nickelsdrocs · 1 month
If Ayumu was right about one thing, it was that hanging out with him was an indulgence, one that he absolutely couldn't be caught doing but did anyways. He couldn't say no whenever Ayumu asked to do something with him, always getting too flustered to say much of anything. Even if he could say something, Ayumu was pretty... persistent. He would keep coming back, asking to do different activities with him. Most of the time, he wasn't the only one invited along, and he usually went then unless he had a reason not to. Meanwhile, he agreed to hang out with just the two of them very rarely, only if it seemed relatively harmless.
Studying in the library was suppose to be relatively harmless.
Continuing to level Ayumu with an unimpressed yet amused stare, Daisuke gave a small huff of amusement at the other's posturing. "Okay, Mr. Truth or Dare... Let's see...," he said, humming in thought. What to ask? He wasn't in this to make the other admit to some deep-rooted trauma or insecurity like Ayumu clearly was, but he had been wanting to get to know the pink-haired menace better. Maybe this was the perfect opportunity to do so.
"What is your favorite type of food? When you want something to eat, what is your got to?" he asked.
✩ 「 @nickelsdrocs​ 」 ✩ - Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」 Caught in his clever ruse, Ayumu doesn't even try to deny it. Why should he? His intentions are more than justified, considering how reluctant Daisuke is to share about or even admit the existence of, the unhappiness intertwined in his life. Like silken threads, nearly-invisible but STRONG. Pulling on the other man, preventing him from doing what he wants. Even when Daisuke does allow himself to indulge— Ayumu would consider his mere company a bit of indulgence, since it'd be far less trouble for Daisuke to steer clear of the pink instigator —Ayumu still sees the effects of those strings. Digging into flesh as Daisuke resists, the other man appearing to be holding himself back as well. As if he knows that if he pushes too far, he could be sliced through completely. A scary fate, for anyone to face.
That doesn't deter Ayumu from thinking he SHOULD face it. Whether Daisuke breaks or the strings do, is yet to be seen. Either way, he can't keep existing the way he has been. Bleeding, unseen by others but unmistakably felt. Part of Ayumu insists that he's projecting onto Daisuke. Putting feelings in the chest of his unwitting peer, stirring up problems for someone who doesn't deserve them. All to make himself feel less alone; Ayumu's threads still entangled around his limbs, cutting like razor wire that he's learned to ignore. The pain only registering when he talks to—
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But that's neither here nor there.
Daisuke may be able to untangle himself from whatever is holding him back from being his true self. He at least deserves to TRY. If that comes about thanks to a childish game of ❛ Truth or Dare ❜ then so be it. Meeting Daisuke's unimpressed stare with one of his own, he crosses his arms and quirks an unashamed brow. ❝ Well, if you would answer questions without the game, then I wouldn't need to do things like this. ❞ He haughtily retorts, firmly standing by his study-session ruse. Even though he DOES desperately need to make a dent on the pile of homework still languishing on his desk. But finding solutions to those problems are so boring... and not nearly as important as the tight-lipped problem sitting beside him.
Pouting at Daisuke's verbal maneuvering— he should have expected as much —Ayumu rolls his eyes with a scoff, but the playful shove against the other's side and amused smirk tugging at his lips take the sting out of his reaction. ❝ You KNOW that's not what I meant! ❞ Ayumu scolds, laughter lacing the light complaining, ❝ But fine, whatever... I suppose that answer counts. But barely. ❞ Leaning a bit closer, he pokes Daisuke's chest ( half-lidded gaze and purred tone a bit of subtle revenge for ruining his clever ploy ) and teases, ❝ I'll get a real answer out of you next time, just you wait~ ❞
Moving back, he crosses one leg over the other and straightens his back. Spine a bit arched and a hand resting against his chest, he chipperly says, ❝ Alright, now it's my turn. So I'll show you how it's actually done... because I choose truth~ ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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nickelsdrocs · 2 months
Getting lost in Shuichi's explanation of the reason for having multiple magnifying glass, Seto didn't want to interrupt him. It wasn't very often that someone offered any kind of information. Usually, people just assumed he already knew it or that he didn't need that information. And he wasn't allowed to ask question for himself. So, due to his natural curiosity, he ate up anything he could get his hands on and didn't bother trying to get more than he was given. That was why even though he had something to tease Shuichi about say, he waited patiently for the detective to finish his explanation before saying, "If you w-w-wanted me to explore your body so thoroughly, all you had to do was ask." Accenting his flirting by stepping into the other's space, his signature smirk reappeared.
As quickly as he breached Shuichi's personal space, Seto left it. He only intended to fluster him, not make him uncomfortable. See that cute, little face turn crimson red. That in of itself could be considered a victory over his Fated Rival. Proving that he could keep his composure better than him, especially after that lapse earlier. He needed to be more careful around the detective. Shuichi was getting better and better at catching him off guard.
Holding the two magnifying glasses for the other to see, he added, "I'll be holding onto these two until the end of the search. Wouldn't want to loose count and have to start all over again, would we?" He let out a tiny chuckle at his own joke.
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「 ☆ 」 Completely oblivious to Seto’s lapse in demeanor and somehow even more-so to the CAUSE for it, clear clues are missed by unconfident eyes, Shuichi’s poor view of himself not allowing him to see what’s right in front of his face. Accepting the nonchalant facade without question, Shuichi’s stomach unwittingly flutters at that familiar smirk. Misdiagnosing the tingling as his usual ingrained nerves despite feeling more at ease than he has all day, the detective pays it no mind. Nor does he acknowledge the warmth glowing in his face; yet another sign misunderstood by the person feeling it. Another string of solidarity, tying the two souls together.
