nicefarming ¡ 1 year
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Aren’t puppies the cutest? They sure are! Don’t you just miss the days when your dog was a small puppy? All playful and joyful moments, full of energy and of course always hungry! Well, those are probably the most interesting days of every dog owner’s life. However, even if it sounds all so fun, there are some things every dog owner should know when having a puppy.
Choosing the right puppy
Even though they all look like small fur balls, they eventually grow up. The first thing to do when choosing a puppy is to examine your lifestyle and consider what you need. You need to decide if you want to get a mixed breed or a pure breed. If you decide on getting a mixed breed or adopting a stray dog, you should really inform yourself about it. Things like size or character are crucial when choosing a dog. If you choose to get a pure-breed puppy, you should also do some research on how big will it grows up to be or what is the temperament of the breed. Another important thing to know is if the puppy needs a lot of physical activity. Also, if it is suitable for an apartment or in a house. In addition, there are puppies that need a lot more attention and maintenance than other puppies. So, you should check your schedule if you really have the time for owning a puppy and taking good care of it.
Choosing a sweet and meaningful name for a puppy
Every person who thinks about getting a puppy probably has a few name ideas. Even if the puppy is not yet in your home, most likely you have chosen a name. Owners choose names for their puppies based on their appearance, their temperament, or sometimes something unique. You need to choose the name of your puppy wisely; it is the one you are going to use for many years!
Vaccinations and choosing a vet for your puppies
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Perhaps the most important thing is choosing a good vet for your puppy. Someone who has the experience and knows what he/she is doing. Also, it is a good thing for the vet to be in your neighborhood or close to your home. Maybe you can get a recommendation from a friend who already has a dog. Even in this case, researching is a good thing. After all, that is going to be the person who will take care of your dog’s health. When you have already chosen a vet, it is time to start with vaccinations. Puppies have to be vaccinated. There are a few different vaccination plans for puppies and they depend on the territory or country you live in. However, a good vet knows the best vaccination plan for your puppy and you should do as he/she tells you. There is one important thing during the vaccination period. Even though you just got your puppy and you want to show it to everyone, or take walks, that is not a good idea when it is the vaccination period. Your puppy’s immune system is low and it is the perfect time for it to get a disease or get ill. So, please wait for a few more weeks (as your vet tells you) and after the vaccines are done you and your dogs will have many years to walk and play in the parks!
Puppy food and basic needs of a puppy
Puppy food is the most important part to build your dog’s good structure. These days there is plenty to choose from. There are many different kinds of food for puppies. So again, do your research on what kind of food is best for your puppy. One informative article is recommended for you, read the ‘puppies food’ post, it will help you to choose the right food for your puppies. You can ask your vet for any recommendations or even some friends that have dogs too. Most of the time puppies are not choosy and they will probably eat anything you get. They are always hungry and always looking for more food. That is why you should check the instructions on the package of the food or ask the vet how much food your puppy needs. Puppies need to have 2-3 meals a day, unlike adult dogs who only eat once or sometimes twice a day. So, you need to divide the daily amount of food into 2-3 meals. You should be aware that puppies can eat without stopping and that is why you are the one to make the meals and say when it is enough.
Training your puppy
Training is not only a part of teaching tricks, it’s also important for Hygienic Habits. Training your puppy on the basic things is essential for your lifestyle. Your puppy needs to learn where the place for pooping and peeing is. You will probably spend some time just cleaning your place from all the mess your puppy leaves you. That is why it is essential to train your dog as young as you can. Other than hygienic habits, you should train your dog to walk on a leash and wear a collar. You do not want to be the one to be pulled by your dog when it grows up. In addition, puppies just like children are the best learners! Whatever you decide to teach your dog, do it while it is young. A puppy can master a trick a lot faster than an adult dog can! Keep reading How to Train Your Family Pet for a Happier Home
Special toy for Puppies
All puppies like to play! Whether it is with you or a toy, they love playing. You should probably get your puppy a few toys so it can play with them while you are not there. For a puppy everything can be a toy, even some old socks you do not use anymore. However, you should be careful about what you give to your dog to play with. There is always the danger of swallowing something small or chewing on it. So, if you think something is missing from the toys or some small subject, there is a chance your puppy ate it. If this happens, it is best to take your puppy to the vet and check, just to be sure. In conclusion, puppies are truly wonderful creatures that bring so much joy and happiness into our lives. They are loyal companions who offer unconditional love and support, and they have a way of bringing out the best in us. Whether you're a first-time dog owner or a seasoned pro, there's nothing quite like the experience of raising and caring for a puppy. From the early days of housebreaking and training to the years of adventures and memories that lie ahead, owning a puppy is a truly rewarding experience. So if you're considering adding a furry friend to your family, don't hesitate - there's no better time than now to bring a little bundle of puppy love into your life! You should have an idea of what else Dog Supplies you need to give your dog a comfortable life. You may find more useful info at Puppy - Wikipedia. Read the full article
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
Dogs: Why Dogs Make Great Pets
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Since the Dawn of Time, Dogs were Man’s Best Friend! Once dogs were domesticated, they migrated around the world along with humans. Even their Latin name Canis lupus familiaris or Canisfamiliaris states that they are domesticated. They have been bred selectively through the years, so nowadays we have various breeds of dogs. All breeds of dogs are different but today they are mostly kept as pets.
Why Dogs are the best Pets?
In the past, dogs had many roles in the lives of humans. However, today most of the time they are pets. There are many reasons why people these days have dogs as pets. First of all, the love, loyalty, and positive vibe we get from the dog. Then, there are the benefits of having a companion, a friend, who will always cheer you up. Having a dog as a pet is also fun; you get to play with it, take walks and even get dates as a dog owner!
History of the dog
It is known that dogs inhabited the Earth even before humans did. Some mention dogs gave companies with the dinosaurs too! From meet-eating, ground-digging early dogs that lived about 40 million years ago, they evolved into the dogs of today. Early dogs hunted alone for small prey or in packs for bigger prey. After humans became large enough and more skillful, they domesticated the dogs so they could hunt together and keep each other company. However, even then, only dogs that were no threat to the humans were let to live close to the campsites. It is considered that modern dogs and wolves are just variations of a single species.   “It’s just me and my 6-month-old puppy. I am not dating anyone.”                                                                                __________Bridget Hall Puppies are probably the cutest thing, but they are most likely the hardest part of owning a dog. Every breed can have a different number of puppies in one litter. However, even taking care of one puppy can be a hard job for the owner, so just imagine a whole litter! Puppies need to be fed with a special puppy food after they stop with the milk from the mom. They need to be vaccinated and during that period, they should be in quarantine. Being in quarantine means not being in contact with other dogs and the outside environment. Because during that time of vaccination, their immune system is not strong enough and they could get ill. They need to be trained, most importantly for toilet habits and of course for the things they can or cannot do in the home they live in. Training can take up a lot of time, but it is worth it!
Dog Breeds
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There are many types of breeds in the world today. Most of them are hundreds of years old and some are new breeds just from a few decades ago. Breeds vary in size, form of the body, character, color, coat, and other things. In addition, there are working breeds, friendly and family breeds, saloon breeds, hunting breeds, and so on. Choosing the right breed is very important and you should have that in mind before getting a dog. There are three sizes of dogs are mostly available, small dogs, medium dogs, and large size dogs. Some owners choose a dog just because of the looks or the appearance but doing research on the breed is essential before getting a dog.
Dog Food is the most important dog supplies
After you get a dog, as an owner you need to supply your best friend with the right food. When choosing the right food, you should consider the needs of your dog. Dog food varies in the state (dry, wet, semi-moist, raw food), nutritional values, quality, and ingredients. Before buying food, you should always check the labels and the dates on the packages. Other than complete food, there is a complementary food for dogs; most of the time it is in the form of treats for dogs.
Dog Diseases, Symptoms, and Treatment
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Canine Influenza Dogs are a lot like humans when it comes to health. They can get ill from various diseases and can even catch something from their owners or they can transfer some disease to their owners. However, these days veterinary medicine is developing very fast. There are vaccines for the most important diseases and the most common ones, so it is important to vaccinate your dog regularly! However, when a dog is already ill, the symptoms can vary from fever, coughing, diarrhea, and so on. It is a good thing that there are only a few diseases that cannot be treated today but medicine is evolving so fast that we can expect new cures even for incurable diseases. Take care of your dog as a friend; they will care for you as a family Dogs, unlike cats, need a lot more attention. They require shelter, daily walks, meals, and fresh water. Those are the essentials. However, dogs also need regular vaccinations, endo- and ectoparasite control, baths, and grooming. Also, they need to be properly trained and nurtured. In addition, every dog breed requires something that is unique for the breed. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that they all love to play, wheatear it is with their owners or with toys. They love being around people and they are the happiest when they can please their owner.
