I really enjoyed this terms project, with the digital modelling in MUDBOX and C4D and the actual super sculpey modelling mascot on top of the bottle. I was very happy with how it all turned out. There are obvious gaps to fill for the final design I created but for the time we had, I am happy with it. Although most of the time I was stressing because either something was not working or I couldn't figure out if the problem was me or not, and I could see the enjoyment of it, which I did. Beeple was an inspiring research I did because his work is amazing and intriguing to me, especially with the use of his colours.
I think for next term, I need to be better prepared and I'm also upset for forgetting to take photos/screenshots to show the progress of my work, that is one of my weaknesses on this project. Im also sad to say that I didn't quite enjoy the sowing part of the project, because I've never been interested in that side. I also think I need more improvement for my research by backing up my ideas and giving more detail into the artist.
Overall I absolutely enjoyed this term and I had a lot of fun creating new things I've never used or done before, of course there has been mistakes I've made and I'll need to figure that out, but If I can believe I can do better, then its possible it’ll come true.
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Hot Toys
I really like the way they have done these famous characters from either Marvel, DC, etc and some of them are morphed into each other, like Iron man and Venom, and Deadpool half zombie.
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Ryan Nagata
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I really like Ryans way of modelling, and his ideas mostly seem to be the military and astronauts, which I find very interesting. The amount of detail he uses is astonishing an intrigues the audience to see more of his work.
I also watched one of his videos showing us an astronauts costume that he made by hand at the age of 14, and you can see he definitely loves what's he's doing.
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The Monster Sandbox
The Monster Sandbox is an Ohio based art company owned by artist John Pinkerton. The Monster Sandbox specializes in original sculptures of monster-like creatures that bridge the gap between the cute and the bizarre.
Established in 2016, the ever-growing workshop of tools and raw materials that is The Monster Sandbox, has become home to more than a hundred different monsters and sculptures – some inspired by horror  or fantasy movies, and others that speculate on the destiny of discarded and forgotten toys.
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Model Design Ideas
For my idea, I wanted a melting mans face on top of the bottle wearing a gas mask because the whole point of the poison is that it melts your body, and wearing the gas mask doesn't always work. And then I wandered if having a skull wearing a gas mask is better, and I liked the idea. The movie poster of Derelict is the first thing I thought of for the skull wearing the gas mask.
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I liked this idea, however didn't quite like the gas mask itself so I researched on google skulls wearing gas masks and a lot of choices came up and I really liked these ones.
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I absolutely loved the last one where the skull has cracks all over its head and the model of the gas mask I also really like. So I chose that one.
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What is Global Illumination
One of the most realistic ways to present a model in Cinema 4D is through the use of global illumination. Cinema 4D uses the term Global Illumination to describe their Radiosity solution. Radiosity takes into account direct illumination of each surface, and adds to that secondary illumination — light bounced off other nearby surfaces. The result can be spectacularly realistic, but incredibly time consuming.
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Rendering helps give the user the image of the design you created. It shows off light and reflections, giving it a realistic image. Arnold is a versatile, rock-solid, and feature-packed and creates photo real images with ease. Redshift is fast as hell, and it’s production features get better with every release.
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BEEPLE is Mike Winkelmann, a graphic designer living in Charleston, SC, USA. Mike predominantly creates dystopian-styled graphics using Cinema 4D & Octane.
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If i knew my way around C4D I would think about using the term Beeple as a way to help or give me an idea of what I want for my final project.
Beeple sometimes uses current famous companies, like Amazon and is showing an evolution of technology but not in the way that many people would assume technology will go. This particular piece shows, to me, that there can be a downfall of major companies and the things we may get used to now; may not be there in the future. Maybe the artist is worried about where the world will come to.
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Superhot is an independent first-person shooter video game developed and published by Superhot Team. Though the game follows traditional first-person shooter gameplay mechanics, with the player attempting to take out enemy targets using guns and other weapons, time within the game progresses at normal speed only when the player moves; this creates the opportunity for the player to assess their situation in slow motion and respond appropriately, making the gameplay similar to strategy video games. The game is presented in a minimalist art style, with enemies in red and weapons in black, in contrast to the otherwise white and grey environment.
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I think this game seems really fun and enjoyable to play, especially being a game suitable for VR, which would be an amazing experience.
Morphite is a casual atmospheric FPS, set in a low poly stylized universe.
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Astroneer is a sandbox adventure game developed by System Era Softworks. The game was released through early access in December 2016 before a full release in 2019. The player is tasked with colonizing planets, creating structures, and collecting resources. Astroneer has no set goal or storyline, though each planet holds challenges for players to complete.
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Virginia is a 2016 first-person mystery adventure video game developed by Variable State and published by 505 Games. The game follows graduate FBI special agent Anne Tarver as she investigates her first case: the disappearance of a boy in rural Virginia.
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High Poly
Phil Nguyen 
He’s a model/texturing artist specialize in character and creature. He has a  history of working in the entertainment industry both film, game and commercial.
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Cornelius Dammrich
His skills are Art direction shading 3D modelling lighting and texturing. 
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Low Poly
Low poly is a polygon mesh in 3D computer graphics that has a relatively small number of polygons. Low poly meshes occur in real-time applications (e.g. games) as contrast with high-poly meshes in animated movies and special effects of the same era. A series of low poly characters, with fantasy and action/adventure themes.
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Low poly is art with lots of polygon shapes forming a structure. Each polygon doesn't have a curve or an opened gap. It was used for early 3D animation. 
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Worksheets on Designs
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The sheet obviously isn't amazing visually, but I did try and get some ideas of label design. The bottle neckers wasn't interesting to me for a label design for this medicine. 
