neth-dugan · 2 years
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neth-dugan · 2 years
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Because some people seem to have forgotten.
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neth-dugan · 2 years
Well. If Im gonna be on here more as twitter crashes gonna need to change my name. Haven't really been active since a certain author went extremist bigot and so not need her stuff in my username.
ETA : so turns out I can do it on my phone weeeee.
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neth-dugan · 2 years
resources for staying safe online
always important, but i feel like especially recently. particularly stuff that’s a bit more than just the usual “don’t post personal info”
feel free to share this post on twitter or anywhere else, staying safe is important
justdeleteme.xyz - direct links to delete accounts
how a photo’s hidden exif data exposes your personal information
have i been pwned? - check if your accounts have been compromised in a data breach. CHANGE ANY ACCOUNT THAT USES THE SAME EMAIL AND PASSWORD
online harassment field manual
form for removing personal information from google (for the eu), see also: “remove your personal information from google”
extreme privacy: what it takes to disappear (personal data removal workbook)
filter lists for ublock origin, and more
restore privacy - online privacy resources center
online spyware watchdog
how secure is your password?
defensive computing checklist
cloudflare dns
non-technical tips on staying anonymous
webrtc leak shield - chrome, firefox
web safety tutorials by the electronic frontier foundation
crash override network - resources for victims of doxing and online harassment
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neth-dugan · 2 years
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thank you, jodie whittaker, for being the thirteenth doctor 💙💙
there were four seasons, there was heartbreak, there was fear and there was loss, but my overriding emotion was excitement. i felt like the over-riding thing the doctor brought was curiosity and excitement. obviously fear, rage and all those things, but the thing that encapsulated my doctor the most was that bouncing into things, and that really fed into my evening and my weekend and my year. (x)
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neth-dugan · 2 years
what your favourite star trek ship says about you
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neth-dugan · 2 years
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you guys asked for more paintings of these two dorks together so here's one xD
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neth-dugan · 2 years
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more gay swordfighting becauseee well i don't have a reason, i just love em xD
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neth-dugan · 3 years
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There's a whole lesbian love story playing out on Star Trek Discovery, and these two actresses are doing 100% of the heavy lifting.
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neth-dugan · 3 years
Today is Purim! If you haven’t heard of this minor Jewish holiday, now is your chance to get in on the fun. One of just two holidays (the other is Hanukkah!) Rabbinically-decreed, as opposed to coming directly from the text of the Torah, Purim isn’t one of the most important holidays– but if we made Hanukkah reasonably well-known, we ought to do the same with one of the most fascinating stories in Jewish culture.
The Purim story covers one woman (and her uncle)’s quest to save the Jews from imminent doom. This featuring of a primary female heroine, as well as some truly iconic lines, makes it my favorite Biblical story, and a beautifully unique one.
If you’re into lesser-known mythos, niche Biblical stories, or women, you should go read it now, either on the Wikipedia link above or with this Chabad.org link which contains the original text of all ten chapters translated with commentary (”Show Rashi”.) Simple 20-minute read. You can also hear it read in the original Hebrew on YouTube.
I’d really like to give Purim a little more coverage in mainstream circles. I could go into its uniqueness all day, but we don’t have all day– so I’ll leave you with the Wikipedia and Chabad links, and you can learn what you like.
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neth-dugan · 3 years
We have an apple tree in our back garden. Not sure which species but we put it in as a tiny spindly thing when I was a kid but it's big and tall and brilliant now and the bees love it. We don't have to do much for it, it just works with the environment. I do sometimes give it a bit of water if it's been real dry and I feel bad for it but it seems fine.
Come spring the bees can't get enough of it. And birds love it too. Both to eat bugs that live on it or to sit on watch. Different species of birds too.
There will be plants that work where you are without needing to artificially prop them up but the local wildlife will love. And if all you can do is one plant that's better that none. And there will be people or resources for plants that work for your area without the need for constant care (mostly, climate change).
And if you frow more human food than you know what to do with or can handle worth checking in with a local food bank or homeless soup kitchen or something.