Advantages of having a dog
There are a lot of advantages to owning a dog! There is the friendliness and the companionship that you get from every dog. Dogs love to be around humans, no matter what! They will follow you everywhere and they will probably be the happiest to see you even if you were out just for a minute. Another advantage of having a dog is that they make its owners feel more secure. They have better hearing and smelling senses than humans and they always alert owners when something is not right. There are also health benefits to having a dog. Taking your dog for a walk can do a lot in keeping you fit. Also, they improve your immunity with every day they are beside you. In the winter, they are the ones that keep your feet warm and of course, they are the most fun to be around! Comfort and companionship Dogs are known for their loyalty and affection toward their owners. They are always there for their owners when they need them, providing comfort and companionship. This can help to reduce feelings of loneliness and stress, which can have a positive impact on one's mental health. Sense of security A dog can provide a sense of security. Dogs are known to be great watchdogs, alerting their owners to any potential dangers. This can help to create a sense of safety and peace of mind, especially for those living alone or in areas with higher crime rates. Additionally, some breeds are trained to provide assistance to those with disabilities, further adding to the sense of security they can provide. Positive impact on one's physical health Owning a dog can have a positive impact on one's physical health. Dogs require daily exercise, which can encourage their owners to stay active and improve their overall health. Studies have shown that spending time with dogs can help to lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety levels, which can have a range of health benefits. Moreover, dogs can be great motivators for their owners to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. owning a dog can bring many advantages to one's life. From providing comfort and companionship to improving one's physical and mental health, dogs can be wonderful companions and beloved family members. If you are thinking of getting a pet, consider adopting a dog and experiencing the many benefits it can bring to your life.
Disadvantages of having a dog
However, owning a dog is not all fun and games. There are a few downsides to owning a dog. Some people would say that it is the same as raising a child. Dogs are demanding animals; they need food, water, and physical activity on daily bases, so if you are not ready for this, it could mean a disadvantage in owning a dog. Another disadvantage of owning a dog is that it can be allergenic, so it is a problem for sensitive people. The Best Five Dog Breeds for Home In conclusion, dogs are more than just pets, they are companions and members of our families. They offer us unconditional love and loyalty, and in return, they deserve our care and attention. Whether you prefer a small lap dog or a large working breed, there is a dog out there for everyone. Dogs have been our faithful companions for centuries, and their importance in our lives cannot be overstated. So, if you are thinking of adding a furry friend to your family, consider adopting a dog and experiencing the joy and companionship they bring. Read the full article
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
Dog Supplies
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When you decide to get a dog or already got one, there are some essential dog supplies that dogs need and you have to get them as soon as possible. The Most essentials Dog  supplies are Food, Food & Water bowl, Dog collar, Leash, Shelter for living outside etc Food is the most Essentials Supplies for dog Choosing the right food for your dog is probably the most important thing to do. It depends on the age of the dog, if the food should be for puppies, juniors, adults or seniors. Also, it depends on your dog’s nutritional needs and on the energy needs. The best thing to do is do some research on what kind food is the best for your dog and ask the veterinarian for some suggestions. Never go and buy just any food straight out of the supermarkets, before doing some research on what exactly your dog needs. Another thing that you should choose for your dog is which form of food to give your dog. There is dry food, wet food, semi-moist food, frozen and freeze-dried foods and also raw food. Dry Foods; Dry foods have the least moisture content. They can be in the form of pellets or kibbles, flakes and biscuits. They contain meat and other products like vegetables, fruit and grain. You should always check the package for the nutritional values of the contents in food. Wet Foods; Wet foods have high moisture content. This are the foods that are cooked at high temperatures to be sterilized and then they are sealed under pressure (most of the time). They can be packed in cans, pouches and foil trails. They contain chunks in gravy or in jelly and in meatloaf form. Semi-Moist Foods; Semi-moist foods are in the form of soft pellets and they are chewy. Most of the time Semi-moist foods are packed in sachets. Well and healthy treats for dogs are in this form of food. Frozen and Freeze-Dried Foods; These foods are made from raw products and then frozen. Complete and complementary Foods Complete foods are the ones that are nutritionally complete. They provide all the nutrients in the right amount and quantity that your dog needs. These foods are used for daily feeding and do not need any additional products. Complementary foods are those, which are part of the diet and you cannot rely on those to satisfy your dog’s nutritional needs. Most of the time they are treats, like biscuits are used for training. It’s better to keep Complete and complementary foods as a part of dog supplies. For you dog healthy safety, you should read the label on every package; when, how and the amounts of food to give your dogs as complementary foods. Food and Water Bowls are very important to feed your dog proper and hygienic way When you already have chosen the food for your dog, you should find something to put it in! There are few kinds of bowls for food and water. Plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, elevated, automatic and travel kind of bowls. You can buy those bowls from local store or from online like dog bowls in amazon website . There are pros and cons to all the kinds, so you should decide what is best for your dog and your lifestyle.
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Plastic bowls can be in all sizes, shapes and colors but because they are made of plastic so those are chewable. Also, they can be scratched and bacteria can build up on them. However, plastic bowls are the cheapest, dishwasher-safe and probably not breakable if dropped.
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Ceramic bowls are easy to clean, because they have protective glaze and they are dishwasher-safe. Also, they can be nicely decorated, even handmade by artists. However, they can crack and be unsafe for your dog and they are easily breakable. These bowls too can harbor bacteria in the cracks and need to be washed regularly.
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Stainless steel bowls are the most durable ones. They are dishwasher-safe and easy to clean. However, they do not come in different shapes and colors or designs. Nonetheless, they are practical and inexpensive
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Elevated dog bowls are usually ceramic or stainless steel bowls put in a stand. The stand can be made from various material, plastic, metals, wood. These kinds of bowls can be better for taller dogs. Sometimes, they even have a compartment for storing food. However, they are more expensive.
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Automatic bowls are bowls that are attached to a reservoir or container. They are made this way in order to keep your dog’s bowl full with water or food. They are more recommended to be used for water, because free feeding is not good for most of the dogs. Some automatic bowls can be even programmed to give your dog food at certain time. However, if your dog is always hungry, this is not the ideal bowl for it, because it will be destroyed.
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Travel bowls are a great invention for your dog when taking longer trips. They can be made out of plastic, polyester, nylon or similar materials. The good thing is that they can be folded or collapsed to a smaller size, in order to be portable. This product is worth the price.
