゜
Nesta kept track of most things that went on in the town, a large part of her role at the community center. She really couldn’t say that she was surprised by the abrupt vacancy of the mayoral position. There was quite a lot about this town that didn’t sit well on the palette of someone who didn’t trust most people.
Kon’s voice made her sigh softly and shake her head. “It’s been oddly.... quiet, in Sallow Hills in some ways. It makes this,” she gestured to the flyer, “less shocking than it could have been, I suppose.” 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
She had never thought to be lucky enough to have a person in her life who looked at her the way Cassian did. She certainly had never thought she would accept that softness being directed at her from him. Now, she needed it in her day like she needed to breathe, to read. He made her want to be better, always, had helped her become the Valkyrie she was when everyone else had given up on her. “Definitely winning.” 
Tipping her head into that kiss, she took advantage to skim her fingers over his jaw softly. Reluctantly, she let him move back into his own space since the gym was actually open. “It was interesting. Started working on some new classes for the center with some help,” she straightened and folded her hands together in front of her, reining in her emotions tightly as she did. “One of them makes me... I wish Gwyn and Emerie were here,” she finally sighed.
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
“I’m the last person to judge. Maybe he can show me a few things,” he laughed softly. Steve was nothing to brag about in the kitchen either. He was learning, thanks to Finn and Bucky’s help, but he knew his cooking lacked imagination. At least it was edible now, if predictable, which was a marked improvement. A grill sounded like something he could manage, and if Cassian was fond of it, he would bet it was a whole production. The Illyrian didn’t really do anything halfway.
“Winters were always hard growing up. I got even less fond of it after that,” he agreed. Before the serum, he’d spent every winter sick without fail. After, he’d spent most of them tromping around Europe with the Howlies–also not ideal. Then it was decades in the ice, and cold had officially become one of his least favorite things. This past winter was the first one he had with nothing but nice memories, thanks to Bucky’s love for the holidays. “Does it snow in the Night Court?”
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“As long as you’re after camping, hunted food, sure,” she chuckled quietly, shaking her head. “But in all seriousness, his grilling isn’t bad. At least we have seasonings here, so it’s always interesting to see what he comes up with.” Nesta couldn’t help the thought that she would watch him do anything quite happily since he himself was a production, though she was one to talk. Together, she knew they were quite a show. 
“I remember enjoying them through a window as a child, a very young child, but my life had been incredibly different then,” she admitted, a memory of watching snow fall during a lesson with her mother filling her mind for a moment before it ended as most of those did, in sharp edges. The question made her throat tighten for a moment before she nodded, “It does. Our home is secluded and higher than most, red mountains cut through by a brilliantly blue river.” There was a note of sadness she knew would take time to shake, thoughts of her first Winter Solstice there ever lingering despite the better one that had come. “Our house is built up into the moutainside and overlooks the city, and there’s a platform where the snow collects.” 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
┊   ┊   ┊   ┊   ┊
TAL’S EYES SHIFTED TO THE WOMAN , TAKIN’ HER IN .  she seemed serious ‘bout her words , though that didn’t surprise tal .  They knew not to take anyone for granted in this town - Armes had taught them that .  And for all the reasons they were learnin’ to hate Armes , there were reasons to be thankful for her as well .  (Not that they’d ever mention that to Rhiannon) .
  ❝ With that confidence , I reckon you’ve got something up your sleeve to deal with anythin’ that comes at you . ❞  There was a question in those words , one that Tal wouldn’t ask straight forward .  Rhiannon had taught them better than that - or Tal now suspected they’d learned that all from Rhiannon .
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A disturbance of the top of the water showed just the flick of a tail, enough to draw Nesta’s eyes but nothing lingered where they could see. It was so often the way of her walks, knowing things lurked but nothing staying close. Once, she would have dismissed anyone she didn’t particularly care about, but she had learned better in recent years. 