Whether they realize it yet or not.
Eyes widen at the sight of TWO magnifying glasses in Seto’s grip, still taken aback at the other. No matter how many times Seto steals from him, it never fails to impress. Perhaps not the mindset a renowned detective should have toward a criminal, but this is all in good fun. Should they run into each other when not in the safe embrace of Hope’s Peak grounds, that’s a different more emotionally complex story. Thankfully, it has yet to happen and if Seto’s skills continue to keep him morefigment than actual prospect to throw Shuichi’s services at, it never will.
Disgusted as people may be to work with the young detective, their superiors are still vying for Shuichi’s assistance. With countless cases offered or forced upon him, it’s easy to find excuses to politely turn down requests to chase after a ❛ ghost ❜.
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Instinctively looking down at his pocket where the backup magnifying glass used to be, mirth lights up his eyes and helps clear his worries. A confusing skill of Seto’s ( almost as much as why the thief calls him ❛ Bluejay ❜ ) considering most criminals want nothing more than to see Shuichi BREAK rather than laugh. But one Shuichi appreciates. Sputtering out a giggle, clear even behind his raised hand, he returns Seto’s smirk with an attempt of his own. Not nearly as well-practiced, it’s more of a genuine smile than a suave tease, ❝ Where’s the fun in simply telling you? ❞
Meeting the banter with more confidence than most would expect, Shuichi ❛ nonchalantly ❜ shrugs while saying, ❝ If you want to know so badly, you’ll just have to find that out yourself… ❞ Looking proud of himself for the added allure of mystery, he crosses his arms and adds with a raised brow, ❝ If I did have a third magnifying glass, I still wouldn’t consider it ❛ paranoid ❜. And I don’t think you can either… Not when you’re standing there holding TWO of mine. ❞
❝ Besides, it’s actually incredibly useful to have varying sizes and strengths available at a moment’s notice. ❞ He can’t help but add, a tinge of genuine excitement hinting his words as he explains. ❝ Smaller ones are the most beneficial, both for the detail they can pick out and ease of concealment. But I still like having a bigger option on me— ❞ He points at the regular glass in Seto’s grip, ❝ —for when I need to examine a larger surface area, and efficiency is more important than picking out every tiny detail. So, they’re all useful. Even if I might use some more than others. ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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nickelsdrocs · 2 months
𝐁𝐔𝐙𝐙𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of prompts from the YouTube show “BuzzFeed Unsolved”, feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary)
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"I'm ghost-proof."
"Shut up, [NAME]."
"This is the worst."
"It doesn't make sense."
"Stop serial killing."
"Don't try it, demon."
"Hey there, demons. It's me, ya boi!"
"Why do you not believe that ghosts are real?"
"Are you scared right now?"
"Friends murder each other all the time."
“Hey, you demon fuck.”
"I'm gonna be so pissed off if we die."
"Teenage boys are the worst."
"Hey, look. Steal from the rich. Do it."
"Why won't the ghosts talk to us?"
"I'm starting to think you want to die."
"He does have a hell of an ass."
"I love it when serial killers have a fun little thing."
"What is it about killers that they want to get caught so bad?"
"I don't have a nervous system. I am a nervous system."
"The aliens would get tired of me. They'd kick me off."
"Please ignore my tall idiotic counterpart."
"[NAME], every room you're in is a panic room."
"Would you break me out of prison if I got, uh, if I got arrested?"
"I guess I'll go into town this weekend and murder some people."
"My demons are chasing me and they're doing the Naruto run."
"It costs $400 to see a therapist. But it’s free to just tell yourself, 'It be like that sometimes.'"
"If you slit my throat tonight I'm gonna have a hard time forgiving you for that."
"I did meet some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me."
"'That’s a guy I wanna share a cold one with,' is what Bigfoot would say. About me."
"If you're gonna kill a bunch of people, you might as well have fun with it."
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nickelsdrocs · 2 months
The date was going so well. The date was going too well. He should've known that it wouldn't last. The universe wouldn't stand for either of them being happy for too long. He should've expected something bad to happen the moment Ken'ichi agreed to go to the festival with him, and the more time they spent together without anything going wrong, the worse he should've known it would be. So when his bad luck reared it's ugly head, it was basically instinct to throw himself at it to minimize damages. The fact that that danger was aimed at Ken only made him move faster.
Teeth gritting as the burn spread across his back, Hitoshi could hear the screams and bustle as people started freaking out, but it was all fading into white noise through the pain. He fell to his knees from the shock and the heat. He couldn't tell how long he was on fire, time seeming to slow down significantly. The thing that brought his awareness was the light shoving on his chest and the sound of Ken's voice breaking through the panicked haze.
It took him a moment to even realize what was being said through the burn.
"What was I suppose to do? Just let you get set on fire?" Hitoshi snapped back. And based on their interactions so far, that is probably exactly what the other expected, the idiot. As if he was pathetic enough to use his lover as a shield, especially against his own luck. Before Ken could make a comeback, he said, "You're just going to have to deal with the fact that I care about whether or not you get hurt."
