neuratic · 2 months
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Moments in time, preserved through sentiments Twitter | Ko-Fi | Patreon
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neuratic · 6 months
Luffy reincarnated to past AU
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Part1 Part2 Part3
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neuratic · 6 months
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Au where Luffy activates his Nika form much much earlier
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neuratic · 6 months
Can you make a master post for your time travel au drawings? I can't find them all and it's sooooooo good!!!!
DAWWW >////< okay anon JUST for u :]!!! (and also anyone else who needs it :3)
All comics are read from left to right
Helmeppo tries 2 stand up to his daddio
Syrup Village
Strawhat interlude 1
Iceburg is so confused
Marines talk about upcoming strawhat rookie superstars
Bon Clay’s cover stories: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14
Franky Family is concerned bout Franky
What’s goin down in Skypiea?
Cobra is worried about his daughter :(
The encounter at Sabaody Archipelago
The Poseidon timesave strat
Ace cover stories: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
ASL bros reunite + wheryheart's lovely add on :)
Whitebeard Alliance
Whole cake Island AKA Zeus retrieval
Clipping Shenanigans
Disclaimer: Inspired by Geokat's Take the World by Storm but my time travel au is it's own seperate original work :) (except for parts 1 to 3 of the ace cover stories but like,,, cmon,,, THAT WAS TOO GOOD TO NOT ADAPT)
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neuratic · 1 year
Final Fantasy 16 AU Draft - 2
Note: Just a small section of the FF16 AU draft
“Clive, is that…?” Dion pointed to a white fluffy creature with a round thingy dangling above its head, floating near the hunting board.
“My…What a rare sight.” Clive said. “They even had a Moogle here.”
“Didn’t you once told me that written in your father’s bestiary; It is said they live deep in the forest. And never reveal themselves to humans?” Dion asked.
“True. Still, this is the first time I’ve actually seen one in flesh.”
Dion wanted to take a closer look. He took Clive by the arm and dragged him along. The Moogle made an adorable “Kupo” sound when it noticed two curious young men approaching it.
“It’s so cute.” Dion remarked. He had the urge to reach out and touched its soft white fur yet hesitated as he feared he might end up terrifying the fluffy creature. However, Clive being the bold and daring, poked the little round thing above its head.
“KUPO!” It shrieked.
Dion jumped back in surprise. “Clive.”
“Kupo! Kupo! (Don’t touch my pom-pom! Or face the wrath of Nektar the Bold!)”
“Nektar, you say? Clive.” He introduced himself then to gestured to his friend. “Dion.”
The Moogle was instantly flabbergasted by Clive’s response. “Kupo?! (You understand Moogle tongue!?)”
Dion casts Clive an astounded gaze. “You know what it’s saying?”  
“S—So it would seem.” Even Clive himself was astonished by this new finding. He wondered why. This is his very first time encountering a real Moogle rather than in a book. Furthermore, he strangely can understand what the creature was talking despite never learning its language.
“Kupo! (Finally!)” Nektar was utterly relieved. “Kupo! Kupo! Kupo! (I’ve been trying to talk to these people ever since the wind carried me here, but none of them understand a word I say! I’ve been banging my pom-pom against a brick wall!)”
“That sounds painful.” Clive felt sorry for Nektar.
“Kupo! Kupo! Kupo! (But now you’re here, my pom-pom’s safe at last! You can hear me! You can actually hear me!)” Nektar was over the moon that it did a little dance of joy.
“My apology for interruption but can you translate for me? I’m curious.” Dion requested. Clive told him everything the Moogle was making a fuss about.
Dion chuckled after hearing the story. “Well, at least Nektar won’t feel so left out anymore with you around.”
That’s when Clive let out a heavy sigh. “That’s where the issue is; I still don’t know whether we should stay here.” He shot a worried gaze at Dion. “We both are fugitives and the Imperials are searching for us. Founder knows what will happen to these people if they find out we are taking refuges here.”
Dion knew Clive spoke the fact. Moreover, there are Bearers taking shelter here as well. If the Imperials do manage to locate them, these innocents will be slaughtered in cold blood. By the command of that woman: Annabella. Clive’s mother also his stepmother.
“So—” Dion said. “What do you suggest we should do?���
Clive was silent briefly then answered back, “We focused on heading to Phoenix Gate first then we— he paused. “—then we think about it. Will it be alright for you?”
Dion nodded. “I’m fine with it. I’m just concerned for you.”
“I will be fine.” Clive placed a reassured hand on Dion’s hand. “I need to know the truth. Something which I suppressed deep down in my memories.”  
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neuratic · 1 year
Final Fantasy 16 AU Draft
Same as the Prologue; Annabelle the bitch betrayed her Nation, slewed her husband and offered Clive to the Holy Empire of Sanbreque.
