nevpls · 11 years
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nevpls · 11 years
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nevpls · 11 years
Versace (MEGAREMIX) ft. Drake, Tyga, Meek Mill, King Los
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nevpls · 11 years
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nevpls · 11 years
Lips of the Dead - Event #2 [Alexandra & Neven]
Nev: Standing in the corner, observing the crowd dance and sway to the soft music, Nev and dropped the others off earlier and returned. Keeping vigilant watch as the humans and creatures mingled, he caught blue movement by the doors. Turning quickly, he smiled more to himself than anyone else. Moving from his corner, he glided through the crowd, coming up on her flank. "Well hello little canary." He said, grinning, eyes glittering in the light. "I'd don't think I've seen you around here before."
Alexandra: Alexandra looked over at the tall boy, some of her soft curls falling in her face as she did. She smiled bashfully at the young man, licking her lips. "Well that may be because I just got here today", she said her English accent slipping through as she spoke. "My name is Alexandra, it's lovely to meet you", she said bowing her head a bit. He carried a certain mood with him. He was charming, but with a some what dark twist about him. Whatever it was, it was intriguing and she liked it.
Nev: Catching a glimpse of a pink tongue grace across full lips, he was already sold on his attraction to her, though the obvious accent she spoke with sold the idea home. "Oh, Alexandra," he drew out the vowels of her name unnecessarily, trying her name out on his tongue, "the pleasure is all mine." Bending at the waist, he kept his eyes locked on hers, bowing easily. "Dance with me?" He intoned, knowing himself that it wasn't a statement but adding the inflection for mannerisms, he extended a hand, palm up, towards her, angling his body toward the dance floor.
Alexandra: She couldn't help but let out a small giggle when he said her name. He reminded her of the men from back home oh so long ago, he seemed like a gentlemen. She blushed a bit seeing his eyes locked on her.With him being so handsome, it was faltering to have him look at her in any sort of way.She smiled taking his hand, bowing a small bit. "I would love to", Alexandra spoke. She hadn't danced in so long, she was excited for this.
Nev: Taking her smaller hand in his and gently leading her to the edge of the sitting way, he stepped forward with a conspiratorial smirk and wink before placing his hand high upon her side, as etiquette dictates. "I haven't danced in ages," he said truthfully, leading them to the sway of the orchestra playing. "I must be blessed to be dancing with one as fair as you." The music rose and fell and with it the dancing couples moved around the space eloquently. "If you'll indulge me; how did you find yourself stumbling into Halloween Town, of all places?"
Alexandra: She shook her head smiling widely and started to dance with him. She moved gracefully to the music, she was always was the best dancer back home. Her father had her go through years of ballroom training."Neither have I, not since one of my fathers dinner parties long ago", she said thinking back to the night.She blushed once again as he lead her with the music." Your words do charm me sir, you speak them so eloquently", she said nodding a bit at him."Oh I haven't had a home in a very long time you see, as you could imagine it gets lonely and wearying on ones soul. I heard that there was monsters here, people who would not judge me. So I've decided to make myself a home here", Alexandra said shrugging a bit. "May I ask why you have chosen to reside in Halloween Town"?
Nev: Hearing the nostalgia in her voice, he got the first inclination of her being older than she appeared. Of anyone, he knew how looks could be deceiving, but instead of pressing on, he nodded, feeling the efficiency with which she moved. "How fortunate, they must have been, anyone who held your attention in your prime. I, myself, haven't had such a skilled partner for half a millennium." He dropped, lightly, moving past another pair easily. "You flatter me with a skill I do not possess." He replied immediately, politely deflecting the compliment. "And I could only imagine." He said, drawing her slightly nearer. "I've found, with time, that 'home' is easier to find when anchored within someone." Blinking, surprised at the return question, he found himself without an immediate answer. "It happened more by accident, if anything." He laced the words together to form a sentence. "But it has definitely worked in my favor."
Alexandra: Alexandra couldn't help but let her smile grow at his compliments. "You sir do make me feel noteworthy with your enchanting words. I may dare say I to have not had such a skilled partner in a very long time", she said speaking her words clearly and politely. Alexandra moved her feet gracefully, following the dark hair mans lead. She was having a great time dancing here with him . " I only speak with the utmost Verity", she said honestly. He lead her in the dance very well and out of all of the hundreds of dance partners she had over her time, he was one of the best.She felt flustered at his words, but liked being close to him."I do agree with you there, though that is something I have not had the privilege of having in quite sometime". She listened to him, nodding to show she was listing to him. "Oh is that so?", she said not waiting to press him into telling her how it happened exactly. She would never do something as rude as that. "Well I am very pleased to hear that".
Nev: Taking in her words, Nev raised an eyebrow. "My lady, I cannot make you feel something you are not. I'm sure word-smiths all around have written sonnets and ballads in an attempt to capture a finite sampling of your grace and elevate you to the status you deserve. And you honor me still, I've never considered myself a partner worth having." He confided honestly, but finding himself near preening under her words. "And I believe you," he said, continuing the stepping sway that had them floating around the room. "Oh, well I do hope it makes your acquaintance," he murmured, "for I can't see anyone more unfortunate than the one deprived of your intimate company." He watched the dark curls bounce around her face, flattering the shape and almost unintentionally high-lighting her eyes. "Not so pleased to be experiencing it?" He questioned lightly, letting mischief bleed into his eyes.