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"If you keep hugging that rabbit like that, I'm going to start thinking you like it more than me," Hitoshi commented off-handedly. Despite his complaining, he actually thought Ken'ichi looked especially adorable with the stuffed animal that was almost as big as he was. Even more so than when the boy had first spotted it, and Hitoshi just had to get it for him. Whatever backlash his luck caused after winning it first try would be worth it. At least, that's what he thought until he saw the candle being knocked from its lantern toward the smaller one. Acting before he could even think, he pulled Ken out of the way, blocking him from the blaze with his own body. (Now it's your turn for angst.) -  ✩   「 @nickelsdrocs 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 This is Ken's first time at a Festival and he's already excited for the next one. And the next and the next... Part of him— the part that hasn't drowned its common sense in sugary drinks —fervently reminds himself that he doesn't KNOW if there will be a next one; let alone a string of them. He should put all his focus on this date visit ( which, to be fair, he IS ) and not get his hopes too high ( which, unfortunately, he is failing at ). There's no telling when the novelty of showing off for his fuck-toy turned... friend pet lover regular-toy, will wear off and Hitoshi might set his sights to more entertaining places. Although it's hard to think of anything being more entertaining than himself, Ken'ichi can't believe it won't happen.
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Squeezing his giant plush as if his life depends on it, giddy smile buried into its soft form, he scoffs at Hitoshi's comment. Rolling his eyes, the playful brattiness doesn't hit quite as hard when paired with his flushed features or the sparkle within green hues. ❝ Well, it is more fun to cuddle with... and Pocket doesn't make smart-ass remarks either~ ❞ He teases, sticking his tongue out at Hitoshi to really drive the point home, his heart-shaped stud— a familiar blue one chosen for today instead of his usual multi-colored —twinkling in the light.
And then that light gets too close.
Abruptly yanked out of harm's way— a stark difference from always being thrust INTO it —Ken doesn't have time to process what's happening until it's already over. Fire taking hold of Hitoshi's clothes as if it has a personal vendetta against him ( from what Ken'ichi knows of the others luck, maybe it does ) Ken utters a panicked, ❝ Shit! ❞ before hastily trying to pat out the flames. Pocket dropped upon the ground out of harm's way, small but quick hands attempt to beat back the fire on their own; Ken paying no heed to the sting in his palms. A blessed moment of clarity, and a bit of luck in his outfit choice, makes Ken shuffle off his oversized jacket; stolen from Hitoshi as ❛ extra payment ❜ earlier in their relationship agreement.
Using it to aid in smothering the flames, he makes quick work of the rest. Adrenaline overwhelming his small form, fueled by confusion and fear and gut-wrenching guilt, he tries to steady his breathing. Scent of burnt fabric and flesh not helping the nausea in his knot-addled stomach, he spares a breath to look over Hitoshi to make sure he is still breathing ( of course he is, it was just a little.... fire ) before impulsively shoving the other man before he can think better of it. At least he has sense enough to avoid the singed areas, although Ken's reddened palms aren't happy about the contact, ❝ What the fuck?! Why did you DO that? ❞
Tears brimming in his eyes, there's little comfort in the fact they don't fall. ❝ What kind of idiot purposely lets themself get set on FIRE?? ❞ Never mind that, from Ken'ichi's anger, it's pretty clear he's the kind of idiot who would have preferred to get set ablaze instead. But that's a completely different situation. It wouldn't have mattered if it was him. But with Hitoshi— with his LUCK, it could have gone very differently if fate had decided to be crueler to both of them... 「 ☆ 」
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nickelsdrocs · 2 months
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It was rather impressive, how quickly Kazuichi managed to scale the bartender like a mere tree, all the while screeching as he wrapped himself around the taller man's torso in a tangle of limbs: "Spider! Kill it! Kill it!!!" //just picture rapunzel and flynn rider in that one scene lol
Surprisingly, Yusuke didn't even flinch at the sudden weight added to his shoulders, immediately adjusting his balance. He couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped upon seeing what it was that Kazuichi was screaming about: a tiny spider. "It's just a little guy. He's harmless," the bartender commented, one hand coming up to comfortingly pat the other's back. "Imagine if someone yelled for someone to kill you every time they saw you," he continued as he made his way over to grab something to move the little critter outside.
0 notes
nickelsdrocs · 2 months
there's still a lot of work to be done.
i'm not finished with it yet.
i can't give up just yet.
there's nothing noble about working yourself to death.
you think i can't handle this myself?
there's not enough hours in the day.
i realize you think you have to do this.
working like this helps me think.
i'll sleep when i'm dead.
your work ethic scares me sometimes.
i don't need your help.
do you ever sleep?
they need me.
no matter how hard you work, it won't bring them back.
do you realize how crazy that sounds?
i'm not stopping until this is done.
you need to slow down.
i feel like i'm wasting my life.
have you ever taken a vacation?
i can handle this on my own.
i'm nothing without my work.
you're going to get sick if you keep going like this.
you've proven your point.
you're going to work yourself to death.
there are worse ways to spend a life.
you can't keep going at this pace.
i don't have time to rest.
it needs to be done.
do you have any healthy coping mechanisms, by any chance?
there's no time to waste.
i think it's time for you to take a break.
everything was going great until you stopped me.
i can't sleep yet. not until this is done.
i'm the only one who can do this.
at least let me help you.
if i just focus on my work, i don't have to think about anything else.
i'm not asking you to take a break, i'm telling you.
did you really have to interrupt like that?
i'm not budging.
it's my life's work.
you're not going to convince me otherwise.
when was the last time you slept?
i'll help you finish the job if you promise to get some rest.
you're practically falling asleep standing up.
you can finish this in the morning.
let me get you to bed.
don't you get it? it's over!
working yourself to death isn't going to fix anything.
if i don't do it, no one else will.
i wish you would take some time to rest.
i'm not taking a break, if that's what you're asking.
you just broke my concentration, thank you very much.
i'm not going to bed.
i don't know how to quit.
they're counting on me.
too many people rely on me.
i can't disappoint them.
you need a vacation.
i wish you would just listen to me and slow down.
your eye bags have eye bags.
all right, that's it. i'm putting my foot down.
no more excuses.
what do you get out of this? this overworking thing?
without my work... i'm nothing.
no one else is going to step in.
i don't care about me. i care about them.
we have unfinished business.
if i stop now, it'll be like giving up.
i'm a perfectionist. it's in my nature.
better to pour myself into my work than something else.
i wish you would go easy on yourself.
this is very unhealthy.
