neurosuite · 7 years
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neurosuite · 7 years
The Amory Spectrum
Original Post On Blog
In discussions about monogamy and polyamory, I find I’ve recategorized the two ideas into something that feels more functional for me, and I accidentally try to use them synonymously with the original words. This ends up getting pretty messy, so I’m going to do the obvious thing: invent more words and then explain them!
(there’s a good chance someone has already written about this somewhere.)
Presenting: The Uniamory/Multiamory Spectrum
Your position on the Uniamory/Multiamory spectrum depends entirely on how many restrictions you place on your partner’s romantic/sexual behavior. It doesn’t matter what restrictions are placed on you, or what your partner actually does, or what you actually do, or the functional habits in your relationship.
You are uniamorous if you have rules, expectations, or agreements placed on your partner that state they cannot engage in relationships besides you.
You are multiamorous if you have no rules, expectations, or agreements about your partner’s romantic/sexual behavior with people besides yourself.
Remember this is a spectrum!
0. Exclusively uniamorous; all extrarelationship romantic/sexual expressions are disallowed; no flirting, sexting, nude photos; can include forbidding being alone for too long with other people or ‘leading them on’; usually uncomfortable with watching porn or expressing attraction to others
1. Predominantly uniamorous, only incidentally multiamorous; all obvious extrarelationship romantic/sexual expressions are disallowed, but leniency for flirting or engaging in light touch. Acceptance of expressing attraction to others and porn use.
2. Predominantly uniamorous, but more than incidentally multiamorous. Most extrarelationship romantic/sexual expressions are disallowed, but with strong leniency; can include approval of nude photos, kissing and light petting, or attending sex/nude/kink parties (as a couple, without interacting with others).
3. Equally multiamorous and uniamorous: Includes swinging, having threesomes, and occasionally allowance of very casual/occasional extrarelationship interactions, but with disallowance of any serious or regular extrarelationship interactions.
4. Predominantly multiamorous, but more than incidentally uniamorous: general extrarelationship romantic/sexual expressions are allowed with several rules, such as strongly enforced relationship hierarchy, and can include regulations of number of partners allowed, the frequency of their interactions, or moderate restrictions on their sexual activities
5. Predominantly multiamorous, only incidentally multiamorous: the majority of extrarelationship romantic/sexual expressions are allowed with few rules; can include light perscriptive heirarchy or 1-2 regulations of romantic/sexual behavior (e.g., no anal sex)
6. Exclusively multiamorous: all extrarelationship romantic/sexual expressions are allowed; no rules or requirements are instituted, and no perscriptive heirarchy is instated
If you date someone for twenty years with no rules about what they can or can’t do, but they never actually get involved with anybody else, then you are multiamorous but functionally monogamous.
If you prefer relationships that tend to be functionally monogamous, you can actively search for monogamous partners while both of you remain multiamorous.
If you insist that you and your partner will only love each other forever, that neither of you even experience the desire for others, and you also have rules that your partner can’t act upon desires even if they do have them, then you are both uniamorous and monogamous.
If you have no rules about your partner’s behavior but they have rules about your behavior, then you are multiamorous dating a uniamorous person, in a monogamous relationship. Uniamory instituted out of fairness does not count; if you are level 6 multiamorous but dating someone who is level 2 uniamorous, and your partner agrees to not take advantage of your level 6 leniency because it wouldn’t be ‘fair,’ and instead acts as though you are level 2 uniamorous too, then this does not make you uniamorous.  Polyamory and uniamory aren’t really compatible, but sometimes you see poly relationships that rank low on the amory spectrum. If you consider yourself poly but are a 3 on the amory scale, then you might be on the uniamorous side of polyamory.
Basically, I think putting “restrictions placed on partner” into a highly defined, separate role to be a strongly illuminating way of looking at relationship structures. Frequently I find people citing monogamous motivations to explain their uniamory implementations (e.g., “We’re level 1 monogamous because neither of us find anybody else to be attractive!”), and the broad meaning of the term ‘monogamy’ tends to fuzz up what they really mean. Reblog with a comment telling me what number you are on the Amory Spectrum!
