netherbrickbird · 11 hours
The next fic of Reaper Zed is up!
The Recap Crew go back to their office, and get an unpleasant surprise...
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netherbrickbird · 7 days
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [PART 3]
The beginning of a delightful new partnership!
Bonus below:
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netherbrickbird · 10 days
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OG insp
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netherbrickbird · 10 days
*bdubs xb and keralis looking at the ravager rush trophy, which looks like keralis' mouth and bdubs' eyes combined*: "it's our son!" "love child!"
xb: are you cheating on me? that's messed up -_-
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netherbrickbird · 10 days
(Sound on)
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netherbrickbird · 10 days
actual brother behaviour oh my god💀
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netherbrickbird · 10 days
what if i cried actually
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netherbrickbird · 16 days
Can u do keralis with his big ol eyes
My friend and I have a keralis based cult
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netherbrickbird · 16 days
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netherbrickbird · 16 days
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netherbrickbird · 17 days
UM UM UM “staying up until midnight to talk” with SEN or DBHC ethubs or docsuma
Or “pull me closer,” with dbhc docsuma :floshed:
Okay skitters away
staying up until midnight to talk (919 words) (x) (:3c)
Etho’s hands follow a practiced rhythm. He isn’t sure how they wouldn’t, with every wire and mechanism and gear in his body perfectly calibrated to move with precision and within expectation. He certainly fails, and jerks, and stutters, and falls, but base programming, movements that fell perfectly into subroutines he couldn’t even begin to trace, even if Xisuma showed him the exact steps? Of course they were perfect. And of course he never faltered.
The sand beneath him offers a much needed cushioning from the hard, winter dirt, despite the fact that the sun provides little warmth to the air around them in the snow fort. The sky is so blue it makes his eyes strain to look at—and maybe it would hurt, if he knew how it was supposed to feel.
Instead, Etho watches patches of sky blue in the silver-warped reflection of his sword, faint flickers of enchantment pulsing out from the hilt where the hastily carved runes sit. He runs the sharpening stone against the blade’s flat edge, careful not to nick the silicon of his fingers as he scrapes it across, again, and again. Practiced, careful, calculated rhythm. So much so that he doesn’t even register the sounds of shuffling a few paces away until Bdubs’ voice cuts through the silence.
“Etho,” he says, voice all rough around the edges like he were hungry for something more than just company. Etho keeps sharpening, just for a moment, before he chances a glance over.
Bdubs leans at the wooden fence, leaning his weight into the flimsily-set posts. He grins like nothing in the world could bother him. The characteristic dark brown of his eyes flickers with red, with that same hunger. Etho hates it. Which is odd. Because he really doesn’t feel strongly about much of anything, and disgust is an emotion very foreign to him, and he’s beginning to think the slight grinding in his chest is a problem Xisuma might need to diagnose when he gets back. It feels wrong. Because he knows he likes Bdubs just fine. He trusts him just enough. But that look.
Bdubs is still watching him, eyeing the sword in his hand with a gaze he can’t place, let alone read. Better give him an answer.
“Bdubs,” he says calmly, tilting his head to the side.
“You thought anymore about my offer?”
Etho makes a sound like a hum, mimicking the sound of turning the idea over in his head. He stands, setting his whetstone next to the cold embers of last night’s fire. The pot and cups still rest in the dirt, as cold as the rest of their surroundings. The sword stays in his hand.
(In the back of his mind, a memory surfaces. In it, Etho lies in the night-damp grass in clothes that still smell a bit like gunpowder, but not enough to notice unless you got real close. Bdubs is somewhere to his immediate left, still speaking, haloed in the glow of lanterns and lights of a shop. One of them at least. Within the clarity of memory, Etho can pinpoint that it’s Tango’s shop. Bdubs doesn’t live far from here. He isn’t sure when waiting for Tango to restock candles turned into tell Etho all about the extra additions to your base and your journey to find all the perfect horses for the Horse Course that you both just wrapped up, or into tell Bdubs all about how empty the mountain is, and how interesting this new game sounds, and how you hope you both find somewhere cool to base. Because you’ve already told him that you’re teaming up. But it does, and in this same space, the sky is full of bright white stars and a sliver of a moon that's starting to peek into the sky. Bdubs yawns.)
