Evaluation :
This project has been very enjoyable and I am finding working in new areas to be fun and interesting, especially since some of them are very new to me. Throughout this project, I have generated ideas using pinterest boards and sketches. I feel like I need to spend more time generating and refining my ideas as I often skip these stages and try to get straight into my final ideas which does not always work well. Pinterest boards have been the most effective way for me to generate ideas as they often help me visualize what I want my sketches to look like in a clearer way.  I’ve also found that pinterest boards make it easier for me to organise my ideas and create more detailed sketches.
Modeling has been the most enjoyable area to work on, as it is something I have never done before but I was pleasantly surprised by it  as it allows you to be very creative and has allowed me to achieve results that I am happy with, despite the fact I am not very experienced in this area. For example, I am very happy with the way my island turned out as I feel I managed to achieve the mood /  aesthetic I was aiming for despite the fact I was not able to add any complex details due to the time limit and the fact I am not very experienced in this area. Adding to this, I have also enjoyed the animation aspects of this course as animation is something I am interested in learning. I am not experienced in animation however my experience with drawing and digital art have made animation less of a challenge for me.
In contrast to this, I have struggled with the plushie making section of this project as I am inexperienced in this area and it is not something I am overly passionate about. I had a lot of fun during our first plushie making session and was happy with the outcome, however when it came to making our own, it became a lot more difficult and stressful. While I would not rule out creating plushies in the future as elements of it are enjoyable, there are definitely other  subject areas I am more passionate about. Another area of this project I have struggled with are the 3D aspects as I have never worked digitally in 3D before and learning new software is always stressful and challenging. However, I have created some 3D outcomes I am very happy with. While learning new software can be stressful and challenging, it is also new and interesting and a challenge I am more than willing to take on, especially when it means I can experiment with a new software and create pieces / outcomes I am happy with.
The model maker I feel most inspired by is Jim McKenzie as not only does he create detailed models that are very aesthetically appealing, he also photographs them and turns them into pieces of art through a different method which I find very inspiring and interesting. The Digital artist I feel most inspired by would have to be Noah Bradley, his use of colours are so unique and aesthetically appealing, his compositions are really inspiring and the way he shows scale in his work adds a lot more depth to his pieces. These are all things I hope to be able to include in my work in the future. Overall, my research has inspired me to come up with interesting ideas and has sometimes even slightly changed my ideas. For example, I originally wanted to have my bottle stopper and label be subtle colours, but after seeing Jim McKenzie’s work I decided I wanted the colours to be bright and stand out. 
In conclusion, I feel that my most successful area/s would be either digital art or modeling as they are things I am passionate about and while I have a lot more experience with digital art, I feel model making would also be an interesting route to explore, especially since it is relatively new to me. In addition to this, I am very happy with how I managed my time this term. I have previously struggled a lot with my time management but I have come up with strategies and methods to help me become more organised. These methods have been very successful so far this year and I hope I can continue to keep on top of my work. Adding to this, I have reflected on my work by thinking about the elements that I am happy with along with the elements I am unhappy with. I have also thought about how I can refine what elements of my work have been successful  and change what I think has been less successful. Overall, I am very happy with the outcomes of this project and I look forward to future projects.
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Bottle outcome :
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* I am quite happy with the outcome of my bottle however, I massively struggled in trying to get the paint to look right and had to re paint the Frog Twice. The paint doesn’t look as smooth as I hoped however, I am happy with the colors and overall look of the bottle. The label doesn’t compliment the frog as much as I had hoped however, it doesn’t look completely out of place which I see as a positive and something to reflect on in the future.
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Bottle label :
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* I wanted this label to suggest there was a magical element to it. I also wanted this label to be sort of confusing, as in you wouldn’t understand it without the story that goes with it. Adding to this, I have made Two versions of this label (one with a slight hue shift) as I wanted to see which color palate would fit with my bottle best.
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* Overall, I am happy with the outcome of this label design however, I would have liked to have spent more time refining it as there are elements of it I do not like and parts of it that need to be neatened up. However, I really like the overall affect this label has and I am also happy with the color scheme.
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Label creation :
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* The first step in creating my label was to decide which shape I wanted it to be. I did this by creating a series of potential label shapes and picked the one I liked the most.
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* Once I had picked a shape I was happy with, I decided how thick I wanted the boarder to be.
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* I then did a rough sketch of what I wanted the label to look like.
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* I then refined this sketch with cleaner lines.
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* After this, I tried to make a color scheme. I started this by selecting the colors I plan on using for my bottle stopper (The Red and Green), I then used https://coolors.co/ to help me come up with a similar color scheme for my label.
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* I then used the fill tool / bucket tool to fill in all of the sections to get a rough idea of what my label would look like.
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* Since  each color was on its own layer, this made it easy for me to alter them to a point where I was happy with them.