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nickelsdrocs · 2 months
This roleplay he was one he had planned for a video he'd be filming soon. He wanted to go through it with Ayumu beforehand to edit and critique it, but... It wasn't the best way to test run the script, but he couldn't think of any other way to help.
With how unresponsive his boyfriend was when he entered the room, Daisuke didn't expect an answer to his posed question. He didn't really need one either. The answer was already baked into the script, but that didn't mean he couldn't tweak a few things to make it fit the situation better.
"Hey, hey. It's okay to be nervous for your first pair. I know there's this stimulus that this defines you or something, but you are so much more than that," he softly spoke, hands held up in a slow, placating manner. He kept all his movements to where Ayumu could see plainly them as if he were Daisuke's camera.
"Just take deep breaths and try to relax. You're in good hands here."
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"H-Hey.... Angel?... Angel, are you alright?" Daisuke asked, noticing his boyfriend unstable state as soon as he entered the other's dorm. Carefully approaching him to make sure he knew he was there but not so loud as to scare him, he looked in Ayumu's dazed but panicked eyes. "Ayumu, are you with me? You need to take slow, deep breaths." But when that didn't garner a response, Daisuke started to fumble for things to do. He didn't really know how to comfort someone, especially someone in this state. Though maybe, if he couldn't bring Ayumu to the waking world, he could bring him to a better one. Adjusting his voice to the one he uses in his ASMR videos, he said, "Welcome to my Angel Wing Parlor. Is this your first time getting your wings?" -  ✩   「 @nickelsdrocs 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 He doesn't know why he answers her calls. Yes he does. Because he owes her for everything she's done for him. Why he puts himself through this on a weekly basis. Because he's scared that she's right and if he lets her slip through his fingers, he'll eventually end up alone when everyone else realizes how horrid he is too. Why he lets her hateful concerned words sink in so deeply. Piercing his chest and latching on as if barbed, gnarled opinions feeling as if they're shredding him to pieces. Because it's true. Terrible as it is to hear, she's RIGHT... She's always been right.
Sitting on his dorm room floor, cellphone lies by the wall he'd thrown it to as soon as he finished uttering bye. Screen cracked, it lies there in blessed quiet. Not due to announce his mother calling for another seven days... and then this can happen all over again. And again. And again and again and again and AGAI—
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Hands clasped over his ears, fingers dig into messy pink locks with a vengeance; as if he can still hear the tell-tale ringing. Still hear HER. Eyes stuck open yet seeing nothing, bitter tears cascade down his cheeks; face flushed with anger, with shame. Chest heaving as he fails to catch his breath, to steady the wretched shaking of his body, it only grows WORSE the longer he goes. Fueled by his frustration at not being able to stop. He has to stop. He needs to stop. He can stop.
He can. He can, he can, he can, he can, he can't, he CAN'T STOP—
He needs... He has to— before someone can see him. Before he has to explain. Before he CAN'T explain. Before they get upset with him for it. Fuck, what if Daisuke sees him? What would he think? What would Ayumu say? How could he... He'll see Ayumu for the confused, cowardly cockwhore he is. He'll realize Ayumu is not as strong as he thinks. As Ayumu claims. Every time he looked at the smaller male, he'd remember this. Daisuke is so... nice. So sweet and self-sacrificial. Maybe he'd stick around because he feels sorry for him. For the pretty little pathetic plaything—
... Someone is talking.
A new voice, breaking through the screeching haze. It's familiar... Foggy but familiar. Ayumu can't quite place it but... he wants to. Needs to. It's a good voice. A safe voice. Different from the ones CLAWING at Ayumu's mind, making his brain bleed out his eyes in the form of hot, salty tears. Please don't stop. Don't stop talking. Whoever it is... Don't leave him. Don't leave him, Daisuke. Trembling, he fights to steady his breathing, sporadic gasps easing into something more manageable... Wanting to better hear the voice. To follow it wherever it's going and out of this Hell. 「 ☆ 」
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nickelsdrocs · 2 months
Overly Sarcastic Productions - sentence starters
1. “Please note: ______ does not condone violence. Or at least not murder. And usually not violence.” 
2. “I’ve been turned into a robot! Send help! My emotions are fading away!” 
3. “What ho, fellow humans. Are you enjoying having skin today?” 
4. “I got it! Just give me an ax and a pot lid, I don’t even needs pants!” 
5. “I keep trying to shoot people in the head, and they keep not getting shot in the head by me, and it’s very frustrating.” 
6. “So are there, like, animals that aren’t bears, or do you just have really bad luck with bears specifically?” 
7. “I’m a sleeve-hater with very high standards, alright? If I’m going to be displaying these deadly weapons, I want to do it in a nice case, you know.” 
8. “Dear _____, eat shit. Signed, ______.” 
9. “It’s a danger noodle! It’s the most dangerous noodle!” 
10. “That was the worst thing I’ve experienced in a long-ass time, and I just got shot in the face seventeen times!” 
11. “Why can I only sprint for two seconds before running out of breath? This is too much like real life.” 