“The one from last night?” Etho asks, coming to with the sword heavy in his hand. He pushes the point into the soft sand until it hits hard earth and starts to give.
“You don’t gotta keep this fence, Etho…” Bdubs sighs, leaning his head into his palm. Etho folds his arms across his chest, splays one hand as he shrugs.
“Seems like the best way to settle this, ‘Dubs.”
“You could join me. Could always still join me,” Bdubs tries. “Just a quick one-two stab! Easy!”
“I can’t do that,” Etho says, shaking his head. “You know that.”
Bdubs sighs again, dramatic, deflating over the fence as Etho’s rejection stands firm. The thirium in his chest feels like it’s been flash frozen and has only started to dethaw, cold in his hands and feet, up his shins and to his elbows. He rolls his shoulders in, cupping each hand around each opposite elbow. There’s a little warmth to be found in the action with no fans kicking on to compensate.
“Well,” Bdubs says, drumming on the wooden beam between the two fence posts. “If you ever change your mind.”
He watches Etho for a moment, that familiar look coming to his eyes, as if it were trying to eclipse the haze of red Bdubs looks at him through, as if it were trying to expand his tunnel vision by just a fraction of an inch. Just as Etho notices, it’s snuffed, and the easy, careful look is replaced by an indifference Etho doesn’t think he enjoys. He still isn’t sure how much he knows for certain. He shrugs, barely a movement at all. Better say something.
“I won’t,” he says.
Bdubs huffs and turns away.
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netherbrickbird · 18 days
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Outfit swap with the boat boys!! My excuse to give Etho a crown
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netherbrickbird · 18 days
I think people should be less normal about jevin
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netherbrickbird · 21 days
Can. Can like. Can they stop making Piglins bad guys in like everything that isn’t just normal Minecraft. I love those little fuckers. They’re so silly. Just wear gold and they’re nice to you until you loot their shit. It’s that simple. They just doing their best. I love them dearly and want good things for them.
(Yes this is about the Minecraft movie trailer how could you tell-)
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netherbrickbird · 21 days
going out on a limb here, but i dont think the minecraft movie will be particularly good
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netherbrickbird · 21 days
No but seriously imagine it:
You’re seeing the minecraft movie in the movie theatre. Everyone is having a great time. Jack Black seems a little excited. “We have a surprise for you guys.” Jack says. All of a sudden most of Hermitcraft comes out and start singing “Revenge.” When Jimmy gets to the chorus, someone else starts singing…
"I've got a deal with destinyyy-"
Lights flash everywhere, and you see CaptainSparklez singing “Revenge" along with Hermitcraft while Jack Black is singing “Hermitgang”. Everyone in the crowd is going wild and crying. Then if things couldn’t get any better, Etho walks onto the stage and face reveals, holding the gay flag.
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netherbrickbird · 22 days
Turn Undead
“Yes, Grian?” 
“Skizzleman. I would like an answer, please.” 
“To what, buddeh? You haven’t asked anything!” 
“Okay. Well. Why has Mumbo been walking east for fifteen minutes, Skizzleman?” 
“Uh…I’m not sure, to be honest with ya.” 
“Okay. And why is the only thing he’s saying just “nope, nope, nope, nope, nope,” under his breath as he goes?” 
“I…really couldn’t tell ya, dude.” 
“Uh-huh. And you’re SURE it has nothing to do with you?” 
“Look, it’s not my fault Ren jumped on my back earlier! I got startled, okay?” 
“Uh-huh. And that blast of holy light has absolutely nothing to do with Mumbo tunnelling through a mountain with his fists in a completely straight line?”
“Maybe he just wanted to check out what was over there?” 
“Uh-huh. And is there any specific reason why Cleo pillared straight up to the build limit at the exact same moment?” 
“They’re probably having fun up there. I mean, it’s not a BAD way to win these games. Man, I need to do that again…” 
“Skizz. Can we please focus. Because I flew up there, and I talked to Cleo, and all she had to say was “nope, nope, nope, nope.” You didn’t have anything to do with that? At all?” 
“Uh, well, probably not?” 
“Uh-huh. Right. Skizz, can you do me a favour real quick?” 
“Yeah? Anything, what is it?” 
“Can you put your halo in this sack, please.” 
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