Crowded buses are why we must depopulate the earth
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It's hot out, I'm sleep deprived, time to go exaust myself to death for money and sociaty's expectations! :D
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Pushing my worn down body to the limits
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I don't want to go to work today, but I must
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It finally came. On my way back
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another hood rat is coming.
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another hood rat is coming.
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Hood rats sre headed my way. DAMN BUS STILL ISNT HERE
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Got the late shift so still stuck at work ;w; Will probably go to bed immediately after I get home because earlier shift tomorrow
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Both managers are here which means i'll have to push myself beyond my physical limitations.... send help x.x
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Will this damn bus hurry up? I feel like I could keel over at any moment.
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My head hurts, feeling dizzy.
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Tbf, I am only on this blog because I'm logged into it on mobile. I'm largely active on lost-chronicles. This blog is on very low activuty due to lack of musing otherwise.
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Damn i think my mobile phone charger died on me.
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“I’m horny...but I need to sleep for work tomorrow...”
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For context behind what went on with the content of this blog for the month of February, there was a time when I felt that people weren’t interested in Shinji, or were tired of seeing him so much due to him being a “cringe character” and how he was ultimately written. I figured that it was time to change gears and have Shinji be phased out of the spotlight for a bit while a newer, better handled character would take centre stage in an entirely new setting with its own history.
The gaiaverse were a mixture of old ideas I accumulated for years that never got proper use, as well as a reboot of an incredibly old character of mine. At the time, I figured it would be a good moment to put these into use. I also figured that it would garner more interest since my old project, the k***verse had many people interested in it and even had as many as 10 people involved in some capacity. Granted, it was around a canon series but since it was something with more detail, characters and background information to be referenced, I felt this was what people were looking for.
But instead it had the opposite effect.
It made it difficult for others to interact with its main muse, as there was too much background and history involved with such a character. Moreover, the setting alone made it almost inaccessible to most people without some kind of loophole or creating an entire verse that would fit in, as most settings in the RPC take place in the real world or another fandom’s setting and was incredibly hard for either aspects to fluently mesh with the setting that was Gaia. I think the only way it could have worked is if others made a verse specifically FOR Gaia, which, having someone make a verse for their muse based on someone else’s setting is unprecedented. While Kazuto may have been the better muse, he was basically locked behind a vault that needed special access.
And as a result of this, mutuals I interacted with prior had become alienated, as I took away the muse they were here for and replaced it with something more convoluted and difficult. I imagine it would be like watching a “Let’s Play” gaming youtube channel only for the focus to shift to that of a cooking channel, with an entirely different person running the channel. Folks came for a specific reason and that reason had been replaced with something foreign.
And with many people unfollowing, a mutual of mine who I enjoyed interacting with following suddenly as well as another saying they won’t interact  period, I realized the grave miscalculation I made when altering the content with my blog. Perhaps the Gaiaverse would have been better received had I decided to make a separate blog for it from the offset, rather than having it replace this blog’s original content altogether, but that was not what happened. In retrospect, this blog crashed and burned to the ground because I decided to do something different, trying to appeal to more people on the basis that my old blogs had similar style of content as the gaiaverse and thought that was what people were looking for. Instead, it basically alienated those that were already involved with the content with Shinji.
I still feel the same about Shinji as I did before, which is why he is getting a slight revamp, and I’m thinking about removing all of the supernatural elements of his character while making him more...anti-socal and less expressive? He won’t be exactly like Kazuto but he will most likely be toned down somewhat.
As for the gaiaverse, it hasn’t all been canned and in fact has been moved to its own blog like it should have. We’ll see how it fairs now that things are more clear, but this blog will return the focus to Shinji, with a few NPCs here or there. I can only hope that the return to the status quo will draw those who opted out back in and for certain ships to continue once more, because despite what’s been said, I still enjoyed those ships Shinji had a lot.
I apologize for being a difficult person to write with. Even now, despite it being three years since I’ve been here, I’m still trying to get used to how things are run here, and I’m still suffering from the prospects of starting over from scratch as a result from abandoning my other blogs and original content. What I thought people wanted wasn’t what people wanted at all and I can only hope I can create something that could have the greatness of the K***verse but none of the mistakes that it and the gaiaverse had. Until then, this is the best I can do.
It is time to close the pages of this book for now while praying that the pages of the next book will be opened.
And I lay my pen down for now.
P.S: My new Pename for the time being will simply be “Administrator” or “Admin”. The pen name that begins with a ‘K’ no longer applies.
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