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Dog Collars
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Dog Leashes
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Dog Harnesses Collars, Leashes & Harnesses is very common dog supplies When choosing the right collar, harness and leash, you should have few things on mind. You should consider the size of your dog; the purpose of the collar (training, walking). The material of which it should be made (leather, cotton, polyester, metal) and of course the design you like. There are simple leashes and collars for dogs that are used to walking and do not cause problem. There is the slip collar, which should be used for dogs that are not used to walking and like to chase cats or squirrels. With this collar it is easier to control your dog. Harnesses are good for dogs that pull while taking a walk. However, you should not use this one for long hair dogs because it is easily matted. Also before you buy any collar, harness or leash please read all the review about your chosen products. In Amazon website you can find reviews below products description. Shelter is one of the very important dog supplies to comfort your dogs There are a lot of dogs that are kept outdoors. In order for your dog to be happy even living outside, you should make some kind of shelter. This is important during the winter, so your dog would stay warm. Also, it is important for the summer too, so that your dog will have a place to cool off in the shadow. The shelters are mostly made out of wood. You should consider putting insulation, so your dog will be warm in the winter. Another thing to consider is the size of the shelter; it should be according to the size of your dog. So, after choosing the right materials and made a plan on how to build your dog’s shelter, you should start with building! Cheers and be friendly with your pets. Love them and let them feel, you are the one, who is your pets true family. Read the full article
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
Pigeon Diseases Symptoms and Treatment
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Pigeon Diseases, Symptoms and Treatment (The most common pigeon diseases) Paratyphoid Candida Paramyxovirus Canker Coccidiosis Ornithosis Adeno-Coli Syndrome Some of these diseases are viral, some bacterial and also parasitic. Pigeon diseases symptoms can give us clear hints of Pigeon diseases. Normal pigeon sickness can be cure by pigeon medicine but some Pigeon diseases effects are deadly and even proper pigeon treatments cannot save your bird’s life.  To keep well your pigeon health please treat them good, make a healthy hygienic nest for adult homing pigeons and baby pigeons and watch Pigeon Diseases symptoms.   Paratyphoid Pigeon Disease Paratyphoid Disease Description and Symptoms: Gram-negative Salmonella bacillus bacteria cause the Paratyphoid disease. To be more exact, in pigeons that is the Salmonella var. Copenhagen. The disease can be expressed in clinical and subclinical (latent) form. In the latent form of the disease, the symptoms are not showing very well or not at all and the pigeon’s performance is mediocre. As in the clinical form of the disease, there are several symptoms that are well recognizable. The pigeons lose weight, and their general condition is getting worse, the droppings are slimy and green, their legs and wing joints are swollen, they limp, their eggs are infertile, they sometimes twist their neck on the side and sometimes they go blind on one eye. There is acute form of the disease and chronic form. The acute form occurs in pigeons that have never been vaccinated or infected with the salmonella bacteria and they don’t have any immunity against the disease. The pigeons have diarrhea, sometimes even bloody. They drink less to no water at all and they get dehydrated. This can end in death because of dehydration.  In the chronic form of the disease, the more common one, the disease spreads in the internal organs: gut, liver, kidneys, reproductive system, and spleen. Sometimes the bacteria can cause arthritis and nervous symptoms. The symptoms in the chronic form are not so clear. There are problems in the reproduction, the eggs cannot be hatched, and there is loss of appetite and weight. Paratyphoid Disease Diagnosis: The diagnosis can be sometimes difficult because a lot of times the tests can be false negative. The mean is the disease is present but the tests on salmonella negative. The tests are done on collected droppings for five consecutive days. Another way for diagnosing the disease is autopsy of pigeons that are suspected to be ill. Also determining antibodies in blood samples is done as diagnostic procedure but this way only recently infected pigeons can be diagnosed. Paratyphoid Disease Prevention and treatment: There are vaccines and antibiotics available, however they are both not 100{6be2db3b88870d4886eebf8b9afca4bb83e0a042bc3cf1b41260af04e7c2bfbe} sure. Because even if the pigeons are cured from the disease, they remain carriers of the bacteria. The most effective antibiotic is Enrofloxacine. The vaccine treatment can be with live and dead vaccines and some pigeon keepers can even make auto-vaccines. The most effective are probably the live vaccines. However, the vaccinating schedule is very important in prevention and treatment of the disease and it varies depending on the vaccine. The place where the pigeons are kept should be cleaned regularly, disinfected and the hygiene should be good.   Candida Pigeon Disease Candida Disease Description and Symptoms: This disease is caused by the yeast Candida albicans. This is normally present in the digestive system of the pigeons. Sometimes its increases and causes damage and problems in the digestive tract, the respiratory system, and the beak, also it can infect the skin, eyes, feathers, reproductive system. Symptoms of the disease are poor growth of young pigeons, whitish fungal growths in the throat and accumulation in the crop. Candida Disease Diagnosis: For diagnosing this disease, the fungal growths in the throat should be examined microscopically. Candida Disease Prevention and Treatment: For preventing the disease, the environment needs to be improved, regarding the hygiene. As for treatment, the affected pigeons need to be separated and treated with Nystatin and Vitamin A.   Paramyxovirus Pigeon Disease Paramyxovirus Disease Description and Symptoms: This virus is highly pathogen for pigeons. There is clinical and subclinical form of the disease. In both cases, the virus is spread through secretions from the nose, throat, conjunctiva and the droppings. Symptoms of the disease are increased water intake, reduced appetite, diarrhea and polyuria, paralysis of the legs, twisting of the body and the neck and walking backwards. Paramyxovirus Disease Diagnosis: The disease can be diagnosed in several ways; autopsy, serological examination of blood samples taken from suspicious pigeons. Paramyxovirus Disease Prevention and Treatment: Like any other viral disease, there is no treatment for affected pigeons. Those Pigeons should be removed from the flock. Sometimes affected pigeons can recover spontaneously after 4 weeks of illness. However if there is suspicion of the disease, an emergency vaccination should be done in order to prevent infecting the healthy pigeons. Multivitamin EB12 is recommended to give to the pigeons. For prevention, there is active immunization, after which the pigeons develop stable immunity.   Canker Pigeon Disease Canker Disease Description and Symptoms: Canker is Also called Trichomoniasis. This is a very common disease among pigeons, even more among racing pigeons. The disease affects most of the pigeons during their lifetime but symptoms are rarely presented in mature birds. However when the birds are stressed that is a trigger for symptoms such as losing weight, looking ruffled to show up. If not treated the birds soon die. Other symptoms that occur are: repeated swallowing movements, ruffled plumage and apathy, yellow stuff in the throat and on the beak, increased water intake, weight loss and weakness. Usually healthy pigeons get this disease while they are transported with other ill pigeons. Because they all drink water from the same place. The disease can be in several forms, pharyngeal form is the most common one. it is distinguished for the yellow stuff in the throat of the bird, umbilical canker, is canker that passes to the birds in the nest from the infected pigeon; organ form. When the canker attacks the internal organs, like the liver, most birds die in this case from liver failure. Canker Disease Prevention and Treatment: For treating this disease, Ronidazole is the suggested drug and the most used one. It is important to know that pigeons that have this disease cannot swallow, so they could die from starvation. In that case, they have to be fed with Critical Care Formula, which is put in the water, and International Rehydration Solution made by mixing 1 pint warm water with half a dessert spoon of honey or sugar mixed in and half a teaspoon of salt.   Coccidiosis Pigeon Disease Coccidiosis Disease Description and Symptoms: Coccidiosis is a very common disease among pigeons and it is highly infectious. It is caused by a protozoan that attacks the intestines. The most affected group of pigeons is the young ones. Some pigeons that were subjected to stress; as for the adult ones, they usually have developed immunity to the disease but they can become infected after drinking infected water or being in contact with droppings from infected birds. This disease presents itself through various symptoms, such as: loss of appetite, no desire to drink water, the pigeons do not move and they close their eyes, they are puffed up, their droppings are greenish and watery, they lose weight. As it is a parasitic disease, it is good to know how it attacks the system. An infected organism releases eggs in the droppings. These eggs become infective after few days, even quicker if the environment is damp. After this when a healthy pigeon accidentally swallows infective eggs, they move in the intestines and hatch. Four larvae come out of every egg and they continue to reproduce asexually in the wall if the intestines. Later they differentiate in males and females and continue reproducing sexually, which results in eggs. Those eggs go in the environment in the droppings and the cycle continues. Coccidiosis Disease Diagnosis: If you suspect the disease is present, the droppings should examine under microscope by a veterinarian. Coccidiosis Disease Prevention and Treatment: In order to prevent Coccidiosis, the place where the pigeons are kept should be clean and dry. The drinkers should be disinfected regularly and the food must not come in contact with the droppings. Also new birds should be isolated for several weeks before they are put together with other birds. There are several treatments to consider, such as giving Toltrazuril or Sulphur antibiotics or Amprolium. Ornithosis Pigeon Disease Ornithosis Disease Description and Symptoms: Ornithosis is a very important disease because it can spread to humans and other animals. It is caused by Chlamydia psittaci, which are small microorganisms that invade the cells parasitically. Healthy birds can become infected by inhalation of dust that contains the pathogen, intake of contaminated water or food. There are two forms of the disease, acute form and chronic form. The acute form has symptoms such as: conjunctivitis, wheezing noises, muco-aqueous enteritis and diarrhea. The chronic form is frequently found in adult birds but it shows little to no symptoms. Recovered pigeons are a source of infection due to their latent phase of shedding the pathogen. Ornithosis Disease Diagnosis: The disease can be diagnosed by microscopic examination of a smear or impression preparation of liver, spleen, and conjunctiva. This is done with dead birds. In live birds, serological blood tests can be done; also examination of the feces can be used as a diagnostic method. Ornithosis Disease Prevention and Treatment: For treatment Doxycycline-T should be used for 25 days treatment period. For prevention a resistance drink can be used.   