ni-no-fool · 3 years
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I’m always thinking about marcassin and also abt how he and swaine should’ve interacted more
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
So angst is fun to write huh
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
I'm still doing my familiarless run but I'm kinda tempted to do a nuzlocke as well. Can only use the first familiar that wants to be tamed per area (should I be able to go back to rolling hills etc.?) Also how would fainting=death work in nnk as opposed to pokemon
GOD nuzlockes. i did try to do a nuzlocke in the past but like. ni no kuni doesn’t have a hard mode (god i wish ni no kuni had a hard mode) and if you’re careful you can very easily do a no death run of the game </3 so nuzlockes. are tricky. because they aren’t tricky, which is the point of a nuzlocke
how i did it was if i game overed i had to roll a die and whichever familiar it landed on would be dead and released into the wild. + no backtracking after getting the heartwinning harp + if a familiar runs out of stamina they’re dead (pretty sure i added this rule after realising how not challenging this run is)
if you do decide to do a nuzlocke you could maybe add more rules to it!! but like. i legit play regular ni no kuni without familiars most of the time now. i know that familiars are good and all but i’m just so used to familiarless that i just default to it. i don’t think a nuzlocke would be fun for me personally unless there was some other super challenging rule </3 but by all means please go for it and if you add any more rules let me know so i can steal them for my own greedy little challenge run needs
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
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Apologies for low quality pictures but I gotta vent my extremely nitpicky complaint about a jrpg a friend gifted me somewhere:
This h*cking game made up a language, established that language as "the ancient language that wizards write in", and and gave you the tools to decipher that language and translate it back into English. I thought that was pretty cool - the translation is a little tedious, but it's only been used for extra lore and optional puzzles; an NPC translates things for you the one time a translation is required for main story stuff. Anyways.
This game apparently *also* came up with a second set of glyphs that are, stylistically, extremely similar to the ones used in the first language, but they don't give you any means to translate it. I know this because I found a magic circle with familiar-looking symbols and attempted to translate them using the established Wizard Language Translator. There are just a bunch of symbols that don't translate at all, as far as I can tell. I have to assume the only reason they came up with a *second* Secret Wizard Language was to get my hopes up before crushing them by denying me the Bonus Lore.
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
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(SPOILERS) Ni no kuni but the white witch plays the drums and it’s manna monday
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
i swear i’m going to revive the ni no kuni fandom >:(((
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
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gascon went through a lot of shit but at least he built a cool gun
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
there is no need to be upset
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
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and a short haired roland for me :]
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
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pov you say you’re straight at the frat party
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
I don't understand why yall never talk about ni no kuni
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Like yall this is a video game you could be playing! Animated by stuido ghibli! Plus they got two games!
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With its game play style is still 3d and actually really nice to look at and cute.
The story follows a little boy named oliver who travels to another world to save his mom and defeat evil.
Just check it out if you want too its right now on sale
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
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marcassin for the dead ni no kuni fandom
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
deciding if you have rights depending on your nnk 1 kin(s)
Oliver: yes. absolutely. and a platonic smooch
Esther: fuck yeah 😈🙏 you guys r so rad
Swaine: even if i gave you rights you wouldnt care because you do your own thing which is valid af
Marcassin: yes but work on your self esteem issues
Drippy: no and please stop being so chaotic for like 5 seconds /lh
Cassiopeia: yes you are so cool
Shadar: ...theres a lot to unpack here but basically no
Lucien: slightly better than shadar but still no rights
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
hello. hi. i’m here to talk about. runes. because runes are cool as shit and people should know this about them
because you may think that all the runes for spells are completely random right. or like they look like what the spell does (which is true for a lot of them but). they are Not. all the healing spells have the same second stroke, including draw poison. mornstar and astra share their first stroke but it’s rotated different. poison apple and ashes of resurrection have vague similarities, but similarities nonetheless (one kills you and one revives. i think that’s neat). open mind and evenstar have a similar stroke (why? who knows!)
AND LIKE. that’s really cool!!! because it means runes have at least a little order to them right. it’s not completely random.
and well. runes were, canonically, originally based on nazcaan characters. ward is one of these spells, according to horace in the ds game (i can’t remember the specific character and i don’t have a save file at that point which yes does irk me but it looks like it might’ve been. c? maybe another one as well? unsure. note i’m looking at the ds game version of nazcaan here so it wouldn’t be c in wotww nazcaan). poison apple/ashes of res may also have been based on the nazcaan number zero! maybe. it vaguely looks like it. so runes are in fact based on something (and also nazcaan is inherently a magical language and that’s cool as hell).