12. “In a post-apocalypse, fashion faux pas are acceptable as long as you have a distinct personal style.” 
13. “All I see is that we got to _____ so much faster because of that. Think of how much time we saved rolling down the hill.” 
14. “Given a choice between boyfriends and the moon, girls pick the moon every time.” 
15. “The 70s called. They want to know if they can borrow some of your stash.” 
16. “Let’s file that under ‘things you should probably never say, ever, just to be safe’.” 
17. “I don’t think we appreciate the sun enough. And I say this as someone who gets sunburns from Hubble pics and people with unusually shiny teeth.” 
18. “No more joking: if you do this, I will hunt you down and slap you.” 
19. “See, stuff like this? It’s why you weren’t invited in the first place.” 
20. “You warned me that you were going to do the voice, and I still wasn’t prepared.” 
21. “Luckily, there is another, much more efficient option: murder.”
22. “I’m sorry, I must have misheard you. I was told there was murdering to be done around here, not arts and crafts.” 
23. “Remind me to never pick a fight with a magpie. Apparently, those little scamps are stronger than they look.” 
24. “Ugh, that was dumb! But not untrue.” 
25. “You’d think people tend to sit still once they die, but sometimes corpses and bones become prolific travelers.” 
26. “I like this one because it has many domes, each somehow dome-ier than the last.” 
27. “And I am way too hopped up on cold meds to have any capacity for new research, self-awareness, or remorse.” 
28. “That is too many horses. Put those back.” 
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nickelsdrocs · 3 months
Daisuke wasn't blind to the looks this girl was giving as he walked over and even after, but he choose to ignore it. As cute as she was, he couldn't imagine being interested in her the same way. Well, he wouldn't be opposed to getting to know her better, but he knew better than to try hiding in a relationship again. He already got his karmic retribution for the last time he did that.
Glancing up into tree the girl wanted a boost into, he raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't really answer my question about why, though," he challenged with a playful grin and a small chuckle.
Even if she did offer a viable reason for wanting up in the tree, he didn't think he could do what she asked of him. Or, more specifically, he wasn't sure he was the right person for the job. Surely, she could see that asking for someone especially a guy for a boost up while wearing a skirt would inevitably end up in an awkward situation. He winced at the memory of his two eldest brothers swapped stories about taking advantage of situations like this and even ones they had orchestrated themselves for the sole purpose of looking up girls' skirts. He remembered his father just laughed with them. Daisuke hid his discomfort behind a confident smile, used to pretending he wasn't disgusted with something that made his stomach twist and turn.
✩ 「 @nickelsdrocs​ 」 ✩ - Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」 Snickering behind a hand at the stranger's confusion, green hues glitter with intrigue as the ebony-haired man finally realizes what's happening. Wondering how the other feels about the impromptu nickname thrown his way, Ayumu hopes it provides some sort of boost for the guy's ego. He looks like the type who doesn't get many of those. When one flirts as much as Ayumu does, they tend to learn how to spot an asshole. If anything, it doesn't seem to be upsetting the ❛ Big Guy ❜
In Ayumu's defense, nearly everyone is a big guy compared to him.
Peering through long lashes with an intrigued smirk, he makes no attempt to hide the way he studies the man as he walks over. Not a bad view, for sure. Sweat-glistened and confounded by Ayumu's antics... just the way he likes them~ Even though the point of this conversation is to get to the top of the tree, Ayumu spares a moment to imagine what it might be like to climb something else. Lightly nibbling a glossy bottom lip, wandering thoughts shine clearly upon a confidently-cheeky face even as he responds, ❝ Well... You've already noticed the tree. ❞
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Gesturing at his body with a flourish of his arm, flirtatious expression falls in favor of something more playful. Tone following suit, it's surprisingly innocent as he laughs, ❝ And you've probably noticed I am not nearly tall enough to scale this thing. Not without help, anyway... That's where you come in. ❞ Pointing at the man with a finger gun, other hand rests on a cocked hip. Hand then motions at the tree behind him, head nodding along with it, ❝ I just need you to get me up to that lower branch and I can handle the rest. ❞
Despite the explanation— if it can even be called that —it's still unclear WHY Ayumu needs to climb that tree. But the smaller male just quirks a brow and teases, ❝ Think you can do that for me, Handsome?~ ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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nickelsdrocs · 4 months
Seto is no stranger to alcohol, having been introduced to way before having met Ikuto and... being "heavily encouraged" by his adoptive father to partake in the intoxicating substance. Now when he drank for work or socially, he tended to be more affectionate and flirty, but when it was just himself with cheap booze and way too many emotions, he fell apart hard. It's not that he drank any differently; he usually just drank whatever and how ever much he could get his hands on. Hope's Peak had a hidden stash of all different kinds of booze for those with related talent. So, of course, it didn't stand a chance against the Ultimate Phantom Thief. Alcohol just amplified whatever he was feeling at moment.
And right now, he was feeling like the scum of the Earth.
After Shuichi confessed to having romantic feelings, he had asked Seto to seriously consider whether or not the attraction he felt was the same as all the other people he'd pursued before. If there was something there beyond the need to drown difficult emotions with pleasure. And surprisingly, he'd actually done it. He'd thought about it a lot. So much that Ikuto had noticed that his mind was preoccupied.
When his adoptive father asked him what had been bothering him, he knew he shouldn't have confided in him. His thoughts were a betrayal by themselves; speaking them into existence was just asking to be punished. Yet he had proceeded to spill his guts about everything: Shuichi's confession, how he had been hanging around him in his spare time, what he felt around and when he thought about the other, how he wasn't sure if it was the same as his clients. Both fortunately and unfortunately, Ikuto seemed to have stopped listening after the part where he said the boy detective admitted to having a crush on him.
