ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
G40 returned to Zimbabwe after spending seven months in exile | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq FORMER Zanu PF Manicaland provincial youth leader, Mubuso Chinguno, sneaked back into the country last week after he skipped the border and sought refuge in neighbouring South Africa and Lesotho last November at the height of the military-led Operation Restore Legacy. Chinguno, an ardent critic of then Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa, was a member of Zanu PF's G40 faction fronted by former First Lady, Grace Mugabe. Mubuso Chinguno The ruling party activist has since last week been spotted in Mutare, Chipinge and Chimanimani although he is keeping a low profile. Before he skipped the border, Chinguno had been stripped off his party position on allegations of grabbing vast tracts of residential land in Chipinge set aside to benefit Zanu PF youths. While Chinguno could not be reached for comment yesterday, Zanu PF Manicaland provincial political commissar Gift Kagweda said the outspoken former youth leader should write to the party for readmission. "If he wants to come back to the party... #G40 #returned #to #Zimbabwe #after #spending #seven #months #in #exile #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
Chamisa laments, vowing to do everything possible to stop ZEC from cheating 2018 elections in favor of Mnangagwa. | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has vowed to do everything possible to stop the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) from manipulating the July 30 general elections in favour of President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Opposition political parties have been demanding a raft of electoral reforms that they argue will guarantee a free and fair election. Part of the demands include that Zec must avail an electronic copy of the Biometric Voters’ Roll for audit, observing the printing of the ballot papers, adding them in terms of their chemical composition as well as monitoring their safe keeping and transportation to voting centres. While Zec invited political parties last week to observe the printing of ballots, Chamisa’s election agent Jameson Timba yesterday said what happened at Fidelity Printers was far from what they were demanding. “Zec is fooling not only the MDC Alliance but Zimbabweans in general, they are fooling the international community that there is commitment to ensure free and fair... #Chamisa #laments #vowing #to #do #everything #possible #to #stop #ZEC #from #cheating #2018 #elections #in #favor #of #Mnangagwa #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
Blew to Nelson Chamisa as Morgan Tsvangirai's former close ally confirmed Mnangagwa | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq Former Morgan Tsvangirai’s ally Eddie Cross believes his former mentor’s nemesis President Emmerson Mnangagwa has turned a new leaf and is on the right track, subtly endorsing him as a viable candidate for the July 30 polls. Mnangagwa plunges into his first presidential election at the end of this month with the prospect of facing stiff competition from the country’s biggest opposition coalition, the Nelson Chamisa-led MDC Alliance. Cross, who as an MDC official spent close to two decades trying to dislodge Zanu PF, says since the military-assisted transition in November last year which dislodged former president Robert Mugabe and led to Mnangagwa’s ascendence to the presidency “our world has certainly changed and it is very noticeable. Eddie Cross “We have more freedom than at any time since the Rhodesian government clamped down on the nationalists and detained most of them in 1964. The repressive laws adopted at that time were never dismantled by … Mugabe who then used them to repres... #Blew #to #Nelson #Chamisa #as #Morgan #Tsvangirais #former #close #ally #confirmed #Mnangagwa #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
Ex-Zanu PF MP kidnapped | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq FORMER Zanu PF Harare South MP, Shadreck Mashayamombe was on Wednesday reportedly kidnapped by suspected Zanu PF supporters who demanded that he withdraws his candidature from the constituency before taking his Parliament-issued Chevrolet vehicle and dumping it along the Harare-Bulawayo Highway. BY EVERSON MUSHAVA Mashayamombe narrated his ordeal to NewsDay Weekender yesterday, claiming he was waylaid at Avondale Shopping Centre on Wednesday evening around 10pm by three armed men and one woman in a Honda Fit without registration plates. “Three men came out of the Honda Fit, demanded my car keys and forced me out of the car. They blindfolded me and drove off with me in my car. They parked the car and told me they had an instruction to dump me in Kariba Dam if I don’t want to withdraw my candidature against the President’s nephew. They later removed the blindfold and I saw one man with a gun, the other one with a metal rod, while the other two were unarmed. I could not recognise any one of them,” he said. Mashayamombe was expelled from Zanu PF last November after the military operation that ended former President Robert Mugabe’s 37-year rule. He