Eyes flashing silver as she pulled her gaze away from the water, she looked over at them. “Quite a few somethings, actually, but swinging a sword would likely be looked at strangely even here,” she pointed out with a slight lift of the corner of her mouth, almost a smirk. 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
Laurie had seen Nesta and Cassian sparring at the gym before. To say she was intimidated by both of them would have been an understatement. Flat out terrified was closer to the truth, and she’d never had the nerve to approach either of them there or anywhere else in town. Cassian seemed to sense that because he kept his distance and was never anything but friendly and polite to her when they did have to interact. Nesta was… breathtakingly beautiful and frightening in equal measure, and she seemed absolutely fearless.
She’d offered to help out with providing free classes at the community center though, and Laurie was nothing if not true to her word. She really thought it could help some of the travelers to have a beginners course in things like smartphones and the internet, things she’d struggled with being from another time, even if the town was still mostly like her home. Laurie had always been good at research, so she’d found her feet quickly enough once she located the library, but this could certainly make things easier.
She fought the urge to freeze when Nesta turned toward her. Even if she hadn’t seen her with a weapon in her hand fighting off some of the most hulking men she’d ever seen, she still would have been intimidated by her. She offered up a hesitant smile, tucking a strand of gold hair behind her ear. “Oh, no, I– I hope I’m not interrupting you. I’m Laurie Strode. I said I would come by to talk about offering some more free classes here, if you have time? I can come back later.”
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Being groomed to become a Duchess, or a Lady of any court, human or fae didn’t matter, Nesta had long held the ability to rapidly size up a person. The young woman who walked into the community center was no exception. She did, however, make that ache in her chest a little fiercer. She reminded her so much of Gwyn, of the others out of the Library. It wasn’t anything many would see unless they knew to look. 
Immediately, everything about her softened, including her smile. She knew exactly what she looked like, used it often to her advantage in every avenue possible, and had for the entirety of her life. It only hindered at times like these. “Oh no, you’re perfectly fine, Laurie. I’m Nesta Archeron, the caretaker for the center,” she offered her hand as she neared, a careful tilt of it. 
“We can go sit and talk about some of the ideas. I was really excited about the town messages,” she admitted, a bit of something like hope in her voice. Hope was still a new thing for her, something she still wasn’t quite sure how to go about navigating. She certainly wasn’t sure how to navigate it failing her, but that was for later with Cassian because she didn’t want anyone else to see that part of her. 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
Cassian knew too well the ways that shame could linger, and he would never rush her healing process, assuming such a thing was even possible. But there was nothing to forgive on his end. He’d already forgiven everything between them long ago. He didn’t care how long it had taken them to get to this point, about all the hurled insults and frigid silences. He only cared about where they were now, and that they had something that worked for both of them. She was everything that he wanted, exactly as she was. He would never stop fighting for her.
They were well-matched in arrogance, but he was the past the point where he could pretend he wasn’t affected by her. That ship had sailed a long time ago. “Probably not,” he agreed, only half-remembering what they were even talking about, but it was usually safe to assume she was right. Only centuries of rigid self-control kept him from vaulting the counter to get to her immediately. Still, he leaned forward like she had him on a string, bracing strong forearms against the counter as his gaze traveled over her. “You come to play, Nes?”
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Cassian had been the only being firmly in her corner for the longest time, so she knew that he would give her whatever she needed to keep healing. It would take longer than she’d had to properly heal, she knew that, and so much healing couldn’t happen without the people she needed around her. He’d weathered the storm of her, the rages and the silence, the violence and the distance, and still he stayed. He’d seen the worst and best of her and loved her anyway. There was no way she could love him any less in return. 
She had to maintain her silence, because she knew that she could never outright lie about him not affecting her. A soft thrill went down her spine, the way it always did when he looked at her that way. No book in the world could compare to that look. Her smile was slow as her eyes drifted over him, “It’s a game with no losers, Cassian.” 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
✧・゚TAL  open starter
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TAL FOUND THEMSELVES LEAVIN’ THEIR PLACE AND HEADIN’ DOWN TO THE BEACH .  again .  they were always drawn back to the shore , to her waves and mysteries .
