newbears2018 · 6 years
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Welcome to the New Bears’ Blog!
Say hello to Berkshire’s student leaders and the authors of this blog.  Keep scrolling for information written For Bears By Bears.
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newbears2018 · 6 years
Welcome New Bears!
Over the course of the summer, you’ll have access to posts from your student leaders who will help to answer questions that might come up as you get ready for the fall.  If you have questions beyond what the student leaders provide in the blog, send us an email at: [email protected].
Until then, here is your lineup of student leaders.  Please know that we are all looking forward to seeing you on campus in just a few short months! #GoBears
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newbears2018 · 6 years
Student Leaders
All-School Presidents
Sherry Y. - Shanghai, China
Martin D. - Vienna, Austria
- - - -
Alanna S. - East Orange, NJ | Head Prefect
Peter D. - Newport, RI | Head Prefect
Daniel A. - Riverdale, GA
Alex B. - Watertown, CT
Will B. - Chatham, NY
Rayshawn B. - Rochester, NY 
Harley F. - Charlotte, VT
Brooks G. - New Canaan, CT
Cami K. - Richland, MI
Kenzie L. - Allendale, NJ
Brendan M. - Fairfield, CT
Sean M. - Fairfield, CT
Mads M. - San Francisco, CA
Jeff M. - Darien, CT
Ruby M. - Lenox, MA
Elizabeth N. - Tyringham, MA 
Sophie R. - Burlington, VT
Holley R. - Lakeville, CT
Alex R. - Ridgefield, CT 
Nenyasha S. - Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Thomas S. - Williston, ND
Devon T. - Wilton, CT
Kate W. - Bedford, NY
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newbears2018 · 6 years
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You’ll be here in less than 3 months!  #perkstobeingabear
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newbears2018 · 6 years
A Message from your ASPs
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Congratulations on your acceptance to Berkshire School! Our names are Sherry and Martin and we are very excited to serve the Berkshire community as the 2018-2019 All-School Presidents.  Our job is to ensure that your voices are heard and feedback be brought forward to the administration to make Berkshire a better place. You will be seeing and hearing from us on Mondays at All-School meeting. Monday morning meeting is the perfect place for students to share their stories and hear from different voices in our community.
What we want you to remember over the summer is how excited the community is to welcome a new group of students to campus.  Nerves are normal but remember that you will be welcomed with open arms and lots of excitement.  Lean on this blog for some extra information from Berkshire’s leaders and spend the next few months getting excited for your new adventure!
We can’t wait to meet you and don’t hesitate to reach out with questions at [email protected].
See you soon,
Sherry and Martin
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newbears2018 · 6 years
B E   Y O U!
Welcome to the New Bears’ Blog!  This is Mads and Rayshawn, and we’ll be Prefects in the Spurr and Buck Dormitories, respectively.
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We wanted to let you know that coming into Berkshire might seem scary, especially if you are away from home for the first time, but everyone is in the same position coming to Berkshire.  Returning students get excited to get to meet the incoming students and everyone wants to meet new friends and make some fun memories that will last a lifetime!!
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When you arrive, don’t be afraid to express yourself and be unique. Take the opportunities Berkshire offers and try new things! Here are some fun ideas and activities to look forward to…
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Go to Shawn’s Place (student center) and talk to anyone. We promise, they want to talk to you and hear your story!
If you are in Shawn’s in the Fall, students may call “Eipper Wall”, which means everyone gets out of Shawn’s and moves outside to the wall and grassy area by Eipper Dorm.  This is a great way to get outside as a student body and spend time outdoors rather than indoors.
Students bring soccer balls and hold mini world cup games
A football, volleyball, baseball is never hard to find
Spikeball is also really big (sometimes there can be three out in the middle of Buck Valley at a time)
Don’t be scared to speak up in class, no one is going to judge you if you get the answer wrong because we are here to learn!
Maybe you can share a secret talent… last year someone won our talent show for peeling a clementine in one piece!!
Get outside and utilize the mountain as much as possible
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Maybe that means skiing during your long free in the winter getting all the stamps on your mountain passport (which you will receive when you arrive) or getting a big blanket and studying with friends outside!
Join clubs that your interested in, try a new club (maybe something you know nothing about), or you can even make your own club and share your interests or hobbies with the community.
