niannuelf · 5 years
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Fjaðrárgljúfur, Iceland [3024 x 4032] [OC] https://ift.tt/2OIIwHy
Hey Tumblr! We created our Tumblr page to inform travelers. This month we would love to tell you about two awesome travel promotions!
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niannuelf · 5 years
Introverts as Lines of Poetry
INTJ: “ From childhood’s hour I have not been/ As others were—I have not seen/ As others saw.” Alone, Edgar Allan Poe
INTP: “ We wear the mask that grins and lies,/ It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes.” We Wear the Mask, Paul Laurence Dunbar
INFJ: “Love is not love/ Which alters when it alteration finds,/ Or bends with the remover to remove.” Sonnet 116, William Shakespeare
INFP: “ Laugh, and the world laughs with you;/ Weep, and you weep alone.” Solitude, Ella Wheeler Wilcox
ISTJ: “Serene, I fold my hands and wait,/ Nor care for wind, nor tide, nor sea;/ I rave no more ‘gainst time or fate.” Waiting, John Burroughs
ISTP: “ To fight aloud, is very brave–/ But gallanter, I know/ Who charge within the bosom/ The Calvalry of Wo–” To Fight Aloud Is Very Brave, Emily Dickinson
ISFJ: “Hope is the thing with feathers/ That perches in the soul.” Hope Is The Thing With Feathers, Emily Dickinson
ISFP: “Tell me not, in mournful numbers,/ Life is but an empty dream!” A Psalm of Life, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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niannuelf · 5 years
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niannuelf · 5 years
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You have reached the most desolate fields of my heart, even been blooming a flower still in my mind.
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niannuelf · 5 years
Seraphic Oriental Cherry!
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Photographer:  Kagura Yanki Expo ‘70 Park, Osaka, Japan ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴏᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ. ♥
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niannuelf · 5 years
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I can’t believe its december already, where did the year go
what were your highlights of the year so far/what are you looking forward to for next year? 
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niannuelf · 5 years
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i spent today catching up on some mundane tasks (emails n stuff) as well as finally getting started on my conflict psychology assignment. for my assignment i have to write an intelligence briefing of a known terrorist and give an explanation as to how and why he was radicalised. it’s super different to anything i’ve ever written before but all of the evidence and theories are so interesting and relevant that i don’t mind the difficulty too much.
my background noise/listening for today was a constant stream of episodes of the jenna and julien podcast. i love jenna and julien so much! you can listen to their podcast on youtube, soundcloud and itunes - all are free of course!
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niannuelf · 5 years
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Photo by Gerson Repreza 
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niannuelf · 5 years
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niannuelf · 5 years
Listening comprehension update- 1 week in
Just did my first hour not too long ago, something I was able to notice compared to the first day was the ability to distinguish sounds easier. Compared to the first day where I wanted to rip my hair out, trying to figure out how they were saying words so quickly and vaguely while today I just listened for what I didn’t hear, I was able to hear it the quick second it was said, then I repeated it a few times to make sure I really heard it. I’m still using that same episode of If you are the one, I’m actually really enjoying it. I thought I would get bored with it since it was a dating show, but I find myself laughing along to answers of questions.I’m about 32 minutes into it and all together the amount of words I didn’t know wasn’t too much. I;ve found a similar dating show in Taiwan and since I’m now doing 2 hours of listening per day, I’m still debating on whether or not I want to keep watching If you are the one, or start an episode of the Taiwan show and do and hour of both everyday.
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niannuelf · 5 years
today be kind, the world needs more softness and more love.
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niannuelf · 5 years
hey! I'm interested in learning to translate Latin but I have no idea how to go about it. could you offer any advice or tips on how to actually translate and understand? 🥰
Learning to translate Latin is so fun! I’m excited for you! 
Latin nouns and adjectives have special endings (cases) that can change depending on what the noun’s function in the sentence is. Here’s a quick summary of the cases and their functions! Depending on what your native language is, learning a language that has cases can be challenging at first, so a good teacher or a good textbook is the best way to start. 