  THEY WERE WRAPPED IN A LONG COAT .  one that reminded them of the matrix , but without the leather cuz that nev’r did good in the wet .  They heard the sand shiftin’ below the feet of someone approachin’ .  ❝ Ya know , they say the creatures in the water are dangerous , especially as the sun is startin’ to set .  But I haven’t found a reason to be scared of it . ❞  
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There were some things that she had learned not to take for granted. Being able to freely get into a town and walk was one of them. It didn’t take 10,000 steps down to join civilization, though she loved the House of Wind like a friend. Walking along the shore and hearing the sound of the water gave her a peace and a comfort she couldn’t explain, a reassurement of some freedom she supposed. The voice that drifted out made her laugh softly to herself and shake her head softly. 
After everything in her life, there wasn’t anything in Sallow Hills that truly scared Nesta. Yes, she knew about the vampires in the cathedral and the revenants in the cemetery. But after wielding Death itself, being Cauldron Made, surviving the Blood Rite, she knew there was nothing to fear in death except the death of her mate and what it would do to him. “The creatures in the water are welcome to try, but I don’t fear them.” 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
Steve had always preferred to be judged on his merits and not on the serum or the shield, but there were very few people besides Bucky who were capable of doing that. Nesta was a rare exception. He knew from observation that if she’d judged him and found him wanting, she wouldn’t hesitate to let him know. She had a sharp gaze that cut right to the heart of things, and he admired that about her. Winning her approval felt earned. He’d had discussions with Cassian about the Night Court and the Avengers, and he had no doubt they were people he’d like to meet.
The community center had far more life in it now that she was in charge, and he’d made an effort to actually attend some of the events. Part of that was knowing Nesta had put work and care into them, and part of it was Bucky’s influence, as most of the best parts of Steve were. There wasn’t a lot he could give him confined to one town, so he was sure to take advantage of what they had. “I’ll bet he has,” he chuckled, having no trouble picturing it. “Grilling out sounds nice. It’s supposed to stay warm.”
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Nesta was the last one in this Cauldron-cursed town allowed to judge anyone based on gifts from unnatural sources. She had learned, a long time ago, how to quickly study a person and had become frighteningly accurate over time. Becoming a member of the Night Court had only improved her skills all around. Becoming a Valkyrie had turned her into the person she had always wanted to be and never felt able to be. She did what she did in Sallow Hills so she wouldn’t lose that. 
Taking charge of the community center wasn’t anything she ever would have considered back home, in either her mortal or fae life. She’d learned, quickly, that it brought her a joy that she hadn’t realized was missing. With it, she could merge all the best parts of her in a way she hadn’t figured out before and was still getting comfortable with even after all this time. “It’s about the only thing he can cook,” she warned with a laugh, thinking of the quick, simple campfire meals he’d made and she had barely eaten. It felt like a lifetime ago, and in a way it was. “Warm sounds so nice. I have never been a fan of the cold.” 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
Cassian would have been raging at the barrier every day if he’d been stuck here without his mate. It wasn’t that Nesta couldn’t look after herself. She was more than capable, and she actually wanted to now, which was a major improvement. It was that he wouldn’t have been able to stand her thinking he’d abandoned her without a word. They’d weathered wars and trauma and untold horrors together; there was nothing that would ever willingly pry him from her side now, unless she told him to go. Even then, she could expect resistance at this point. They’d come too far for that.
He had difficulty focusing on other tasks when they were alone in a room, so it was fortunate he didn’t have anything he absolutely had to be doing at the moment. His gaze was free to linger on her leaning first on the wall and the counter like she knew exactly how distracting she was, which of course she did. “Toddlers listen better than she does,” he grumbled, although to be honest, he had no idea. He couldn’t name one child he even knew besides Nyx, and he’d just been born when they left. It hurt to think that they were missing their nephew’s childhood–might miss all of it if nothing changed soon–so he tried not to think about it.
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After everything they had been through, every fight with each other, every war with other beings, she couldn’t imagine her life without Cassian at her side. He made her absolutely mental some days, that damnable arrogance making her bristle. But then he looked at her, and everything melted away but them. They were worth fighting for, and one day she would be over the shame that it had taken her so long to accept that, to accept him and them. 