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^ Join the radio club ... and have your own show!
Get outside on a Wednesday or Saturday to watch all the sports games happening on campus.
Don’t be afraid to try a new sport, join the fall play, learn a new musical instrument, try out for an a capella group (Greensleeves or Ursa Minor),etc…
Try out a town trip to Great Barrington, explore, and find some good places to eat and maybe the coffee shop for a quiet place to study.
Take time out of your day to jog with some friends to explore Berkshire unique qualities and the campus.
On a hot sunny day take a dip into the watering hole with your friends and have the most fun of your life.
Pinkout Game
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The Boys Varsity Hockey team holds the d’Arco Cup game against Taft each year where everyone can donate money to support breast cancer research as well as our hockey team. The entire Berkshire community gets all decked out in pink and super excited (and maybe a little competitive) about the game and cheer our team on! #GOBEARS
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Winter Carnival
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This is a whole weekend filled with a series of games and events where all the dorms/day students compete in cheer offs, skits, choreographed ice dances/skits, trivia, tug of war, human dog sled races, and more!
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There’s a theme each year and in the past we’ve had anything from Decades to Disney movies, to countries.  The theme for Winter Carnival 2019 will be announced sometime in January.  We’re already counting down the days .... #GOSPURR
Pro Vita
This is a whole week of special classes where you can choose to go on a super cool international or domestic trip, or choose 2 classes on campus.
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Here’s the link to our Signature Programs page where you can find the link to the Pro Vita page to learn more about the classes and trips offered… https://www.berkshireschool.org/academics/signature-programs
Link to the full Pro Vita page: https://www.berkshireschool.org/academics/pro-vita
Link to 2018 course catalog: https://www.berkshireschool.org/academics/pro-vita/pro-vita-catalog
Link to 2019 Pro Vita Trips:  https://www.berkshireschool.org/academics/pro-vita/pro-vita-trips
6v6 World Cup Tournament
6v6 is a fundraiser for the Girls Varsity Soccer team. One Saturday each year we have a huge World Cup Tournament where anyone can choose a country and make a team to compete for the World Cup title
This is the “festival of colors” where everyone joins in Buck Valley to throw colored dust and celebrate this Indian holiday in the Spring.
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Green and Gray Activities 
During your orientation you will be assigned to the Green Team or the Gray Team. This will be the team you will be a part of during your entire career at Berkshire and beyond as an Alum.  There are Green vs. Gray activities that are held once a month on Saturday nights.  This past year, the Green Team won by less than 100 points, it was close!  There are TEN Green and Gray captains (senior leaders as well) that you will meet during your orientation.  #GoGreen #GoGray
 Mountain Days
Mountain Days are a surprise and only happen once in the Fall and once in the Spring.  Only Mr. Mulder (Head of School) knows when he is going to call Mountain Day, so you may go to your first period class, and then get to meeting and find out it’s Mountain Day!!
There is no school for the rest of the day and you can go hiking up to Black Rock, Guilder Pond (and maybe jump in!), bike to Bistro Box or Marketplace Cafe, or even set up a hammock in a nice sunny spot.
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We could go on and on ... but if you learn one thing from this blog post it should be GET EXCITED for your first year at Berkshire and don’t be afraid to be yourself, because that’s why you were accepted, for YOU!
Looking forward to seeing you on campus soon!
Mads + Rayshawn
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newbears2018 · 6 years
R O O M I E   L I F E ! ! !
Hey New Bears!
Peter and Nenyasha here to pass along some information about being a boarding student at Berkshire.  Even if you are a day student you’ll find this information helpful!  A lot of our day students spend time in the dorms and are very much a part of the “boarding” culture.  Read on to learn more ...
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Peter & Nenyasha
On move in day you will be greeted by us, your prefects! We are ready to meet your needs and answer your questions. To be 100% honest your room might not look like the way you want it too the first day it might even look like this on move in day:
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But don’t worry there is plenty of time for you to get your room exactly the way you want it to be!  As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day.  It will take time for you and your roomie to come up with a vibe for the room!  We thought it would also be helpful to share some photos ... check it out!
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T I P S ! !
Be aware of your space - remember you are sharing a room with another person.  Having TONS of stuff makes it difficult to truly share the space.  And makes for a bit of a rocky start at the start of the school year!