Adeno-coli syndrome Pigeon Disease Adeno-coli syndrome Disease Description and Symptoms: The pathogens that cause this disease are the adenovirus and the E. coli bacterium. This disease usually occurs in young birds but recently is found out that even older birds can be affected. Stress and poor living conditions are triggers of the syndrome. As for symptoms they are well known, such as poor appetite, excessive drinking, watery diarrhea, vomiting. In addition there is weight loss and the disease can spread in 48h in the whole loft. After the birds are infected with the adenovirus, the disease gets complicated with the E. coli contamination. E. coli can weaken the birds and the droppings are green and foul smelling. This disease causes damage to the liver, the intestines and birds can even die from liver failure. Adeno-coli syndrome Disease Diagnosis: The diagnosis can be based on the clinical signs and symptoms but to be sure, the level of E. coli should be examined Adeno-coli syndrome Disease Prevention and Treatment: To prevent this disease, the hygiene in the loft should be optimal. Also stress should be reduced; the drinkers and feeders should be disinfected regularly. For treating the disease, the E.coli should be brought down to optimum, and the adenovirus should be treated as well.   Read the full article
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
Homing Pigeons
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The variety of domestic pigeons called by the name of Homing pigeons, they are evolved from rock pigeons. The wild rock pigeon has an inborn ability to living domestically; generally they have a nature return to its nest and mate. Some special breeds even go as far as 1800 km away from home and return safely to their home or nest. The domestic pigeons or homing pigeons are living with human as a pet since ancient time.  Several decades’ earlier pigeons were used to carry messages from one place to another and it’s possible because they have an inborn ability to find their way home. If you look in history, you will know that, early as 1150 in Baghdad pigeons were used as Messenger. Tipu Sultan also used carrier pigeons; they have still pigeon holes at the mosque's minarets in Srirangapatna.  Even Homing pigeons were still employed in the 21st century by certain remote police departments in Odisha state in eastern India to provide emergency communication services following natural disasters. Homing pigeon breeds Around the world there are more than 720 types pigeons exist and all of them are homing pigeons.  The most 20 wonderful bizarre pigeons list is here; African owl pigeon, Barb pigeon, Birmingham Roller pigeon, Brunner pouter pigeon, Budapest highflyer pigeon, Capuchin red pigeon, Carneau pigeon, English carrier pigeon, English pouter pigeon, English short-faced tumbler, English trumpeter pigeon, Frillback pigeon, German helmet pigeon, German Modena pigeon, Ice pigeon, Nun pigeon, Oriental frill pigeon, Pigmy pouter pigeon, Polish helmet pigeon, Saxon fairy swallow pigeon. Where to buy home pigeons? Pigeon is one of the lovely bird and many people buying and raising pigeons in home as a pet that’s why it’s very easy to collect pigeons.  Collecting a special pigeon breed can be little bit harder and cost you a lot. Buying pigeons from local market is much easier than online. Local bird shop is a good supplier and also you can collect pigeons from local pigeon farm. In local bird shop or pigeon farm you can order for any special breed, if they don’t have that breed they collect it from other places. Buying pigeon from online it’s depending on country where you live.  You can easily find those addresses by Google search.  Also below I am placing some good branded online homing pigeon for sale address. http://www.whitepigeonsales.com/  http://pigeonfanciers.ca/ http://www.herbots.be/en/buying-bidding/top-pigeons-for-sale http://www.porumbei.ro/licitatii-pigeonsale-eu/ http://www.europigeons.nl/en/ http://www.pigeon-sale.eu/ http://www.strombergschickens.com/prod_detail_list/Non-Pedigreeed-Racing-Pigeons After collection new pigeons what to do? Your collected pigeons are very new to your environment and unknown at all other pets and humans living in your home. So your first job is give them space, enough time for rest and relax. If you have other pigeon in your home do not put new pigeons with others immediately. You don’t know your new pigeons have any disease or not so keep them separate and far place from your old birds. Better to keep them inside a case with a good conditional environment. Keep eye on new pigeons, feed them more often and give them plenty of fresh water. After finish seven or more days of inquiry, if new birds health condition is perfect then put them with other birds.  If you are raising pigeon case free then a special technique required to make new pigeons accept their new nest. I am sharing the technique what I use for new pigeons. First few days I keep them inside a comfortable case to check they are healthy or not.  After check up complete, I take them out and I tie-up few wing feather that they can fly but cannot run away from home.  New pigeon need 5-7 days to accept new home or nest then I open their wing and let them fly and live free.  . How to make pigeon coop or nest? Pigeon need a comfortable place to live. Pigeon nest need good ventilation. Without sun and fresh air the baby pigeons can get different diseases. In my opinion, I don’t like to keep any animals or pet inside a small case or box. In the city it’s almost impossible raising pigeon case free but please makes for them a comfortable and safe place.   Below I am placing few types of coops picture, it will give you an idea, Keeping homing pigeons advantage Pigeons are most wonderful colorful domesticated bird. Just sit front of them, play or watch pigeons, it will give you peace. Since ancient time humans are keeping   pigeons in home as a pet. Most of the time its hobby but some places it’s became a profitable business. From one pair of adult pigeon’s couple you can get 12 pairs pigeon end of the year. Almost every month they lay 2 eggs and hatch them and raising their babies. When babies are 35-43 days they leave nest to make their new nest. Around 6 months later baby pigeons become complete adult and make their new babies. This reason from very few pairs of pigeons you can get lots pigeon’s pairs within two years.  Starting your own pigeon farm, you need very small amount of money and a dry, comfortable and safe place to raising your pigeons. If you care them properly and feed them in right time your farm will grow big in short period of time. Pigeon details post is very much recommended for you. Homing pigeons breeding season and mating time The breeding season of pigeons is almost all the year but the winter months their breed seems to slowing down. Normally pigeon’s are live12 to 15 years. Pigeons are monogamous; they mate in pairs and living together for life time. If one bird get death or separated from one to another then they mate with another single. If mating pairs both male and female are healthy then they keep continue laying the eggs and make new generations.
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Pigeon Mix Food Home pigeon Food Pigeons food management and food ingredients is very important for them. You can buy ready food from local store or from online. Even if you want, you can make pigeon mix food at home by using all ingredients. Pigeons mostly like to eat, wheat, pea, maize, mustard, barley, rice, rice, pulse etc grains Training homing pigeons Training homing pigeons and win the trophy is a combination of different steps. To train and get very good result from your pigeons; you should collect highest quality birds that you can afford.  If you buy pigeons for specific purposes to use them like a racer or ‘show-competition’ winner then it is better to have higher quality pigeons than the number of pigeon’s pair. Racing pigeon’s performance depends on your pigeon buying decision like, the special type of breed, original breed, ancestors racing performance etc.  When it goes about the show pigeon’s performance then it depends on the cool looking pigeons, original breeds, colors, body shape, feather style and your pigeons have to fulfill the specific motive of competition. Homing pigeon identification Domestic pigeons have identifiable leg band. This band is registered with one of National Pigeon Organization. If you have a pigeon and you want to record in homing pigeon registry book then contact nearest National Pigeon Organization. No band on pigeon’s leg, it’s usually considered as this pigeon is not registered with any pigeon organization.  If you find any missing homing pigeons then you should contact your local humane society and let them know the full identification number. It’s very easy to read plastic or metal band. The letters on the band tells you pigeon breeds origin. If the band number is “NPA 7 07 AT 1089” then The ( NPA ) means it originated from the National Pigeon Association, The (7) is the band size, The (07) is the year the pigeon was born, The (AT) is the band alphabetical sequence, The (1089) is a unique serial number for identifying that individual bird. Below I am placing the contact information for various organizations that provide pigeon leg bands NPA = NATIONAL PIGEON ASSOCIATION. ([email protected]) IF = INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION ORG. www.ifpigeon.com AU = AMERICAN RACING PIGEON UNION ORGANIZATION.  www.pigeon.org CU = CANADIAN PIGEON UNION. www.canadianracingpigeonunion.com IPB = INDEPENDENT PIGEON BREEDERS. www.foyspigeonsupplies.com NBRC = NATIONAL BIRMINGHAM ROLLER CLUB. www.nbrconline.com Read the full article
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
Pigeon Breeds
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Pigeon Breeds; At the first sight the list of Pigeon breeds seems endless. Around the world there are more than 720 types of pigeon breeds are exist. Almost every domestic pigeon breeds are bread for show and hobby purposes as a beautiful pet. Only some of pigeon breeds are uses to production meat purposes. Usually Pigeon breeds vary by the color, size and feather shape. Most of the time pigeon body remains unchanged but the shape of feather and style gives the pigeon a new breed name. Like, the fantail pigeon is named for their fanning tail that matched a peacock shape, German Helmet pigeon and Polish Helmet pigeon’s shape and color almost same but German Helmet breeds have few more feather on leg than Polish helmet pigeon. Other example All Router pigeons have same shape but their breeds vary for different color. Without huge research and knowledge of pigeon breeds it’s really hard to find out the difference of between the original breed and cross breeds. The original breeds and cross breeds almost same, only specialist can mark the difference. A small advice for pigeon lovers, if you are a new buyer and want to buy a special and unique pigeon breed then buy baby pigeons from a brand shop or a trust-able neighborhood. 0