will contest the July 30 election on an MDC Alliance ticket against Zanu PF’s Tongai Mnangagwa and several other candidates from various political parties. Mashayamombe has been on a collision course with Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga who told a rally recently the former Zanu PF member was as good as finished. Mashayamombe said after hours of emotional torture, one of the men said he was against the idea of killing him, advising others to only take his money and set him free. “After they realised that I did not have money, they took my other cellphone and groceries, gave me $5 for transport and drove off in my car. I called a taxi and went home and at around 3am, someone called me and told me to go and take my car along Bulawayo Road near N Richards shops. They told me they had left the keys inside. I could not go there during the night for fear of an attack and went to the scene at daybreak and indeed, I recovered my car.” Mashayamombe said he did not report the matter to the police because he had reported several cases since November last year when he was kidnapped by the military, after his home was raided and money stolen from his car business; and when his clothes were stolen, but no action was taken. “Why should I waste my time when I have reported many cases, giving evidence, names of perpetrators and even vehicle registration numbers and nothing happened?” Mashayamombe asked. “I am now living in fear, but I don’t have anywhere to turn to for protection.” But police national spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba said if Mashayamombe was not happy with the way he had been served by the police, there were always mechanisms for redress and these included reporting the matter to the officer-in-charge, officer commanding district or go straight to the complaints desk at the Charge Office. “I cannot comment on the many cases he is referring to because I don’t have the records,” Charamba said. In an unrelated matter, Build Zimbabwe presidential candidate Noah Manyika has cried foul, claiming Zanu PF supporters were pulling down his posters in Gweru or sticking Mnangagwa’s posters on top of his. He said defacement of the posters was done ahead of the party’s roadshow in Gweru yesterday. “We reported the matter to the police in Gweru and Chegutu. It is said that this is happening after all parties have signed a peace pledge.” #ExZanu #PF #MP #kidnapped #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
Supporters Zanu PF discontented vows to kill the impostor side | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq KUDAKWASHE Chinamano is running as an independent candidate for Highfield East constituency after he failed to win the Zanu PF primary election which he says was rigged. NewsDay Weekender reporter Tinashe Kairiza (NW) spoke to Chinamano (KC) about the various community projects he is rolling out in Highfield. NW: At some point, you were an active member of Zanu PF, why did you decide to run as an independent candidate? KC: My decision to stand as an independent candidate is based on the fact that our structures have been corrupted to the extent that any complaints about maladministration are regarded as selling out. Our commissariat department is not even bothering to refer to records to verify the truth or falsity of the matters brought to their attention. Promotion in politics should be by merit. If the people’s voice is muted by removal from cell registers of the majority so that the minority seems popular, then I believe that the process of internal primaries is nonsensical. How does one allow a candidate to be elected by 300 people or less going into a general election in a constituency with more than 20 000 registered voters? The same people that were chanting vana kuna amai during the (former President Robert) Mugabe regime are the same people who are now claiming to be Lacoste. They are the same people who are disenfranchising the electorate of their choice of leaders at all levels from cell to central committee. In summary, the corruption has made it impossible for one to advance within party structures through legitimate means. NW: Let us talk about the projects you initiated in Highfield, do you think they are far-reaching in terms of transforming the livelihoods of citizens? KC: I decided to run as an independent candidate to expose the truth that some of our leaders choose to ignore. The perpetrators of this corrupt activity are unable to manipulate the Zec process, so the numbers shall speak and maybe then the relevant people will pay attention. I believe in the community. The community believes in what I am doing for them with them. I am confident that victory is certain. NW: Can you briefly describe the projects you are running in Highfield? KC: The projects we have initiated in Highfield are very relevant to the everyday lives of the Highfield resident. The roads are in a bad state. Water cuts and shortages continue to affect the quality of life and overall productive capacity of the ordinary person. Women wash, cook and clean with the same water. This has caused water-borne diseases such as typhoid and cholera. So, yes, I believe they (projects) are