Dion came to learn about what happened at the Phoenix Gate from his Dragoons and strongly despised Annabelle for her actions. He later became devastated when his Father announced his marriage to her and Annabelle will be Dion's stepmother from now on.
Dion refused to acknowledge her. Furthermore noticed that his Father Sylvestre Lesage, Emperor of the Holy Empire began to act distant towards him ever since that woman stepped into their homeland.
Feeling lonely and neglected, Dion wandered into the basement where he met Clive now a Branded, sitting alone at a fireplace. Both recognized each other. Soon they were sitting together, chatting.
With Clive's mother married to Dion's father, the young blonde Prince joked that they are considered half siblings. He then went ahead to tell Clive about his father's cold treatment and Annabelle's disdain towards him. Clive understands how Dion feels as he's also the same as him. They grew close immediately.
Dion visits Clive everyday. To protect his brother from mistreatment as a Branded, Dion proposed a plan; He asked if Clive is willing to be his bodyguard so both can watch each other's back. Clive agreed.
Thirteen years later, Clive served as Dion's bodyguard, and assisted the Prince in the war against Waloed Kingdom and its Dominant Odin.
During rest, Dion admitted honestly that he's growing weary of this war and much more concerned for his people's safety instead. Both Clive and Dion knew the Emperor was getting more cold hearted due to someone who was clearly being the one responsible for all these happenings. It got even worse ever since Olivier was born.
For the past years, Sylvestre had treated Dion more of a war weapon than a son. He only showed his affection towards Annabelle's child making Dion feel even more lonelier. However Clive was always by his side as a brother and only friend.
Suddenly a group of Imperial Soldiers under Annabelle's rule barged into the camp, issued an arrest warrant on Dion for his treachery against the Holy Empire. The Prince was utterly confused by this sudden accusation that he never committed. Before the guards could take him away, Clive attacked and with help from a few Dragoons, Clive and Dion escaped.
They were later rescued by Cid. Clive was reunited with his trusty hound, Torgal. And both were warmly welcomed into the hideaway.
From Cid, they learnt about the Ice Dominant Shiva being used by the Iron Kingdom for war and agreed to work together with Cid to rescue her.
Clive was later shocked to find out that Shiva was actually Jill, his long lost childhood friend whom he introduced her to Dion and they instantly got along with. Jill was grateful to Dion for taking care of Clive for 13 years.
Dion, now a fugitive as well as an exiled Prince, along with Clive, Jill and Torgal decided to work alongside with Cid as Outlaws to make a better world for the Branded and others.
The following will be them encountering Benedikta, Hugo, learning about Ultima's existence, Clive being the Mythos that possesses an unique ability to absorb other Eikons' abilities, reuniting with Joshua, fighting against Barbanas and Harbard etc.
During their journeys and hardships, they evaded Annabelle's Imperial guards who were tasked to hunt Dion and bring him back to Sanbrequec against his will while Clive was being hunted by Ultima to become his vessel.
Clive, Dion, Joshua, Jill and Torgal protect each other's back as they journeyed together.
That's that. If there are people out there who want to use this idea for their fanfics, are welcome to go ahead but pls do give credits lol. 😂
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neuratic · 2 years
Random throwback but Dick and Tim have super strong Percy and Nico vibes
Percy and Dick being the legendary paragons of Justice while looking hot, kicking butt, and sassing beings who really shouldn’t be sassed.
Nico and Tim being the powerful knows-more-than-everyon else-what’s-going-on beings, kicking butt, and being absolutely done with the world while still managing to out-sarcasm everyone in existence.
Their dynamic is almost identical too because Percy saved Nico and in turn Nico worshipped the ground Percy walked on before he eventually grew older and simply loved him as an older brother. Totally not at all like how Tim saw Dick perform, fell obsessed with him, before he grew up and saw him as his loving older brother.
Dick and Percy almost look indistinguishable while Tim and Nico have a lot of physical similarities. Even their personalities, mannerisms, and the friendships they have with others have parallels especially with Percy dating Annabeth and Dick dating Barbara. Not to mention Nico with sun child Will and Tim canonically dating Bernard and (not so canonically) with Kon.
And who could forget the terrifying, overwhelming, protective rage Dick and Percy unleash when someone hurts their friends and family. The identical range of emotions in the scenes when Dick strangled the Joker to death because he thought he killed Tim and when Percy almost kills primordial goddess Akhyls for hurting Annabeth in Tartarus. The desperate, incomparable perseverance Nico and Tim show for their family. How Nico broke rules and stopped at nothing to get Bianca back and how Tim broke free to track his way across America to prove Bruce wasn’t dead.
How Dick and Percy are always smiling, joking, and downplaying themselves due to insecurities when they accomplished feats no one else could even dream of attempting. How everyone in the room always turns to Tim and Nico for information and guidance because they always know something that the others can’t see.