Alexandra: Alexandra could feel her heart batter at his well spoken words. No one had talked to her with such effective and charming words since her time as a living human. " Sir, people may have written sonnets and ballads to presway my affection towards them, but all you had to do was speak a handful of words for to already win my affection for the night. Well I do hope you think of yourself as one now", She said smiling softly. She felt as if she was gilding on air as she danced with Nev." I as well hope for this, you do seem to be affable company to have", She spoke. She let out a light laugh and shook her head, moving her eyes to look up into his green orbs. 'Oh trust me sir, I am very please to be experiencing it", Alexandra said. " Now I do trust you, so I must ask you is there any individual I should evade while I stay here in Halloween?"
Nev: Her very skin felt warmer in his hands, the feeling of her very being vibrating in the palm of Nev's hand. Smiling, feeling ineffable pride bloom in his chest like royal red roses, he nodded. "I've never had a high grace bestowed upon myself than that of your attention and, as dubbed, affection - for even the briefest of breaths, much less, this. I can say, I'll never forget and I hope you remember me as such." Though the steps were innately springy, light and swift, the movements that accompanied them felt powerful - to have a partner that moved with such confidence after him changing the very aspects of the game. "I certainly do try.." he let the words linger in the air, to be replaced with the tinkling sound of her intoxicating laughter. Smile faltering slightly before picking up, he tried to keep his expression soft as he spoke. "I can't say there is. The bickering is light, friendly here, this town having experienced many fortunate circumstances that have made the citizens rounder and softer. I can't imagine anyone giving you trouble, much less doing anything to antagonize you. Though, if proven wrong, bring it up to me, tell me straight faced and honestly, and I'll take of it for you."
Alexandra: "If I may be frank with you, I do pin my hopes on you not just capturing my affections for tonight, but in the other moments that we happen to cross each others paths. Of course I shall you remember you as no less then that", she said softly. It would not bother her if she received his tenderness once more. Not that she wanted to push for a relation with him, but to have such sweet words spoken to her once more would be lovely. Her long blue dress swirled just above the floor as they danced. She felt almost connected to him in a way as they danced, it was a very nice feeling. She couldn't help but notice his smile fall just the slightest at he question. She did hope that she had not upset him in anyway. "I aim to make a fair amount of friends here, so I do hope that the words you say to me are words that are true", she said. Alexandra leaned up just the slightest to kiss her partners cheek, flattered once more by his words. " I am grateful for that, thank you for the preservation that you give me"
Nev: "An eternity would be too short of a time spent chasing after your affections, but the finite points in time where I may be so lucky to fall within your scope of consciousness will have to be more than enough." He spoke freely, the music reaching it's final climax as they continued to move as one. He found her company more than pleasant, refreshing, even, like that of a cool drink amidst the energies and heat of a summer's day. Through the workings of a single dance, she held his attention - not being able to recall even a brief moment when he would have preferred off. And she spoke with a sense of regality that didn't boast of bravado or misguided superiority. A new breed had entered Halloween Town and it may have very well been the much needed change that it so desperately needed of its inhabitants. Still, the fact that he was drawn so easily had him silently building walls to remain level-headed in her presence. The song came to its end, the last notes lingering but certainly not as sweet as those of Alexandra's voice. "But of course they are." He insisted, sure of that if nothing else. As they swayed gently to a standstill, he reached up with a hand to press against the spot her soft lips had brushed. Eyes shining brightly, he bowed as a movement of finality to their dance. "It is most certainly, the least I can do." Hoping to sound reassuring, he brought her hand, still held in his, to his lips. Dropping a kiss upon pale, slender digits.
Alexandra: "I will cherish those finite points more then you will ever recognize my dear...you know I do not think you have privileged me with giving me your name", she said realizing that the handsome man had not even spoken his name to her. She was aware the the song was coming to a end, but she really did not want it to stop. This is one of the most preeminent conversations she had in a very long time and it would be a shame for it to end. Alexandra wondered if he would still talk to her after the music stooped. He was her first real companion here in Halloween Town and there was thing she still wanted to inquire to him. Such as what type of species he was. There was such a variety in Halloween Town that he could really be anywhere. The music had come to a end and she felt her heart drop. It was a dismayed feeling , but she was still pleased with the short time she did get with him. She blushed as he kissed her hand smiling softly. " You have conformed the fact that I am going to enjoy this town"
Nev: Opening his mouth to respond, had found that she was quite right. In the span of time they had spent together, he could not remember telling her his name. The air of familiarity she has swept into his life and the ball was very Cinderella-esque and in the whirlwind of knowing her, being charmed by her, and conversing with her, he found that basic manners had escaped him. "My deepest apologies," he said, feeling a tad foolish. "I've been bestowed the name Neven, though the majority call me Nev." As the introductory notes of the next song stirred the air, he tugged gently at her hand, fully allowing her to pull away if she so wished to, towards a table, uninhabited by other guests. Pulling out a chair for her, and sitting beside her, no longer attentive to the ball at large, he pulled two glasses from a passing wait-staff skeleton - presenting one with a flourish before her. Smirking at her comment, Nev let his index finger play against the rim of his own glass. "Just as you're appearance has confirmed that this town, along with the future, looks brighter and worthwhile." Raising his glass by the stem, he tipped it towards her just so.