far-reaching, especially in comparison to buying alcohol and giving out T-shirts which is what some parties are doing. These projects in some way have created some form of employment to community members. NW: Are residents supporting the projects you are running? KC: The residents by and large have been very supportive and this is proven by the large numbers that have participated without duress and their feedback has been encouraging as they communicate on a daily basis with suggestions and words of encouragement. There are, of course, elements within the same community that will be used to frustrate our efforts. It is those people who we have to work hard to educate and when we achieve this we will have achieved our goal which is to have a united constituency. The tools and water we have used for our roadworks were provided by the community. NW: Do you think you have done sufficient work to mobilise voters ahead of the forthcoming election? KC: We have not and I do not intend to stop doing community development work even after the elections. NW: Suppose you win the Highfield parliamentary seat, how best do you think you can represent the constituency? KC: I will work towards bringing assistance to the people of Highfield in the form of goodwill and initiate empowerment programmes. I would move motions to change legislation that is not in favour of my constituents. I would seek help at regional and international levels. I would also engage corporates to invest back into the community while applying pressure to council so that there is service delivery. My other agenda would be to promote youth advance, considering that this demographic age group constitute the majority of our population. If we were to hold a poll-based solely on that and youth voted exclusively for one of their own, then we would follow the example of France which now has a President who is less than 40 years. NW: You are running as an independent candidate, which presidential candidate have you endorsed? KC: Emmerson Mnangagwa has my vote. Why not? #Supporters #Zanu #PF #discontented #vows #to #kill #the #impostor #side #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
Breakfast for children's reasons on the card | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq A VOLUNTARY organisation which contributes to the welfare of the vulnerable children and female prisoners, Our Children Our Future Trust (OCOFT), will on Friday, July 6, host a breakfast meeting aimed at finding lasting solutions to problems that are being faced by children. BY STAFF REPORTER OCOFT chairperson Williet Mabeza said stakeholders from different socio-economic backgrounds have been invited to the breakfast meeting. “We have invited heads of corporates, representatives of child based organisations, non-governmental organisations and civic organisations so that we put our heads together to find lasting solutions to the plight of vulnerable children, especially those orphaned to HIV and children of female prisoners and their female parents to prepare for them for life after prison,” Mabeza said in a statement. OCOFT’s primary objective is to provide basic social amenities such as food, shelter, medical support, education support and psycho-social support to its beneficiaries. “An estimated two million children between the ages of five and 18 globally have a parent who is behind bars, while millions more have lost both their parents to the HIV pandemic and so we are looking to contribute to the welfare of this vulnerable group of children hence we have invited like-minded stakeholders for us to map a way forward,” the statement read. #Breakfast #for #childrens #reasons #on #the #card #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
Choppies opened its 33rd store in Zim | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq CHOPPIES has added another outlet in Bulawayo making the total number of shops across the country to 33. BY SHARON SIBINDI Choppies Parklands, Bulawayo, was officially opened yesterday increasing the number of Choppies supermarkets in Bulawayo to 18. The event was attended by Siqokoqela Mphoko, former Vice-President Phelekezela Mhpoko’s son. The former VP has shareholding in Choppies Zimbabwe. Choppies marketing co-ordinator, Trashmah Kazembe said: “Today (Friday) we opened Choppies Parklands and this is our shop number 33. We have seven outlets in Bulawayo and this will be shop number 18 in Bulawayo. We feel the shop is going to serve Parklands, Khumalo, Mahatshula and other nearby areas. We are also catering for motorists because we have ample parking space which is different from other outlets in the city centre.” Kazembe said there was room for expansion of the retail sector in the city. “We have plans to open more shops and there is potential,” she said. The official opening of the new Choppies Parklands branch came at a time when there is a battle for control of the supermarket chain — Choppies Zimbabwe — pitting former Botswana President Festus Mogae and his business partners on one side and Mphoko on the other. It has emerged that Mphoko might lose his shareholding after the foreign investors claimed he was drafted into the business in a ploy to comply with Zimbabwe’s indigenisation laws which have now been abandoned by the new government. #Choppies #opened #its #33rd #store #in #Zim #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