From the moment Ikuto started ranting and raving about how "this was perfect" and that he "couldn't ask for better bait", Seto felt his stomach tighten and twist more the longer he had to just sit there and listen. He couldn't explain why. It wasn't even the first time he had lured in a target for Ikuto to blackmail, but for some reason, this was too much. This made his skin crawl at just the thought.
Ohhhhhhh, he suddenly understood what Shuichi was talking about.
All of this lead up to where he was now, wasted on top of a kitchen cabinet. He just kept about thinking what he had to do and spiraling deeper and deeper in his disgust with himself mostly for going between his reluctance to follow the orders his adoptive father gave him and how sick he felt just thinking about doing it. Trying to escape those feelings, he avoided Shuichi like the plague and kept as far away as possible from him. With his talent, he'd been completely unfindable for the past week. But avoiding his target only made his feelings of guilt and shame grow for disobeying the one person who cared about him. Shuichi cared about him; he said so himself. Which obviously lead to him looking for an escape at the bottom of several beer cans.
And ironically, that him trying so hard to avoid his target would lead the detective straight to him. He didn't notice him at first with his forehead resting against the bottle nestled in his lap and the sound of his own anguish in his ears. When Shuichi's question finally registered, Seto's head shot up and whipped around to find proof of his failure. "Y-y-y-you shouldn't be...be here."
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One could hear a hiccuping sob from the kitchen in the dining area. Sitting on top of the cabinets that lined the back wall, Seto was wrapped around a bottle of sake like a baby sloth holding onto its mother. Empty beer cans littered the area around him, even some having been knocked onto the floor.  It would be clear to anyone that he was beyond drunk; he was completely smashed.
(Shuichi, come get your black-out drunk crush who’s sad he has to blackmail you.)
-  ✩   「 @nickelsdrocs​​ 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   There are two reactions one could have when faced with unknown sobbing… Most in Hope’s Peak would go with the first one. Continuing along their not-so merry way and pretending they never heard another’s sorrow. For good reason, self-serving as it may be. Things don’t tend to go well for people when they stick their nose into others business at the prestigious if somewhat perilous school.  With such a vast array of eccentric and often confrontational personalities, it makes sense that sticking to oneself is a popular decision.
Shuichi, chooses the less popular reaction.
Carefully peeking his head into the kitchen, brim of his hat— previously pulled down low to conceal his face ( as is the norm when the detective is by himself ) —is eased upward just enough for golden hues to peek out. Thin brows furrowed, silent lips are pulled back in a concerned grimace. Gaze scanning the mostly abandoned area, the kitchen looks desolate in the dim lighting, mimicking the shroud of night that’s already fallen outside. In the eerie quiet of a slumbering Hope’s Peak, devastated sobs seem to echo off the walls. Certain that’s a trick of his imagination— surely this would be more of a spectacle if it was truly overwhelming the dark room —Shuichi’s steps are still light as he hurries forward, as if hesitant to add even the slightest noise to the already deafening despair.  
He better hurry and get Seto… If he knows the thief, and he’d like to think he does, he wouldn’t want anyone stumbling across this show of vulnerability. Shuichi can only hope he won’t be too upset with the audience of one he’s already amassed.
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Stepping over scattered cans, Shuichi’s eyes linger on them for an uneasy moment. He’s never had alcohol touch his lips, but he’s seen its affect on other people. Family, co-workers, peers ( of legal drinking age and otherwise ) and it’s seldom pretty. His Uncle always warned him of those temptations; making sure Shuichi knew he was too pure for sinful substances. That if Shuichi let it enter his body, it’d taint something he worked so hard to protect. He could never betray his Uncle like that. Nauseous from the smell, he hastens his movements, wanting to leave the can graveyard as soon as possible. For both of their sakes.
Standing beneath the cabinets, head angles to look up at the pitiful sight. Chest tight, he tries to speak, only for words to fail. Broken before they can even form, all that comes out is a mix between a croak and a whimper, a red-faced Shuichi hastily clearing his throat before trying again. Barely breaking through the sobbing, gentle words hopefully hit Seto’s senses,  ❝  S-Seto? Are you— …  ❞  Choking back the stupid question— Shuichi firmly believes there’s no such thing but even he has to admit  ❛  are you alright?  ❜  is one in this context —he tries again,  ❝  It’ll be alright…  ❞  There. That’s better. 
Extending his arms in an offer to catch Seto, he doesn’t make any moves closer, not wanting to risk scaring the fragile man.  ❝  Do you want to come down?  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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nickelsdrocs · 5 months
“So… like… everything is real, and we just have to deal with it, huh?” { Nimue @ Hitoshi, i'm comin for the lucky student lets go }
"I mean, yeah… That's typically how reality works," Hitoshi nonchalantly. He was not usually the kind of person that others went to for comfort. Not only was he rather blunt, he didn't even try to be friendly. He didn't see a point in entertaining frivolous relationships that would only end in tragedy for one or both people. He also didn't engage in small talk for this exact reason as well. In fact, he hadn't even looked up from his phone to answer the inquiry.
He just waited to see if this would lead anywhere worth his time.
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nickelsdrocs · 5 months
"I'm f-f-fine. D-Don't worry about it," Seto dismissed the other worries quickly as he moved to comfort his boyfriend. He was fine. His problem was already being dealt with, so he could give all his attention to Shuichi and his problem. "Are you alright? Y-you look… p-pale."