Percy’s absolute goodness to the point it’s crippling? Mmmn. Now why does that sound familiar? Nico’s inability to communicate devolving into misunderstandings of him? Gods, Tim. Again?
With Trials of Apollo pushing Percy’s DILF agenda and Dick’s middle aged harem, it’s actually insane how alike they are. I mean Dick as a son of Poseidon and Tim as a son of Hades fits so damn well. Even more when you realize both Tim and Nico have parental abandonment issues and Dick and Percy are both daddy’s favorites.
A fic abt this would be absolutely wild where Dick is Percy and Tim is Nico or vice versa - maybe reincarnated brothers?
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neuratic · 2 years
Jazz and jason but jazz is alittle to similar to harly quin and bruce gets worried for her safty
So jazz decided to open a phyciatritrist offace in gothem and one of her patients is jason todd, over the next few months they talk about how he dies briefly after an accident and because jazz knowes about danny is able to help him alot
After a few months jason invites jazz to dinner with the waynes and jazz happily agrees
When jazz met the waynes it went good, until it started getting into jazz's personal life, phyciatritrist with a slightly traumatic childhood in a crappy town and basicly raising her brother for their parents, intelligent but naive and physically strong
Which is what harly quin used to be like before she went crazy...
Because bruce is paranoid all the resemblance to harly quin are getting to him so eventually he asks her about her love life in a way that makes it obvious he's concerned for her, which jazz gives a shocking reaction
Bruce: i don't mean to be rude but... are you okay in a relationship?
Jazz: do you mean, have i been abused by a partner???
Jason: bruce!-
Jazz: am i realy that bad?
Jason:... what
Bruce:... what
Damian: please miss fenton enlighten us into what you mean
Jazz: well when i was a teenager i got curious about dating and went put with a few guys...and they...weren't the most...intelligent choice
Bruce:*close to a mental breakdown* what happened?
Jazz: well it got...bad, like bad to the point my little brother had to beat him up so he'd leave me alone
Jason: wait really? Ok that's just one guy, you were young its o- why are you looking at me like that?
Jazz:*looking guilty* it wasn't...one guy
Bruse:how many men?
Jazz:about 4. My little brother had to get involved in all of them unfortunately, and my perents weren't the best at detecting bad partners.
Jazz: it got to the point when i was going to college danny made me promise that if i dated someone he had to approve...he probably saved me alot
Bruce:... your brother makes people get permission to date you?!
Jazz: No! Oh no! He just asks i run them by him, he'd never force me to break up with someone unless he believes they'll get extremely abusive with me
Bruce: *thinking about how to meet this brother and subtlety thank him for stopping the creation of another harly quin* ok and is this brother of your's good with relationships?
Jazz: oh yeah, definitely, his girlfriend sam and him have been together for almost 5 years now, highschool sweethearts.
Jason: well how about we meet them
Bruce: yes it sounds delightful to meet this little brother and his girlfriend
Jazz: ok! I'll ask them to come for a visit soon
When bruce meets sam he almost has an aneurysm at how much like poison ivy she is
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neuratic · 2 years
So I’m torn between wanting the Bats as these mysterious figures, nobody’s sure if they’re real, (rec fic list down the bottom) and having literally every citizen and f Gotham know who the Batman is and just. Not give a fuck.
But, imagine a crossover between universes, one universe of each above mentioned.
Imagine, you’re watching a would be mugger being chased by the Batman, you’re settling in to watch Brucie Wayne beat the shit out of this 4’6 scrawny thug when a shadow solidifies and the thug just straight up disappears. You look over to find where the bat went and all you see is two smudges on glowing eyes, in the shadow of someone strung from the top of the building opposite. It raises a single finger to where it’s lips presumably are, and it’s gone.