Being kind and clean is always a great way start the year.
Bring a little bit of home with you! That could be a poster, family pictures, a bean bag, a rug, or any little decorations
Your room should reflect everything you like so make it something you are proud of
Don’t be afraid if you don’t know what to pack. Odds are if you can’t think of anything else to bring, you have everything that you need. Clothes, toiletries, some snacks, maybe a few decorations, and any little things that make you happy are all that you really need. A neat dorm is a comfortable dorm, so packing light should be your goal.
If you forget anything the bookstore has EVERYTHING! Odds are whatever you are missing will be there. 
T H E R E   I S   M O R E ! !
Roommate first impressions: Introduce yourself, communicate, a good conversation on the first day can kick off a great relationship.  Show up at school ready to get to know the people around you (!!) ... but especially your roommate. Remember, Berkshire students travel from all over the world to be on campus.  That means we have TONS of different cultures, people, students, and an amazing community.
A happy roomate = a happy life!
Roomie Do’s/ Dont’s
Do be clean
Don’t be afraid to be yourself
Do be nice
Don’t keep your roommate up at night
Do compromise
Don’t let implied expectations guide your living situation
Do be respectful of each others space
Do talk about problems
Don’t assume anything
Do go in with a good attitude  
Do be there to support
Do be mindful
Don’t feel like you and your roomates have to be best friends
Do reach out to your roommate before move in day if you can!
Don’t sweat the small stuff
Do have fun
We’re so excited to meet all of you!!  Give us a shout if you have any questions.  Enjoy the summer and see you on campus SOON!
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newbears2018 · 6 years
Harley and Brooks here to share some information about Berkshire’s schedule.  As you know, Berkshire is a busy place and we have a lot going on.  Don’t stress though - there will be lots of people to help you get the hang of it.  To help offer a little clarity before you arrive we put together this blog post.  Enjoy, Bears!
Harley and Brooks
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Difference Between Green and Gray Schedules
Berkshire uses two schedules throughout the school year, we refer to them as the green and gray schedules. Green schedules include Saturday classes and gray schedules leave Saturday open, usually for standardized tests or other conflicts. The gray week schedule also has time on Thursday afternoon for “for life programming”, usually involving a guest speaker.
Advisory System - Lunch and Tuesday meetings
There are two times in the academic week that are designated for advisory meetings. You and your advisory group will meet on Tuesday mornings and on Wednesdays during lunch to discuss the week ahead, any concerns you may have, and life at Berkshire in general. The time you spend with your advisor is not limited to these times, so keep in mind that you will be able to reach out and schedule meeting times outside of these blocks.
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Long Blocks
Each class will meet for one “long block” throughout the week. A typical class will be forty five minutes and a long block is seventy minutes. Long blocks are typically used for labs, presentations, assessments, and other activities that may require more time. Seventy minutes may sound like a long time to be sitting in a classroom but they actually go really quickly and are not hard to get through at all, so don’t let them worry you!
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Meetings on Monday and Thursday
Berkshire meets as a community twice a week, on Monday and Thursday mornings during second block. The meetings are a great time to bring in guest speakers and to make general announcements about the community as a whole or upcoming events. All-school meetings are a mandatory commitment to all students and are very informative regarding the week ahead.
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Half Days Wednesdays and Saturdays
    Yes half days are the best! But wait Saturday classes?? They are not that bad trust me because you will have a maximum of three classes. Wednesdays and Saturdays are also days that sports games/performances will be. This half day gives you ample time to meet your afternoon commitment and get your work done.
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Understanding the Pace
    There is 5 minutes between each class, and this is plenty of time to get from one academic building to next, unless you are chatting every person you see along the way. Which both Harley and I have been guilty of.  So hustle and bustle!!
What a Free Period/Lunch Looks Like
Everyone has G or H lunch. So if you look at your schedule and see no classes assigned for one of these periods then that is your lunch. Head to the dinning hall and grab a bite to eat, there are tons of options!  Now if you look at your schedule and see another free block then you could get some work done!  Getting work done in my free period, you say?  Yes!  It can make for an easier study hall and help with stress.  Before you graduate from Berkshire you will be an absolute PRO at time management.  But sure ... you might hit some bumps along the way.  If you do choose to get work done during your frees you can go here ...