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* I then began to add shadows using multiply layers. I had to edit these layers quite a lot later on as I realized they didn’t make sense with the light the glowing sword cast.
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* I then used an overlay to make the sword look like it was glowing / emitting light.
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* After this, I added more highlights and shadows to enhance the light. I also added stars in the sky using an overlay to make the atmosphere look more calm and peaceful, I also added the stars to give the label a stronger enchanting / fantasy feeling.
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* Finally I added a Green boarder to match the giant vines in my label.
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Sculpting tutorials :
How does this differ to my methods?
* This person combined Two types of sculpey whereas I only used One.
* He used different tools to create details on his sculpture.
How is this similar to my methods?
* This person has used wire & tinfoil.
Overall, I can see some overlapping methods and techniques but there are also a few differences. This person is also highly skilled and experienced whereas I am not so they have likely developed and refined their methods over time.
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Josh Foreman :
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* This artists work is extremely captivating and detailed, he creates textures and surfaces very effectively and his work is extremely visually appealing. The colours used in this piece are extremely interesting and captivating, especially the way he has created a golden glow on this woman’s skin without making her look like she is as hard and heavy as gold, her skin still has a soft look.
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* This sculpture is also very interesting as the artist has managed to make it look like it has water dripping off of it. The level of detail of the hair and ears also make this model extremely captivating and aesthetically pleasing.
* In this video, he goes through the basics of using super sculpey and sculpting in general. He also goes through on how to make a model of a face step by step which would be very helpful to someone making a face sculpture. overall, the detail in his videos would be very helpful to a beginner as they explain the basics ect...
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Ryan Nagata :
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Ryan Nagata is an artist from Los Angeles. He once wanted to be a director but spent time making models and props and decided that he was more interested in model making rather than directing. One day, he decided he wanted to make his own spacesuit and it got the attention of many people, he now makes spacesuit replicas for  for private collectors, exhibits, and films. 
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The level of detail in his work is extremely inspiring. I really like the fact no detail has been spared on the proton pack and the fact it is clear that a lot of time and effort went into the making of this model.
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You can clearly see that he puts full effort into every aspect of his work which is extremely admirable. This is evident in this model but it is also evident in the fact his career took off because of his determination to create his own spacesuit which is clearly an ambitious and time consuming goal.
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Hot toys :
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Hot toys was established in 2000 and is a high-end collectable brand. They design, develop and produce high quality and detailed collectables. The business was originally started by producing 1/6th scale military action figures and they have since expanded their business to specialize in 1/6th scale collectable figures from popular video games, movies etc... 
Since 2003, they have gotten the official merchandising rights in producing collectibles from international movies including Iron Man, The Avengers, Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman, The Dark Knight, Superman, Terminator Series and the Aliens & Predator franchises.
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Hot Toys is the leader in the 1/6th collectible industry and Hot Toys has obtained the patent for its innovation of Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS) and Interchangeable Faces Techniques (IFT) for its DX series, which has further increased the likeness of the collectible figures.
Hot Toys also focuses on product diversity by introducing highly detailed 1/4th scale collectible figures, 1/6th scale collectible vehicles. 1/4th scale collectible busts, as well as 3” and 6” Cosbaby series In addition to 1/6th scale collectible figures.
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Their models are extremely well made and detailed. I was extremely impressed when I saw how much detail went into their work as it is extremely inspiring and a great demonstration of their skill.
The level of detail they have managed to achieve on figures this scale is amazing, you can clearly see textures on the skin, hair and clothes of these characters. These high quality photographs add to the amazing look these figures already have as they highlight the details and make them easier to see.
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Jim McKenzie :
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This artist creates a wide variety of very creative, detailed and interesting models. He also uses them in photography to create posters which add another layer of creativity to his work and demonstrates how you can create art in multiple forms easily.
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His models are not life sized, nor are they miniature. They are reasonably large as shown in this image.
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He sells posters, vinyls and his sculptures. His sculptures are far more expensive than the other items he sells which are around £30 - £60.
* This video shows the process of the sculpture and development sketches of the sculpture. while this video may not include detailed instructions about this artists process, you can still learn a lot about the way he works.
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Gunther Von Hagens :
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* How could his work help model makers?
* His work is very detailed & precise which means it effectively demonstrates how the human form looks in great detail, this would be helpful to model makers as using him as a reference would make creating a model easier.
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High poly :
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Phil Nguyen : 
This artist is a 3D character artist who as worked on advertisements for movies and games. He specializes in lighting and 3D model rendering and uses a wide variety of software.
The level of detail in this artists characters is amazing and extremely inspiring. I am very interested in how he gets his characters to look so realistic and how he creates wrinkles so successfully. 
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Cornelius Dammrich :
This artist environments with a combination of 3D softwares and tools and each project can take up to several months (depending on the style, level of complexity etc). 
