This is the story of little Jamayla
Known as the black girl who came from la playa
Playa means beach
It's in Spanish
People think she's Dominican
But she came from the other side of the island
She did grow up on the beach
Mayla's from Port-au-Prince
She did good in school but didn't have a lot of friends
Mayla's parents didn't have a lot of money
They decided she should live with her Grandma
Sent her to the US, Grandma's house in Alabama
Mayla doesn't care, except she doesn't know English
Doesn't help that kids at school seem to be a little ignorant
They call her African American
Which is weird for her
Because she's never been to Africa and her family ain't American
Kids seem confused by her heritage
Seven years old when she memorized the book of Genesis
Ten years old when she declared herself a feminist
But in her country, female independence isn't elegant
So now she go to church every Sunday for the penitence
And her Grandma says she should pray to God for some common sense
Her and the kids in school don't have much in common since
Once again, she barely speaks English
Now they call her that "weird Haitian voodoo chick"
Oh, so NOW I'm Haitian?
But when I first got here all ya'll were hatin
All she wants to do is fit in
But every time she talks she stands out
“So learn the learn the fucking language, or get the fuck out”
She tells this to her Grandma, but Grandma doesn't care
“Just don't embarrass me at Church with your frizzy island hair”
Mayla wants to make friends, to get the time to pass
She even likes a few boys in her class
But at her, the security guard is the only one who's ever lookin
And teachers are the worst
Always correct her English like, "It's taken not tooken."
So every day at lunch time Mayla goes to the bathroom and cries in the corner
She really misses the way her mommy used to hold her
One day the school nurse walked in, like
"It's ok, honey, sometimes I cry too.
Here, I'ma tell you what you do.
Listen to this, you might not understand the language, but you're never too young for the blues."
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This is a story bout a kid named Tommy
Every Monday he shows up to school without food in his tummy
It's not like Tommy's family doesn’t have a lot of money
But every Sunday Dad says he lost it playing horses with his buddies
Tommy likes math
And science class is pretty cool
But when it comes to PE other kids can be cruel
The thing is
Tommy can't see for shit
So the doctor, prescribed his glasses extra thick
He asked if he could get some contacts and his mom fucking flipped
“Got you a new backpack for school and you think we fucking rich?!?!”
Call his Dad up like “Can you believe this shit?!”
Oh well, Tommy didn't mean to cause trouble
But now his Dad's waiting on the couch at home with a belt around his knuckle
His face hit the floor, and the blood from his lip formed a little puddle
“Honey, did you see that shit?
Down on the ground with one hit
And this kid's bigger than me
Can't take a punch and he's fucking fourteen
Now go to your room, cuz you ain’t havin' dinner
You can eat when you show me I didn't raise a fucking quitter”
So, Tommy goes to his room
Blood in his hair
Chin’s black and blue
Ain't nothing left to do but sit back with his headphones and listen to some tunes
Miles Davis King of Blue, Track #2
Maybe Billie Holiday
He loves Strange Fruit
Tommy doesn't know a lot of things, but one thing he knows is true
No matter how old you are you're never too young for the blues
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