MDC calls on ZEC to stop printing votes | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq WATCH-LIVE MDC ALLIANCE URGENT PRESSER Posted by ZimEye on Monday, July 2, 2018 By Own Correspondent| The MDC Alliance has called on the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to stop the printing of the ballot paper until the contentious issues being raised by all aggrieved partners are addressed. Addressing journalists in the capital Harare (Monday), MDC Alliance Presidential Candidate Chief Elections Agent, Jameson Timba accused the ZEC of continuously manipulating the 2018 election in favour of President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Zanu Pf. Below is the full text of the statement. ZEC Continues To Manipulate the 2018 Elections. We are disgusted and utterly dismayed by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission’s continued manipulation of the election in clear violation of the law, the constitution and complete disregard for transparency and fair play. This morning, I met with the ZEC chairperson to raise import issues pertaining to the management of the election. She has failed to provide answers on the critical issues. ZEC has in a space of a few days committed or omitted the following acts that go to the heart of transparency and ultimately the credibility of the election. 1.Despite assurances and announcing that ZEC was going to provide the true and accurate BVR Voters’ Roll as a pdf file, no such Roll is being provided. The real question is why is ZEC deliberately lying to the world or is ZEC actually lying or perhaps just handicapped to implement its own decision? a. ZEC has refused to avail the Voter’s Roll as required by Law b. ZEC has refused an independent audit of the Voter’s Roll because they know it is illegitimate c. Our own random audit has unearthed scandalous and embarrassing details on the Voter’s Roll. d. We have discovered some of the oldest people on our Voters’ Roll aged around 150 years old who don’t exist e. We have discovered many houses that have tens of people registered but the houses do not exist f. We have discovered many people with the same IDs g. We have discovered many people with same IDs for different faces of people 2. Despite assurances that political parties were going to be allowed to observe the printing of ballot papers; ZEC invited parties to the printers three days after the printing had already commenced. Further no observation was allowed but instead parties were just pointed, at a distance, through glasses of the purported printing process i.e. a. no printed ballot paper was inspected b. the actual quality and features of the ballot paper are not known other than a blank sample of what looks like a gift-wrapping paper c. the design of the ballot paper is not known d. the print run for the ballot papers is not known by anyone either than ZEC and Mnangagwa as a candidate because his government owns and controls the printer e. whether that was the actual printing process and not just an act is not known f. whether the people who were purportedly working on the printers are employees of fidelity printers is not known g. whether fidelity printers has not been hijacked is also not known h. as it stands only Mnangagwa and Chigumba know the quality, design, quantity of the ballot paper. i. as it stands only Mnangagwa and Chigumba know about the alleged secret ballots that are reported to have been imported from Russia over the weekend 3. Despite the Interparty Liaison Committee agreeing that the printing process should be stopped immediately so that it can be carried out in terms of agreed transparent measures; ZEC has clearly continued with the printing process. 4. ZEC has lied in their agreement and undertaking that the ballot paper will follow the precedent and traditional alphabetical arrangement of candidates 5. The reason why it did not allow observation is that it has manipulated the design of the ballot paper in favour of the Zanu-PF Presidential candidate wherein they have printed a ballot paper which puts Emmerson Mnangagwa on top. 6. ZEC is refusing to give any concrete guarantees on the storage and distribution process of the ballot paper which is a key component of the transparency required. In view of all this, we are making the following demands: A. ZEC must either carry out the agreed positions for transparency and accountability purposes or be reconstituted B.The printing of the ballot must immediately stop and be carried out in a transparent manner C. There must be an open tender of the printing company D. The inspection of the ballot must be done in terms of the agreed procedures E. There must be stakeholder participation in the storage and distribution of the ballot paper to polling stations. F. The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission is fooling not only the MDC Alliance but... #MDC #calls #on #ZEC #to #stop #printing #votes #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
