Burn classifications as first, second, and third is essentially saying you are rare-, medium- or well-done.
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can you imagine not being human & just living out your days as a weeping willow, though? beautiful? by the water? unburdened? ideal
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They literally stabbed him to make sure he was dead before taking him down. This was SOP for crucifixions.
[The Romans] had them scourged until their entrails were visible… The men [were then] dismissed, all covered in blood, a spectacle that struck such terror into their menacing foes that they dropped their arms and fled.  - The Jewish War
Crucifixion is meant to scare other people into submission to the Roman Empire. And, the scourging is what precedes the crucifixion in order to make it as bloody of a death as possible. Because if you crucify someone without scourging them what happens is the slow death by asphyxiation, which is terrible but it’s even more horrifying if you lacerate their bodies beforehand and that was the Roman custom. So, for example, Josephus. who was a first century Jewish historian who fought in the war against Rome as a general, describes scourgings by Roman in his book, The Jewish War.
- Dr. Brant Pitre
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That awkward moment when Hugh Jackman remembers he taught you at school [x]
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Stephen Hawking either doesn’t know he was right, or he knows he was wrong now.
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It’s time for pizza control
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Happy birthday Leonard Nimoy! (March 26, 1931—d. February 27, 2015)
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my bf has many interesting stories and observations from his new job as a 911 operator
my favorite is how meandering people are, even in the midst of a terrible emergency
they respond to “what is the emergency” with “well, the thing is, four weeks ago–”
and then he’s like “WHAT IS THE EMERGENCY RIGHT NOW”
and they’re like “so what happened this morning was, i said to my wife, i said–”
“oh i’m having a heart attack”
my second favorite is how specific he has to get sometimes
like, “what is your emergency?”
“i’m sitting in a pool of blood.”
“… is it… your blood?”
“yes i think so”
“do you know where it’s coming from?”
“probably the stab wound”
“have you been stabbed?”
“oh yah definitely”
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Anarcho-third-graderism for the win
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reblog this if you are prepared to tear down the Christian media industry and build it up again with actual artistic integrity
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Get gun control laws quickly and efficiently by shooting up a Republican meeting.
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goddammit bones i’m so done with you
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Americans, let me do the math for you:
Guns = mass shootings = death
More guns = more mass shootings = more death
So the debate actually is: DO YOU WANT MORE PEOPLE TO DIE?
Gun control = less death = safer country
That simple.
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A…… a rifle?
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America’s pastor Billy Graham dies at age 99. Billy Graham helped lead countless people to Christ.  His classic sermons still air every week and many are available online.  Turn off the trash and turn on the Truth.  His work will continue to shine a light for generations.
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