Alexandra: " No need to apologize, it happen to the best of us", Alexandra said smiling softly. She liked his name, it fit him very well. " Neven" she said saying his name slowly, more to herself then him. "Well I do have altruism for your name if I might say, it is very different I've never heard it given to another in all my years", she said smiling wildly her dimples showing in her pale cheeks. She squeezed his hand just the slightest as he pulled her through the table to the crowd. She uttered a small thank you when he pulled out her chair for her.She looked at the skeleton, smiling and nodding at him. Being dead herself, she had a soft spot for the monsters. She looked down bashfully her hair falling in her face at his words." With such sweet words you must have someone who you look at with compassion and someone who you hold when the winter night gets icy" , she said taking another sip of her drink.
Nev: To hear his name fall from such pretty lips, to be origin of which such beauty rings from a name surprised him in the intimacy of escaping with her very breath. He remembered, still, the feel of her name in his mouth. Fundamentally, he knew that is was a name popular throughout time, named after kings and great queens and rulers of every class and creed, yet recalling it, Alexandra, and pairing it with her face, he felt as if he, too, we're hearing it for the first time. "It's an old name, easily forgotten and halted in history. Of the new generation, there isn't a single other." He said easily, almost flippantly as if harsh narcissism hadn't led him to searching. Breath that he didn't even need catching in his throat, Nev sat frozen for a moment. She smiled, dimples accentuating her lovely face, and everything was perfect. But coming to, he found the conversation on a less than jolly topic. Swallowing down his panic, Nev brought the flute to his lips. "I have not had a proper someone since my first great loss." He recounted vaguely, an attempts to get the point across without tearing open old wounds barely scanned over to heal. "I have many friends who keep me preoccupied at best." He said, clearing his throat lightly. "What of yourself? Did you travel with a companion?"
Alexandra: His name rang like a bell in his head. His name fit him and his personality from what she had seen.She scanned his face taking in his appearance fully. His curls seemed to frame his face perfectly and his green eyes matched his complication perfectly. He was handsome there was no denying it and being this close to him made her body feel hot. " That makes it even the more notable, you see so many Alexandra's in this generation it takes away the significance behind the name. Now Neven, that is a outstanding name", she said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.She frowned slightly when he told her that he had lost someone. She herself had lost someone, likely not the same way but still it had the same effect. " Friendship is a congenial thing to have in your life", she said trying to not pry into his loss. Alexandra re-adjusted herself in the chair feeling uncomfortable all the sudden. The last man she had gave her heart to her was the same reason she died. " Unfortunately no, my past experience with love has brought me agony ', she said looking away from Nev , pain in her eyes.
Nev: She seemed to ponder what he said, and concentration lightly affected her features. Almost completely unnoticeable, the polite puzzlement that held her delicate features passively would have had anyone figuring that she was simply listening as he spoke, but hazel eyes glittered and glimmered like rare jewels, barely masking the workings of an efficient mind. "Oh, but it insinuates the lasting impression left when, for lack of a better term, combating against others with the same name." He mused lightly, watching the simple repetitive motion that single-handedly exposed her wrist and neck to him simultaneously. "But I thank you all the same, its rare to have anyone ponder my name at all." Catching the downturn of her lips, the slight furrow of brow, the obvious signs of displeasure, apparent but not overdramaticized. "It truly is," he agreed, capturing her hand within his and lightly rubbing a thumb across her petite knuckles. "As much as it pains me to here that you've lost at all, great poets urge me to encourage you to never give up, for love is a quest better soothed and appreciated after a great loss." Using contact comfort, he hoped to ease the pained look from her very features, but she turned from him. "When there's a chance to love with a love that is more than love, perhaps, that is when all past wrongs will be righted." He told her, a hopeful inflection added to his words.
Alex: " I suppose you have a point", she said lightly sipping her drink. " You're welcome, well I do think you should ponder any information that is handed to you in life, you would not be able to get a general idea of it if you did't" Alexandra said."I'm sorry did that make sense"? She asked shyly. She rarely thought about her past but when she did it broke her heart. Alexandra had given her trust to a man, who only killed her once he had her families riches. His touch sent a wave of ease over her body, she was appreciative of that. "Though your words are true Neven , I had grown tired of this quest. It seems like a hopeless daydream to me now", she said looking back over at him with a sad smile. " While your words are genial. I do think that all hope for a love is gone for me. Though for you I'm sure love will come easy", Alexandra said squeezing his hand in just the slightest.
