nextbrokensoul · 4 years
Today is a very special day in internet horror history
On June 10th, 2010 the famous Slenderman character was created and coined by Eric Kundson (also known by his alias Victor Surge on the SomethingAwful fourms), which inspired content creator Troy Wagner to put the character into a visual platform
In the course of 10 days, him and his friend at the time and co-writer Jospeh DeLage created what is now the father of Alternate Reality Games (the ARG), Marble Hornets, which is a display of public voyeurism to tragedy, mental illness and an unreliable narrative to an interactive audience. Now it has created a film (which, to be fair, wasn’t good but still an achievement considering it started off as a YouTube series) and now is being brought into the comic scene, illustrated by Jackie Reynolds.
This inspired several other slenderverse serieses to come into pursuit (Such as Everymanhybrid and TribeTwelve, which expanded on the concept of the core themes Marble Hornets created in both narrative and interaction), and even today we can credit things such as Petscop and even television adult swim shows like This House Has People In It
Truly this series has shaped how we see the horror scene, and utilized it’s online platform to the fullest. It has created a subgenere of horror that many people have enjoyed creating and watching. Marble Hornets was the creation of something much bigger than expected.
And even though I, myself, was not there to witness the first upload release (being of age six), I have been impacted dramatically by its creation and it has left a profound impact on many others.
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Happy birthday, MH!
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nextbrokensoul · 4 years
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nextbrokensoul · 4 years
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realized i dont rlly draw like…slenderverse?? fanart …but instead of drawin some nice stuff i just drew over one of my fav pics 
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nextbrokensoul · 5 years
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they had..different dreams
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nextbrokensoul · 5 years
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Head over to Steam and nominate Sally Face for the “Labor of Love” category! 
<3 Thanks friends!
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
Tengo cuenta de Instagram.
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
Me voy a poner guilty en mi puto perfil porque es lo que más me identifica. Ya que siempre tengo la culpa.
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
Ayer me iba a dar un emo estupendo
Sabéis de eso que estáis mal en un momento en el que no debes estarlo y después cuando decís por fin sola para llorar vas y no puedes. Hoy sí que me da emo por huevos.
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
En mi casa ocurren cosas raras
A parte de lo que le llamo hombre sombra, son las 22:56 y se acaba de escuchar como su tocaran la puerta de la terraza (de cristal) osea estoy flipando, me voy a ir a mí habitación que desde mi salón se ve y se oye de todo...
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
Después tengo a amigas que hacen eso de que cualquier día, da igual que pase, que siempre te hacen reír, tronco es genial estar a su lado.
Lo gracioso es que no las puedo ver tanto como a otra basura humana a la que veo todos los días de mi vida en el puñetero instituto.
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
Joder que desagradable
Y desagradecida la gente. Estoy harta de hacer todo por alguien el cual no lo agradece dice que si, y luego no lo muestra que cabrones. Tengo que dejar de ser así. Odio esto, odio a todos.
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
Mucho ruido.
Gente ruidosa llena de malas intenciones, seleccionando sus compañeros de grito. Los silenciosos raros, tristes, abandonados.
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nextbrokensoul · 6 years
Que pesada es la gente creyéndose importante. Todos y absolutamente todos tenemos un mundo interior no eres el único.
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