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neurosuite · 7 years
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I miss you so much love...
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neurosuite · 8 years
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Making this babes tmrw
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neurosuite · 8 years
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Cioran, uomo di grande lucidità, diceva che la vita, più che una corsa verso la morte, è una disperata fuga dalla nascita. Quando veniamo al mondo affrontiamo una sofferenza e un disagio che ci portiamo avanti tutta la vita, quelli di un passaggio traumatico da una situazione conosciuta all'ignoto. Questo è il primo grande disagio. Il secondo, non meno traumatico, è quando ci rendiamo conto che dovremo morire. Per me questa spaventosa consapevolezza è arrivata verso i quattro anni. L'uomo diventa “grande”, diventa spirituale o altro, quando riesce a superare questi disagi senza ignorarli. Ora, se a essi si aggiunge anche l'esercizio della solitudine, ecco che allora forse, a differenza di altri che vivono protetti dal branco, alla fine della tua vita riesci a “consegnare alla morte una goccia di splendore”, come recita quel grande poeta colombiano che è Alvaro Metis. Se ti opponi, se ti rifiuti di attraversare e superare questi disagi, per sopravvivere ti organizzi affinché siano gli altri a occuparsene e deleghi. Questa rinuncia ti toglie dignità, ti toglie la vita. Credo che l'uomo, per salvarsi, debba sperimentare l'angoscia della solitudine e dell'emarginazione. La solitudine, come scelta o come costrizione, è un aiuto: ti obbliga a crescere. Questa è la salvezza. Fabrizio De Andrè, Una goccia di splendore
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neurosuite · 8 years
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Bigmouth Strikes Again [x]
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neurosuite · 8 years
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neurosuite · 8 years
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The Blue Dress (2000) and the Black Cloud (2001)
From the series The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of Their Dreams
Alessandra Sanguinetti
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neurosuite · 8 years
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IT IS LEGAL TO KILL AN INDIAN IN BRAZIL. ”After foreign incursion into his territory killed off the wildlife his community survived on, a young Amazonian warrior starts hunting a new prey: white men.” The film was selected in 30 international festivals - in Toronto, Paris, New York, Sao Paulo…- and won 10 awards.
The Man Who Killed God [2012] Short film, dark comedy 15min. [ Youtube ]  [ Vimeo ]
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neurosuite · 8 years
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Faroe Islands Julian Calverley
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neurosuite · 8 years
Voglio ricamare
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A handful of the illustrations I did for Jessica Walsh’s new project, Let’s Talk About Mental Health
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neurosuite · 8 years
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Luca Marinelli, “Non essere cattivo” (Claudio Caligari, 2015).
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neurosuite · 8 years
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The B☀️☀️B sweater is ready! But also sold. I’ll make more boob-themed sweaters after Christmas, and put in the webstore on www.yrurari.com ❤️
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neurosuite · 8 years
Pro o contro unioni civili per gli omosessuali ? Pro o contro step-child adoption ?
Giusto per saperlo, da quanto mi segui?
Per fugare ogni dubbio:
Subito unioni civili e possibilità di adozione completa.
Quota massima di medici obiettori di coscienza per ospedale e in turno dopodiché scatta il trasferimento in altri ospedali o regioni (peraltro lo dice la legge 196, non io)
Abolizione dell’ora di religione e inserimento dell’ora obbligatoria di educazione sessuale e affettiva in programma.
Distributori di condom obbligatori in tutte le scuole, dalle medie in su.
Visite mediche serie per chi rinnova la patente con accesso a fantomatico database delle patologie gestito dal medico, in contatto con ospedali, farmacie e laboratori analisi.
Quota massima del 2% di cacao nel cioccolato e verifica con pantone che sia abbastanza bianco.
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neurosuite · 8 years
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neurosuite · 8 years
Sono tanto stufa da non farmi durare una boccia di lorazepam più di una settimana.
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neurosuite · 8 years
Sto male
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Video: Chubby Hedgehog Enjoys a Belly Rub
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