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African Owl Pigeon African Owl Pigeon; The African Owl Pigeon is one of the popular fancy pigeon breed.  They are origin in Tunisia and later they were imported into England and other countries. They have short and stout beak, round smooth head, plumping short body. Many people know African owl’s by English owl.  African owl size is noticeably smaller than English owl. There are also few more different kinds of Owl pigeons are available, like The Old Dutch Owl, Italian Owl, Antwerp Smerle, Chinese Owl, English Owl, Blue African Owl, German Shield Owl etc. Owl Pigeons need very well ventilated pigeon house and free from damp. •••••••••••••• 0
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Barb Pigeon Barb Pigeon; The Barb Pigeons also called by English Barb. They have been in England since 1600s. Barb Pigeon has different type of eyes and beak than other pigeon breed. Unique Beautiful Wattle around the eyes and beak made them very special. A Barb pigeon takes up to two years to grow their wattle or ring flower completely around the eyes.  •••••••••••••• 0
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Birmingham Roller Pigeon Birmingham Roller Pigeon; The Birmingham Roller is one of the most popular homing pigeon breed as a domesticate pigeon. Birmingham roller is originated in Birmingham England. They are capable to turnover backward rapidly while flying. There are two kinds of Birmingham roller, one is show type and another is flying type. Parlor Roller and Oriental Roller is similar breed and they used for competition, both locally and nationally. •••••••••••••• 0
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Brunner Pouter Pigeon Brunner Pouter Pigeon; Brunner pouter pigeon has very elegant and pleasing appearance. First impression of Pouter pigeon seems they walking while holding their chest high and holding air inside to make chest like a round ball. They have very long leg and slim body. Their globe and long body and legs makes a different kind of view like a ball on a stick. •••••••••••••• 0
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Budapest Highflyer Pigeon Budapest Highflyer Pigeon; The Budapest Highflyer also called by Poltli. They are one of the best races of high tolerance flying bird also most popular breed in Hungary.  The true Budapest Highflyer is actually a rather young breed of pigeon. This breed was actually first created around the period of 1907 by the Poltl brothers of Budapest and they bear the name of the city of Budapest.  The Budapest Highflier is medium sized athletic shaped pigeon. The head is free of any ornaments with a well arched top skull and the forehead steepens towards the beak. •••••••••••••• 0
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Capuchin Red pigeon Capuchin Red pigeon; The Capuchin red pigeon is one of the older fancy breed with interesting color and their neck fathers turn up like a cowl. The breed was brought from India to Holland by Dutch sailors and it was developed for show purposes by the Dutch fanciers. The Old Dutch Capuchin has only been in the United States since the mid-1960s. •••••••••••••• 0
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Carneau Rot Pigeon Carneau Rot Pigeon; Carneau and other many pigeon breeds came from the rock pigeon.  This breed also looks similar to ancestor rock pigeon. White Carneau widely used in experiment to develop pigeon breeds and other purpose.  They have small head to proportional their body. They have nice pink short beak, small nose and yellow color eyes.  Capuchin pigeon has buxom body, wide breast and noticeably tight feathers. They have red color feet and there is no feather on it. •••••••••••••• 0
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English Carrier Pigeon English Carrier Pigeon; One of the most fancy pigeon breed is English Carrier pigeon. The breed was developed in England from a combination of non–European breeds. They have very beautiful long slender body with a long neck. Their body is quite small and covered with distinctive features. They have notable huge eye ceres and wattling around the beak. Now a day’s English Carrier Pigeon used for purpose of exclusive show. •••••••••••••• 0
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English Pouter Pigeon English Pouter Pigeon; Almost all kind of pouter body shape and structure is same. Like a ball on the stick. The English Pouter is much larger than Brunner Pouter; they are almost 16 inches long. English Pouter is very friendly pigeon breed and their personalities made them very popular to pigeon lover. •••••••••••••• 0
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English Short-Faced Tumbler English Short-faced Tumbler; English short-faced tumbler is one of Britain’s oldest fancy pigeon breed. I am trying to describe both Selfs and Baldheads; the Selfs are in all colors; Reds, Yellows, Golden Duns, Kites, Red/Yellow Agates, Deroys, and of course Almonds and Balds colors are mostly yellow. This breed is one of the most buxom body shaped pigeon. They have small beak and red feet. •••••••••••••• 0
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English Trumpeter Pigeon English Trumpeter Pigeon; English Trumpeter Pigeon breed is the most popular pigeon breed is USA. They are very fancy pigeon and considered one of the most ornamental pigeon.  Fancy feathers around its head and multiple layers of long feathers on feet made them very special. Self, Splash and Baldhead is most desirable to pigeon lovers.  •••••••••••••• 0
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Frillback pigeon Frillback pigeon; Sport curls on the wing feathers gave Frillback pigeon most extra ordinary look on their appearance. This curls feather is very important for them and serious business to win the pigeon show competition. In my point of view, Frillback pigeon is one of my favorite. I just love to watch them. •••••••••••••• 0
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German Helmet Pigeon German Helmet Pigeon; This is very similar to Polish counterpart Pigeon but they have very minors difference. Their chest is very dramatic and its makes them quite fashionable. On the front, they looks like, they are wearing winter fancy coat. Their long feathers on feet make them elegant. Head and tail similar colors and fashionable body shape made them very interesting to pigeon fanciers. •••••••••••••• 0
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German Modena Pigeon German Modena Pigeon; German Modena pigeon is one of the oldest pigeon breed. They originated from Modena Italy. After that the breed was imported to German and developed it by the time.  They are very slim and surprisingly small size pigeon with round head and smooth feathers forehead. Iris is orange-red color eye. The edge or cere is small and dark to all dark birds and light’s to all light colored birds.  They have medium length beak but quite strong.  Beak should be black in dark colored birds and light in light colored birds and the wattle is short and flat. Neck: Harmonious, rising evenly towards the head. The throat should look a little cut out. They have Full and wide breast, nicely rounded Belly and The breast and belly should form an unbroken round. •••••••••••••• 0
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Ice Pigeon Ice Pigeon; Ice Pigeon’s Origin from South Germany.  They have shape with low station, clean leg, and plain smooth head also very light blue color in all types. Their eye color is orange to yellow orange but the other types all with black eyes; eye cere is narrow and dark gray. The description of beak is Medium to long, slender and dark in color beak. Feather color very light blue; barless, white bars or spangling, black bars or checkers or porcelain pattern flights and tail also their design is very light blue as bright and soft as possible like new fallen snow. •••••••••••••• 0
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Nun Pigeon Nun Pigeon; The Nun Pigeon is also known as Dutch Shell Pigeon. This breed came and developed from tumber pigeon’s. Mostly they are white breed with a hood of different color feather. Usally their names according to their hood color, like black headed nun, yellow headed nun. They have also high flying attitudes and well athletic shape of body. •••••••••••••• 0
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Oriental Frill Pigeon Oriental Frill Pigeon; The Owl family’s exhibition pigeon breed is the Classic Oriental Frill pigeon.  It’s a rumor that this pigeon breed came upon the Turkish Sultan’s special request.  This breed has a medium size body, upright and smart stance, large round high broad and well arched head. Short thick wide beak, Small heart shaped and fine in texture wattle, full and chubby cheeks, full wide chest and Medium size compact body is the identity of Oriental frill pigeon. •••••••••••••• 0
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Pigmy Pouter Pigeon Pigmy Pouter Pigeon; Pigmy pouter pigeon is the tallest pigeon breed and they have very slim body and long legs.  By the shape of body and round globe on chest and their manner of walking style is very similar to other pouter types of Pigeons. Pigmy Pouter is shorter than Brunner, they are around 12 inches tall. •••••••••••••• 0
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Polish Helmet Pigeon Polish Helmet Pigeon; The polish helmet pigeons known as Polish Krymka Tumbler, they are fancy breed pigeon and very special type of helmet pigeon. Polish helmets only top half head is colored and its tail too. Helmet pigeons have been referenced since the early 15th century and all Helmet pigeon’s body shape is very similar. •••••••••••••• 0
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Saxon Fairy Swallow Pigeon Saxon Fairy Swallow Pigeon; Saxon Fairy Swallow pigeons are well known for the odd feathered and they have various markings and patterns (spot marking, cap marking etc.). Their extraordinary feathers on its feet and there are actually three separate layers of feathers made them very much different than any other pigeon breed. Beautiful shape white body, colored wings, and colored caps on their heads gave their name “Sea Swallows”. Read the full article
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
Baby Pigeons
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Baby pigeons other name squabs, pigeon baby normally takes 24 hours for pecking and wiggling their way out of their egg.  The baby pigeon’s coming out from egg and completes their growth process  naturally, until their eyes opens our any interference can cost them their life. Baby pigeons demand a huge amount of high quality taking care, if somehow they are disowned from natural mother, they need extra attention, supplies and heat. You don’t have to worry to feeding the tiny baby pigeons after they passes the first day of their life.  Temperature is very important part for their life because most of the baby pigeon’s death case highly temperature related, without warmth, the body loses too much energy and they simply can’t recover it.
