neveragain1976 · 10 years
The lies and the cheating
Starting these blogs so that I am able to vent about what my cheating,lying pig of an ex did to me.Hoping that this will help me cope.  The Whore paid a service to have her removed from Cheaterville.com. I have what I wrote saved and will post it all including screenshots soon. I last saw this lying pig in July on my last brief trip to Calgary.She claimed she had just gotten back from Texas on a business trip.I’m sure that was a lie. She was acting really weird the entire time. I had a feeling something was up,but not what I soon found out. I am not a “scorned ex” being vindictive. I am exposing her for what she really is. A fake, pathological lying cheating pig.
This what I posted on playerblock.com:
Don’t let the sweet looking pretty face fool you like it has many others.This girl is a two timing, manipulative,lying, game playing cheating whore that can never be trusted.We were together for six months after we met at Rogue on one of my business trips to Calgary.The whole time I was under the impression that we were exclusive and that she really loved me and I was her boy.Apparently she’s got a thing for the long distance romps as it makes cheating even easier.She travels a lot for business (Oil and gas industry Completion 360 corp) but back in the late spring / early summer her “business trips” became more frequent and my invites to visit Calgary seemed to drop. And so I found out why. To make a long story short , I get a call a few weeks ago. Some asshole practically yells into the phone when I pick up, “We’ve never met, but we have something in common.Amanda”. This guy Mike had been seeing her as well for months. On his last trip to Calgary to visit her, he found an extra phone in her room and grabbed it.Said he had been suspicious of this for awhile but was all confirmed when he found this disposable phone with names and numbers and more from other guys. She’d been seeing a guy in Canada and a few others here in America.We chat for about 20 minutes comparing notes and he gives me the names and numbers of who he found.I lost it . Had a few too many beers…threw furniture, deleted pictures, tossed out her gifts and started making phone calls.I called a few and talked to someone else. I guess out of shock and denial, who knows.First time Ive been through this.Right when I think I’m ok, I think about things and get pissed and upset.This fucking dirty slut is the ultimate cheat and her talent for lying is somewhat frightening. In hindsight I can see what she was up to and what she’s all about. She was screwing around “keeping her options open” looking for the most idiotic gullible chump that makes the most bank.She’s a shallow cunt like that.She could win an Oscar for her performances as an innocent sweet loving bimbo.She is a walking lie. I believe in warning others as a way of paying it forward. I wish I knew the truth about her before I wasted so much,time,money and energy just to be lied to, taken advantage of,used,played, betrayed and a knife in the back.
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neveragain1976 · 10 years
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