Anywau, fic liiiiiiist (all on Ao3)
Cryptid Batfam
Loading and Aspect Ratio, JUBE514
Monolith, CharlesWaterloo
Shadows On The Rooftops, Rising Shadow
Jim Gordon’s pal, the shadow Demon, I_go_by_Faith
Literally just yhe entire series of F’n Demon Bats by KingJai
The BatmanXBruve Wayne fic that Traumatised the Bats by kifotheprotector
Bats In Wayne Manor by ThatDamnKennedyKid
Vaguely normal but not less traumatised fics
(Copied and pasted straight from a doc I keep them on and I ran out of momentum half way through labelling them)
Pranks and Car tyres by Hyperius
The new Tim Drake by Bloodandfat
Finding the line by MissLazyTuesday
-Linear Distortion (follow up fic about Tim getting a tooth removed)
it's time the tale were told (of how you took a child and you made him old) by therisenbird (thesecondsmile)
Felt Like Home Somehow by chasingyellow
Gotham Child Protection Services
Adventures in Batdading
Tim is adopted
The dunkin donuts guide to surviving Gotham City
Jason comes back
Steph Bakes
(Rise of cardinal (cannot recommend this enough)
Tim died)
Bat Christmas
Jay at manor (incredible, vvvvv long)
Jay is adopted (incredible, major long)
Dickie AU collects fam (incredible, vvvvv long)
Robins Ghost
Reds (series)
(When I get bored) I go to court
(Extremely long, incredible)
Batbros prank B
Vultures, Flying Squirrels and Other Flying Menaces
National idiots (or Robins 6)
Tim gets his tonsils out
Jason Todd: not so outlaw
Buzz feed unsolved (longer)
Wings (incroyable vvvvvvvvv long)
Jason comes back (emotional, attempted s)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33101764: The Press Conference
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35014240: A chance meeting
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36144559: The Kid
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33105886: that awkward moment when you accidentally call a rouge a mum
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33326791: me and mine
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38756988: Gotham Gods
Gotham gods series
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38647647/chapters/96617382: Acid rain and Black Umbrellas
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38319253: why bats don’t drive
Car crash
Bring your kid(s) to work day
Matches is proud of his kids
Jay and Steph are kids
Steph and Dick bond
To cheat death
YJ is saved by Hood
Jason’s Tracker
Bird Whistle
Ghost hunt (avec un slightly deceased pere)
Annoying Oliver
Rejoining family and stealing tires
Jason wakes up and comes back
Big beds are for sharing.
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neuratic · 2 years
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JayTim Week Day 3: Shooting Star/Eclipse or Time Travel
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
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neuratic · 2 years
I’ve seen stuff with Danny looking like everyone else in the Batfam but where’s the ‘Tucker and Duke look alike’? Or ‘Sam looks like Selina?’ Maybe even ‘Jazz looks like a tall Barbara’?? I feel like those would be funny paired with Danny looking like someone else
POV one of the bats at some point: Where the fuck are these clones coming from??!!??
Hell I see people comparing amity with Gotham so,, make it where Most of amity are doppelgängers of people in Gotham!!! Bruce and Jack looking like brothers!! Paulina being a blue eyed Taila!! The chaos of a Amity-Gotham student exchange.
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neuratic · 2 years
The summary of the fic I'm writing is just:
Ten-year-old!Tim intercepting Nightwing on patrol: hi
Nightwing: Hi there buddy :) you lost?
Tim: no
Nightwing: Do you need help?
Tim: no
Nightwing: ? What do you need then?
Tim, shyly: can you do a somersault for me?
Nightwing: Oh! I can do that :) which one?
Tim: the quadruple somersault please
Nightwing: Okay-
Tim: the one that only Flying Graysons could do.
Nightwing: ...Is that right?
Tim: i know you're Dick Grayson. adopt me and I won't tell anyone
Nightwing, squinting: You're the Drake kid. When did you become an orphan?
Tim: i didn't
Tim: but I can if that's a requirement
Nightwing: Are you suggesting you would kill your parents?
Tim: ...no?
Nightwing: Kid-
Tim: my name's Tim
Nightwing: Tim, you can't kill your parents.
Tim, stubbornly: you can't parent me until you adopt me
Nightwing, remembering how much he put Bruce through: This is karma.
One month later
Bruce: Dick! I didn't know you were visiting! Not that I'm upset, I'm really glad, it's just a surpise-
Bruce: Whose kid is that.
Dick, exhausted: Mine apparently.
Tim: hi :D
Bruce, assuming Tim is five because he's small: You got someone pregnant at sixteen?
Jason, at the same time: You stole a kid?
Tim: I know you're Batman and Robin :D
Dick: What part of this looks like I had a choice. He was planning to kill his parents.
Tim: they just handed over custody so I didn't have to :D
Dick: I'm sorry for being a difficult kid, but please fix this, he's not eating
Jason: Have you tried peanut butter or potatoes?
Bruce: He knows our identities? And planned to kill his parents?
Dick, ignoring Bruce: Tim's not a dog.
Tim: i like peanut butter. and potatoes
Jason: See, Dickhead? I know stuff.
Dick: You're the smartest person ever, Little Wing, now how do I make that into a full meal
Bruce: Why does a murderous child know our identities?
Dick, frowning: Let the kid eat first, Bruce.
Jason: Yeah, Bruce. Why do you want the kid to starve?
Bruce: I didn't-
Tim: you want me to starve? i'm sorry :(
Bruce: Oh my God
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neuratic · 2 years
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Batbois as TMNT characters for Halloween 🎃 (late post)
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neuratic · 2 years
Thinking about the time the entire batfamily accidentally came across the same body
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Just them sharing one brain cell <3
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neuratic · 2 years
The thought that Brucie Wayne and Batman being two completely separate entities that Bruce can code switch between has consumed me especially with the idea that he mixes the two together on occasion to fuck with people
*Batman and Superman searching a dressing room*
Superman: What about this thing, it looks suspicious?