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Pigeon Egg Hatching Female pigeon laid two eggs every months. Both male and female pigeons taking care egg properly and give right amount of heat to the egg that pigeon eggs can hatch properly. To heat the eggs female pigeon sits on egg from late afternoon through the night until about 10 AM and after that the male pigeon takes the duty and does the day shift until female is ready for take her shift. Pigeon egg incubation period is 17 to 19 days. When incubation time is complete and baby pigeon is ready to come out they break the egg and step in this world to discover the beauty of earth. Watch a marvelous video i am place bellow "How Pigeon Egg Hatching" When baby pigeons open their eyes? Baby pigeon’s eyes remain closed first several days this time squab remains comparatively quiet in the nest.  Some baby pigeon open their eyes between the 2nd to 4th day after hatching even some time it can take 5 days since they hatch. Once the eyes open they start to move inside nest. The nest doesn’t limit their movement but protects the babies from spill out from nest accidentally. Why we don’t see pigeon babies? Pigeon baby remain quiet in nest until they open their eyes and wait for to grow there fledged. Without fledged they cannot make heat themselves and control heat. When they have strong arms and feather then they step out from nest and discover the world and also we discover new young pigeons. It’s sad but truth some pigeon baby’s life ends before its start. Sometimes they fall out from the nest and while they are squab and blind they cannot move, run or find food for live, also they cannot protract themselves from hunting animals like cat, dogs or other meat eater animals. How a pigeon baby looks like? I love pigeons and all the time I take pigeon’s baby in my hand while I know maybe it will be a little harmful form them but still I like it a lot. They look so cute and sweet to my eyes but I read some quotes in online about baby pigeons it’s really funny. Below I am writing those quotes and some placing some photos too. “I once saw one that fell out of its nest during heavy winds and an uglier monstrosity you will never see.” _Chris Steele, Linton, England “You never see baby pigeons as pigeons are a myth and they are in fact all just ugly ducklings” _calum lewis, york yorkshire Baby pigeons Feeding “Never give baby pigeons dairy milk, they can't digest it also please don't feed them worms either” Baby pigeons depend on “pigeon milk”.  The feeding process is very simple; baby pigeon put his beak inside their parent’s mouth and the parent pump crop milk / pigeon milk into the baby’s mouth. This pigeon milk is not the dairy milk. After hatch pigeon baby need very thin food and the consistency will be as like skimmed milk.  First 10 days of their life they eat this pigeon milk. How to feed baby pigeons? Surfing online I found some of baby bird feeding formula and one name I can recommend to you,  “Kaytee Exact Hand Rearing Feeding Formula”  go to Google and dig it by name, you will find out where to buy this feed. Below I am placing a video, how to make baby pigeon’s feed at home and feed baby pigeons How to secure baby pigeons? If you have pigeon in your home or you want to make pigeons as your pet then you have to make a good pigeon house or nest. There are many kind of pigeon nest are exist. In city life it’s a bit hard to make pigeon as your pet but very much possible and many people raring pigeon at their any corner of home or on the roof placing a case. In village and country side there have enough open spaces that’s why it’s much more easy to have pigeon as case free but still they need good pigeon house or nest that they can live there comfortably and lay their egg securely and hatch them properly.  Case free pigeons can fly as much they want and also the collect their food by themselves.  So to secure pigeon baby you must make a strong pigeon house or nest and it has to be reach out of any hunting animals. When do baby pigeons learn to fly? A Pigeon baby is fully fledged around 35 days but at the age of 28 days they will begin flapping their wings to practice how to fly.  From days 28 to days 35 they keep continue their practice. At the age of 35 days (five weeks) they'll be able to take off and fly very short distances. A pigeon baby flies like an adult when they are six weeks old (42 days old). When do baby pigeons leave the nest? Usually Young pigeons leave the nest or fledge approximately 30 days after hatching. But at the age of days 28 – days 35 they fly very short distance. But when they are 42 days old they leave nest and make new nest to make their future generations.  When pigeon age become around six months they become properly adult and ready for laid their first egg and hatch a new pair of beautiful pigeon. "Do you know how many types of pigeons are exist all over the world? a wonderful informative article is waiting for you http://nicefarming.com/types-of-pigeons" Read the full article
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
Types of Pigeons
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All over the world there are almost 723 types of pigeons are exist. some Species are very common and available almost everywhere but some of is very illusive to find out. Every types of pigeons are different than other, different color, different size and different shape. The good news is, if you able to make a good environment for a pigeon couple they will be very happy to live with a as a lovely pet bird. The most available types of pigeons breed are raised domestically as a purpose of sport, hobby and food. Those types of pigeons are raised by domestically for food, they are not very expensive and they look very common. you can easily buy from your local market. Even some places pigeon meat is much cheaper than other chicken or duck meat. Pigeon meat is very tasty and healthy. Domestically raised pigeons can be a variety of colors, but are commonly blue or white. Some places pigeon used as wedding and event “doves,”
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Racing Pigeon Sports Pigeons For hobby and sports purpose raised pigeons are beautiful and charming in some cases they are very expensive too. Specially the racing pigeons are most popular all over the world. Racing pigeons are brawny and strong flyers with powerful homing instincts. They are trained very well to return their lofts after a racing event.
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Fancy Pigeon Fancy pigeons Fancy pigeons are specialized breeds, Some hobbyists make show their fancy pigeon competitions that are similar to dog or other pet animal shows. Usually pigeon lover’s keeps their pigeons as personal pets. There are many kinds of fancy pigeons including breeds like Pouters, Tumblers, Owls etc.  
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Feral Rock Pigeons Feral Rock Pigeons In the most countries and big cities you’ll find different types of feral Rock Pigeons. they are mostly the common blue variety of pigeons. Feral pigeons are well adapted to cities, suburbs and rural areas. In the countryside, they often perch in barns or around bridges and natural cliff areas. Sometimes feral pigeons cross-breed with domestic pigeons, that's why the color and plumage variations down through generations.
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Band-tailed Pigeons Band-tailed Pigeons Band-tailed Pigeons are one of the most common wild pigeon. They are native to North America and the Pacific Coast. these pigeons have a long, gray banded tail and also a white band and iridescent patch at the nape of the neck. Band-tailed Pigeons are 14 to 18 inches long with a bright yellow beak and feet.   