newdog14 · 1 day
I am humbly asking for about 10ish more artists to fill out this google form to join my raffle to cover the last few families that have been verified over the past couple of days. Please please if you’re going to fill out the form, I ask that already have everything ready to send me as I am trying to have the raffle start either later this evening or tomorrow and I don’t have the time or energy to keep chasing people down for info <3 🤲🤲🤲
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newdog14 · 2 days
Gaza: The Suffering of a People Under the Weight of Genocide
I never imagined we could reach such a dire situation. The brave people of Gaza, who have faced every challenge and risen from the rubble, are now enduring what can only be described as genocide, not war. Everyone is suffering, unable to do anything.
I am proud to be Palestinian, but my heart breaks for what we have come to
I hope you can help evacuate my family to a safe place. Every dollar saves my family's life. Please share this post as much as you can and donate if you're able to.
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newdog14 · 2 days
Hey everyone, another update from Mona before her departure from Mawasi. Since our last drive for donations she managed to also get a donation from Children's Aid. With our donations and this group's donations she was able to distribute more staple and food parcels to displaced families. This Eid Al Adha remember the displaced and the ones with less means than you. And as always, do not hesitate to donate! Every dollar counts! P*ypal.
G*f*ndme to distribute basic necessities in Ghazzah.
G*f*ndme to help Mona's family evacuate.
Instagram to keep track of progress.
None of this is possible without Mona and her family's diligence and work. If you would like to send her a thank you note or well wishes, please include it in the replies to this post, in your tags, or in the comments! She always appreciates them ♡
Unfortunately as she is moving again she will not have access to Internet for a while and she is not reachable, but she will read the messages when she has access to internet again.
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newdog14 · 2 days
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Despite everything, these children are a source of hope and strength for us. Please don't let it fade away. My family is barely hanging on for them and their older brothers and sisters.
We will be forever grateful for any kind of support.
Please donate if you can and reblog as much as you can 🙏
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newdog14 · 2 days
High quality plot twist
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newdog14 · 3 days
Hey guys. Normally I don't post fundraisers more than once just to show you guys which ones are legit but this fundraiser is a special case. (In the link CW: photo of a child with blood on face if you scroll all the way down):
This fundraiser has been at a very low amount for a long time. I feel like it needs to be spotlighted and pushed forward. This individual's children have hemophilia and in the case of a cut or other issue they do not have the possibility of treatment and could die. Please please please send money their way. Spare a few $ today and send it to this fundraiser.
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newdog14 · 3 days
Update on my friend Amani from Gaza! Things are getting very dire and she has asked me once again to relay her story to you in the hopes that you will be able to help her and her family.
Amani is a 32 year old mother of 3 boys. Originally from the north of Gaza, their home was completely taken away from them by Israeli bombardment and they were forced to evacuate to the south.
Currently, Amani's family has had to evacuate 5 times and is forced to live in a tent with even the barest necessities unavailable to them. Her children are deprived of nutritious food and clean water as well as medicine and healthcare. And everyday they are at risk of losing their lives whether it is to illness or to the Israeli heavy artillery.
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(ID in Alt)
Amani needs to evacuate herself and her children across the Rafah border. She is asking for $17,732 and has gotten very few donations so far!
Please help Amani get her boys to safety and out of harm's way! Every moment they spend in Gaza their life is at risk and the trauma they gain is lifelong. Donate what you can and please make sure you share!
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newdog14 · 3 days
Please stop✋✋
We are here alive, not dead. Have you ever heard of my country Gaza? Have you heard how children are killed and homes destroyed? Does anyone hear our cries and tell the story of an orphan child who lost his life at the age of four days after his birth? Can you think for a moment how this child lives? Who will provide for his needs? Who will give the love of family and family? What about that pregnant mother who dreams of her child who is about to be born and is killed with her fetus in her womb? What about my friend who was burned to death with her children after the massacre in which my husband’s friends were buried alive? What can I tell you? We are human beings, not numbers. We have dreams and children with whom we want to live in peace? By what right did they kill our dreams and future and demolish our past and memories under the rubble of our homes? I wonder if we will remain alive and tell you the rest of the story, or will we be with the dead?
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Have you seen this little child? He is my grandson. He was born in the harshest conditions of war, between rising columns of smoke and body parts, and displacement from one place to another in tents and demolished houses. He was born suffering from a chest attack and did not have any of the necessities of life, such as medicine, milk, etc.
Why can't our children live in peace?
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newdog14 · 3 days
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I'm gonna say it and you can't get mad at me if you can't offer a solution but when the average israeli youth is like this I understand the purpose of viet cong reeducation camps. This is not being fixed when they grow up. They will contine to torment attack and do everything in their power to reinstate zionist supremacy in a future free palestine
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newdog14 · 3 days
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Years from now students will be asked to decode this post in history class
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newdog14 · 6 days
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June 4, 2024
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newdog14 · 6 days
its really awesome how zionists have completely normalized and encouraged non-jews to question how jewish antizionist jews really are and slander them as antisemitic to the point where the german and israeli government are inviting gentile speakers to their events to call us kapos, goyische electoral politicians saying weve abandoned our jewish identity, even saying our religion is liberalism. what the actual fuck is going on?? what world is this?? its really disturbing how mainstreamed this has become
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newdog14 · 6 days
see this is why i know so many of yall are just being performatively supportive of palestine. you "support palestine" superficially but with any other resistance or radical movements you're all of a sudden senator mccarthy and it's the 1950s and you're screaming and crying about dictator totalitarian commies if you see a thomas sankara quote or something about che guevara. like you people are not fucking serious
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newdog14 · 6 days
It is literally impossible to “human shield” yourself from an unannounced aerial strike. Do you just hold a baby in the air for days at a time waiting for Israel to drop a bomb on you both? What’s the logic here? It’s the dumbest fucking nonsense in all political discourse.
That’s called you being lazy and committing war crimes if you can’t distinguish civilians and combatants. Combatants being intermixed with civilians is also just fucking normal in guerilla warfare, because everyday people make up the units. International law still applies.
As I’ve long suspected with these idiots, they’re just using ‘human shield’ as a metaphor and not a description of a literal act. Sorry, I don’t give a shit about your make believe metaphor. Speak of things that are real or don’t speak at all, fool.
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newdog14 · 6 days
You can't see the English well, but the sign with the cactus on one side and the key on the other, reads "the Nakba is ongoing" in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
On the backs of the watermelon signs, in Hebrew and Arabic, they wrote the names of Palestinian villages. I looked a few of the names up, they were villages that were destroyed in 1948.
Video from Voices Against War on ig.
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newdog14 · 6 days
vetted fundraisers shared with me. as always, please give if you're able and boost regardless - even the smallest action can make an incalculable difference
june 1st & 2nd:
Firas Salem, his wife, their two little children, and extended family members (€27,722/€65,000) - @firas-salem
Iyad Sobhei, his wife, and their eight children (£2,901/£60,000) - @iyadsobhei
Iman Eyad and her family of seven (£5,038/£60,000) - @imaneyad
Ruba Abushaban and family, including her elderly parents who need vital medical care (€19,396/€55,000) - @rubashaban
Ahmed Iyd and his family of eight (£8,498/£150,000) - @ahmd-iyd
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newdog14 · 6 days
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Northern Lights
l May 2024 l Andrew McCarthy l Logan Parham l Shane Ware l Joseph Alsousou l Neil Thomas l Greg Sheard l Sebastian Voltmer l TheSolarCan
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