Shuichi was everything to him: him and Fuyuhiko. Both of his boyfriends were his entire world ever since Ikuto died. They were now the ones that held his fate in their hands, that could send him back to a life he had worked so hard to keep from going back. He would do everything he could for them to be happy. He'd do anything for them except for sacrificing his own life. No matter how much he owed them, it was pointless when everything he's done has been for his own survival. So comforting a distraught boyfriend was no big deal. Not when compared to all the other things he had done for the one who took care of him.
Getting up carefully and slowly as to not startle Shuichi or send either of them tumbling back to the ground, Seto offered his arms to help support him stand up. He missed the tears hiding behind the visor unfortunately, but he could still tell that something was wrong by how the detective wouldn't look him in the eyes and that he had come to visit wearing his cap. He wasn't as oblivious as a lot of people thought. In fact, he needed to be extremely observant to be as skilled a thief as he was. He knew Shuichi was trying to break free from using his cap as a shield, especially around his boyfriends. To be wearing it now was not a good sign.
This was fine. Everything was fine.
At least, Seto was fine, but Shuichi wasn’t. He needed him; no matter what he said, he shouldn’t have to wait for him to be done. It wasn’t fair for him to suffer from Seto’s punishment.
But all of his clothing was three stories below. Even if he was allowed, he couldn’t get dressed.
Looking sporadically around the room for something to cover up with, he desperately clawed at his bed, trying to get the comforter off so he could get at the sheet underneath. Wrapping the huge cloth around him to cover him from the neck down, he checked himself over in the mirror before rushing over to the door as quickly as he could and yanking open, not realizing Shuichi was leaning against it on the other side.
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「 ☆ 」   This was fine. Everything was fine.
At least, it’s going to be. As soon as Seto opens the door and can hold Shuichi, it’ll be fine… Until it’s not. Until that moment when Shuichi has to come clean about what happened. What he DID. Until Seto knows that his trust was betrayed because Shuichi is selfish. Selfish and weak and incapable of entwining himself into someone’s life without causing them trouble or pain. Even now, slumped against Seto’s door with arms tightly hugging himself and head resting on the wood, he doesn’t know who he’s wronged the most. 
The man who has been there for him since he was a child; who has done nothing but love and support him. Making Shuichi feel valued, confusing as this sense of purpose is. Or the man who taught Shuichi that a sense of worth could come without a lingering sickness. Being wanted always felt like stepping into a pool of fogged water. With nothing else available, it was break past the film of filth floating on top or never feel its touch at all. Lingering long after, an invisible layer of… wrongness, clinging to him. But in the end, Shuichi was cleaner. Loneliness no longer caked upon him; a wretched sludge aiming to drag him down until he couldn’t move.
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Seto is a pool of clear, crystal water… A refreshing reprieve that elicits goosebumps. Shuichi surrendering to his depths, sinking until he’s enveloped, not caring if he never resurfaces. Being wanted by Seto doesn’t seem to come with an inherent price. Feeling lighter when he’s around his boyfriend, it’s as if the unseen filth is physically falling off him… and then today, Shuichi had stepped right back into that tainted pool. Something he knew would eventually happen. 
Shuichi should have never gotten so close to Seto… He risked the bond he has with his Uncle. Treated it as if it didn’t matter. Or he wasn’t grateful for it. Equally-worse— or perhaps more, he’s still not sure who the knot in his stomach belongs to —he’d let Seto think he could trust him. Let the thief think Shuichi belonged to him now, when he was already spoken for. Even if not EXACTLY. He and his Uncle aren’t technically… Still, their relationship is complicated to say the least. The type born from two people who NEED each other. Difficult to describe and for others to understand. It’s not the type of bond that leaves room for outside people. Not if Shuichi wishes to keep from risking trouble for he and his caretaker.
Keep reading
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nickelsdrocs · 6 months
When Shuichi's hand reached out and caressed his face, Seto leaned into it like a cat that's been begging for pets. He soaked up the warmth and solidarity his boyfriend offered as he continued to ramble. It was all brought to a halt by those three little words. All playfulness fled his face as he was left a deer standing stock still in headlights.
"Oh...," was all that left his mouth after that.
Those three words. Those three little words. Those damned three little words. They were like a myth to him. He was always searching and hoping for them but thus far had stayed out of his reach. Just a fantasy. But there they were, coming from the kindest and most important person in his life now. The rush of emotions overwhelmed him to the point that he didn't even realize that he was crying until tears splashed onto Shuichi's face.
He tried to find the words to respond, but his breath was caught in his throat. Pretty soon, he was hiccuping through sobs. He wanted to hug and kiss his boyfriend desperately. He wanted to jump for joy and shout with glee. He wanted to his flushing face in his hands, the way Shuichi does so cutely. But he couldn't do any of that because he was currently bawling his eyes out over his beloved Bluejay.
"I... I... I... I l-l-l-lo.. lo.. fuck... love y-y-you, t-too, Sh-Shuichi."
✩ 「 @nickelsdrocs​ 」 ✩ - Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」   This is one of Shuichi’s favorite positions… Getting to rest on Seto, feeling as if nothing can touch him so long as his boyfriend is gazing down. Getting to feel those silver eyes upon him, whether Shuichi’s are open or closed. Depending on how overworked the detective may be, it’s not unheard of for him to drift into sleep, wrapped in the blanket of comfort that is his boyfriend’s company. Seto is safe in a way that people never were before. Gentle in a way that Shuichi can sink into, rather than shy away from. Truer in his intentions than Shuichi used to think others were capable of. The constant touch, from the lap he’s resting on to the hair he’s allowed to toy with without complaint, makes it easy to keep meeting Seto’s gaze even when his question is used— expectedly —as an excuse to tease.