She knew exactly what she was doing to his brain and reveled in it. If she were less of who she was, she’d preen under his attention but instead it was more of an accepted fact that she had it. She snorted softly and shook her head at him, “You don’t know that.” She had exposure to the children of the town at the Center, and often they were remarkably behaved. She was getting used to the never ending questions, most of which were adorable. Thinking about Nyx, missing his life, put an ache in her chest, especially for Cassian who’d been so thrilled at the idea of being an uncle. She crooked her finger at him playfully, purposely staying on the other side of the counter, mischief in her face. 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
No doubt, Nesta and Cassian would have made fantastic Howling Commandos. Or Avengers, for that matter, but Steve tended to think more fondly of his first battle family–the one he hadn’t destroyed. That was how he thought of them, fellows in combat even though they’d never seen any actual combat together. He just knew they’d both be devastating on a battlefield (and fervently hoped never to prove the theory). But they were people too, ones who were learning to live without a fight just as he and Bucky were, and he appreciated that about them even more.
Nesta was easily the best dancer he’d ever seen in his life. Steve knew he was passable, mostly thanks to Bucky, but he felt like a clumsy toddler next to her. There was absolute joy watching her dance or listen to music though. It was obvious how much she loved it. “Of course. We’d be glad to have you both over for dinner this weekend. I promise to let Bucky do the cooking.” He grinned, a trace of mischief in it. He cooked about as well as he danced. Both had improved in his time in Sallow Hills, but he wouldn’t call either one a selling point.
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For all that they were human, however superpowered they may be, she had long thought that the Rogers were worth more than most Ilyrians. Cassian and Azriel were the sole outstanding exceptions. Rhys, well that was subject to the day, much to Cass’s dismay, she was sure. She missed her sisters, blood and Valkyrie alike, hating how tenuously repaired some of them were left. That selfish streak in her, though, that put Nesta first, was grateful for Sallow Hills even as she hated it. 
Now that she could, she danced often for the pure joy of it, and the community center was never quiet if she was in it. She was allowed to simply love it here, and they had friends that encouraged it. It was one of the things to like about the place. A quick, wicked grin flashed over her face, “We could set both our men to the grill. Cassian has developed a fondness for it.” The grin softened at the edges and she nodded, “Regardless, we would love to be there. I can swing by the bakery on the way and bring a dessert.” 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
The first time Steve had seen Cassian at the gym, he’d known immediately that he was a soldier and likely one with a title in front of his name. Like recognized like, wings or not. It wasn’t until Cassian noticed that Steve always pulled his punches in the gym, either on the mat or in front of a bag, that they’d started sparring together though. He’d invited him out to the woods to train where they wouldn’t break anything valuable, and watching the winged Illyrian run through that first set of drills had been breathtaking. He’d had five hundred years to hone his skill, and when they passed each other in the gym, Steve nodded and said, “General,” with more respect than he’d ever had for most of his commanding officers.
They were midway through their first sparring session when, to Steve’s surprise, Nesta stood up from where she’d been watching and wanted a turn. She was obviously newer to it than Cassian or Steve (and who wasn’t, honestly), but she was a fierce and relentless fighter. He learned something new every time he sparred with them. When Bucky arrived, he fit seamlessly into their dynamic, and they discovered they had other overlapping areas of interest as well. Nesta loved music and dancing, and when he didn’t find her at the gym, he’d decided to swing by the community center to bring her a record they’d been discussing. He smiled easily when she turned, offering it to her. “Just here for you. Buck and I found this at the record store the other day. Thought you might like it.”
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The sight of Steve made Nesta smile softly. He fit into her world very much as Azriel did, another soul who simply understood the horrors of war and the way it changed a person. He saw the Valkyrie she had become while not dismissing who she was as a person, he and his husband. They were certainly a unique pair in her world. Their first sparring session had rapidly transformed into a friendship that she enjoyed, particularly for Cassian. It wasn’t easy for him to be away from Azriel and Rhys, and she knew that. If the human supersoldiers helped fill any part of that void, she would never stop being grateful to them. 
