newyorksrose · 3 months
The Outlast Trials is so immersive with its player character, NPCs and general setting I'm amazed that there's no roleplay community for it???
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newyorksrose · 5 months
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Marisa Abela for Harper's Bazaar UK (March 2024)
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newyorksrose · 5 months
Rosaria's profile needs a whole overhaul
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newyorksrose · 5 months
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Enlightened (s1, 2011)
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newyorksrose · 8 months
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newyorksrose · 9 months
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Marisa Davila on Hollywire
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newyorksrose · 9 months
i'll update rosie's blog soon but for now appreciate this
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newyorksrose · 10 months
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newyorksrose · 10 months
First there was an ah that came from her lips, saddened and disappointed. But the disappointment in Patricia reaching out to the stoic man vanishes the moment she heard what led to it. "Frozen?" Rosaria scrunches her noise, eyeing the other woman. "Really?"
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"I mean I'm not judging you but - did the obsession with Frozen go that deep?" Maybe this was a daughter thing. But at the same time Rosaria doubts it, she was never into Disney princesses.
unknowingly or not, rosaria's words are making pat's brain jump to a lot of not so pleasant places. she thinks of tatiana, of the guilt she feels whenever she interacts with her now, but she can't stand the thought of never seeing her again. she thinks of her most recent pregnancy, her only real, physical link to ángel left, gone in a pool of blood after five months. pat finishes the drink in her glass and immediately motions towards the bartender for a new one.
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" i called him the other day. grigori. " if it sounds like a shameful confession, it's because it is. " i didn't mean to. it's just, that damn frozen song was playing on the tv and i really wanted to hear tati's voice again. "
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newyorksrose · 10 months
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I never talked about this aloud, but I went from thinking that Rosie was fairly decent in speaking Italian due to her Sicilian-born grandmother being present in her life, to thinking that her Italian is pretty bad compared to Sonia and Sal. Like Briscola's name is actually supposed to be Bicola or something, Rosie butchered it. Pietro will notice it. Anyway I think it's because due to being the youngest in the family she didn't have a deep relationship with her grandma the way Sal and Sonia did, especially since her grandma moved back to Sicily when Rosaria was still small.
At first I considered her to have a low sex drive or trauma related to sex from seeing franco and stefani fucking on the couch. [which still may have traumatized her a bit. or sonia. who knows] but now i'm like, her mind is a fickle thing. she's demisexual and also has specific preferences for looks and turn ons.
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newyorksrose · 10 months
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Alright I have a lot of revisions to do with her bio and stuff, but
A verse that I'm probably going to jump to a lot is when she's middle aged. she's divorced, although she keeps her husband's last name out of petty reasons. she has a ten year old son named carlo. she's an immigration lawyer. her brother is still mob affiliated ofc as is her husband lmao depending on the timeline i'm working with she has twin daughters named angela and antonella. She's not as enthusiastic and energetic as she is in her 20s. She's tired!!
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newyorksrose · 10 months
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She props up her face with balled fist, not thinking of her son but Tatiana. Patricia has mentioned the girl before numerous times, but never outright said she missed her. The implication was clear enough before, but tonight it's explicit. "I know you do," when she says this, she means it. No drunken dry humor or sarcasm. "You know, sometimes when I have cases they just don't deal with adults. Every now and then, I'm dealing with adults who have the threat of being taken away from their children. I mean, of course I don't want to be biased with the cases I work on, but in general, I don't like ones that involve children. They can end badly. The love between a parent - no, a guardian and their child, can be so sincere and real and to even imagine myself in their position - and think about being separated from my son, it's a nightmare."
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" you must really miss him. " patricia may be tipsy, but she's not yet inebriated to the point of prying for details of rosaria's relationship with her ex-husband. give it a few more drinks, maybe. " i miss tatiana, " she reveals with a soft sigh. " i know it's kind of stupid and she's not really my daughter, but ... it felt like she was, you know? "
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newyorksrose · 10 months
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Rosaria shakes her head, neither affirming or denying anything. It was non-committal in its nature. "The longest has been maybe...two weeks, but even then he was with my brother. So, it wasn't like he was actually away. It's different with his dad."
@newyorksrose / cont.
" you know i didn't mean it like that. " like she's too old to get someone, or incapable of it for any reason. anyone can get a hookup, or a situationship; god knows pat's full of those. but actual commitment from someone is much harder to come by, and although she won't point it out in front of rosaria, she's approaching 30, and her anxiety over not having her romantic life figured out only grows day by day.
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" i don't think it's pathetic. " patricia is reaching the bottom of her glass, just enough for a pleasant buzzing in her head that briefly distracts her from her rushing, melancholic thoughts. " were you ever away from him for that long? "
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newyorksrose · 10 months
Send  🔏  and I’ll tell you about a headcanon I originally had for my muse but then scrapped
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newyorksrose · 10 months
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Questioning Sentences, Vol. 12
(Questioning sentences from various sources to ask all kinds of muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Who do you think you are?"
"You do know I have a first name?"
"Don't you realise that what you intend to do will be hopeless?"
"You're not going to answer my question, are you?"
"Do you want to come back to my place?"
"What are you grinning at?"
"Have you lived a lonely life?"
"How long have you been alone? Are you lonely?"
"How old are you?"
"Do you want to be a gentleman to spite her or to gain her over?"
"I'm proud of what I am. I believe in what I do. Can you say that?"
"Could you be any more of a condescending ass?"
"Do you really regard this touching of the lips as pleasurable?"
"Who are you? What do you want from me?"
"Have I ever mentioned that you play a very irritating game of chess?"
"How could you let this go on?"
"Now do you begin to understand me?"
"Is that how you get girls to like you? By bribing them?"
"What are you hiding?"
"Can you please remind me why you had me come here?"
"Do you know what it's like to be alone? Really alone?"
"Who exactly are you, anyway?"
"Is that smile on your face real?"
"I thought we could have a date night instead?"
"Don't you want me to get to know you?"
"I used to get into a little trouble when I was that age. Didn't you?"
"Why are you endangering your life by coming here?"
"Am I behaving incorrectly?"
"Do I gather that you recognise me?"
"I despise devious people. Don't you?"
"Where would you go to elude a mass search?"
"Do you feel strong enough to move out?"
"This actually makes sense to you?"
"How can you love him without trusting him?"
"Won't you have a drink?"
"Was there anything else you needed from me?"
"Was this an attempt at a poetic death?"
"Is your phone broken? You couldn't text me this?"
"Do you realise that makes your father the most likely suspect?"
"You didn't really think I was going to beat his head in, did you?"
"Perhaps I could be of assistance?"
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newyorksrose · 10 months
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
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newyorksrose · 10 months
i'll consider redoing my theme and icons and...layout sorta soon
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