nf0lder · 10 months
Artistic Vision Statement
Week 10
As someone who enjoys expressing myself creatively. I commit to making art that expresses my true voice, while embraces the complexity of my experiences and identity. The kind of art i like to create is surrealism illustration. I get some sort of satisfaction in letting my own creativity go wild without being constrained by the limitations of reality. With surrealism, i get to interpret and create a "world" in my own narratives. Personally, I use surrealism to push the boundaries of the social norms.
Here are some of my past illustrations!!
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Bang Sangho is one of my favourite artist. His illustrations work is filled with otherworldly shapes, landscapes and life forms. Talking about his Illustration process, rather than using a single colour to stand out he like to use as many colours as possible and let them work together harmoniously.
I can see a planet beyond a space that is far from reality by looking at his illustration. I feel as though his artwork allows me to wander through reality. Observing how he presents his own stories helps me, as a viewer, to connect more deeply with my own interpretations.
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Who do I want to be In 5 years?
I've been contemplating of going into a career as an illustrator or in social media marketing. I have a strong interest in these two disciplines. I can also see myself doing freelance illustration while getting a job as a social media marketer. What sparked my interest in marketing was my internship back in ITE. Producing and sharing content, run campaigns, insight, and constant adjustment to shifting platform algorithms and user habits is something i find really interesting.
What do I want to do between now and then?
I frequently practised making anything related to design during my free time, especially during my semester break. By working on side projects like this, I can experiment with different communication techniques in addition to developing my portfolio. Furthermore, I have been helping a friend of mine acquire exposure for their clothing business on social media by giving them tips and ideas on how to improve their social media marketing by putting into practise the knowledge I gained from my internship as a social media marketer and creative designer.
Regarding my two areas of interest, marketing and surrealism, I had read about combining the two. Because the public cannot perceive this through traditional marketing, using both of these can help the company gain awareness. Surrealist marketing can tell a compelling story with eye-catching visuals rather than just dry statistics and data. These bizarre and captivating images stick in the viewer’s mind long after the ad has ended.
The brand jacquemus has created a successful surrealism-themed marketing campaigns in recent memory, causing social media to explode and creating a lot of excitement. Creating enormous replicas of its recognisable bags through the streets.
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Furthermore, they recently launched a store in Korea with an enamours bag on the façade. Customers are enamoured with the concepts and ideas their marketing team has provided, judging by their Instagram comments.
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nf0lder · 10 months
WEEK 11 ( Question 1)
Group manifesto:
⁃ Maximalism
 ⁃ My work don’t have to make sense to others
 ⁃ Include complementary colours
 ⁃ Experimenting with different mediums
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My group chose maximalism as one of our manifestos because we believe it has a level of self-expression and individualism. Design maximalism is defined by the use of vivid, and varied elements to produce visually stimulating and engrossing experiences. This Include using complementary colours and a variety of patterns, influences, styles in one design. We discussed about crafting an artistic vision statement and answered the question "Who do I want to be?" in Week 10. In the future, along with to working as a designer, my goal is for the audience to be deeply affected by my use of vivid colours and the overall complexity of the design, which will help the design stick in their minds over time. I want the audience to remember me as a designer who was effective in applying maximalism to create striking visual experiences.
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MURUGIAH is an example of an artist that incorporates maximalism in his work. He was inspired from his Sri Lankan heritage visualised through bright colours and graphical compositions. I identify recognised elements in his work that I also perceive in traditional Sri Lankan art.
In my group discussion, we also agreed that employing diverse mediums can provide a variety of benefits in our manifestos. We believe that working with different mediums allow us to expand our skill set and not restrict it to only digital.
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This artwork is by mixed-media artist Laura Soto. Beside experimenting with different techniques and materials, By enabling artists to go beyond conventional limitations, mixed media fosters creativity and personal expression. In my Images and Materialism class, we were instructed to make marks with various materials. I utilised sticks, bottle caps, tissue, and other objects to make my marks.
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Personally mark-making can be therapeutic as a technique of self-expression and relieving stress. The markings we made do not have to make sense because we all express ourselves differently. Observing the outcomes of my other peers, I've seen that each mark has an individual style and distinctive marks. There is not one like it.
One of the attributes of CTS B that are relevant to me, is: Week 2 - This is How You Connect Theory with Practice. Connecting theory and practise is essential for the development of a unique artistic identity. Even if engaged in the same task , having a personal identity can be beneficial as it connects with audiences and creates a more meaningful experience.
While researching manifestos, I came upon The Guerrilla Girls' Manifestos. An anonymous group of feminist artists collaborated on a manifesto addressing gender inequality in the arts. Today, The Guerrilla Girls has succeeded in raising awareness about gender and racial inequality in the art world. The Guerrilla Girls' influence stretches beyond the borders of the United States. Their action has sparked similar groups and global discussions about representation in the arts.