Nev: Watching the subtle bob in her throat as she swallowed, he mimicked the motion, though drinking nothing. "That's a good way to live, to inspect every element, to.. experience it all." Chuckling softly, Nev bit his lower lip, smiling all the same. "It definitely did, in fact it's a good philosophy that more people should adopt. For a moment, he didn't know what to say to her response. In truth, he hadn't even attempted to reembark on the very quest they discussed, having given up after the single miss and defaulted to short-term engagements instead. Clearing his throat for something to do, it was his turn to look away, eyes briefly scanning the ball for trouble. "It is good, at least, to dream." He said softly, prolonging the seconds before it would seem rude for him to not turn back to her. Intrigued, he had never found a woman so resigned to the fact that she may be done with love. Frequently he overheard complaints upon the subject, but the ladies were usually hopeful, even vengeful, upon the topic of trying again and finding better. "Why would you say such a thing? A lovely, charming young lady of your stature who can hold a conversation, dance, and appears so sound of mind and in-tune with the world is a rarity, indeed." Looking up to meet her eye, he hoped to not push boundaries and drive her away with his question, but her burned with curiosity to know. At the gentle reminder of their connected hands, he did nothing to draw away from her. "That is almost too nice of you to say," He began a bit awkwardly, unsure of how exactly he should broach the subject. "I no longer look for love, though, for only infatuation finds me but that, for a short time, is enough." He wanted to laugh, then, as it sounded sadly desperate of him, but instead he looked down at their hands to avoid the burning stare of whatever judgement Alexandra's eyes may hold.
Alex: Alexandra couldn't help but notice that his glass was not as empty as hers. She suddenly felt very unladylike and placed her glass on the table." Yes exactly", she said smiling widely. Alexandra couldn't help but feel attracted to him when he bit his lip. "I'm glad you understand what I was trying to say. I conjecture that if people started to live with this thought, people would see the world as a better place", she said."It might not be refined for me to press my beliefs on to other people I apologize for that". she said once again feeling bashful. Usually she would not so easily give her opinions, but she felt secure around Nev. " To be fair I haven't dreamed that dream in a long time, she said."I apologize I'm sounding quite despondent". She felt embarrassed that she had all but bashed the thought of love. It was not that she herself did not believe in love, but she did not believe that love was not something that would ever come to play in her life again. Alexandra smiled softly at his words letting out a small sigh. " Those things may be true my dear Neven, but past happenings have been my undoing when it comes to the fact of love. It is just not something that is in my deck of cards anymore", she said letting some more of her wall break down around him. Alexandra felt almost sorry for the boy, she may have given up on love, but there was no reason why he should too. "Neven", she said moving his head so he could look at her and she took his hand in both of her small ones. "I may think love is out of the question for me, but I do not think you have to look for love it will find you. Not just a short time, but a lifetime. You are a good man you deserve that," she said kissing his knuckle before letting his hand go. Nev: As favourite smiles go, he thought, perhaps, Alexandra's could easily compete for the top spot as her eyes widen and she truly seemed happy. "No apology necessary," he said, shaking his head and pausing to lick at the corner of his mouth. "They are very good beliefs and I agree whole-heartedly." And he truly did, though not the strongest advocate for making the world a better place, the line of ideology she liked to embodied sounded like a far more positive one than that of a life where everything deemed, not even proven, disinteresting or useless was quickly dismissed without so much as a second thought. "Please, don't be, I'm certainly not one to judge. To be able to dream, than." He said, hoping to smooth over the hiccup in their conversation. He sat in confidence as, she took his compliment in stride, though her response wasn't as cheerful as it could have been - as he had hoped. A softer smile pulled at her lips, but the sadness that laced her words could not be missed. "I understand." He confided, nodding morosely. "Sometimes it's easier just to take one's self out of the game all together, to fold under the pressure of the bet, and keep foundation." Moving compliantly to her touch, deep green met bewitching hazel and he forgot to continue the pretense of breathing. He noted, too, that as another rarity, she continued to use his full name and his heart seized up painfully at the thought. Once out of her grasp, he let his hand fall back gently to the table. Apprehensive and dumbstruck at the notion she spoke of, he had no reaction. No one had ever spoken to him in such a way before and the lack of preparedness he felt had him ambivalent in its confrontation. Finding himself, he grimaced, unsure of how else to go about it. "If I could only live up to half the greatness your impression of me seems to have, I'd be three times better than I am. How, only the universe could know, you think so highly of me to think I deserve even a fraction of a promised 'lifetime' is beyond my comprehension, but surely, if someone who truly warrants love or even eternal happiness such as yourself does not see it in her cards, than there cannot be any hope for a damned man like me." He concluded bluntly,fully aware of his position in life.
Alex: Alexandra let out a sigh of relief when he stated that he agreed with her beliefs."It warms my heart to know you do", she said. This night was new, but familiar feeling for her. She could not quite put her finger on the last time she had this much of a in depth conversation with another person . It was compelling to Alexandra that she was letting herself go around the curly headed man so easily. Something just felt right about him. " I never took you as one to judge another", she said. Alexandra nodded, wanting to drop the subject about dreaming all together. She looked at waiting for him to explain why he related to her. " Yes that is sadly true", she whispered more to herself then Neven. It was sad though, that he felt that way. Alexandra frowned just the slightest at his words. It was hard for that he could not recognize the greatness in himself. It was one of the biggest disappointments in life, at least in her opinion, when someone could not see how deserving they were. " It is a misfortune that you say such things about yourself, though I feel I could not say the correct words to make you believe me", she said with a soft sad chuckle. " I will still stand by my opinion. Love will find you Neven I promise you that", she spoke picking up her glass pointing it at him a bit. She took a sip of her drink, placing it back on the smooth white table cloth.Alexandra smoothed over her blue dress with her hands. " Neven if I may be so bold to ask, sometime will you show me around Halloween town? I have become lost many times in the small time I have been here. It would be a great deal of help to me", She said licking her lips. She did want to spend more time with him and him showing her around the town sometime seemed like the perfect way to do it.