Shawn’s (student center)
Your Dorm
If you do not have much work head to Shawn's to hang with friends
G/H are lunch blocks, dining hall and Shawn's are open
Study Hall
Study hall is every night between 7:45 and 10:00 pm. Study hall is a great way to be productive and get all your work done. You will have proctored study hall twice a week as a freshman to make sure you are developing healthy study habits, but don’t worry they aren’t that bad!  It’s a great way to get into a good study routine. 
Post study hall students have time to hang with friends or go to bed early if you are tried.  Lights out is at 11 pm on school nights. 
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Can’t wait to see you Bears on campus! Holler with questions and enjoy the time off.
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newbears2018 · 6 years
Clubs at Berkshire
Hey Bears!
Alanna and Thomas here and we are two of your prefects for next year!
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^ Yep!  That’s us in Buck Valley.
Since we are both members of lots of clubs and activities on campus we would like to introduce you all to some of our favorites. As the creators of the “Young Republicans Club” and an “It’s On Us Chapter” here at Berkshire School, we both love leading as well as being a part of clubs on campus.
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^ Charlotte C. ‘18 all smiles while helping out with Grill Club this past spring.
Some other clubs offered under the Mountain include Afro-Latino Society, Debate Club, Diversity Club, Gender and Sexuality Alliance, Mock Trial, BearsFeed, Dog Walking Club, French Club, and Model UN ... just to name a few!  What we both love about our school is that all students are given the opportunity to create their own clubs if they would like.  Don’t see something you are interested in joining?  That’s okay!  Create your own club, like what we did! 
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^ Fly Fishing Club!  This crew traveled off campus in the spring for an overnight trip.
You must be curious when you will be able to sign up for these clubs.  Don’t fret - during the first weekend there will be a club fair in the dining hall where you can learn about the clubs offered on campus and meet the members.  There, you’ll be able to learn more, chat with other students, and get your name on the list.  If for some reason you can’t make the fair, that’s okay!  Sign ups for the clubs are offered throughout the duration of the school year.  Here is a link to all current clubs offered. https://www.berkshireschool.org/student-life/student-activities/clubs-at-berkshire
Clubs are just one part of our community and we encourage you to be open to learning more when you arrive on campus in just a few weeks.  Outside of clubs you’ll have the opportunity to be a part of sports, arts, theater, and so much more.  We can’t wait to meet you and enjoy the final few weeks of summer.
A & T
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newbears2018 · 6 years
Explore the M O U N T A I N !!
You are now a part of the Berkshire School community!  And with that comes access to so many incredible things.  Including the MOUNTAIN!  Jeff and Cami here to share some information about Berkshire’s great outdoors.  As you know, we get to go to school in, what we think, is one of the most beautiful places around.  Here you’ll find a quick guide to our favorite spots to hike, walk, run, explore, right from our campus.
Hiking might not be for everybody, and that’s okay!  No student should feel pressure to fall in love with hiking or the outdoors.  We just want to make sure you know what’s available .. right outside your door step.
See you under *our* Mountain soon.
Jeff + Cami
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Guilder:  This is a pond at the top of the mountain.  Yes, a pond at the TOP of a mountain. This is a great place to go on a Sunday with friends.  The hike is about an 1 hour and 15 minutes.  This hike is one of our personal favorites because when you get the top there is a great big rock to lay down on.  Bring a speaker and some snacks and your day will be made.  Things to bring on this hike is a bag, water, a towel and a extra pair of socks because your others might get wet on the walk up.  There a few streams that cross the trail.  This is a prime stop for a mountain excursion.
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Mt. Everett:  This is for the real mountaineers!!!! Mount Everett is about 20 minutes past the break off to Guilder.  If you continue this you will get some of the best hikes in the area.  This is the second highest mountain in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  From the top you can see for miles around and all the way to Mount Greylock which is the tallest mountain in the state.  You should bring water and some snacks for the long hike.  Even through this is a long hike it is very rewarding and the view from the top is something that you can’t beat.  *Fun Fact*  Mr. Mulder challenges all students and faculty to the Mt. Everett challenge on every Mountain Day.  The Challenge:  Make it from Berkshire’s trail signs up to the Mt. Everett sign in under 40 minutes and he will treat you to SoCo (ice cream spot in Great Barrington). 