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nf0lder · 1 year
This Is How You Connect Practice with Society
The correlation between a designer and a social agent is that both career needs to interact with other agent/client by communicating. Images are used by designers to communicate, and social agents use one agent to represent the other in communications between two parties. I feel that it is possible for social agent to be a artist/designer. Both of these careers assist others in comprehending and acknowledging what is going on by developing solutions that benefit communities, cultures, and our environment at large.
Some of the positive impact of designing social goods are
Improving people's life ( Social innovation, or solutions )
Raising awareness (can raise awareness about important social, cultural, or environmental issues.)
Buildings Stronger Community (more cohesive communities by bringing people together to work on shared goals, challenges and social projects.)
Socially engaged is a practice that describes art that is collaborative, often participatory and involves people as the medium or material of the work. This include any art form which involves people and communities in debate, collaboration or social interaction.
#ArtsInYourNeighbourhood is initiated by National Act Council (NAC). NAC present arts programmes with partners, to engage communities in neighbourhood spaces, creating opportunities for interaction to build a more connected society.
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Garden of Joy is a community art project by artist Jaxton Su. Through a series of co-creation workshops with the community, participants utilised everyday recyclable materials such as plastic bottles and plastic bags to create imaginary flora and fauna craft works.
For today's class activity, we are told to document a documentary about a social issue that we as a group want to highlight. My group and I have decided to discuss plagiarism. We wanted to highlight on why plagiarising is wrong. Firstly, it is a form of theft and it can lead to serious consequences or may affect future career.
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nf0lder · 1 year
For the first week of Critical Thinking, we talk about how to connect Creative Practise and Critical Thinking. Critical thinking and creative problem solving skills are necessary to me as a designer. The two conceptions are comparable, and one of those commonalities is the ability to solve problems. Creative practice is more about generating new ideas about the issue while Critical Thinking is used to select what is the most logical and practical amongst the generated ideas that is being done in the generating process.
One example of having this two topic overlap is in businesses. Creative practice can be used for marketing and product invention while Critical thinking can be used for human resources or hiring. I chose this example because it might apply to me in the future if I work in the marketing industry. Thinking of creative ways to create brand awareness and engaging with customers creatively while making sure that the idea i generated can increase the reach of the business and to achieve customer satisfaction.
I've observed that humans are drawn to items that are in trend or stores with attractive interior design. The psychology behind this things are that our emotions are closely linked to our perception of beauty. When we see something that we find aesthetically pleasing or being pressured we feel the need to keep up with the latest styles to fit in with the social circle to make a good impression.
I selected to share this video since it demonstrated a problem and the brand's response to it. The problem i see here is that people are materialistic and stuck on something being name brand. Not only does it prove consumer mentality, but it also shows to consumers that the shoes you find at Payless are the same quality as those you would get from other branded store. People will overpay for material items because of the status it seemingly gives them.
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nf0lder · 1 year
WEEK 4/5
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'National Language Class' by Chua Mia Tee
This classroom setting is not something I can see in the present. Using whiteboards and having a larger group of students in today's classes makes me unable to relate to the atmosphere of this classroom. The older generation may feel nostalgic when they see this artwork because it may remind them of their youth.
Siapa nama kamu? ( What is your name) Di mana awak tinggal ? ( Where do you stay) was written on the blackboard behind the teacher. I'm curious about Mr. Chua Mia Tee's reference based on these questions. During that time, it was Malay that was promoted as the lingua franca of the fledgling multiracial nation and till this day is one of the four official languages of Singapore. Students then were also actively engaged in determining the future of their country by learning the malay language.
Something interesting that i have photograph
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ARTST NAME: Lim Yew Kuan left (-) right ( For the Future Generation, 1954)
Lim Yew Kuan was  a well-known second-generation Nanyang Style  painter, printmaker and sculptor. Lim was also an arts educator who taught art for four decades, including a stint as the second principal of the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA).
Both of these artworks were created using woodcut as the medium.Despite the work being black and white, I am intrigued by the strong contrast and artist's use of negative and positive space. When I first saw this artwork, the first thing I noticed was how fine the line art were. The results of this monotonous work are enchanted by the small details.
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nf0lder · 1 year
Throughout these module, I have learned that being a designer is much more then being creative but rather theres so many more. I now am more aware of choosing the right fonts, elements and compositional strategy that i will incorporate in my design.
The different topic that is being covered can be applied to build up my design practice. Applying ecosystem can create designers building a relationship among art organisation and their communities reflecting their culture. Cultural materialism can improve a better understanding of cultural context in design. Post-modernism can emphasis the vitality of historical/vintage element in a design and Post-structuralism can perceiving the world in terms of structures.
In conclusion, this module have broaden and expanded my view in designing and how i see the world. I've practice to view things not only on my side but also to hear and listen on how others interpret something. Applying these value in my daily design practice can help me impact and connect with my viewers. Surrounded my eyes with aesthetically things will boost my creativity. WOII improve my perspective of the world and make me appreciate little things i see.