Nev: At her aside, Nev smiled, finding it, perhaps, the best thing he'd done all day. The ache in her voice caused a sharp feeling to spread in his chest - similar to the first time he experienced a misguided staking. Swallowing down the lump in his throat and breathing once again, he watched her tentatively. As she spoke again, he bit the inside of his cheek to dam the words threatening to spill out. How she saw anything positive in him at all, much less passed the shallow surface enough to classify it as a 'misfortune' had him, again, stunned. Nodding haplessly at the sound of her hollow laugh, he licked his lips nervously - finding them suddenly dry. "I'll hold you to that promise." He said vacantly, in an attempt to humor her - the one with such a good heart that it spread even to him. Watching her take a drink, he even managed to put on a smile. Pulling himself back from his thoughts, he cocked his head to the side to listen to her request. As she spoke, his smile grew exponentially. "If I may be so bold in tacking on this bit of unnecessary detail," he began, eyes straying for but an instant to her mouth before meeting hers once more. "There's nothing I would rather do than show you around town. If only to help you, an honour; if forgivable, to determine that there will, undoubtedly, be another finite point passed this evening that I can see you again, an indulgence I can hope, but do not need, to be forgiven for." Picking up her hand once more and bringing it to his lips, he pressed a lingering kiss to it, continuing to smile at her all the while. Eager, but not wanting to seem overly so, Nev picked up his own glass, draining it's contents, before inquiring when would be best for her, hoping to seem casual about the entire exchange.
Alex: Alexandra bit her lip and nodded. She knew he was probably just trying to humor her, but it was still nice none the less. She did believe that Neven deserved to find love that will last him a lifetime and she wanted nothing less for him.As he talked his smile grew and so did her heart. It felt as if her heart was going to burst just because of his simple dimpled smile. She was jubilant that he had agreed to show her around. "Really?", she said smiling and letting out a giggle like a school girl. As soon as the giggle left her pink lips her face went beat red. She covered her face with one of her hands, praying to herself that he did not just hear that."I apologize for that, please just forget I did that okay?", Alexandra said laughing a bit feeling nervous all of the sudden. She was embarrassed by the way she just acted, it was childish something she was raised not to be. "What I meant to say was, thank you for being so kind, I look forward to spending more time with you Neven", she said her face still red. She looked over at him smiling softly. "Anytime would be satisfactory for me, I am free all of the day since I have not acquired a job. I am on the search for one though, I was considering becoming a piano teacher", she said twiddling her thumbs together. The one thing her mother had taught her before she passed, was how to play the piano. It was one of her greatest passions in her life and in her afterlife.
Nev: "Of course." He said, the outright jubilation hard to miss in his voice. The girlish giggle had him blinking, intrigued beyond words, but her reaction to her own giggle had him grinning manically. As if he could be any more enamored with her, the near terrified expression at herself, as if she couldn't bare the thought of what she had done along with the deep flush that colored her lovely skin, had him fully anchored in the realm of enamor-hood. Unable to stop himself, Nev laughed, leaning forward to pry her hand from her face. "Forget the single-most adorable reaction I've ever been faced with in my life? I think not." He said fully amused. Stifling his mirth and half-successfully schooling his face back to a more somber expression, he nodded. "It should be I thanking you for this opportunity, but you are most welcome." He said with a crooked smile. "Tomorrow then or the day after, the sooner for you to be sick of me." He half-joked. In all honesty, he could not wait to spend another moment in her company. Like metal attracted to a magnet, the pull she seemed to have on him, from the way she carried herself to the thoughts she shared had him aching to stay with her. "Piano teacher..." letting the occupation drift slowly from his tongue, he nodded. She had the grace, surely, and the calm stoicity for the instrument. Even he couldn't remember the last time he had looked at, much less touched the grand piano that sat solitary in the sun room. Too long, no doubt, but he kept that to himself. "The town could use some cultural enrichment." He said softly. "I'm sure you'd be an excellent teacher."
Alex: Alexandra couldn't help but shake her head at his comment still very embarrassed. She looked at him from under her long eyelashes still embarrassed by the giggle and her reaction, her small hands still in his large ones. She once again was charmed by his words."It was not adorable more like a school girl, but thank you for pretending", she said scrunching her nose up a bit. Seeing him smile at her clearly amused, she didn't feel embarrassed anymore just happy that she had been the reason he was smiling. " I don't think I will ever become sick of you Neven", she said in a amused manner." Tomorrow would be a lovely time for me", she said nodding her head. It was rare for Alexandra to look forward to keeping someones company. Ever since her death she had kept to herself, afraid someone might find out about her, but here in Halloween Town there was no need to hide herself away from the world anymore.She bit her lip hoping that he would like what she had chosen as a job choice. Piano was one of the only things she was good at besides drawing and painting. She was delighted to hear his words. She didn't know why, but pleasing Neven made her feel good about herself. " I do hope that I will be one to bring it to them" , she said. "That does mean a lot to me Neven, I used to teach my sisters but that was so long ago it's kinda fuzzy to me now", Alexandra said smiling to herself at the thought of her sisters. She was the oldest and like a mother to them since their own mother had passed when Alexandra was only ten.