I started learning Latin with the textbook Wheelock’s Latin, and it’s a good introduction to some Latin concepts, but it can be tough to study from Wheelock on your own, as the textbook is fairly dry and grammar-heavy. There’s a free online copy you can check out here, although it’s from an earlier edition. Wheelock has sets of sentences in each grammar lesson that you can practice translating, and it’s easy enough to find the correct translations online, so that you can check your work against a teacher’s guide. 
I would also recommend picking up a copy of English Grammar for Students of Latin, which can help make certain grammar topics much clearer. I’ve also used Essential Latin Grammar, which is more like a reference book than a textbook but can still be quite useful. 
In terms of learning vocabulary, you can make a lot of progress on your own with a textbook or even with Quizlet - there are so many sets of basic Latin vocab words that you can study for free!  
I also just made a short video explaining my own classical languages experience and recommending some of my favorite Latin and Greek resources, and you can check that out here!
Good luck on your studies! Latin can be difficult, but it’s so fun and rewarding! 
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niannuelf · 5 years
mandarin nighttime vocab💤
 inspiration from this post (x)
🌙 night vocab
夜晚  (yèwǎn) - the night
月亮  (yuèliàng) - the moon
星星  (xīngxīng) - the stars 
夜的   (yè de) - “of night”; nocturnal
🛏️ bedroom vocab
卧室 (wòshì) - bedroom
主卧室  (zhǔ wòshì) - the master bedroom
床 (chuáng)  - a bed
枕头 (zhěntou) - a pillow
填充玩具动物 (tiánchōng wánjù dòngwù) - a stuffed animal
毯 (tǎn) - a blanket
寝具 (qǐnjù) - bedding
��头柜 (chuángtóuguì) - bedside table
枕套  (zhěntào)  - pillow case
舒适  (shūshì) - cozy
棉被  (mián bèi) - comforter
整理床铺  (zhěnglǐ chuángpù) - make the bed
双人床  (shuāngrén chuáng) - a bed for two people
单人床  (dān rén chuáng) - a bed for one person
床架 (chuáng jià) - bed frame
床单 (chuángdān) - bed sheets 
双层床  (shuāng céng chuáng) - bunk bed
 😴 sleep vocab
小睡  (xiǎoshuì) - a nap
睡觉 (shuìjiào) - sleep
睡意 (shuìyì) - sleepiness
梦想 (mèngxiǎng) - a dream
噩梦 (èmèng) - a nightmare
白日梦 (bái rì mèng) - a daydream
失眠  (shīmián) - insomnia
梦游 (mèngyóu) - sleepwalker
夜猫子 (yèmāozi) - person that likes to wander at night; a night owl
早起的人 (zǎoqǐ de rén) - early riser
闹钟 (nàozhōng) - an alarm clock
🌌 verbs
起床 (qǐchuáng) - to wake up (literally to rise from the bed)
安歇 (ānxiē) - to go to bed (literally to retire for the night)
困了 (kùnle) - to be sleepy
睡觉 (shuìjiào) - to sleep
做梦 (zuòmèng) - to dream
做白日梦 (zuò bái rì mèng) - to daydream 
🌃 phrases
晚安 (wǎn'ān) - good night
开夜车 (kāiyèchē) - to work/study until late (literally drive the night train)
早起的鸟儿 (zǎoqǐ de niǎo er) - an early bird
晚起的人 (wǎn qǐ de rén) - a late riser
难以入睡 (nányǐ rùshuì) - having troubles falling asleep
熬夜 (áoyè) - to stay up all night
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niannuelf · 5 years
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Alley Cat #Shot on iPhone X
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niannuelf · 5 years
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Creeping Oxalis #Shot on iPhone X
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niannuelf · 5 years
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Rice Flour #Shot on iPhone X
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niannuelf · 5 years
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Prunus Cerasifera #Shot on iPhone X
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