The Table Below Showcases All Types of Pigeons Breed Aachen Cropper German Colourtail Owl Rawson Short Face Tumbler Aachen Lacquer Shield Owl German Double Crested Trumpeter Razgrad Roller  Aargau Peak Crested German Forktail Trumpeter Refilador Tumbler  Abu Abse-Dewlap German Long-Faced Tumbler Regensburg Tumbler African Owl German Modena Reinaugen Tumbler  Agaran Pigeon German Nun Renaisien Alpine Swift German Shield Owl Revellois Alsace Cropper German Show Tippler  →Tippler Reversewing Colour Pigeon  Altenburg Trumpeter Ghent Cropper Reversewing Pouter American Bohemian Pouter Ghent Owl Rhine Ringbeater American Flying Baldhead Giant American Crest Ribbon Tail Tumbler  American Flying Flight Giant Homer Riga Tumbler  American Flying Tumbler Giant Mallorquina Runt Roller Pigeons, a breed group  American Giant Homer Giant Show Runt Romagnol (pigeon) American Giant Tumbler Gier Romanian Argintiu Tumbler American Giant Runt Gimpel Romanian Barred Highflyer American Modern Flight Goeteborg Tumbler Romanian Beard American Roller Gola Romanian Black-Cherry Tumbler American Show Racer Gorguero Cropper Romanian Blind Tumbler American Strasser Granadino Pouter Romanian Blue Barred Whitetail Amsterdam Beard Tumbler Griwuni Tumbler Romanian cherry-coloured Highflyer Anatolian Owl Groninger Slenke Romanian Coffee-Colored Tumbler Anatolian Ringbeater Gumbinnen Whitehead Tumbler Romanian Gagiu Ancient Tumbler Romanian Magpie Tumbler Apatin Tumbler Hague Highflyer Romanian Moriscar Roller Antwerp Pigeon Hamburg Helmet Romanian Naked-Neck Tumbler Antwerp Smerle Hamburg Schimmel Romanian Silvery Tumbler Apatin Tumbler Hamburg Sticken Romanian Orbetean Tumbler Arabian Trumpeter Hamburg Tumbler Romanian Tshoong Tumbler Arad Barred Highflyer Hamedan Highflyer Saxon Romanian White Tail Tumbler Arad Tumbler Hana Pouter Romanian Satu-Mare Tumbler Archangel Hannover Tumbler Roshan Chirag Archangel White Trjasuni Harzburg Trumpeter Rostock Tumbler Argovien White Tail Haskow Colourhead Tumbler Rostov Tumbler Armenian Tumbler Helmet Pigeons, a group of pigeon breeds Roubaisien Asiatic Crack Tumbler Hessian Pouter Royal Snow Tumbler Australian Performing Tumbler Hindi Fantail Runt Australian Saddleback Tumbler Hódmezövásárhelyer Show Crest Tumbler Russe Blue Tumbler Austrian Fis(c)her Pigeon Hollander (pigeon) Russe Tschilbolli Austrian Magpie Cropper Holle Cropper Russe Tumbler Austrian White Tail Homing Pigeon Russian Akkermann Tumbler Horseman Pouter Russian Martini British Show Racer Hungarian Russian Tumbler Baja Tumbler Hungarian Beauty Homer Rzhev Startail Tumbler Baku Boinije Hungarian Buga Pigeon Barb (pigeon) Hungarian Cropper Szegediner Highflier Barbarisi Hungarian darkstorked Highflyer Saar Pigeon Barbet of Liège Hungarian Egri Tumbler Saddle Homer Baska Tumbler Hungarian Fantail Saint (pigeon) Basra Dewlap Hungarian Giant Pigeon Saint Gallen Wing Pigeon Bavarian Cropper Hungarian Giant Pouter Saint Louis Arch Crested Fantail Bavarian Highflyer Hungarian Highflyer Sarajewo Roller Beak-Crested Jacobin Hungarian Magpie-Tumbler Satu-Mare Tumbler Beauty Homer de Lige Hungarian Short-Beak Saxon Breast Belgian Beauty Homer Huppé Picard Saxon Crescent Pigeon Belgian Highflyer Hyacinth Saxon Cropper Belgian Tumbler Saxon Fairy Swallow Belgian Ringbeater Ice Pigeon Saxon Field Pigeon Benesov Pigeon Indian Fantail Saxon Monk Bergamasco pigeon Indian Fantasy (pigeon) Saxon Priest Bergen Tumbler Indian Gola Saxon Shield Berlin Long-Faced Tumbler Indian Mondain Saxon Spot Berlin Medium-Faced Tumbler Indian Pearl Highflier Saxon Stork Pigeon Berlin Muffed Tumbler Iranian Highflier Saxon Swallow Berlin Short-Faced Tumbler Iran Roller Saxon White Tail Bernburg Trumpeter Irish Flying Tumbler Saxon Wing Pigeon Berne Gugger Italian Owl Scandaroon Berne Halfbeak Italian Sottobanca Schalaster Pouter Berne Lark Schmalkalden Moorhead Berne Peak Crested Jacobin Schmolln Trumpeter Berne Ribbon Tail Jassy Tumbler Schoeneberg Barred Tumbler Berne Tigerhead Jerezano Pouter Schumen Tumbler Berne White Tail Jewel Mondain Seldschuk Pigeon Bernhardin Magpie Jiennense Cropper Seraphim Pigeon Bialostocka Krymka Tumbler Serbian Highflyer Bihac Roller Kaluga Tumbler Shack Kee Bijeljina Roller Karakand Fantail Shakhsharli Birmingham Roller Kassel Tumbler Shiraz Tumbler Blagodar Tumbler Katal Short-Beaked Armavir Tumbler Blue Sovater Kazan Tumbler Short-Faced Gansel Tumbler Blue Tumbler of Cluj Kecskemét Tumbler Show Antwerp Bohemian Bagdad Kelebek Show Homer Bohemian Cropper Kiev Tumbler Showpen Homer Bohemian Fairy Swallow King Show Racing Homer Bohemian Ice Cropper Kiskunfelegyhaza Tumbler Siberian Tumbler Bohemian Pigeon Koenigsberg Coloured Head Tumbler Silesian Colourhead Bohemian Steller Cropper Koenigsberg Moorhead Silesian Cropper Bohemian Tiger Swallow clean legged Koenigsberg Reinaugen Tumbler Silesian Moorhead Bohemian Trumpeter Komorn Tumbler Silesian Whithead Bohemian Tumbler Konstanza Tumbler Silky Fantail Bokhara Trumpeter Koros Tumbler Single Crested Priest Bokhara Tumbler Kosice Roller Sisak Roller Borino Kosice Tumbler Slovakian Cropper Boston Blue Tumbler Kraków Magpie Slovakian Highflyer Botoșani Tumbler Krasnodar Tumbler Slowenien Whitehead Bremen Tumbler Smyter Breslau Tumbler Lucerne Gold Collar Sofia Tumbler British Show Racer Lacene Sombor Briver Blackhead Lahore Sottobanca Brod Tumbler Laudino Sevillano Cropper Sottobanca, French type Brunner Pouter Lebanon (pigeon) South Batschka Tumbler Bucharest Ciung Highflier Lenardo South German Blasse Bucharest Show Tumbler Leuven Pouter South German Breast Buda Grizzle Budapest Short Face Tumbler Lille Pouter South German Charcoal Lark Budapest Coloured Lille Tumbler South German Monk Budapest Highflier Limerick Tumbler South German Moorhead Budapest Kiebitz Lome Tumbler South German Shield Budapest Muffed Tumbler Lotan (pigeon) South German Spot Budapest Shortbeak Lower Bavarian Cropper South German Tigerhead Budapest stork marked muffed Tumbler Low Silesian Muffed Tumbler South German White Tail Budapest Whiteflight Highflyer Lucerne Copper Collar Spaniard (pigeon) Budapest Whiteside Lucerne Elmer Spanish Bagdad Buga Pigeon Lucerne Gold Collar Spanish Barb Bukarest black Hanging Flight Tumbler Lucerne Self Spanish Flamenca Bulgarian Shield Owl Lucerne Shield Spanish Flamenca Runt Bulgarian White Shield Roller Lucerne Tigerhead Spanish Frillback Bagadette Bursa Tumbler Lucerne White Tail Spanish Gabacho Runt Bácka Longbeak Tumbler Lugoj Roller Spanish Little Friar Tumbler Lusatian Tumbler Spanish Mondain Canario Cropper Luster Pigeon Spanish Monjin Carneau Luttich Owl Spanish Naked Neck Pigeon Carrier Spanish Nun Catalan Tumbler Modena Spanish Owl Catalonian Head and Neck Tumbler Macedonian Turbit Spanish Owl Pouter Catalonian Laced Bordench Mondain Magpie →English Magpie Spanish Pigeon Central Asiatic Roller Majorcan Bort Runt Spanish Strawberry Eye  Chinese Tumbler Majorcan Esbart Roller Spanish Thief Pouter Cakal Roller Makó Highflyer Spangeled Magpie Purzler of Satu-Mare Cambalhota Português Mallorca Giant Pigeon Speelderke Cauchois Maltese (pigeon) Srebrniak (Perlovy) Chinese Flying Pigeon Manotte Stapar Tumbler Chinese Owl Marchenero Pouter Stargard Shaker Chinese Tumbler Mariola Starling Chistopolian High-flying Pigeon Mariolinha Starwitzer Cropper Chorrera Markish Magpie Tumbler Steinheim Bagdad Clean Legged Fullhead Swallow Martham (pigeon) Steller Cropper Clean Legged Spot Swallow Masurian Tumbler Stettin Tumbler Cluj-Napoca Blue Memel Highflyer Steiger Cropper Cluj-Napoca Roller Micholaiyvski Shield Tumbler Stork Pigeon de Lodz Cluj-Napoca Tumbler Miniature American Crested Stralsund Highflyer Coburg Lark Mittelhause Pigeon Strasser Colillano Cropper Modena Sverdlovsk blue-gray mottle-headed pigeon Cologne Tumbler Modern Show Flight Swallow (pigeon) Craiova chestnutbrown Tumbler Modern Spanish Thief Pouter Swedish Owl Crescent Monor Tumbler Swedish Tumbler Crested Picard Montauban Swing Pouter Crested Soultz Mookee Swiss Crescent Criador Lusitano Moravian Bagdad Swiss Mondain Csepel Tumbler Moravian Magpie Cropper Swiss Pouter Cumulet Moravian Morak Cropper Swiss Self Czech Bagdad Moravian Strasser Syrian Bagdad Czech Ice Pouter Moravian White Head Syrian Coop Tumbler Czech Muffed Tumbler Morillero Cropper Syrian Curled Dewlap Czech Trumpeter Morrillero Alicantino Pouter Syrian Dewlap Moroncelo Cropper Syrian Fantail Dragoon Moscat Syrian Halabi Damascene Moscovite Tumbler Syrian Sabuni Tumbler Danish Copper Moscow Black Magpied Syrian Swift Danish Jacobin Moulter Syrian Turbiteen Danish Suabian Muffed Helmet Szegedin Highflyer Danish Tumbler Mulhouse Pigeon Szekesfehervar Tumbler Danzig Highflyer Munsterland Field Pigeon Szolnok Bagdad Debrecin Roller Muntenia Whitetail Tumbler Szolnok Tumbler Denizli Bangosu Modhumoti (pigeon) Dobrudshan Roller Megcer (pigeon) Taganrog Tumbler Dolapci Takla Tumbler Domestic Show Flight Naked Neck Tumbler Taqlaji Domino Frill New York Danish Flying Tumbler Targovist Tumbler Donek Nish Highflyer Targovista red Highflyer Dragoon Nord Caucasian Tumbler Texan Pioneer Dresden Trumpeter Norwegian Tumbler Thai Fantail Dutch Beauty Homer Norwich Cropper Thai Laugher Dutch Cropper Novisad Short-Faced Tumbler Thurgau Crescent Dutch Curled Cropper Nun Thurgau Elmer Dutch Helmet Nuremberg Lark Thurgau Monk Dutch Highflyer Nuremberg Swallow Thurgau Peak Crested Nis' White-Tail Highflyer Thurgau Shield English Trumpeter Thurgau White Tail East Prussian Tumbler Old Austrian Tumbler Thuringian Breast Echterding Colour Pigeon Old Dutch Capuchine Thuringian Colour Pigeons Egyptian Frill Old Dutch Tumbler Thuringian Crescent Pigeon Egyptian Swift Old Dutch Turbit Thuringian Cropper Egyptian Tumbler Old Fashioned Oriental Frill Thuringian Goldbeetle Eichbühl (pigeon) Old German Cropper Thuringian Mauser Pigeon Eisk Double Crested Tumbler Old German Magpie Tumbler Thuringian Monk Elbing Whitehead Tumbler Old German Moorhead Thuringian Pouter Elster Cropper Old German Nun Thuringian Self Elster Purzler Old German Owl Thuringian Shield Pigeon English Barb Old German Turbit Thuringian Spot English Carrier Old Holland Pouter Thuringian Stork Pigeon English Exhibition Homer Old Oriental Owl Thuringian Swallow English Fantail Old Style English Flying Saddle Tumbler Thuringian