Nev: Her reaction was endearing, from the way the kaleidoscope of her multicolored irises splintered through her long lashes as she looked up at him still embarrassed, to the acute realization he had of her smaller hand within his, she radiated with a personality unlike any he'd had the pleasure to experience. "Absolutely adorable," he breathed, watching the crinkle of her nose as she spoke indignantly. Still chuckling quietly, albeit at her expense, he quieted enough to hear her answer and sigh, still smiling. Not saying anything to correct, that with time anything is possible, he nodded. "Tomorrow it is, then." He said with a finality in his voice. Normally he would have made an offhand comment about having to pencil it into his incredibly busy schedule, but his schedule was hardly busy and he couldn't imagine forgetting. "You must be amazing." He concluded. "I remember first learning, Rameau was one of the pissiest men I ever met, but I never missed a note of whatever piece we were working on after a lesson. Ah, that was so long ago." He tacked on at the end. "I hope you'll play something for me, eventually." Preferring the look of peace, positive nostalgia mask her features caused irregular palpitations to occur in his chest. Though he'd never had any siblings, he knew of some he considered as close as such and could only imagine the tranquility the memory must be bringing her. Smiling supportingly, he mused to himself.
Alex: Alexandra could feel Neven looking at her and felt her hear once again tonight speed up. "You probably think of my as a tomato as many times your words have made me turn red tonight" she joked with him lightly. She ran her thumb over his hand in a soothing way. It was nice to have someone hold her hand once again. " I look forward to it", she said again. She was already thinking about what would be would be appropriate to wear on their outing tomorrow. She always planned ahead, so as soon as she returned home she would plain it all out. " I wouldn't say amazing, but I am decent I suppose", she chuckled a bit. When he said Rameau her heart stopped. "Rameau? Jean-Philippe Rameau? Neven that is amazing, I love his work. He is one of my favorite French composers, Alexandra said her face lighting up in excitement. It was astonishing to her that he had met him. She smiled softly and nodded her hair in agreement. "I would love to play for you sometime", Alexandra said nervous at the thought.What if he did not enjoy the music that she played? She did write her own pieces and showing it to anyone, let alone Neven was nerve wracking." You just can not pick at me if I sound dreadful", She said squeezing his hand. Maybe she would show him her best piece, she would practice it a couple times to make it presidential to Neven.
Nev: Laughingly loudly and drawing a few curious stares, Nev waved them away before leaning in to speak conspiratorially." I can assure you, I most definitely did not think that, but if I had, they were certainly the most flattering thoughts I've ever had of tomatoes." A wave of calm that felt more like a cleanse than anything came over him and he smiled wider at the thought of her possibly being as excited as he. "I'm glad." He replied, voice softening at the prospect. Passing on sleep, he had quite the time to plan ahead, to make sure he didn't miss anything whilst producing the most unforgettable experience around town - a super tour, if one could say such a thing. At the recognition of his old tutor, his eyes lit up, lip immediately finding itself bitten between his teeth. "So you do know him. Or, at least, have heard of him?" Enthused, he couldn't count anymore how many times he'd heard young 'virtuosos' claiming to be the best and not even knowing of Rameau. "I bet he's rolling in his grave as we speak, I have't met another in quite a long time who's heard of him. Everyone is crazy about Bach and Beethoven, but times change." He cut off abruptly, not wanting to rant about the fissures of history and potentially put her off. Grinning excitedly, he nodded at her offer. "We'll have to make the time." He said smoothly, eager to hear her partake in her passions. "I promise I won't." He chuckled, squeezing her hand in return. "I'd offer to play something for you as well, but it'd probably just be a shaming, so I'll surely spare you." He said playfully with a wink.
Alex: Alexandra couldn't help, but laugh along with him. His laugh was contagious and even still embarrassed she laughed along with him. " Well thank you", she said biting her lip still smiling at him. She looked down bashfully at his words. She didn't know how many times she had done that tonight, but Neven had that affect on her. " I have never met him no, but I have heard of him", she said running a hand through her hair." Honestly I do not like Bach and Beethoven as much as Philip Glass and Tchaikovsky. They are my favor ties, Philip is more on the modern side but he is so amazing. I saw him live and honestly it was..breathing taking really", she said using her hands as she talked with excitement in her soft voice."Tchaikovsky sympathy five , Neven I could listen to it all day. I just it thrills me honestly", Alexandra said.Music was one thing that could get her going. She loved it more then anything, it was the only thing that has never harmed her in anyway in her long life. "I apologize I tend to become over excited about these things", she said shyly.
Nev: Tinkling laughter fell from pink lips and it was like being surrounded by the most harmonious storm that built happiness instead of tearing it all away. When she turned away from him, reluctant to meet his eye, the overwhelming urge to pull her in, to have her look at him and take him all in racked his mind. As he watched her grow more and more animated as she spoke, he was awestruck, watched her hands move about, her eyes glimmer with reserved life and her body language change dramatically from reserved maiden to lively, outspoken music consumer. He let her talk, loving how animated she got, and soaking it all in silently. "No, don't be." He said quickly, nearly wanting to have her verbally retract her apology. "I can't think of anything more seductive than an infatuated woman." He said, calmer, biting his lower lip. "It suits you well, the energy and the way you talk, how music excites you is infectious." He said, oblivious to the ball slowly beginning to shut down around them.