Seeing the record, she brightened and hurried over to accept it. “Hello, Steve,” she greeted as she wrapped her fingers around it carefully, turning it to look it over. “This is wonderful,” she murmured softly, looking up at him with soft, happy eyes. Stretching up on her tiptoes, she pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, “Thank you. And tell Bucky thank you as well, and he owes me a dance.” The man was a fantastic dancer, she’d learned, and between the three of them, she could dance to her heart’s content. 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
When Cassian wasn’t busy worrying himself sick about his family–the last time he’d been separated from Rhys or Azriel for this long had been when Rhysand was Under the Mountain, and no–he could grudgingly admit there were advantages to this place, particularly for Nesta. At home, everyone either feared her or treated her as a weapon or both, even their family. Here, she was free to be anyone she pleased, and Cassian wanted that freedom for her. He resented the fact that she was cut off from her friends though, her support. He knew he wasn’t enough, knew he could never fill in those gaps.
The familiar scent of his mate had his lips twitching upward in a smile even before she spoke. It wasn’t official yet, given they’d been whisked away here before their ceremony, but Cassian had never bothered much with details. It was true in every other way, and that was all he cared. His shoulders relaxed slightly at the rock song that she’d called up. That was much more his speed. “My hero,” he teased, grinning. A slight shiver ran through him at the brush of fingers over his wing. She was the only person in this Cauldron cursed town he allowed to touch them. “I am not keeping score with a robot,” he said through his teeth, shooting it another baleful glare. A filthy lie, of course, and after a moment, he added, “26:10.”
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The only thing that Nesta could truly claim to miss from The Night Court was the River House and her fellow Valkyries. She missed Gwyn and Emerie like missing limbs and that was the hardest part. Cassian was the only thing keeping her going and she wasn’t sure what she would have done if the Harp hadn’t transported them together. Being able to just be a person, not a daughter of a fallen man, not a Cauldron Made Fae, not a weapon, but just... Nesta... that was invaluable to her, but there were days she wondered if it was enough to keep her sane and together. 
As much as she was regretting missing their opulent mating ceremony, it didn’t change who he was in her mind. It had taken time to accept it, to let the last of her humanity slide away, but she wouldn’t change the fact that he was her mate. A soft, husky laugh drifted out of her and she couldn’t help but look over at him again, turning to lean against the wall when the flyers were up. She hissed in a breath, clicking her tongue in playful dismay at him. “That’s very disappointing, General,” she teased, walking back over to lean on the counter between them. “Bested by a mechanical female.” 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
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“Nesta in Night Court black threatened to bring him to his knees”
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
Running the Community Center kept her just busy enough to keep her from going entirely insane. There were times when the classes and the meetings made her think of the Library and the women in it, filling her chest with a fierce aching pain. Doing her usual clean up she liked between things, she had a new alternative station she had found while hunting down ways to help Cassian at the gym. She was grateful for the ones willing to help her learn the modern human technology. It was certainly something. 
Hearing the door open, she tipped her head. “I’m sorry, I was just cleaning up to get set for the meeting soon,” she soothed down her hair when it swung, fighting the urge to brush over her ears. “How can I help you?” She liked the fashion here, trousers that fit comfortably and the softest fabrics that didn’t cost a small fortune. Some did, but she enjoyed those too. 
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
For the most part, Cassian had settled in with Nesta as well as they possibly could in this mostly human world. He liked his job, even if it wasn’t quite training armies of Illyrians or Valkyries. There was always satisfaction in watching his students improve. It hadn’t escaped his notice that they’d been here for a year without any word or sign from Prythian. He knew the rest of the Night Court would be doing everything they could to find them, and that was… troubling, given their considerable powers. He worried less about that than about leaving his family down two of its defenders with another possible war brewing. But no matter what magic they threw at the barrier or how often he searched it for weaknesses, they were stuck here.