White Bib English Long-Faced Tumbler Old Vienna Highflyer Thuringian Whitehead English Magpie Orbetean Romanian rust-coloured Highflyer Thuringian White Tail English Nun Oriental Frill Thuringian Wing Pigeon English Owl Oriental Roller Tiger Swallow English Pouter Orientale Eastslowakian Roller Tippler English Short-Faced Tumbler Oriental Turbit Timisoara Tumbler English Show Homer Ostrava Bagdad Tokur English Show Tippler Ostrowiec Wattle Pigeon Transylvanian Back Crested Tumbler English Trumpeter Transylvanian Double Crested Tumbler Erlau Tumbler Pazardchin Roller Transylvanian Tumbler Escampadissa Tumbler Pakistani Highflyer Travnik Highflyer Exhibition Flying Tippler Pappatacci Trenton Exhibition Homer Parlor Roller Triganino Modena Parlor Tumbler Pigeons Tula Ribbon Tail Tumbler Fantail Persian Highflyer Tunesian Owl Fat Shan Blue Persian Roller Tung Koon Paak Felégyhaza Tumbler Piacentino Turbit Field Pigeon Piestanau Giant Pigeon Turbiteen Field Pigeon, clean legged Pigmy Mariola Fish Eye Roller Pigmy Pouter Ural striped maned pigeon Flanders Smerle Pinta Tumbler Usbekian Tumbler Florentine Polish Bagdad Flying Oriental Roller Polish Barb Vienna Highflier Flying Performing Roller Polish Beauty Homer Valencian Cropper, Dutch type Flying Saddle Homer Polish Crest Tumbler Valencian Figurita Flying Tippler Polish Eagle Valencian Giant Tenant Pigeon Fork-Tailed Polish Gansel Tumbler Valencian Homer Franconian Bagdad Polish Griwuni Tumbler Valencian Magany Homer Franconian Field Pigeon Polish Helmet Valencian Peter Runt Franconian Magpie Polish Highflyer Varna Tumbler Franconian Toy Self Polish Kronen Tumbler Veleño Pouter Franconian Trumpeter Polish Krymka Tumbler Vienna (pigeon) Read the full article
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
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Pigeon is the most popular bird all over the world. They carried the wonderful colors and breeds. They love to live near to human as a lovely pet too. In ancient times pigeons have been appointed in letter exchange from one king to another.  Pigeons have been used as a representative of peace. Most of all if you are a pigeon lover and you want to keep them as your pet so you don’t need to think for any additional or excess costs. Pigeons are easily tamed.  You can keep them in any corner of the house or premises or as small or low roof cornice. Even you can keep your birds and observe inside a case or hanging baskets. If you want to make a pigeon farm for earning money then a bigger opportunity is waiting for you. With a very small amount of investment you can start pigeon farming. Many people gain their success within a little period of time by taking pigeon farming as their business. Pigeons are usually living as a couple. Every month each adult pair of male and female pigeon laid their eggs and hatching it. Each time female bird laid two eggs and both pigeons taking their duties carefully to hatch the eggs.  Pigeons become adult when their age around 6 months.
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My Race Winner Pigeon I have different types of fancy pigeon breed, they are most wonderful and colorful birds.  I am getting multiple benefits from rearing homing pigeons but I am facing some difficulty too. Let’s talk first the benefits I got to having different types of pigeons. - Generally a good breed pigeon couple providing 12 pairs of egg every year. They carefully hatch every single egg so you can get 12 pairs of new pigeon couples of pigeons every year. Every new chick bird is ready for sale or eats within four weeks. - Pigeons are easily tamed and you can raise them as a pet bird. - Raising pigeons need very small place. In hanging basket, case or trunk pigeons can be observed. - If pigeons live case free, they arrange their own food. You don’t need to spend money for that. - Pigeon’s meat is much more healthy and delicious than any other meat. - Pigeon egg hatched within 18 days. - Baby Pigeons become adult in 6 months and then they are ready for make new generations. - Pigeon meat very tasty and healthy that’s why it has a good demand. Within a year you can get few new pairs pigeons from one pair pigeon.  You can choose pigeon farming as a profitable business. The pigeons do not cost much to observe. Even their disease is very lower than other pet birds. As I mentioned before to raising pigeons I am facing some difficulties’ too. Pigeons has some diseases too but don’t need to worry because in good treatment its get over within a short period of time. Cat and other meat eating animals are hunting pigeons so extra care may require keeping safe your pigeons.
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My Pigeon Farm According to history, from ancient times, many people have been keeping pigeons as their pet bird. In ancient time people sacrificing and immolating pigeons to make God’s happy. Also they were using pigeons as messenger. A dove was widely used for recreational and delicious meat. Now a day’s feeding pigeons is not only limited to as a hobby or entertainment, instead it is now regarded as a profitable business.  Rearing pigeons is increasing the beauty of your house. Their existence makes a happy environment for us. Because of those benefits many people are now keeping pigeons for entertain their life as a hobby and also commercially that's why pigeons compliance a proper management. To keep safe, healthy and free from disease pigeons need a good pigeon house and environment for live. You may give extra attention the described topics below: - Selecting a place for pigeon farms require high and dry flat land. - The height of the pigeon house should be out of reach from hunting animals like, cats, dogs , fox etc. - For each pair of pigeons need a room. It has to be wide enough that they can live in side comfortably and laid their eggs and hatch it. - Health facilities must be built in such a way that the pigeon house or panels insects, worms, germs of disturbance are low and is easy to clean and disinfect. - Vitamin D is very good for baby birds that’s why you have to make pigeon room in a way that sun light can come inside. Also sun light helps to sterilize the environment. - Adequate ventilation of dove house keeps environment healthy. Because of the absence of wind a bird's become unhealthy. Pigeon mix food
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Healthy Pigeon Feed Pigeon's feed management is very important. The feed has to be a good mix of Starch, fat, protein, minerals and vitamins etc.  Pigeons eats this much food that is necessary for his body. An adult pigeon eats 30-50 gram food per day. Pigeons mostly likes to eat, wheat, pea, maize, mustard, barley, rice, rice, pulse etc grains. Plenty of fresh water is very essential for pigeon’s Food ingredients Amount ({6be2db3b88870d4886eebf8b9afca4bb83e0a042bc3cf1b41260af04e7c2bfbe}) Maize 35 Pea 20 Wheat 30 Mussel powder / lime powder 07 Vitamin / amino acid premix 07 Salt 01 Total 100{6be2db3b88870d4886eebf8b9afca4bb83e0a042bc3cf1b41260af04e7c2bfbe} Amino acid; Different types of protein, amino acids, which are essential for the formation of the body. Some essential amino acids, amino acids are not synthesized in the body of the bird.  Amino acid-rich foods (dried fish powder, mustard, and sesame and groundnut oil cake) can be provided. The name of the essential amino acids Daily Needs Mathionina 0.09 g Lysine 0.18 g Valine 0.06 g Listening 0.09 g Aiso-liusina 0.055 g Phenyl ayalanina 0.09 g Tryptophan 0.02 Petition, Hisatidina, Phrionina Read the full article
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
The Best 5 Cat Breeds For Home - https://www.nicefarming.com/best-5-cat-breeds-for-home/
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Train Your Cat in 5 Simple Steps: A Beginner's Guide - https://www.nicefarming.com/train-your-cat-in-5-simple-steps/
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The Top 5 Benefits of Cat Neutering: A Healthier, Happier Feline - https://www.nicefarming.com/cat-neutering/
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10 Effective Strategies to Solve the Cat Pooping Outside Litter Box Dilemma - https://www.nicefarming.com/cat-pooping-outside-litter-box/
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5 Common Reasons Why Your Cat Throwing Up Food: Best Complete Guide - https://www.nicefarming.com/cat-throwing-up-food/
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10 Safe and Healthy Human Foods Cats Can Eat: A Comprehensive Guide - https://www.nicefarming.com/human-foods-cats-can-eat/
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
10 Effective Strategies to Solve the Cat Pooping Outside Litter Box Dilemma - https://www.nicefarming.com/cat-pooping-outside-litter-box/
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nicefarming ¡ 1 year
10 Essential Tips for Caring for Your Cat Rag Doll: The Ultimate Guide - https://www.nicefarming.com/cat-rag-doll/
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