Alex: Neven's words caught her off guard. She rubbed her full pink lips together, now more the ever avoiding his eye contact . Him calling her seductive made her go into overdrive. She moved here eyes up at him her head still slightly down. " I wouldn't say that it made me even more of a bore", she said sheepishly. Her eyes locked with his green orbs and she felt her throat go dry. The ball seemed to not be as relevant as she looked at him." Do you really think so?", she said smiling her dimples once again appearing. " I would love to conversant more with you about music..or anything really", she said regretting her words as soon as the left her lips. She did not want to come off pushy or rude, this was so unlike her. Alexandra wanted to look away, but something was drawing her to him. Just the way the words slide off her tongue charmed her. The way he carried himself and made her flustered just by a simple complement sent her over the edge. " I mean if that would be alright with you Neven", she said caustically.
Nev: Again, she resorted to looking at him as if her eyelashes were barriers that she could hide behind. "Oh, hardly. I'd say I was, quite literally, on the edge of my seat experiencing you talk." He said, waving at himself, perched on the edge, though from leaning in previously - the point still stood. The reappearance of her dimples stole the breath from his chest and he nodded numbly as he recollected his scattered mind. "I do." He said, fervently. Pleased at her statement, he felt confused when she seemed to shutdown for a moment. And just as she had bloomed, she folded back up into herself. "Anything that makes you happy, anything you'd love to do is more than alright with me." He said, voice firm and unwavering as he placed a hand gently on her knee. Wanting nothing more himself than to be able to provide her with that happiness, he smiled reassuringly at her.
Alexandra: Alexandra let out another soft laugh as she looked him over. "It does appear as that would be true, I am glad that my words keep you so entertained Neven", She said with a chuckle at the end of her sentence. Neven spoke to her so gently and kindly it was hard not to be captivated by him. She wondered if this was part of his charm, that if he talked this way to anyone who had caught his eyes. She moved those thoughts to the back of her mind, if only for tonight she would put aside her trust issues and enjoy the night with Neven. She could tell his words were sincere and they truly warmed her heart. She placed her frail hand over his, still resting on her knee. "Your words really do mean a great deal to me", she said."At the moment, it would make me the most happy to learn more about you", she said raising her eyebrows playfully at him. " Is there anything you are passionate about"? She asked him wanting to know more about the handsome man sitting in front of her.
Nev: To fall back beneath her attention, her gaze warm like sun's rays, and to hear her laughter alone had him smiling once more. "It happens so infrequently," he mustered together the words, "the pleasure is truly all mine." Aesthetically, she was beautiful. Porcelain skin framed by rich dark hair and wide eyes that reflected colors artists' could only dream of replicating. But beneath that, under the shallow surface, though she was captivating. The way she could go from timid and reserved, to impassioned and lively was a balance he wanted desperately to grow accustomed to. To know what tipped her from one end of the spectrum to another and to watch her come out of her shell - just for him. Surprised, yet again - how she was constantly surprising him - it was his turn to appear abashed. Taking in the look of her hand atop of his, he smirked slightly, defenses drawn before licking his lips. "Perhaps... I like to draw. Nothing too extravagant," he added immediately. "Just a few charcoal sketches here and there..."
Alexandra: Alexandra's heart may have stooped beating long ago, but in this late hour of the evening she felt more alive then she has ever felt. Just sitting here talking with him was enough to bring out emotions of excitement and joy that she herself didn't know she still had within her. Her ears perked up at his response , a surprised expression crossing her face. It was not that she thought he was incapable of such a talent , but at first looking at him you would not see a artist. Though Alexandra knew better then anyone that looks could be deceiving " Neven that is really amazing passion, I would love to see it someday", she spoke with a supportive smile on her pink lips."I am almost positive that you are being around the bush with this, I'm sure they are very good", she said her voice no showing any sign of lying. Seeing Neven's artwork would be a great pleasure for her, it would let her see one of his passions. " My mother was a artist herself", she said taking a sip from her drink with her free hand.
Nev: The anticipation of how she might perceive him, of how her perception might have changed had him antsy for a change. Not that, her disinterest in art would deter him, per say, simply put - he would think less of her. But the fleeting moments from before were more than a clear indicator of her cultural stance. It wouldn't be too far-fetched to think she could appreciate the movement, even if he, himself, thought himself hardly passable. Eyes widening fractionally, he mirrored her smile. "It is something." He said, voice lingering in the air in noncommittal agreement. "It's nothing to see, really, I am no artist." Correcting her misguided impression without a second thought. "She truly must have been a talented woman, she sounds incredible, if only I could have met her." He said honestly, a piano smith and artist who mothered a number of children was incredible indeed. It was a pity, he thought, how he could hardly remember his mother anymore - perhaps, she too, was an amazing individual.
Alexandra: " Neven I wouldn't mind if you could not sketch to save your own life, I would still want to see them because they are your sketches, something you created. That is what makes them fantastic", Alexandra said softly with a shrug of her thin shoulders, She knew that his work was probably much better then he was letting on , but there was no use in arguing with him. Though she really did mean the words she had just spoken to him. Alexandra features softened at the thought of her long deceased mother. Her face was a blur to Alexandra, but she remembered the warm feeling she got around her. It was a feeling she knew she would never get back in her afterlife. " That she was, I do you wish you could have met her as well. My father used to tell me how I was the mirror to my mothers younger self", she said laughing a bit. She cleared her throat, moving her eyes back to his face. " Sorry I did not mean to shift the light back over to myself, please tell me more about you", Alexandra said feeling selfish.