PLUS. we know that runes are not like… just there. spells are made they’re not entirely set in stone and that’s a pun intended because my source for this is page 325 of the wizard’s companion which is about stones and on that page it says travel was originally invented to transport waystones. so yeah people make the spells the spells were not made by like a divine entity of some kind
so like. that brings me onto the next part of this post: combination runes.
combination runes exist in canon - unleash is a combination of gateway and form familiar, as it summons a creature through a portal. and considering that. i mean. we could absolutely make our own runes, right
OBVIOUSLY. it would probably take like, a lot more trial and error if the ni no kuni world was real to make a new spell, because magic is finicky as is evident by the werefish spell which just like, looks like a fish. what are the chances. but if you took like. the second stroke of all healing spells. and combined it. with the first stroke of nix. well surely that would make a cure nix spell wouldn’t it?
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obviously if the caster has been nixed this spell won’t be much use will it but theoretically if the caster had, like, friends, then
like dude! combination runes would fuck so hard? this would also work with battle spells! such as ward! you could combine ward with other spells and make an elemental shield! that could protect against other elements!
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like!! here’s ward mixed with fireball, frostbite, and mornstar/astra (runes drawn very quickly lmao. also i gave them funky lil names). i just think it’d be neat!
other ideas for rune combinations:
quicken growth + nature’s tongue: sentient plant
shift shape + fortune’s fool: who am i to say what i will become
poison apple + pulse: DUDE YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM
burden + any elemental battle spell: weigh someone down but like, with darkness incarnate. trap them underneath a giant ball of fire
anyway tldr runes are pretty cool. spell combos are pretty cool. stay tuned for my next magic post on magi-science /hj
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
I love this headcanon, it makes total sense and I just generally love magical categories! Question, what are all of the sages magical affinities? And if Esther and Swaine used magic, what would theirs be?
Magic related hcs
Y'all. Nnk fandom. My brain is gonna EXPLODE so I'm gonna Infodump. This will be a general post and then I'm gonna make another about marcassin because I love him.
So to start off, Natural-Born Affinities.
A Natural-Born Affinity is pretty self explanatory. It's when a magic user is born with a very strong connection and talent and to cast spells relating to a certain element. Most people have an affinity, some people have more than one but there is usually a more prominent one. Here's a list of all the possible affinities you can be born with, in order of most common to rarest.
Water (I know water and ice count as the same element in game but I don't think they should. Ice magic requires more cold. They are similar yes but not the same.)
Inflictation (I made this up: it refers to spells that inflict an aliment on the target like confusion, nix or poison)
Astral (another made up element, refers to spells like Astra, Fallen Star and Manna.)
More about Astral Magic
Astral Magic is Magic of the Stars. Very few Astral Spells even exist and they require a great deal of magical talent to cast. A lot of people don't even believe that astral magic even exists, let alone the possibility to be born with an affinity for it.
Magical affinities in the past
Once upon a time, great importance was placed upon ones affinity. If you had a rarer one you were likely to be met with respect and power and your affinity DEFINITELY played a big part in your social class thousands of years ago. Things have changed since then with the decline of magic use in the modern world. Bring born with a rare affinity nowdays simply means you were gifted, and nothing more. If anything it's like being intelligent. Your family will send you off to magic schools and push you to do something with this talent.
"Sparking" (we both had this idea but @sweetpea-sprite named it)
When someone is highly emotional, they may do what is called "sparking." Sparking is when your magic reacts to your emotions. For example a fire-affinate might increase their body temperature and in some rarer cases, if they are around plants, burn them slightly and produce smoke when filled with an indescribable rage. A storm-affinate might give you a small shock when you touch them, or a few hairs might stand on end when feeling very distraught. Sparking cannot be controlled and sometimes can discomfort the person or those around them.
Magic and personality traits
There are often certain personality traits that come hand in hand with certain affinities. These traits obviously aren't always present but it's not uncommon for them to be there. Not all elements come with certain traits. Here's a list of some traits associated with certain elements.
Healing: bright and bubbly
Ice: patient, or flat out ignorant
Storm: meek and quiet
Darkness: bitter, or little personality at all, sometimes abruptly violent.