Chamisa withdraws the MDC-T case from the court | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq Name winner, Thokozani Khupe Splinter Dr Thokozani Khupe led MDC-T Deputy President Obert Gutu reports that the mainstream MDC-T led by advocate Nelson Chamisa has withdrawn from the High Court roll the matter against leaders of the splinter group on the use of the MDC-T name. According to Gutu, the withdrawal makes the Khupe led splinter the genuine MDC-T which Chamisa was contesting. Gutu wrote on his Facebook page on Monday shortly after the court sitting. Our erstwhile comrades,h ave this morning i.e. Monday. July 02,2018, applied to have their matter against Thokozani Khupe, Obert Gutu and Abednico Bhebhe removed from the High Court roll. The matter was heard before Honourable Justice Dube in chambers. Our lead Counsel, Professor Lovemore Madhuku, consented to the matter being removed from the roll with costs being in the cause, because, essentially, our erstwhile comrades have thrown in the towel and realized that their case against the three (3) of us was ill-advised and unwinnable. Our erstwhile comrades were represented by Advocate Thabani Mpofu. What this essentially means is that the MDC-T led by Hon. Dr. Thokozani Khupe continues as the legitimate and lawful MDC-T. If our services have assisted you, our work would be much more secure with your help - For as little as £5, you can support ZimEye – and it only takes a minute. #Chamisa #withdraws #the #MDCT #case #from #the #court #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
BREAKING - Chamisa party launches boycott election ... If ZEC | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq WATCH-LIVE MDC ALLIANCE URGENT PRESSER Posted by ZimEye on Monday, July 2, 2018 By A Correspondent|  The Nelson Chamisa led MDC has announced it is set to boycott the upcoming elections due to mal-practices by the Zimbabwe electoral commission. This was made known by senior party official, Mr. Jameson Timba Monday morning at the party’s headquarters. He was being grilled on the sidelines of their presser. (see timeline 32.00 to 35:00) Said Timba, “we are calling a special meeting (musangano) with other parties. If vaMnangagwa as another candidate is allowing this…I believe his party will also attend that meeting. In that same meeting we will take up one request and take it up… “Tati izvi kana zvisina kugadziriswa izvi, musi wa 30 July kunenge kusina election…my young brother, we said if these things are not fixed on the 30th July there will be no election. There is no communication in Shona that is clearer than what I have told you my young brother.” If our services have assisted you, our work would be much more secure with your help - For as little as £5, you can support ZimEye – and it only takes a minute. #BREAKING #Chamisa #party #launches #boycott #election #If #ZEC #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
'RBZ's desperate measures will not solve economic crises' | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq Terrence Mawawa Businesspeople in the ancient city of Masvingo have slammed Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor, John Mangudya for failing to address the real factors affecting the country’s economy. Speaking at a business forum in Masvingo at the weekend, the entrepreneurs said poor policies were affecting economic growth. “The RBZ is deliberately skirting the issues that are affecting our economy. The central bank must address the root cause of the cash crisis,” said a Masvingo based transport operator. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has temporarily frozen the issuing of US dollars for individual customers to banks in a bid to ease cash woes. Mangudya claims unscrupulous individuals are holding onto wads of cash,fuelling the black market in the process. If our services have assisted you, our work would be much more secure with your help - For as little as £5, you can support ZimEye – and it only takes a minute.  _ #RBZs #desperate #measures #will #not #solve #economic #crises #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
BREAKING: Byo Men arrested for "Bombing Mnangagwa" was released without charge. | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq The two men accused of bombing ZANU PF leader, President Emmerson Mnangagwa two weeks ago, have been released. The two, John Zulu and Douglas Musekiwa, were held on terrorism charges over the June 23 bomb blast at White City stadium in Bulawayo. They were on Monday afternoon released without charge. Zulu Police had since Saturday fought to keep the two in detention. But since no charges were laid, the two had to be released. – MORE TO FOLLOW… If our services have assisted you, our work would be much more secure with your help - For as little as £5, you can support ZimEye – and it only takes a minute.  _ _ #BREAKING #Byo #Men #arrested #for #Bombing #Mnangagwa #was #released #without #charge #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