I’m very much a proponent of “food not lawns” but I’m also fucking realistic that a ton of people do not have the resources/time/energy and getting into gardening is daunting as fuck. I’ll excitedly encourage it but if people can’t or even just don’t want to then that’s FINE. I hate the posts full of pictures of idealistic food lawns. Even outside of the actual growing and care, just processing a harvest takes so much damn time and More Energy and More Resources or Techniques and acting like it’s as simple as “just grow your own food!” is setting people up for a huge letdown when they realize how much that can take
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neth-dugan · 3 years
Honestly I’ve just bought a discovery plus thing for a month, and I’ll cancel it after the olympics. It’s about the cost of a cup of tea and I can watch anything whenever. Not an option for all but seems to work. 
Any UK viewers struggling to find anywhere to watch the team pairs SP from last night?
I’ve managed to watch the BBC Iplayer streams of the mens any ice dance but seems to be nowhere to watch the pairs? Thank you x
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neth-dugan · 3 years
Well I’m finally able to watch the figure skating at the Olympics. I don’t keep up with the sport all the time and I’m not a die hard fan - and I have a hard time telling any of the jumps apart except for the axel. But I do enjoy it and it was a joy to see Uno again. Loved his skate. Looking forward to Hanyu in the men’s competition. And to seeing so many fantastic programmes because Valen knows I could never do any of this. I can’t even stay upright.
I’ve the week off from work so I can sit at home and watch all the things. Figure skating. Snow boarding. Luge and skeleton. Speed skating. ‘Lets jump off a mountain on some twigs yay’ aka the weirdest sport there.
But I’m currently watching the teams from the first night on catch up and loving it. And I’m sooooooo curious if anyone will land a quad axel this year (if so please be Hanyu) and make the history books. 
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neth-dugan · 3 years
I say this as an Irish person who is very anti-British imperialism for very obvious reasons, but I think a lot of people need to think about just who they mean when they insult English people or make fun of English accents.
for a start, the English accent that is almost universally mocked is a working-class accent. light-hearted joking is fine, everyone does it, but the insinuation that the English are all uneducated, incapable of pronouncing things "correctly", or jokes about how they all have bad teeth and that's why they can't talk "right"? it's straight-up classist.
class divisions in England have not changed much since the Victorian era. a lot of it has been forced underground, but it's very much alive. people with working class accents are judged, unfairly profiled, and often lose out on job opportunities. certain fields are completely closed to them. there is an entire system within a system that ferries upper class people through private schools and elite universities, right into the highest jobs in business and government -- the ""sexy"" ~British~ accent that a lot of foreigners find preferable, and see as the "proper" English accent, is the accent of the upper class and is shockingly rare once you get out of London amd the surrounding counties. the accents being mocked are those of regular, working-class people, and historically, working-class English people have always been the first victims of British imperialist greed.
when we insult "the English", we need to be sure that we're not throwing fellow victims under the bus. working-class English people, especially from the northern counties, often live in extremely deprived areas with some of the highest poverty rates in Europe. slums are very much still alive here, and the government has zero interest in changing the class system that so benefits it. I support the English working class the same way as I'd support any other victims of oppression, prejudice, or discrimination, so I think it's probably better that everyone went back to ridiculing the royal family and the politicians and left regional dialects and accents from historically deprived areas alone.
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neth-dugan · 3 years
GNU Terry Pratchett
I won’t lie, the way everyone talked about Sir Terry Pratchett made it seem like he was alive, I literally just found out he died 5 years ago. I guess the saying “memories keep people alive” was very true for Terry Pratchet. Huh.
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neth-dugan · 3 years
“jealousy is so disgusting” “anger is so toxic” did u know? these are emotions every human has
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neth-dugan · 3 years
stop fucking calling all lesbians dykes (ex. "an older dyke", "many of the awesome dykes"), especially if you're not a lesbian. "lesbian" is a label that exists and it's rude and disrespectful to use a slur to refer to a broad group of people who you don't personally know. that should honestly be obvious.
When I say ‘dykes’, I mean ‘dykes’. As in: people who identify as dykes. 
In the post you’re refering to I made it quite clear that I was writing about dykes I  know and when I speak of these dykes I won’t erase or sanitize their identities by using a mainstream, tame, deradicalized word that denies the words they specifically chose for themselves to emphasize their identities and their struggles as queer marganilized working class proudly-perverted revolutionary DYKES. 
Keep your fucking respectability politics to yourself. 
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