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Bottle Labels
First I wanted to research what bottle label I was more interested in with its design choice and the layout of text.
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I chose this image full of different labels cause I really like the dark yellow colour it holds and the design it has. I really liked this one out of all of them
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I didn't fully go with the edges of the design but I made my own idea of what I wanted. I also chose this label because I like the layout of the text. However I wanted graphic designs either side of the main title of the layout, one drawing of the mascot and another of the bottle. 
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I used the fancy font for the “we protect you” and “Free to you” because it gives that old fashioned look to it which I like for this medicine because its quite its eerie in a way for lovely writing for something that's dangerous.
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I also drew a city at the top of the label to represent the island.
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How to make a chair in C4D
Before making this chair, I needed to find a chair to follow up on, so going through google images I found this simple birch wooden chair which also resembles this tutorial for me.
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So first I got a block and made it flat
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I then added another block and added legs to the bottom of the block
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I then added another block for the back. I placed it in an angle for realism and used the boolen tool to make the gaps. By doing this i added a block and placed it where i want the gap to be, then I dragged the boole tool to the block and the chair and it disappears.
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I also put another block to where you sit cause I think it looks better and between the legs
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I then added a texture to the chair which I chose birch wood for the chair.
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And after adding a light I rendered it and it came out like this
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5 Famous Creations done in C4D
1)  Cornelius Dammrich
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German artist Cornelius Dammrich specialises in creating 3D environments. I love the sci-fi, magical and slightly threatening feel to this deserted car park, and the incredible use of light and dark that makes the image seem more like a photo.
2)  Yan Ge
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Yan Ge’s beautiful, peaceful work that shows a brilliant understanding of reflections, light and water
3)  Dimitris Katsafouros
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Dimitris Katsafouros is a multi-disciplined artist who works across 3D art, digital art, illustration, motion graphics, packaging and print, and is also part of the two-person design studio WeArePitchBlack.
4)  Adam Spizak
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This Cyber Lion has nothing to do with the advertising awards of that name – instead its a creation of London-based artist Adam Spizak.
5)  ManVsMachine
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These snapshots capture the startling beauty and detail of the animation. And you get to stare for even longer.
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Ships in bottles and Terrariums
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How are they made?
There are two ways to place a model ship inside of a bottle. The simpler way is to rig the masts of the ship and raise it up when the ship is inside the bottle. Masts, spars, and sails are built separately and then attached to the hull of the ship with strings and hinges so the masts can lie flat against the deck. The ship is then placed inside the bottle and the masts are pulled up using the strings attached to the masts. The hull of the ship must still be able to fit through the opening. Bottles with minor distortions and soft tints are often chosen to hide the small details of the ship such as hinges on the masts. Alternatively, with specialised long-handled tools, it is possible to build the entire ship inside the bottle.
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Terrariums and how are they made?
A terrarium is usually a sealable glass container containing soil and plants, and can be opened for maintenance to access the plants inside. However, terrarium can also be open to the atmosphere rather than being sealed.
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Step by step how to make a Terrarium:
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Step 1: Cover the bottom of your terrarium with a 1 ½ inch-thick layer of small stones or pebbles.
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Step 2: Add a very thin layer of activated charcoal.
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Step 3: Add a layer of potting soil.
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Step 4: Now it’s time to add your plants.
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Step 5: After all of your plants are arranged in your glass vessel, complete the look with a layer of pebbles.
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Bottle Model
Unfortunately, I don't have some of the photos showing the progress of the start of the model. So first I got some tin foil and made the basic shape of the head of my mascot. I then got some super sculpey and wrapped it round the tin foil. I then made a hole through the bottom to make a stand for the model. After this, I started making obvious details like the eyes, nose, and gas mask. 
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I also made some details like the angry expression with the lines pointing down between the eyes and using the sculpey tool, I made it seem like the skeleton is wearing a gas mask not blended in his face.
I then started thinking about using a grey super sculpey for the strap of the gas mask and I think it would look cool if he had a big collar. I also made other details like the cracked head of the skeleton and stitches on the collar.
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I then put the model in the oven at 120° for 12 minutes. I put it in for a bit longer because the gas mask is quite thick of sculpey. After 12 minutes I let it sit until it was cool and started painting. I wanted this skeleton to be a slight yellow white colour and his collar and gas mask being dark grey. However I painted my character dark green so it gives the element of the dark colour of the white, which will be noticeable in the cracks. I then sorted my colours and started painting.
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I then planned on the mascot being on top of the bottle so I would need a neck for stick to the bottle and the model using this.
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But before gluing it to the bottle, I would want the liquid of my medicine in the bottle. I chose green for the colour of my medicine because green symbolises poison and I thought the colours of the mascot and the liquid looked nice together. And so when I glued the neck to the stand on top of the bottle, I also glued the skeleton to the stand so everything was stable.
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I then thought about my label and doing it before the lesson helped me have spare time thinking on what colours and what design I want for it.
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Although it might be rubbish, I think it gives an interesting (they don't really care about the people) design because of how selfish these sort of people are in Joddanum. And so after the colouring and sticking the label to the bottle, I have finished my design model.
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What is Cinema 4D
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C4D is design software produced by Maxon. It is a creative tool enabling the user to create high impact visuals and special effects.  It is largely used in the engineering, architect and film industries.  Essentially it gives that extra visual dimension, delivering a more immersive, engaging experience for the viewer.
For a graphic design agency, the software has an incredible array of clever tools that allows us to be more creative, to develop and polish our design concepts. Whilst the big power brands have been harnessing it’s power for their marketing materials for some years it is now becoming increasingly accessible for SME’s.
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What is isometric?
Isometric projection is a method for visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimensions. So in C4D, it will be well used for rooms.
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