newliliana · 1 year
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newliliana · 1 year
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newliliana · 1 year
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newliliana · 2 years
Hello  i believe you already heard 😄 Joel is not my problem anymore  Lord saved me from bigger disaster . He didnt started the annulment cause it wasnt convinient for him and  also to spite you . He never made clear why he is stalling the annulment . I waited and waited … He wanted a baby , I said : no annulment - no baby for you . Europeans we finish our business before starting something new . He never finished his , i gave him too much time. He said he will do annulment but he never did , what a liar . He presented like he was the victim in your marriage , like he is the good guy and you are crazy one  , but he loves you cause you are mother of his kids 😆  He was telling me how your relationship is over even before he met me .  Now I understand that you are not crazy but angry cause he is the one doing stupid immature shit. Im sorry for my part in that mess . Im sorry if  I caused you anger , stress and problems. He is expecting that you will pay half for annulment 😄 My advice : Dont ! Dont pay anything ! Let him pay all since he likes to fuck around . Since he thinks he has big dick - let him pay all for annulment . This is new bitch Caroline  And she is ready to have baby with him 🤣 Not good for your kids . She already has 2 of her own kids. I guess those kids need new dady .  Do you know he bought a house in Naic Cavite , Pagsibol phase 3 . house number is 37 . Now he claims how he sold that house and living with her in her house also Pagsibol 3 , Lot 27 , blok 44 . Yes. She is the neibourgh . He has a history fucking neibourghs. I think he lied he sold that house cause he realized he said too much , he gave himself out , he gave out too much info . Then he came up with this idea to tell how he sold his pagsibol house and now living with her 5 block away . Still stupid ….cause I can find him if I choose to fly there . But thats not all …thats the current bitch . There was  another one who he fucked , he changed his mind , i chose to forgive that shit but I gave him warning  !! Later that girl claimed he is the father of her child and called asking for money . But we know the timeline of her pregnancy and she had a bf at that time . I believe her bf is the father of that child on her profile. Just recently I found out he bought a plot of land to that bitch Rodelyn !! Fucking plot of land for 1000 dolars .  He has money to buy plot of land to a bitch he barely knew for 1 month ! But he did not want to pay for annulment all these years !  He expects you to pay half cause now you have good job . I would not pay , nor do annulment . But if you still want annulment  he should pay since he has big dick . Till few days ago he was still calling me , asking for my pussy . What a sad man .   Im out !  He is not my problem anymore . I wash my hands off of him . P.S. when i met him I wasnt Christian , Now I am , and I changed a lot since those 8 years . He claimed he is Christian but he never changed inside and he never changed his ways and bad behavior. Now , if a man  wants to date me , he will need to present me the certificate of divorce or certificate he never married 😄 cause I trust no one.  I urge you one thing , for your sake and sake of your kids , for the love of God, abandon all witchcraft , renounce all witchcraft and occult and put your trust in God only . Turn to God for everything . May God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ .
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newliliana · 2 years
now that i dumped his own garbage back to him , now i can ride out into the sunset and erase all of you
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newliliana · 2 years
So ...you think you know joel 😄 and you think he is such a great loving guy , dont you..... 🤣 in reality you know him barely 2 months .
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newliliana · 2 years
If you use your body to get wjat you want . You gonna be used for your body Feb 8, 2023, 8:26 AM You sent 4 years ago he bought a peace of land yo this bitch . After that she claimed he was the father of her baby but she had a bf . Timing doesnt add up so it looks like her bf is father nog joel
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newliliana · 2 years
You could get my spot only if i removr muself Feb 13, 2023, 1:17 AM You sent Now you ask yourself why i removed myself wilingly. Cause  i know him better than you . And men dont change . Ever ! Its eother you raised properly or not. You sent Socks , glasses , shirts , shoes , food , medicine You sent But i decided he is nof worthy the stress that he brings with him
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newliliana · 2 years
Still scared 😆 dont worry abouf me . Worry about that motherfucker who likes to dip his vinner in every pussy that makes herself available . Just like you were / are Feb 14, 2023, 8:58 PM You sent I didnt know   almost 4 months later and you are still agraid of me  for your spot 🤣 You sent I can tell he did nothing to assure you and your spot . Ring doesnt mean shit when one is still legallh married and tide in knots
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newliliana · 2 years
You know when i came to scene as the girlfriend i kept my mouth shut in front of marisol . Out of respect of her and the kids . Cause no matter what she is the first and her kids are the first . You , you actinv like a bifch having no class . I cant decide who is worse you or rodelyn , its a dead race 😄
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newliliana · 2 years
gia ( God is mercifull) , nari (lilly flower) , leana, lizette, nava (georgus) , salomea, Ren (water lilly) , sora -sky , shoshana -ljiljana, waterliliy
(via newliliana)
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newliliana · 2 years
Uriella Uriella means “light of God.”
(via newliliana)
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newliliana · 2 years
this has been too heavy to carry around . i cant and i dont want so im dumping this onto your doorstep
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newliliana · 2 years
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newliliana · 2 years
CV na email adresu:[email protected].
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newliliana · 2 years
i needed to get this out cause your bourdan is heavy and i dont want to help you to hide your lies
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newliliana · 2 years
after this he brokes up with her . we agree to reconcile and continue relationship . we made a plan im flying to filipines on may 7th . aprox imately 3or 4 days before me landing in filipines shec calls him , he invites her to his house to fuck her cause he cant wait 3 fucking days for me . then i get THEIR picture together in my inbox . he said she sent it from his phone cause he was drunk . at that time i was half way in fucking dubai layover . i was half way to filipines and that bitch was still in his house . 3 days before im supposed to come he cant keep his dick in his pants and fucks her 3 days before my arrival . Now who the fuck does that ?!
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