nibelheimraised · 2 years
Sephiroth remained unresponsive for a few moments, the stars he’d so focused upon reflecting in his eyes as small, white twinkles. Someday soon, they would all be within reach, mere specks within the palm of his hand.
He glanced to Cloud; the empty and obedient husk of what remained of his most despised nemesis. He was no doubt proud of the cruel work he’d done on the young man, reducing his mind into the puppet he’d so feared to become. It was inevitable, a fate Sephiroth bestowed upon him without mercy nor remorse. But sometimes, he noticed how he’d grown… warmer towards the thing. He was not one to allow others to know his deeper thoughts; he even blocked some of them from himself. Yet, somehow, with Cloud… he could not stop himself. Perhaps it was because so little- if anything at all– remained of who he’d once been, much like Sephiroth himself after discovering the truth. Or maybe it was because Cloud was entirely under his master’s command; more an object to be used than a person with their own wills. He couldn’t inform others of Sephiroth’s emotions, nor attempt to use any of what he knew against him. Truly, he was… nothing. And this pleased him.
“No,” he finally spoke. “I simply cannot help but wonder, Cloud, if you find yourself plagued by memories of the past. If you feel lonesome, and your mind wanders back to them. Does what you have lost haunt you, Cloud?”
The memories, whether fabricated or not, were certainly there. They came to mind in quiet nights spent alone, showing him flashes of laughter and smiles and domestic moments in some field or rundown house. To any normal human, they would bring feelings of nostalgia and yearning.
He knew that he should feel something, but the emotions were simply not there. Or rather, they didn’t invoke the strong reaction that would be appropriate for one missing friends. Sephiroth had become the center of his world quite literally. The guiding light he’d needed, the one fulfilling his need for a purpose. A god who provided for a lowly puppet who could hardly claim the majority of his memories.
Though the other had a point in one way; the friendships he’d lost (even if imaginary) left a hole in his chest. He wanted to say that Sephiroth’s presence was enough, yet neither could he deny companionship, affection, or even a gentle touch wouldn’t be welcomed. Certainly, he’d received it from his master here and there, but a god like Sephiroth had better things to do than to just listen to his greedy wants.
None of these were thoughts he wanted to admit to, aware it might make him sound ungrateful. He bit his bottom lip, remaining quiet for a few beats as he searched for a proper answer. “...I try to only think about the future you’ll bring instead of the past. It... hurts thinking about anything before you.” That much he could confess, knowing his words held some truth. Sephiroth was now his past and future. His master fulfilled him. His lips briefly quirk into a small smile as he nodded to himself, his mind holding firm to this belief.
One thing still bugged him though. “...Can I...,” he started and briefly trailed off, his gaze having found its way to the floor once more. “...Your questions. Are you having second thoughts?” 
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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I don’t have time for your shit.
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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endless ffvii → (23/∞)
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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He thought he’d seen it all, but she continues to surprise him. He stares at the offending vegetable, then over at Rinoa with an equally flat look before picking it up and holding it up to her as if in threat. “You’re eating this... thing... later.” Squall was going to cook this dammit whether he knew how to or not.
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He closes his eyes. What puppy eyes??? He sees nothing.
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She throws an eggplant at his head. Teach HIM to close his eyes around her like a jerk.
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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He closes his eyes. What puppy eyes??? He sees nothing.
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THROWS SAD PUPPY EYES AT @nibelheimraised​
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
mood: fight me
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Well, his mood was 'no,' but he could otherwise be convinced by a certain lion. He doesn't say as much though, merely giving him a subtle smirk as he tilts his head. A wordless challenge, the glint in his eyes seemingly beckoning the brunet.
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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With as much feeling as his monotone voice can manage. "Double no."
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
mood: no.
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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anyone may claim that he will act in the direst of times , yet only a brave man acts in times great and small . && ; wings symbolize freedom for those who have none .