Batman *full Batman voice*: That’s an eyelash curler darling
*OG JLA revealing identities to newbies*
Green Arrow: Your turn Bats, who are you?
Batman having decided to fuck with him walking up to him cocking his hip putting one hand on his chest and in full Brucie Wayne mode: C’mon Ollie-Dollie you know who I am. We dated 💕
Green Arrow (internally): Modem noise
Recently revealed identities with Clark and Brucie being at the same party
Brucie: oh howdy 🤠 cowboy, fancy meeting you at this shindig
Clark *flustered* (internally): he can’t be Batman he can’t be Batman he can’t be Batman…
*Bruce getting a call during a JLA meeting*
Brucie: Oh! hello dear, yes of course I’m coming to your party I’ll see you later 😘
Batman: Our security measures need to be increased due to the number of criminals currently attempting to follow heroes to their base of operations
JLA *experiencing whiplash*: what.
*undercover Brucie and members of the JLA at a party*
Bruce *pretending to be drunk wandering over to the flash*: excuse moi but can I get your attention for just a momento😊
Flash *completely disconnecting Bruce and bats*: yeah uh sure sir are you alright
Batman *quiet but deep Batman voice*: there’s an assassin in the rafters
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neuratic · 2 years
A Blanket Full of Stars
Jason was 6 years old when Danny was born, and he remembered that Danny looked like a wrinkly monkey wrapped in Jason’s softest blanket that he could find in his closet. The blanket had all these stars and planets, and tiny little rocket ships that look like they’re about to crash into the moon. 
Jason giggled, because his baby brother looked like a monkey in space. 
Jason loves him. 
That day of his birth, when Jason held the little baby in his arms, he promised to be the best big brother ever. He’ll make sure that no one bullies his brother for looking like a tiny monkey, and beat up anyone that even tries to beat up his brother. He’ll read all the books the old ladies from the diner gave him, and turn on the radio when Danny wants to listen to music because Jason sure as hell can’t sing.
But his mom said they couldn’t keep him. They couldn’t afford to keep him.
Jason was heartbroken.
So, some social workers went looking for a family to take Danny in.
The day the new family came to pick up Danny, Jason held Danny the whole morning, not letting go of his baby brother who was sleeping so peacefully.
Danny had also gotten attached to Jason. He’d stop crying when Jason holds him, rocks him, carries him. He’d make little ‘num-num’ sounds when Jason feeds him. And when Jason talks to him, he’d reply with a ‘bwah!’ and an ‘awuwuwu!!’ 
Danny can’t lift anything yet, but he’d hold on to Jason’s finger. Danny can’t roll over yet, but he’d lay his chubby cheek on Jason’s shoulder. Danny can’t talk yet, but Jason just knows when Danny calls for him.
So, when the new family comes into the house with the social worker, Jason couldn’t hold back the tears. No, he couldn’t let go of Danny. 
Danny was still a month old! What if he gets sick in the car ride! What if the parents forget Danny because he’s so small? Danny might not look like a monkey anymore, but what if the parents leave him alone anyways? How can he trust these people to take care of Danny?
Oh, they have a daughter??
It doesn’t matter!! She is a 2 years old girl that’s crying when she saw Jason crying. She can’t take care of Danny! She can’t feed Danny, or bathe him!! Her tiny arms can’t carry him either!
Danny can’t go with them!
But his mom was crying with him. “I’m sorry,” she said, hugging him when the two parents took Danny. Jason’s head was hugged close to her chest, but Jason had a clear view of his baby brother. His baby brother that was making distressed sounds while being held by unfamiliar people. “I’m sorry, but Danny won’t be able to live a good life here, baby. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.”
Jason hated this. Jason could take care of Danny, he promises! He can! He won’t even let his good-for-nothing dad touch him like the month Danny was with them!
But, when the baby girl, Jazz, was lifted by the giant man, Danny stopped making such sad sounds. Then, Jason watched as Jazz lifted her hand. And he was ready to run in and stop her from slapping his brother, but he stopped. He stopped because she patted Danny’s cheek so gently.
And Danny… Danny cooed the same way he would at Jason. Danny held the little toddler’s finger and babbled loudly, like he would when he’s being held by Jason.
Jason hated it. He hated the little baby girl. Danny was going to a better family, going to be taken care by a girl he’ll call his sister. And Jason will be forgotten! Danny won’t ever remember Jason anymore!
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair!
Jason ran to his and Danny’s room. Well, his room now. All of Danny’s things had been packed.
Then, Jason saw the blanket. The blanket that made Danny look like a little monkey in space. It’s the softest blanket Jason has. And Jason doubts that the new family would have a blanket full of stars like his does.
“Jason! They’re about to leave!”
