newera-4-blog · 4 years
My assignment is to write 750 words per day on matters that interest me.  This is to get used to writing (again) and practice putting thoughts to paper. 
So what is of interest to me?  I could start with movies; my sisters and I go to a movie most Saturday afternoons - some we like, some we aren’t sorry we paid money for, and some that are just awful.
Last weekend was “Just Mercy,” starring Jamie Fox and Michael B. Jordan.  It is the story of a man in Alabama sent to prison in 1987 for a crime he did not commit.  The story is bittersweet but is well told and the acting is extraordinary.  I was actually living in Birmingham, Alabama when these events occurred (the movie is based on a true story); however, I do not recall hearing anything about this inequity in the news.
I am so blessed to have my two sisters and my older brother.  However, Mike abstains from the movie-going, so I don’t get to see him as often.  But my sisters have become my best friends in recent years.  It seems the older we get, the more we have in common, and the more we are willing to dismiss our differences and let bygones be bygones.  It doesn’t hurt that they were instrumental in supporting me through some rough times in my life within the last 9-10 years.  In case you cannot tell, I am the youngest of the four siblings.
I am also blessed to have a large circle of friends whom I see almost weekly and we share laughs and tears together on our journeys through this life.  These women would do anything for me, as they know I would do for them.  I met the majority of these women about 9-10 years ago (yes, there’s a direct cause and effect from my “rough times” mentioned above).  But I’m going to leave the exact reason we met a mystery for now.
The talk around the office is about the weather.  We are in a Winter Weather Advisory from midnight tonight until Saturday morning - snow, ice and winds are heading our way.  Mothers are wondering if schools will close tomorrow, and we all are wondering about getting to work and back home again.  I have already checked with my sister/housemate to make sure we have sufficient groceries to get us through should this storm be as bad as they are making it sound.
The thing is, the office here, my work, is so low key.  I work for attorneys, but they are not your run-of-the-mill Type A Personality attorneys.  This is really my “job heaven” I longed for about 30 years ago!  The attorneys I work for are down-to-earth people first, and work comes second.  This is pretty darn rare in law firms I have experienced throughout my career.  I have worked for four law firms since 1987 - oh, the same year the man in the movie was sent to prison in Alabama!  But over that length of time, I have met a wide variety of attorneys; some very successful and demanding, some extremely frustrated and rude to the world, and many self-centered men and women.  But none compare to the three attorneys I work for now, who understand that each person here has their own life outside of work and that is really more important than what is happening in the office.  Now, they do expect us to get our work done, mind you, but not at the cost of our sanity or self-esteem.  That is pretty priceless to me.  It justifies to me the fact that I have stayed here (yes, I’ve been here about 9-10 years) despite not getting a raise for the last four years.  It seems I have reached the top of my salary range.  But I have also been told that I pretty much have a job until I retire if I want it.
I hope you have enjoyed this preliminary, first-time writing as I ramble along about this and that. I do not plan to ramble nearly as much in the future, but to pick a particular subject or project to dwell upon. I thank you for your time, and wish you a good day, free of snow, ice, and 45 mph winds!
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newera-4-blog · 4 years
My assignment is to write 750 words per day on matters that interest me.  This is to get used to writing (again) and practice putting thoughts to paper. 
So what is of interest to me?  I could start with movies; my sisters and I go to a movie most Saturday afternoons - some we like, some we aren’t sorry we paid money for, and some that are just awful.
Last weekend was “Just Mercy,” starring Jamie Fox and Michael B. Jordan.  It is the story of a man in Alabama sent to prison in 1987 for a crime he did not commit.  The story is bittersweet but is well told and the acting is extraordinary.  I was actually living in Birmingham, Alabama when these events occurred (the movie is based on a true story); however, I do not recall hearing anything about this inequity in the news.
I am so blessed to have my two sisters and my older brother.  However, Mike abstains from the movie-going, so I don’t get to see him as often.  But my sisters have become my best friends in recent years.  It seems the older we get, the more we have in common, and the more we are willing to dismiss our differences and let bygones be bygones.  It doesn’t hurt that they were instrumental in supporting me through some rough times in my life within the last 9-10 years.  In case you cannot tell, I am the youngest of the four siblings.
I am also blessed to have a large circle of friends whom I see almost weekly and we share laughs and tears together on our journeys through this life.  These women would do anything for me, as they know I would do for them.  I met the majority of these women about 9-10 years ago (yes, there’s a direct cause and effect from my “rough times” mentioned above).  But I’m going to leave the exact reason we met a mystery for now.
The talk around the office is about the weather.  We are in a Winter Weather Advisory from midnight tonight until Saturday morning - snow, ice and winds are heading our way.  Mothers are wondering if schools will close tomorrow, and we all are wondering about getting to work and back home again.  I have already checked with my sister/housemate to make sure we have sufficient groceries to get us through should this storm be as bad as they are making it sound.
The thing is, the office here, my work, is so low key.  I work for attorneys, but they are not your run-of-the-mill Type A Personality attorneys.  This is really my “job heaven” I longed for about 30 years ago!  The attorneys I work for are down-to-earth people first, and work comes second.  This is pretty darn rare in law firms I have experienced throughout my career.  I have worked for four law firms since 1987 - oh, the same year the man in the movie was sent to prison in Alabama!  But over that length of time, I have met a wide variety of attorneys; some very successful and demanding, some extremely frustrated and rude to the world, and many self-centered men and women.  But none compare to the three attorneys I work for now, who understand that each person here has their own life outside of work and that is really more important than what is happening in the office.  Now, they do expect us to get our work done, mind you, but not at the cost of our sanity or self-esteem.  That is pretty priceless to me.  It justifies to me the fact that I have stayed here (yes, I’ve been here about 9-10 years) despite not getting a raise for the last four years.  It seems I have reached the top of my salary range.  But I have also been told that I pretty much have a job until I retire if I want it.
I hope you have enjoyed this preliminary, first-time writing as I ramble along about this and that. I do not plan to ramble nearly as much in the future, but to pick a particular subject or project to dwell upon. I thank you for your time, and wish you a good day, free of snow, ice, and 45 mph winds!
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