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^ South Pinnacle
South Pinnacle: This hike is one that you can’t miss out on. It takes about an hour to get up there and you won’t be disappointed once you make it! South Pinnacle sits on the side of the mountain, across from Black Rock. In fact, you can even see Black Rock if you look to the left! This hike is a long, gradual uphill and there are a bunch of good spots to take a break along the way. Bring water and a snack to munch on while you enjoy the view.
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Black Rock: During my first weekend at Berkshire, I hiked up to Black Rock with a group of other new students. It was unforgettable and one of the best bonding experiences that I have had at Berkshire. This hike takes about forty minutes and it has the best view of campus! If you wake up early enough, you can hike up and see the sunrise from Black Rock. Make sure to wear good sneakers because near the end, the trail gets steep and rocky.
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The Reservoir: This is a great spot to go if you are looking for a short hike. It takes about fifteen minutes to reach the reservoir, which is a small body of water that gathers below a bridge and a waterfall. Wear a swimsuit; on a hot day it is fun to jump in and climb up the waterfall. It is also very beautiful in the winter, but be careful if there is ice!
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The cross country trail: This is a trail that goes behind Berkshire Hall.  This is a great place to run.  This trail in the woods and is a beautiful place to walk with friends.  You can see the Thoreau house and other fun Berkshire sites.  Also this is a great place to cross country ski in the winter!  Across the street from Berkshire are more trails that the XC team can often be found on.  Students enjoy walking and hiking there as well.  It’s one of the most beautiful spots in the fall!
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newbears2018 · 6 years
Teachers + Students
Hi Future Bears!
Ruby and Sean here! We are prefects in MacMillan and Eipper this year. We are here to tell you about the student teacher relationships at Berkshire. At Berkshire, your teachers are not only your teachers they are also your coaches, advisors, mentors and dorm parents. It can feel really strange at first leaving your parents to come to boarding school, but no worries, because at Berkshire you have so many adults who are ready to step in and help you.
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Advisor/Advisee Program
When you first come to Berkshire you will be assigned a member of the faculty to be your advisor. In your advisory group there will be students from all different grades, some new and some old. A typical advisory group has anywhere from three to eight kids in it. Your advisor is the person who you can go to 24/7 to help with anything that you need including scheduling, advise or any question you may have. Every Wednesday is advisory lunch and you will sit with them at lunch to discuss anything going on. On Tuesdays, you will have an advisory meeting built into your academic schedule, to meet as well. If you do not click with your advisor, no worries, you can pick another faculty member and make the switch easily. Remember, your advisor has your best interest in mind and is always there to help. 
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Extra Help
Every morning from 7:45- 8:15am teachers are available for extra help in their classrooms. If you feel confused or need refreshing on a topic you learned, you can go to extra help to ask questions. This is a great opportunity to have one on one time with teachers so take advantage of it!  We not only like extra hep to feel more prepared in classes but it’s a great way for your teacher to better understand your learning style.  Overall, it’s time well spent. 
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The coaches at Berkshire are also part of faculty so your math teacher might also be your lacrosse coach or drama coach/teacher. The coaches are very open to helping new players, (so do not be afraid to try a new sport), and improving experienced players. Coaches are positive and invested in the team but also like to have a lot of fun.
Dorm Parents
In each dorm there are two to three dorm parents and families living with you. They check you in each night at 7:45pm  and 10:00pm. They make you dorm snack every Saturday night which could be anything, examples include mac&cheese, ice cream, chips and salsa or cereal. The dorm parents and their family create a family vibe in the dorm, which is very comforting when living away from home. If you need anything during any part of the day or night they are available in their apartments.
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No teacher is just a teacher ...
The faculty at Berkshire are all well rounded and interesting people. They come from all over the world just to teach and be a part of the Berkshire community. They are invested in their classes and their students. The teachers want the best for every student and are willing to help you with anything. Having a positive and open mindset allow students to make the most out of student teacher relationships. Becoming close with the adults that live at Berkshire is a key component of the Berkshire lifestyle.
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We will be seeing you on campus very soon!!
Ruby and Sean
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