He picks up the blanket, folds it, and runs downstairs. Danny was all buckled up in the car seat the new family purchased just for him. He was sucking on a binky that the new family bought too. 
The new family saw the blanket Jason was holding. 
“It’s… It’s for Danny,” he told them.
His mom pursed his lips. “It’s not washed,” she said.
But Jazz made grabby hands towards the blanket. “Ish Danny’sh!!” she said, still reaching for it.
The woman, who was going to Danny’s new mother, smiled kindly and took the blanket. She unfolded the blanket, and laid it over Danny, who cooed loudly the moment he held the softest blanket Jason owned.
It wasn’t a spaceship, but Jason felt like Danny was being flown to a whole other planet. It sucked, and it hurt, and Jason was going to miss his monkey baby brother.
He looked into Danny’s car seat and patted Danny’s tummy. Danny held his finger and latched on to it. “Awu!”
Jason sniffed. “I’ll miss you, Danny,” he said. Then, he brought Danny’s tiny hand up to his lips and kissed it. “I’m going to miss you so, so much.”
Jason felt his mom’s hand on his back. “It’s time for them to go, Jason,” she said softly.
Jason huffed. Then, he looked towards Jazz, and gave her a firm look. “Take care of him, okay?” he said, to which Jazz blinked. “Even when adults think they’re taking care of their kids, take care of Danny, okay? He’s small, and he looks like a monkey.”
Jazz looked to Danny, as if to confirm he’s a monkey. She pouted at him. “No mo’key!”
Jason huffed, grinning. “Good, now I know you’ll take care of him…”
He stepped out of the car and stood beside his mom. When the adults were done talking, the new parents stepped into their car. And then, the car started.
His mom was waving. She was crying, but she was waving.
“Say goodbye, Jason,” she said.
He couldn’t do such a thing. He couldn’t lift his hand. And he couldn’t bring himself to talk.
Finally, the car started moving.
Jason couldn’t help it. The car was already a block away, but… but…
He ran. He ran after the car ignoring his mother’s yell for him.
“DANNY!!!” he cried, gasping and sobbing. He wanted his brother back. He wanted him BACK.
The car turned. There was a traffic light that turned green. There was a truck.
“JASON!!!” he heard his mom cry.
But Jason… Jason was flying.
He looked up to see Robin holding him, gently landing in front of his mom, who ran up to Jason and hugged him tightly. “Oh, my baby…” she cried.
Jason… he… Jason cried, hugging his mom just as tight.
He couldn’t hear his mom thanking Robin, nor hear Robin ask if everything was okay. He didn’t feel his body being lifted and carried into their horrible apartment that smelled like beer. He didn’t feel himself being laid onto his bed. Jason scooted on instinct, but there was no tiny body that was going to be laid with him.
Instead, his mom told him to scoot near the wall, where Danny would have been. Jason would be the body that blocks Danny from falling. 
His chin trembled, but he scooted near the wall anyways. And his mom laid beside him, petting his hair and hugging him close to her.
“I miss him,” said Jason.
“I know, baby,” she said, kissing his forehead. “I’m sorry…”
Jason shook his head. “He’ll be safe with them?” he asked.
“Yes,” his mom said. “Safer and will grow up healthier. He’ll be loved and cared for. He’ll have a normal life, one that’s better than Gotham.”
Jason chose to believe her. He had to.
Okay, so, I cried while writing this whole thing. And, I just— Oh my godddd….
So, headcanons and notes for this AU!!
- As you’ve read, it’s a Jason and Danny as Bio-Brothers!! Jason is 6 years old uwu, and Danny was just born! Danny stayed with them for a whole month while the social worker was looking for potential families to adopt Danny. They came across the Fentons, who were more than willing to take in a child that came from one of the poorest of families in Gotham. They drove all the way to pick Danny up themselves.
- It takes Jason 3 whole months to get over Danny. He noticed his mom and his dad fighting more and more every day, until one day his mom was… weird. IT was the start of his mom’s drug addiction. This is also when Jason finds out that she’s not his actual mom, but she still loves him. She loves him so much, but she was also tired.
- Cue major events, like Catherine Todd dying over overdose, Jason meeting Batman, Jason in the middle of Dick and Bruce’s argument. What’s different here is that Jason ends up being a little bit closer to Dick, because Dick remembers saving Jason when he was smol. Dick visits the manor more often, only to spend time with Jason and nothing more (maybe for Alfred’s cookies too). Jason dies, Superboy-prime alters reality and Jason gets revived, Talia finds him, dumps him into the Lazarus Pits, blah blah blah, the rest is history.
- In Danny’s corner, who is now 15 years old, for a show-and-tell, Mr. Lancer prompts the students to bring something from their baby days that isn’t a binky or a baby bottle, and to tell the class about it in the most creative way they could.