This artist includes amazing levels of detail in his work, it is both inspiring and visually appealing. I am very interested in this artists lighting styles / methods as they add so much depth to his work and make his images feel ‘finished’.
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Christian Behrendt :
This artist is a digital artist who works on high-end CGI images and animations. Most of his work consists of 3D environments and often include houses, trees etc.
I am really inspired by the way this artist has created such a high level of detail in his work, it looks extremely realistic and it is very visually appealing. It must take many years of experience to get to this artists level and each one of his pieces demonstrate his skill level very well.
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Low poly :
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* What is meant by the term Low-poly?
- Low-poly modeling (or Low-polygon modeling) is modeling with a small number of polygons. Low poly meshes occur in real-time applications as contrast with high-poly meshes in animated movies and special effects of the same era.
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* What are the common themes between your examples?
- They all feature clearly identifiable and defined shapes and often feature trees / depict landscapes.
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* One of the things I think define what Low-poly is the fact they do not have tons of detail as they are made with distinctive shapes which means adding details is difficult.
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* Another thing I think defines what Low-poly is, is the way the light reflects on the surface of the polygons. It has a very unique and easily recognizable look and makes things that are made in low-poly easier to identify.
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* The Third thing I think defines what Low-poly are the polygons. They give the images a unique look and are a defining feature of pieces made in Low-poly.
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Games :
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* Superhot is a game that was released on the 25th of February 2016 and was  developed and published by Superhot Team.
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* Superhot is a first person shooter game. Time moves only when you move. There are no regenerating health bars or conveniently placed ammo drops. It's just you, grabbing weapons off fallen enemies to make your way through a wall of bullets.
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* Superhot is £17.99 on steam and, while this game isn’t to my personal taste. it still looks very visually appealing and the low-poly style seems to fit the game very well.
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* Morphite is a game that was released on the 19th of September 2017. It was developed by Crescent Moon Games, Blowfish Studios and We're Five Games and published by Crescent Moon Games and Blowfish Studios.
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* Morphite is a casual atmospheric FPS, inspired by the classics. You can research plants and animals and battle hostile entities. Investigate mystery surrounding a material called Morphite.
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* Morphite is £10.99 on Steam and is a game I would consider playing at is seems very interesting. Adding to this, the games visuals are extremely interesting and the low-poly style goes very well with the games overall aesthetic.
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* Astroneer is a game that was released on the 16th of December 2016. It was developed by  System Era Softworks and published by System Era Softworks, Gearbox Publishing and Perilune.
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* Astroneer is an exploring game. It is ‘A game of aerospace industry and interplanetary exploration.’
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* Astroneer is currently on sale on steam and now costs £15.46 instead of £23.79 which is the games full price. Astroneer is definitely a game I’d consider playing, it is extremely visually appealing and immediately caught my attention. The games low-poly style gives it a very unique feeling and makes the game look smooth and relatively easy-going.
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* Virginia is a game that was released on the 22nd of September 2016. It was developed by Variable State and published by 505 games.
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* Virginia is a single-player first-person thriller game. It is set in ‘a small town with a secret’ centered around a missing persons case.
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* Virginia is £6.99 on steam and is not a game I’d jump to play however if I was given the opportunity to play it, I likely would. I find a low-poly style on games like this quite creepy however that seems to fit with the games content.
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Label inspiration (refined) :
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Dawnbreaker, skyrim :
I really like the appearance of this sword and would like to create a similar sword to appear in my label.
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Mushroom forest :
I would like my label to have a similar composition to this piece as the way it is laid out is very visually appealing. 
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Golden forest :
I would like the forest in the background of my label to look similar to this as it matches the sword and would make a nice overall aesthetic for my label.
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Label inspiration :
Shrek 2 :
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* The way the potions look in Shrek add an interesting magical element to the film, which I think makes them much more memorable. However, when it comes to Shrek 2, the film is much more memorable as the potions look very unique and eye catching.
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* One of my favourite scenes from this movie, or any movie in general, is when they break into the potion making factory as all of the potions are extremely aesthetically appealing and the way they light up a dark room is very original and memorable.
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* The labels on these potions add a new layer of detail & depth to the movies as they tell you exactly what the potion does (They even come with warnings). The boarder and extra details on this one make It very visually appealing and interesting to look at which is something I plan to incorporate into my own work.
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Bottle stopper inspiration :
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Prince Naveen, Princess and the Frog :
* Although prince Naveem is actually a prince and my character is not, I still really like prince Naveem’s character and how his character makes the movie more interesting.
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Jean-Bob, Swan princess :
* Not only do I plan on having my potion help an adventurer by providing them with items they may need, the wizard frog on top will act as a sort of side kick and.
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Model inspiration :
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