Zanu PF MP is ready to fight against Namvinism | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq Terrence Mawawa Zanu PF aspiring MP for Gutu North Constituency, Yeukai Simbanegavi says she is ready to fight tooth and nail in her quest to reduce the impact of male chauvinism in her area. Simbanegavi acknowledged the task would not be easy because of negative stereotypes and stigmatisation of women and girls. In her Facebook message Simbanegavi said: “Vote for an MP who will build your future. For empowerment of women and economic prosperity, Cde Simbanegavi is your suitable candidate.” If our services have assisted you, our work would be much more secure with your help - For as little as £5, you can support ZimEye – and it only takes a minute.  _ #Zanu #PF #MP #is #ready #to #fight #against #Namvinism #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
MDC T Ready For Polls | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq Terrence Mawawa The Thokozani Khupe led MDC T camp is ready for the July 30 polls, party officials have said. Although many political observers believe the party comprises mere pretenders, MDC T’ s Obert Gutu has said party candidates are on the ground campaigning for Khupe. Khupe is one of the 23 Presidential candidates hoping to land the country’s top post. “We are on a campaign trail and we have already visited several wards in Harare,”said Gutu on Facebook. If our services have assisted you, our work would be much more secure with your help - For as little as £5, you can support ZimEye – and it only takes a minute.  _ #MDC #T #Ready #For #Polls #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
Independent candidates will dominate 2018 Vote? | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq Terrence Mawawa The selection of Parliamentarians and councillors on the basis of political affiliation is now a thing of the past, according to political analysts. In Masvingo Urban Constituency, independent candidates for both House of Assembly and local government elections are enjoying massive support from the electorate and they are likely to turn the traditional political former book upside down. Independent aspiring MP for Masvingo Urban Constituency, Sam Chapfudza yesterday said: “I believe in honesty, transparency and determination. This election is about development and economic empowerment.” Independent aspiring candidate for ward 7 Masvingo Urban Constituency Edson Chivurukute also said:”My vision is to introduce empowerment programmes and sustainable income generating projects for women and youths.” If our services have assisted you, our work would be much more secure with your help - For as little as £5, you can support ZimEye – and it only takes a minute. #Independent #candidates #will #dominate #2018 #Vote #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
Khupe works for our benefit - ZANU PF Official | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq By A Correspondent| The expelled MDC renegade, Thokozani Khupe is working in ZANU PF’s favour, a top official has indicated. Writing on his microblogging portal, ZANU PF UK leader Nick Mangwana said “there is the Linda Masarira factor” which is working in ZANU PF’s favour for number-tilting. He used the figures of the 2013 elections  to show that  zanu PF could easily win  by mere virtue of the Khupe breakaway faction’s straining the numbers.  Below was the tweet – 2013 Harare Central: Zanu PF 4,974, MDC 757, MDC-T 6,828This is a majority that we can turn. There is also @lilomatic factor working in our favour. But the big winner is the ED Factor that has won over the Coloured Community and other ethnic minority groups#EDhasMyVote pic.twitter.com/x7dmCbitnM — Nick mangwana (@nickmangwana) June 30, 2018 If our services have assisted you, our work would be much more secure with your help - For as little as £5, you can support ZimEye – and it only takes a minute. #Khupe #works #for #our #benefit #ZANU #PF #Official #Breaking #News #zimnews
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ngchicuong0189 · 6 years
The bank applies to civil crimes on Mukupe on another debt | Breaking News Please, Like & Subscribe Zim News ^^. Subscribe : https://goo.gl/wMLaFq By Paul Nyathi|Trust Bank a registered financial institution has applied for the High Court to inflict civil imprisonment on Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Development Terrence Mukupe. According to a court roll, Mukupe is set to appear in the court soon over an undisclosed outstanding amount. Civil imprisonment is when a person fails to pay their debts and have nothing of value that can be recovered to offset the debt, either because they have hidden their assets or they have nothing to attach. Trust Bank joins a host of other institutions that have gone to the courts to recover their debts from the deputy minister. Steward Bank recently applied for a similar civil imprisonment claim against Mukupe over a debt of $100 000. Opposition parties have continuously questioned how Mukupe has managed to remain in the Ministry of Finance when he is failing to manage his personal finances. If our services have assisted you, our work would be much more secure with your help - For as little as £5, you can support ZimEye – and it only takes a minute.  Paul Nyathi - #The #bank #applies #to #civil #crimes #on #Mukupe #on #another #debt #Breaking #News #zimnews
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