Nev: Touched by her words, taken aback by her sudden conviction, and, perhaps, mystified by the certainty in her words, Nev blinked, leaning back a bit to properly take her in. Trying to see passed the shallowness of her surface, though, she was exceptionally beautiful he found himself repeatedly becoming aware of the fact, it was also evident that within her was a flame that burned with an unmeasurable intensity, and like a moth - he was drawn to her. Chuckling more to himself than at her, Nev nodded. "Very well," he consented, not wishing to argue with her. "If he is correct, than I know for certain of her beauty, wisdom, and divinity - for I see them in you." He said, drinking in the rich sound of her laughter and not wishing to be anywhere else. "Well," he began awkwardly, unsure of where to begin, not used to speaking solely of himself. "I can't say that there's very much to know. My days are spent leisurely addressing the public, taking in concerns and suggestions, or official council business, I suppose."
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nevpls · 11 years
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nevpls · 11 years
Feels about the same either way. Is that right? Bird shit.. Where is it that cannibalism is the big thing? 
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It’s been a few days. I exaggerate a lot. I heard people in Asia use bird shit to make their skin nice.
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33 notes · View notes
nevpls · 11 years
I do believe that it's you.
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Is it only me..
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or is it freezing in here? 
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nevpls · 11 years
Just ask her to sing to you.
I broke my ipod.
This is a sad day because I can’t listen to Taylor Swift anymore.
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nevpls · 11 years
Has it been nine years already? Time sure does fly..
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Look it relatively the same, what's your secret?
He hasn’t been around in like, nine years.
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nevpls · 11 years
Haven't you got someone almost exclusively in your life to handle that little problem?
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I haven’t gotten my dick sucked in way too long. What’s up with that?
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nevpls · 11 years
Running his hands over the nymph's inner thighs, he felt the material of the blanket encompass them. Nipping at his chin as a means to get their mouths closer together, Nev kissed him fervently, like trying to devour him. Tipping them back onto the bed, he easily crowded into Simon's space, pinning him down with his weight and keeping a steady hold on his hip. This, not surprisingly, was more his element. Bordering the line of coy and over the top, he flashed a smile and wink. "Warmer?" He asked, the syllables rolling off his tongue easily. 
A Little Less Conversation || Nev & Simon
Being drawn in, the kisses on his neck and to his throat, adding the words that were spoke, all made the pain fade. it slowly was gone and he seemed to melt and go limp in Nev’s arms as he got back the control. He nuzzled him some and closed his eyes. “I love you.” he whimpered out. Simon curled up more on his lap, the smallness of his stature was more evident then ever before. He grabbed the blanket to wrap them in. “Sttiill coolllddd.” he shivered and nuzzled into Nev’s neck. “You’re so warm, make me warm?”
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nevpls · 11 years
Panic seemed to kick in as the nymph lurched into unsteady motion.Wide-eyed he stared as blunt nails bit into his skin and the previous silence was suddenly filled with so much sound. "Yeah.." he found himself agreeing. "Of course, of course it's the same for me. Why wouldn't I want you?" Drawing the nymph up, he pulled him into his lap. Nosing into the crevice of his neck, he pressed gentle kisses onto the column of his throat. "You don't have to doubt me." He said smoothly, anchoring his hands on narrow hips. "Okay? I want you."
A Little Less Conversation || Nev & Simon
Simon was still balled up as he looked at him. “Only me. You only want me?” he bit his lip, his hand still on his stomach. The pain would be there and strong until the vampire made his choice. Though his color was coming back, the pain, the shivers, the crying, it would all stay until the moment things were set right or he was gone. As the winds seemed to suddenly pick up around the tree and the forest, Simon pleaded with him, grabbing onto him. “please, only me. I have no walls anymore…I’m all yours. No one else can have me. It has to be the same with you. Do you only want me?”
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nevpls · 11 years
"So have me." He said simply, moving in increments to accommodate the nymph's need for proximity. Hands still pressing into every inch of available skin, he hummed gently under his breath in easy agreement. But the sudden lurch and gasp for pain had him sitting immediately. "Are you alright?" He questioned rather dumbly, the obvious answer being no. "Do you need to, um, throw up or something?" The answer he got in return was pleasantly less than helpful. Running a hand through his sweaty fringe, Nev felt drastically out of him element. "You have me." He said firmly, watching the color slowly return to the nymph.
A Little Less Conversation || Nev & Simon
Simon had heard his voice in his dreams, felt his touch as well. As Nev answered his questions, Simon gasped for a moment. He shivered again but the color of his skin changed a bit. The blue tint fading some. He was starting to feel better but still needed him there. “I need you,” his voice still soft. “I need you here so I can get better.” his nose brushing against Nev’s jaw line. He was still cold, but his paleness wasn’t as far gone as it had been. “Only me, you only love me? Only want me?” He sniffed and held onto him with the small amount of strength he had in him. He started to shake then and held his stomach, curling up again. Simon bit into his lip. “Need you.” was all he could get out.
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