Light: not knowing when enough is enough, or sometimes just being very very loud
Fire: aggressive with a bad temper.
Language and common sayings reguarding magic
The main one I want to talk about here is this. Sometimes people refer to others as being the son/daughter/child of their Affinity. An example:
Esther: Have you noticed Oliver is very good with fire magic?
Cassiopeia: That's because he's a Son of the Wildfire.
This however isn't very commonly used anymore but when Cassiopeia was alive it was quite common. Other sayings reguarding magic include "blessed by the wizard king" or "he/she/they got on the wizard king's good side" when refering to someone born with a rare affinity or just good at magic in general.
Self-inflicted wounds from magic
Accidentally hurting yourself with your own magic is more common than you would think, even amongst sages. The type of injury you would receive depends on what magic you were using. Some elements create worse wounds than others while some don't give you any. For example, Oliver might be casting fireball. A spark spits out from the flame and hits his wrist. It creates a small burn which then blisters. After a day It bursts and then is gone. Magic injuries are common especially on children who are still learning to control their magic, however they can show up on anybody.
Anyway so I think that was all I wanted to talk about! Reblogs appreciated and feel free to add on or ask questions!!
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
Random NNK headcannons!
Oliver was born with a natural affinity for fire magic, which is considered to be quite rare.
Marcassin has a natural-born affinity for storm magic.
Green hair (or at least just Cassie's shade) is exclusive to the wizard king's bloodline.
Swaine has a few birthmarks in various places.
Swaine and Marcassin's father was not blood related to the royal family. Their mother was and he just married in.
Esther fell into a well and almost drowned at age 6. Rashaad pulled her out.
Swaine goes to the crypt casino a lot. Noone really knows if he goes to gamble or just to see the women who work there. Or it's probably the cheap drinks on Friday nights.
The Knights in the ivory tower returned to Cassiopeia's service as soon as she was restored. They are quite overprotective of her and advise against leaving to see the world but she of course does it anyway. They're actually very close with eachother and have a sibling like relationship.
Marcassin has a vocal stim similar to a cat purring that he does when he's content or relaxed
Ollie loves braiding Marcassin/Esther/Cassie's hair.
Marcassin has OCD. Not like, how people say it is with being really neat, I mean ACTUAL OCD. He often doesn't drink water out of paranoia that it's contaminated and he washes his hands a lot. When he was brokenhearted, he became underweight because he never ate because he always thought someone was trying to poison him.
Esther can easily mimic different bird calls. It's a natural talent.
Cassiopeia never used form familiar. But when she was restored, she did. Her familiar is an Astralynx named Staardenxiia
You can buy special jewelry, usually rings, that are enchanted and serve as protection. You can get ones with just about any kind of protection: ice, fire, darkness, whatever. This is also how birth control works in the nnk universe. You just put on a specially enchanted ring and you're good.
Oliver collects rocks
Swaine has a room in the palace that he stays in sometimes. The entire room is messy apart from his work desk which is the neatest desk in the palace.
Cassiopeia has several flower gardens all of different sizes throughout the ivory tower and in some of them, there are remains of magimechs that she has turned into flower pots.
Marcassin cannot sleep without a constant noise like a fan brrring or something
After the white witch thing and after she grows up, Esther opens a pet shop where she sells regular pets like cats, dogs, birds and fish but also exotic breeds that she tamed herself.
Cassiopeia has a habit of calling people "love", "dear", "darling", ect no matter who she's talking to.
Swaine lives in a small, rundown cottage in Hamelin where he often feeds homeless children and even took some of them in after Ollie and Esther grew up.
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ni-no-fool · 4 years
This all looks amazing!! I absolutely love the shading and the way you do hair, it's amazing ahh!
🎉🎉 Happy 10th birthday to Ni No Kuni! 🎉🎉
AAAAAAH honestly idk what to say! This series has helped me so much over the past 7 years (wasn't there 4 the first three so F) through both laughter and tears. Thank you Ni No Kuni for being super poggers!!
So to celebrate, I made a special drawing for each of the main games! Yes I know there's hotroit stories and other teeny weeny games in between but DOTDD, WOTWW and RK are the main three. I was gonna do the movie but I didn't because it was shit lol anyway back to the art!
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I also took closeups that you're free to use as icons as long as you credit me!
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Happy ani to this wonderful game (again) and happy ni no kuni day!!
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