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nf0lder · 1 year
Week 10: Poststructuralism 
From what i understand, poststructuralism is a way of seeing or perceiving the world in terms of structures. Not everyone will have the same opinion of something and thats why i see poststructuralism as a permanent truth. As a designer i feel like this topic is essentially important. The way i view things may not be similar as what other's is thinking. A subject of something can leads to many different answer and meanings .
This is The Garden of Earthly Delights  by Hieronymus Bosch. He is one of the Early Netherlands painting school. His work, generally oil on oak wood, mainly contains fantastic illustrations of religious concepts and narratives.
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If we look at this piece as a whole, It looks like an ordinary painting that contains surrealism. A painting that will overwhelm viewers eyes with characters doing different activities. Instead of painting a straightforward depicts, Hieronymus Bosch drew heavily on his imagination to create surreal, incredibly detailed artworks.
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This is a scene from the Garden Of Eden. God stands between Adam and Eve, believed that this panel depicts God presenting Adam to Eve. This panel can be divided into 3 section. Top represent heaven, middle descent of the divine and bottom earth.
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The middle panel is filled with males and females nudes mixing with other creatures that is from Bosch imagination. Everything in this panel has a surreal edge.
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From using light pastel colours to gloomy dark colours to create contrast between the other two panel. The right panel shows us Bosch’s depiction of Hell. In contrast to the middle panel the The figures are tortured by terrifying demons.
There can be multiple interpretations garnered from The Garden of Earthly Delights. I have read different article from different browser analysing The garden of Earthly Delights . In conclusion, reading all this different analysis help me view this piece in many different possible ways .
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nf0lder · 1 year
Before doing my research, i was unsure between what post-modernism and modernist design is. The main characteristic of a post modern design is emphasising the vitality of historical/vintage element in a design. While modernist is more to sleek and echoed trend in design.
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Vivienne Westwood was known as one of the most influential British postmodernism fashion designers of the 20th century. She introduced wearing "underwear' as "outerwear" and reviving the corset. Her early creation mostly associate with the sub-culture and youth movement known as punk.
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Why i choose Vivienne Westwood design as a example of post-modernism. Most of Vivienne Westwood collection have a do - it yourself attitude to it of punk styling. The characteristic in her design that have been associate with the post-modern look is the tartan plaid and her use of historical references Elizabethan and Victorian eras. She often uses traditional materials and silhouettes, but gives them a modern and edgy twist, making them relevant to the fashion world and creative youth today.
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RIGHT : collection from 1995
LEFT : collection from 2023
Even after decades of designing, her design still have a unique characteristic of victorian and punk style to it. Even after she have pass on, her collection of design will always be iconic because of her one of a kind design. I admire how she embraces new technologies and still represents the past in her design.
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nf0lder · 1 year
The art & culture ecosystem features and impacted designers building a relationship among art organisation and their communities reflecting their culture.
"OFF THE WALL" is a organisation rallying cry for self - expression. From art, music, skating and surfing. Showcasing unique culture through multifaceted activations including interactive workshops, vintage memorabilia installations, and musical performances.
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This event brings a lot of people from different liking together in one organisation to spotlight the local creativity in Singapore. From this organisation, people that attend for a specific workshop can come across and learn about other workshop that is happening there. Having fun while grasping new knowledge will truly be a unforgettable experiences. I feel like organisation like this not only will attract the public with their workshop but also will make public be interested and curious about the brand "VANS" .
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I personally would love to attend event like this to explore and gain new knowledge from the booths and workshop that is held there. I value and appreciate the idea of bringing people from different interest together and making them interact and explore in many ways to broaden their knowledge and let them step out of their comfort zone. These events make consumer appreciate and value the brand more.
Reference pic:
Vans.sg (instagram)
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nf0lder · 2 years
I would describe aesthetic as something that look pleasing and satisfying in the eyes. In visual terms, aesthetic includes principles such as balance, colour, movement, shape and scale. Designing or creating something aesthetic, will make humans admire and enjoy visually. Therefore, artist uses aesthetic as a part of their design.
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( First image)
The colour palette uses in this picture is pleasing to the eyes. The colour combination of green and brown gives me a natural and warmth mood. Using complimentary colours in picture or in design will create the highest contrast and will draw maximum attention to the eyes. Other than colours, using a simple and minimal background make the other element and product pops in a subtle yet beautiful way.
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( Second image)
This is another example of how complimentary colours help picture stands out more. This picture may look simple and direct but having bold complimentary colours makes the picture look fun and more interesting. To show that this shoe was first released in the late 90s, they used pastel colours to communicate it as pastels colours are a trend in the late 90s.
Between both images and concept, I definitely prefer the first image. It pleased my eyes more and draw my fullest attention the other element beautifully. Where else for the second image , i find the colour palette used was interesting there so it attracts me. 
Reference :
( first image) : https://www.aimeleondore.com/blogs/news/aime-leon-dore-new-balance-650-r
(second image) : https://fizzymag.com/articles/slam-jam-asics-gel-mai
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