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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          Needless to say, he regretted tossing that ball of ice the moment it left his palm. Alas, it was far too late by the rate it flew across the area and hit its target. As he watched the other fall to the ground, a concerned expression made itself knowing across Sebastian’s features as he feared the ice ball might have been too harmful. Being unaware of his own strength at times was nothing new, but that only ever became a concern when he would merely aim to harm — not kill. To the foolish, it could easily be assumed that a snowball could not be harmful, however, snow turned to ice most certainly could. Especially if tossed by a demon with exceptional strength, and if said ball was aimed at one’s head. Sebastian had known what he was doing when he fired it off.
The concern did only last for so long as he’d witness the far-too familiar figure roll over and scoop up more ammunition in his own arms, seemingly hopefully unscathed by Sebastian’s own attack. Cloud was obviously not the person Sebastian thought he mere seconds ago was ready tear apart limb by limb, and despite how eager the blonde was to continue this freshly started war of snow, the demon’s mood had been slightly jolted.
Annoyance and anger surfaced as he instinctively dodged and avoided an incoming ball. Of course it was not Cloud’s fault, and in reality Sebastian should actually be thrilled to find out that the other was not fast asleep and now indulging him with his company. And yet, he could not bring himself to do it. Before having a moment to properly address the other, another few pieces of frozen ammunition came flying in his direction. With ease, he’d casually avoid the incoming attacks by merely moving a few inches to the sides. How on Earth Cloud had the energy to engage in this childish activity at this late hour was beyond the demon, although he supposed he should be pleased to see that his own initial attack had been taken as an invitation to play, and not… an attack on Cloud’s person, to put it mildly.
Still, it did not change the fact that his mood had been changed, and he ( for once ) was not particularly eager to continue this game. Without making so much as an attempt to fire back, Sebastian took the opportunity to swiftly slip away from the light underneath the lamp post the next time Cloud would focus his vision elsewhere. Swiftly moving through the darker shadows of the street, he’d quickly enough find himself standing closely behind the blonde’s back — reaching out to take a firm grip of the other’s wrist to stop him from throw the next ball of snow. And with a stern and determined voice filling the air between them, Sebastian spoke as the grip of Cloud’s wrist held the other in place. “ Enough. ”
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He cursed under his breath as Seb effortlessly dodged each of his throws, the man much faster than he’d anticipated. He didn’t allow that to slow his attacks, continuing until the other stepped out from beneath the ambient light. Even with his sharp vision, Cloud quickly lost sight of the other, once more looking surprised at the spot where the man seemingly melted into the night.
Mako blue eyes scanned the immediate area, trying to quickly locate him as he held a snowball in his hand at the ready for the slightest of movements. It came in the form of a hand wrapped around his wrist, the sudden touch making him jolt and lean forward as if to pull away. The grip though impeded him, Cloud only succeeding in turning around to see the other. His heart beat heavy in his chest, a mix of surprise and excitement keeping adrenaline pumping through his veins.
The playfulness of the atmosphere though, was gone, the other’s tone and posture opposite the mischief from just moments ago. It’s enough to make the subtle smile on Cloud’s lips drop, his expression defaulting into a carefully aloof one once more. His body relaxed as well, the collection of snow in both his arm and the captive hand dropping to the ground. His gloved fingers spread as he showed both to Seb before giving a tug against the stern grasp, wanting to be released.
Had he misread the situation? Seb had clearly thrown a snowball at him in return. Sure, he’d initiated it, but with the returned fire, he’d assumed it was invitation for the snowball fight to continue. “...Not your thing?,” he finally asked, feeling that the situation had now gotten awkward with the shift in the atmosphere.
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
Cloud: Not dealing with things is my preferred way of dealing with things.
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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— Angela Carter, The Bloody Chamber  
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
Why not fall in love?
I got shit to do
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
Don’t talk to me of a god: / it’s not what saved me.
— Amanda Moore, from “Gratitude,” Requeening (via lifeinpoetry)
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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nibelheimraised · 3 years
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𓆩Tifa Lockhart Icon Pack 𓆪
𝅄   ֺ  ۪likes/ reblogs appreciated! . ⁺
Started my journey into the final fantasy world a few weeks ago and Tifa is such a wonderful character 💙
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