- Danny tells Jazz about it, and Jazz remembers about the box in her closet full of Danny’s things of when he was a baby that she didn’t want her parents destroying. She brings it out and shows it to Danny, and he finds the blanket. 
- “Heh. Looks like even when I was a baby, I was into space.”
- Jazz had a strained smile on her face. “Yeah. Mom and Dad said that it took you 3 whole years to let go of that blanket,” she said. But her smile was still strained.
- Danny furrows his brow at her and asks, “What? What’s wrong?”
- Jazz sits Danny down. Her parents were going to tell him… someday… when they weren’t busy with their ‘job’. So, Jazz decides to just do it now.
- Danny finds out that he was adopted. Jazz tells him that her earliest memory was this older kid giving Danny the blanket, and calling Danny a monkey. “You held his finger and he kissed your hand, saying he’ll miss you. I think he was your older brother.”
- “I don’t understand,” said Danny. “Didn’t they want me?”
- Jazz nodded. “I asked Mom and Dad about it… your real family… they weren’t doing well. They were struggling financially. They said that the social worker suspected your real dad abusing your mom… I don’t know about your brother…”
- Jazz hugged Danny, who was crying. “They loved you so much, Danny,” she whispered. “So, so much.”
- Danny washed the blanket. After a wash, the blanket ended up becoming the softest thing in Danny’s room. He slept with the blanket, feeling a bit closer with his brother. Definitely his brother. It just felt right. And Danny knew than to ignore his intuition that was getting a bit too accurate now that he was half-ghost.
- Danny then asked Tucker to search about his family. “Todd, that was their last name,” he said. “My mom’s name was Catherine Todd, and my brother’s was Jason… My dad’s was… Will? William? Willis? Wilred? I don’t remember…”
- Tucker searched. And… “Dude… you’re… not going to like this.”
- “What? What’s wrong?” he asked.
- Tucker sucked in a breath. “I just want you to prepare yourself, okay? It’s not good news.”
- Danny frowned. “Just say it, Tuck.”
- Tuck gulps, but nods. Then, he shows Danny what he searched. Catherine Todd had died from overdose, Willis Todd was a crook that was murdered by Two-face. And Jason… his brother… he was adopted into a wealthy family! The Waynes! He managed to get into a prestigious school! And Danny wondered why Jason didn’t go find him? Did Jason ever think of coming to get him now that he was in a better place? And Danny, maybe he wouldn’t be going to Jason, but it would have been nice to reconnect somehow? Maybe not… They had their own lives.
- But then, Danny reaches the final paragraphs of the research results that Tucker put together. 
- “He… He died?” he asked, reading and rereading what happened. An accident. An accident killed his brother.
- But, despite Tucker confirming it, it… didn’t feel right. And Danny’s intuition was getting better and better, more accurate. So, if it didn’t feel right that his brother died, then his brother probably isn’t dead. Did he fake his death? No… that didn’t feel right. He totally died. Then…
- Was he brought back to life?
- Bingo, his intuition said.
- “Dude? Hey, dude, are you okay?” Tucker was patting his back, talking softly and trying to ground Danny back from his panic attack.
- Danny made a decision. He was going to fly towards Gotham. He needed to find his brother. Check on him. Check on how he’s doing. 
- After reassuring Tucker, he made plans. Then, during the weekend, Danny talked to Valerie to take over for him, along with Sam and Tucker, and he flew all the way to Gotham to look for his brother.
- He felt Death everywhere he flew. But he felt the calling of a malformed ghost-core. Jason? His intuition sang. So, Danny flew closer and closer, until he reached an apartment along a street that seemed abandoned, if it weren’t for the various gangster-looking people roaming along it.
- Danny transformed back into his human form, no longer feeling the strong pull, but a weaker version of it. 
- ‘JASON!!’ his mind seemed to scream. He was about to see his brother. He was about to MEET his brother!! ‘JASON!!!!!’
- He was about to cross the street when… the light was turned green… and there was a truck and…
- Danny was flying. He wasn’t transformed, but Danny was flying in the air, held firmly by some teen in a hero get-up and a domino mask.
- Danny was plopped gently on the side-walk he was aiming to get to.
- “Phew,” said the teen. And, wow, he’s only slightly taller than Danny. He’s probably the same age as him… or older. He looked Danny up and down before asking, “So, you doing okay?”
- Danny nods. “I’m good,” he said. Wow, he’s got a nice voice. And a nice body. Are those abs real? Or are those just kevlar linings??
- “Where are you trying to go?” the teen asked, snapping Danny out of his close to sinful thoughts.
- “I’m looking for my brother,” said Danny, clutching onto the blanket tighter, thankful that the teen saved him or else it could have gotten ruined. Sure, he’s been hit by buses before, but not while he was in human form!! “He lives on this street.”
