newworldpellar · 6 years
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Forest God, by Skrubhjert
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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Woodblocks taken from The History of Witches and Wizards: Giving a True Account of All Their Tryals in England, Scotland, Sweedland, France, and New England … Collected … By W. P. (1720)
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newworldpellar · 6 years
The Imitation of Death
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The yogic posture known as Shavasana (corpse pose) is a foundational element within the field of connatural magick. The versatility of the posture is reflected in its capacity to integrate comfortably into nearly any repertoire of occult practices. 
It may serve as the postural basis for developmental practices such as meditative breath control, passive breath awareness, and Samyama applied to the physical body. The posture additionally allows for ease of entry into the hypnagogic state, the liminal corridor between waking and dreaming from which parapsychic operations such as mental scrying and assumptive manifestation can be effectively performed. Lucid dream induction methods such as WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dreams) also rely on the psychophysiological processes that the posture initiates.
Furthermore, Shavasana is frequently assumed as the first step toward consciously separating the subtle body from its physical host, resulting in an ecsomatic experience or out-of-body travel. Lastly, it was notably employed by English occultist Austin Osman Spare as part of a complex psycho-magical technique that he referred to as “The Death Posture”, a practice he exclaimed would lead to the practitioner’s eventual “ascension from duality”[1].
Through this imitation of death, the psychist learns to employ the body as a gateway into those anomalous states that form the very media of magical expression.
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Austin Osman Spare, The Book of Pleasure (Self-Love): The Psychology of Ecstasy, 1st ed. (London: Jerusalem Press Ltd., 2011), 18.
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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Tonight’s Halloween post takes us to Fife and the village of Culross.
A Ley tunnel is believed to exist beneath the abbey (a ley tunnel – for those who do not know – are long subterranean passages sometimes running under major obstacles such as rivers and lakes to reach their destinations.) and within is said to sit a man in a golden chair waiting to give valuable treasures to anyone who succeeds in finding him. According to one story, many years ago a blind piper decided to try and upon entering at Newgate with his dog he proceeded to search and could be heard playing his pipes as far as the West Kirk, three quarters of a mile away. Eventually the dog emerged into the daylight, however the piper was never seen, or heard of, again…..
Culross is a hot bed for paranormal activity, with not only the abbey having sightings of the traditional ghostly monks, but also many reports from the village itself which is steeped in such history of black magic and witchcraft
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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Detail of title page to Eikon Basilica, 1649
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newworldpellar · 6 years
What decade of life are you in?
what do you think?
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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newworldpellar · 6 years
The Secret Grimoire of Turiel
The Secret Grimoire of Turiel
The Secret Grimoire of Turiel, translated by Marius Malchus, in which the magician is given instructions on how to contact Turiel. Turiel was the 18th Watcher of the 20 leaders of the 200 fallen angels that are mentioned in an ancient work called the Book of Enoch. The name is believed to originate from “tuwr, el” meaning “rock of God.”
It was beleived to have been written in about 1518, but may…
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newworldpellar · 6 years
Can you give some advice to a first time user of flying ointment? I got some from barberwitch. Experienced with various other psychoactive exploration, but none of these european traditional options.
I’ve never used @barberwitch’s ointment, so I don’t know the strength of them. I would do a test patch to see if you’re allergic first of all. All being well, I would start with about a teaspoon and give yourself about an hour or so for the chemicals to get into your body. It may be that you need more, so increase the dosage incrementally every hour until you find a comfortable high.
Flying ointments are aides to trance and work best when coupled with trance inducing techniques, such as specific breathing patterns, staring at a fixed point in space, dancing, swaying, shaking, chanting, et cetera. Have a specific goal in mind for your session, and whisper this to the spirit of the ointment. You might try scrying, flight, shapeshifting, casting a spell, communicating with spirits, or just ecstatic dancing or singing to heal the body and soul.
If you start experiencing symptoms of a bad trip (delerium, nausea, extreme thirst, heart palpitations, frightening visions, and so on), wash the the excess ointment off with warm soapy water, drink lots of water, and eat some food (but not food high in fat).
However, I would speak directly to @barberwitch, because their dosage may be different than Sarah Lawless’, which are the ointments I personally use.
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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“The Devil told her grandmother that he wanted to take her away.” From Olaus Magnus, Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, 1555. #olausmagnus #historiadegentibusseptentrionalibus #1555 #16thcentury #devil #etching #woodcut #deviltakesabride #satan #ithoughtthedevilshorsewouldbemoreimpressive https://www.instagram.com/p/BpATYPDnkYT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12tx0jf24civc
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newworldpellar · 6 years
To make Everybody in a House fart
Somebody posted a farting spell a while back, but I can’t be arsed to look it up. Here’s a contribution from 18th century Norway. This trick is found in at least two preserved “black books” from the era.
To make Everybody in a House fart. Take Turkish Pepper[*], and throw it on the Fire; as soon as they feel the Smoke, they must fart.
At komme et helt Hus af Folk til at fjerte. Tag «tyrkisk Peber», og kast det paa Ilden; saasnart  de kjender Røgen, maa de fjerte.
[*] “Turkish Pepper = hot pepper, chili pepper
PS. This recipe will be tested come winter and time for using the fireplace.
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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Gustav-Adolf Mossa (1883-1971), ‘Les Mortes’, (The Dead Women), 1908
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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From The Black Toad by Gemma Gary.
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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Some color plates by Augustus Knapp from “The Secret Teachings of All Ages“ by Manly P. Hall (1928). Images in order are:
Mithra in the form of the Leontocephalic Kronos (eternal time). See also: Aion (Uranus), Phanes and the Orphic Egg.
Abraxas (“The embodied form of God”).
Cherubium of Ezekiel (c.f. “Living Creatures” and Tetramorph).
Celestial Virgin with Sun God in her arms. See also: Isis & Horus, Mary & Jesus. Note Orphic Egg c.f. Kundalini wrapped around a Lingam in Muladhara chakra.
The Jewel of the Rose Croix (where “Rose” is an anagram for “Eros“ or Love).
Magician invoking Elementals (Gnomes, Undines, Salamanders, Slyphs) from within a Magic Circle.
Paracelsus performing the experiment of palingenesis (creation of a new universe). See also: “The Rose of Paracelsus” by Jorge Luis Borges (1983).
The Consummation of the Magnum Opus (“Great Work”). See also: creation of Homunculi, Golems, Tulpas, Egregores and “Assumption of God Forms“ (a form of Theurgy).
The Philosopher’s Stone (note double-headed eagle in centre of diamond). See also Vajra (diamond, thunderbolt). 
Double-Headed Eagle (The end product of the Magnum Opus). See also: Rebis in Alchemy, the divine Hermaphroditus (child of Hermes (Intellect) and Aphrodite (Feeling)), Ardanarishvara (androgynous form of Shiva merged with Parvati).
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newworldpellar · 6 years
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Les Obfuscations du Monde. Jean Daniel ~ ca.1524 Royal Library Copenhagen. Bibliothèque Infernale on FB
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