It was by no means a busy time of day at the gym, and that meant he had time to fight with the Alexa. And the famed Illyrian General of the Night Court was losing. Some of the human technology here was cool, and some of it had a learning curve. “Is it too much to ask to get something besides sad bastard music in here? Alexa, play something that isn’t gloomy as fuck.” Her cool, vapid voice answered sorry, I don’t know that one, and he snarled, black, membranous wings flexing on his back in irritation. They curled above his head, tipped with sharp talons at the apex. To say that he stood out from the human population in Sallow Hills was a bit of an understatement, but there was no way of hiding them, even if he’d wanted to.
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Nesta hadn’t known how she would acclimate to yet another new place, one as equally foreign to her as the one she had slowly started to accept as her home. She had a different sort of purpose here, however small, and was no one’s weapon. There was something to be said for that. It was nearly impossible some days to tamp down the fear and worry of being so far from the Night Court and their family, but there was nothing to be done. She wondered if there was anything she would have been able to do even with all of the Cauldron’s power she’d once taken. 
Walking into the gym, she brought in the flyers for the month at the Community Center. Her lips twitched at the sight that greeted her, one she was rapidly becoming familiar with. Rather than a greeting, her smooth voice rang out, “Alexa, play Rock Arena.” The music shifted to a hard rock playlist she thought Cass would enjoy. Walking up behind him, she ran a mischievous hand down a wing before dancing out of reach to go to the board and hang up the flyers. “That’s a losing game for you, Cassian. How many does the box have up on you today?”
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nestathevalkyrie · 2 years
Interview w/Armes Sallow ft. Cassian
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i think i just saw NESTA ARCHERON (she/her, female, 25)  they’re a canon character from A Court Of Thrones and Roses.  have you heard that they remember  everything from their previous life?  they appeared here in March 2021 just after Nyx was born.  now they’re working as The Caretaker for the Community Center.   still, they do have that belle of the ball, holding up the severed heads of her enemies, survival above happiness, fuck with my family fuck with me, I will destroy my enemies face vibe about them. 
[ margot robbie. tiff, she/her, 21+, EST. ] 
  Armes: Can you tell me your name?
C: Cassian. N: Nesta, Nesta Archeron.
Armes: Where are you from?
N: Prythian, Night Court. Before that, I lived in the Mortal Lands. C: Prythian, the Night Court. Before that, Illyria.
Armes: What’s the last thing you remember?
C: My sister-in-law had her baby, my mate saved the day, and she finally admitted that she loooves-- N: *reaches over to punch Cassian in the arm and glares, lip twitching* I was promised a ridiculous mating ceremony, like I deserve, after my sister had her son. C: *rubbing his arm* That would hurt more if you weren't still dropping your elbow when you-- I'm kidding, Mother above. *laughter* She loves me. N: *turns a softer look on him* I unfortunately do.
Armes: We have a history of memory loss here.  Do you feel as though you may be missing some memories?
N: No, everything's exactly the way it's supposed to be, at least with my memories. Is there a particular reason people have memory loss here that we should be concerned about? C: I'd like to lose the memory of sharing a house with Rhys and Feyre. Is that possible?
Armes: Have you found a job here in Sallow Hills?
C: I took over at the gym. Mostly weapons training and hand-to-hand. N: I'm the caretaker for the Community Center, I can't live with him and work with him in this small place. C: That's fair. I'm pretty annoying. N: Pretty annoying? You're a pest, Cassian. C: Born and raised. N: I knew you had wings for a reason.
Armes: What was the strangest thing you had seen before arriving here?
C: *chuckles* No comment. N: He says that because he has to look in a mirror every day. Moving on.
Armes: Do you believe in the supernatural or the mythical?
N: *face shifts to the You Must Be An Idiot look* C: *grinning, but somehow no more friendly* Do I look human to you? N: Again. Moving on.
Armes: What traits would your friends give to you?
C: I'm your friend, right? She's loyal, protective of her friends, and never quits when she puts her mind to something. And she has a fierce I Will Slay My Enemies face. N: I suppose so, yes. He's painfully honorable, unfailingly patient, and a damn good teacher. He's also gotten rather good at copying said face. I like when he puts it to use.
Armes: Is there anything else you would like to say?
C: Nope, I'm good. N: *turns to Cassian* She makes me feel like pointing. *stands up and strides out*
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