- The way the teen’s brows rose higher made the hero look a little cute— FOCUS DANNY! He’s not here for cute boys in hero get-ups!! Oh shoot. Oh man. Oh no… 
- “What’s your brother’s name?” the teen asked. And, Thank You!! Yes! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT DANNY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DOING!
- “You just look like someone who lives on this street,” the teen said, smiling a bit crookedly. OHHHHHHH WHY ARE YOU SMILING LIKE THAT?! THAT’S ILLEGAL! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE A HERO, NOT A THIEF OF HEARTS!!!!
- Calm yourself, Danny. Let’s find out whether we are talking about the same person. Danny blinked. “What’s that person’s name?”
- “Peter Todd,” the teen said.
- Feeling a bit dejected, Danny shook his head. “That’s not the person I’m looking for,” he said. “I’m looking for Jason Todd.”
- “Jason Todd is… dead,” he said, a bit hesitantly.
- “No, he’s not,” Danny said, a bit firmly.
- The teen took him by the shoulders, and brought Danny’s face closer to his. He could feel the teen’s breath. It smelled like coffee and breath mints. “Legally, he is,” the teen said.
- That… that got Danny’s attention. He whispered back, “What do you mean by– oh.” Legally, his brother is dead. He died, he came back to life, but to everyone, Jason is dead. So… “He has a new civilian identity?” asked Danny.
- The teen leaned back and nodded. Then, he pointed to a door. “That’s Peter’s house,” he said. Then, he aimed his grappling hook to the sky. 
- Danny stuttered a loud ‘thank you’, to which was responded to with a brief wave from the teen, who flew off to the next building over.
- Danny then went up to the door that belongs to Peter Todd. Jason Todd. His brother.
- Should he knock? Ring the doorbell? 
- Before Danny could make a decision, the door opened for him.
- And there, in front of him, was a tall man who looked like a more human and slimmer version of Dan, a white streak in his hair, and a slight stubble on his chin. He had the same blue eyes as Danny. And those blue eyes widened when Danny brought up his blanket. His blanket full of stars, and planets, and tiny rockets that he loved so much the more he held on to it.
- “Jay… Jason?” 
- The man’s chin wobbled, and Danny felt his own chin wobbling. Great. Both of them are going to cry. But, instead of saying anything, the man stepped towards him and brought him into a hug, a tight hug that’s so warm and full of love, Danny couldn’t help but hug back. 
- “Danny?” Jason’s voice was breathy.
- Danny couldn’t respond, only letting out a small sound that was a mix of a whine and a grunt.
- Jason chuckled. “Still a monkey, aren’t ya?”
- Danny felt Jason’s core calming the more Danny stayed with him, and Jason felt himself lighter than he had in years. It couldn’t be because Danny was here, but it is! It is because Danny is here!
- Jason invites him inside. It was quiet at first, the two of them just taking in the other, trying to process how real this was. And then, they began exchanging stories. Something light, of what had been going on for the past years they’ve been apart. 
- And then, the next thing they knew, it was already morning of the next day, and Danny needed to get back home. He gave one last hug to Jason, promising that he’ll visit again next week, and took off to the street, turning on his invisibility and flying back to Amity Park.
- Red Robin, or should we say Tim Drake, saw it all. From the moment Danny suddenly appeared to the moment Danny disappeared in the alleyway. He had just finished talking to Jason about some case they were working on together, although their relationship was still a bit rocky, when he saw the teen suddenly appear in the alleyway below Tim.
- Well, rocky relationship aside, Tim’s mind flew with a thousand thoughts a second when Danny confirmed who he was looking for. Danny knew for some reason that Jason was alive, but he didn’t know Jason’s fake identity. The teen knew where Jason lived, but he also looked like he was just going to go up some random door and hope that the person who opens it would be the person he’s looking for.
- Cass had taught him how to read sincerity of a person’s behavior, and Danny wasn’t hiding anything. He was sincerely looking for his brother.
- He was also kinda cute.
- “Tt. What are you spacing out about, Timothy? Your face is making a weird expression,” said the Demon Brat.
- Stephanie snickered. “Give him a break, Dames! Our dear Timmy-Wimmy’s in Wuuuuuuv~!”
- Tim sighed.
- Anything else that happens? It’s for another day <3
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neuratic · 2 years
Danny moves to Gotham to get away from his parents, who are still banned from entering Gotham City Limits after an incident at a Convention, and to attend Gotham City University. His problem is that the spirit and personification of Gotham City latches on to him like a killer moth to firefly, she adires having someone who can finally see and interact with her.
On one hand it can be a bit annoying but on the other hand she knows where all the best food is in Gotham, plus she let's him know when trouble is brewing within her city limits.
Lol, she also knows where the bats are at any given time and helps him avoid them. I love the image of Gotham acting like a needy child while Danny breaks out the "Tired Dad" energy
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