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Cheeks flushed with a warmth that originates in his chest, he sputters at the thinly-veiled sexual statement, shooting Seto an amused smirk in return. Quirking a brow to playfully ‘ warn ’ that he expects a real answer, Shuichi emits a bout of laughter alongside Seto’s as his boyfriend indulges in his question. Delighted sound fades as Seto explains, replaced by a soft smile, mirrored in the fondness reflected within golden hues. A gentle, undeniable affection that Shuichi feels coursing through his entire body. It’s overwhelming but not in the way Shuichi is accustomed to things being so. It’s not frightening, but a source of more strength than he used to think he even possessed. It’s as natural as breathing… caring about Seto like this. 
It feels as though, without even fully knowing it, he’d spent his life suffocating.
And now? With the other man rambling above, seeming to not need such a petty thing as oxygen, Shuichi can finally take a breath… Maybe that’s why words come easier now. In the tranquil moment, a hand reaches up to gingerly cup Seto’s face. Thumb rubbing his boyfriend’s cheek, Shuichi’s voice softly glows with truth—
❝  … I love you.  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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nickelsdrocs · 7 months
"My desire to release a thousand tiny crabs on this god forsaken school is only countered by my fear of seeing people step on a bunch of tiny crabs. I hold back for their sake, not yours."
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nickelsdrocs · 7 months
A small blur of black across the hot pavement, breathing heavily and too terrified to scream anymore— his throat stinging from his pained cries earlier —as it rushes to find cover. Leaving a haphazard trail of blood behind him, adrenaline overrules of an injured leg, Shuichi knowing that sprinting CAN'T be good for it. But he has no choice, a large cat close behind. Claws and fangs already stained red from when it had gotten far too close earlier.
Vision blurred from pain and panic, Shuichi skids around a corner— only to find himself with nowhere else to run. Wide eyes staring up at an imposing wall, he jumps in fear, battered body scrambling to turn around and face the approaching predator. Breathing quick as his steps were, the ebony rabbit backs up against the wall as much as he can. Soft body pushed against it, nose twitches rapidly as the scent of danger approaches... Uncaring eyes pinpointed on the prey, Shuichi can't speak. Can't move. Can't even THINK aside from one echoing sentiment—
He's going to die... and waste the opportunity that was given to him.
He just hopes people aren't too upset at him for it. - (( *shoves a hurt bunny boi who needs Help* ))
A small brown tabby tomcat was taking a quick cat nap in a tree, soaking up as much sun as possible, when he caught a whiff of a familiar scent. What really caught his attention was that it was mingled with the scent of blood. Ears perking up and nose twitching to locate the source of the disturbance, he heard the constant patter that indicated a chase, and instantly, Seto darted off to run interception. His plan was to cut off whatever was chasing the closest thing he had to a friend to buy him time to escape, but he didn't make it in time. Shuichi was backed into a corner.
Before he could think of the danger, Seto threw himself in front of the terrified bunny, hissing and spitting at the much bigger cat. Twin tails thrashed threateningly. Though it seemed to hesitate briefly at his sudden entrance, the other feline continued pressing forward. He couldn't even spare a glance back at Shuichi to check if he was alright, having to stay focused on the enemy ahead. Swiping when it drew near, he knew his bluff had been seen through. It's not like he knew how to defend himself. His specialty was running and hiding. The Big Bully Cat, as the thief had taken to calling it, swatted him out of the way with a single move, claws raking down his side as his pitifully light body was thrown to the side.
Stumbling back onto his feet, Seto caught sight of another cat bearing down on his bunny and threw all his reservations about revealing his identity out the window. He had originally planned to wait and see how long it took Shuichi to figure out that he was also a supernatural being, but he was never going to figure it out if he didn't make it out of this alive. He shifted to his human form and launched himself in front of the terrified bunny once again. Glaring down at the Big Bully Cat, he growled out, "Leave. Him. Alone."
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nickelsdrocs · 7 months
Muttering obscenities under his breath, the small figure hurries past crowds with the ferocity of someone ten times his size. Paying no mind to the aggravated— or on the rare occasion, concerned —looks, Ken'ichi goes through hypotethical argument after argument under his breath. Knowing his twin so well he's pretty sure he's perfectly mimicking their retorts, the conversation that HAD happened earlier still plays on loop in his mind. Yet again, they'd clashed over where Ken'ichi spends the majority of his time. Never mind the money he'd added to their stash. No, all Jun'ichi could focus on was some bruising on his arms— as if worse things hadn't happened.
An argument that, as usual, hadn't helped calm things down.
So engrossed by his sibling's lack of perspective, he abruptly rounds a corner and CRASHES into another student. Far too small to do any real damage, he stumbles back with a yelped curse from the impact, short heels clacking against the ground as he miraculously manages to regain his balance. Breathing heavily from the spike of adrenaline, he sucks in a few steadying ones as he brushes his messy bangs from his face. Fixing his jacket— unzipped in the front to showcase his body outfit while still covering his bruised arms —with a huff, he glares up at the other. Wasting no more time to snap, ❝ Watch where you're going! You could have made me twist an ankle or something! ❞
Which true, wouldn't have been an issue for HIM, considering his enhanced healing abilities... but it still would have been annoying to deal with. And this guy doesn't know that anyway. - (( *literally shoves a brat @ Hitoshi* ))
Today was turning out to be a shit luck day. To start, his dorm room window had come open in the middle of the night, and some birds had come and made a complete mess of his homework. Then, his pen exploded while he was using it, ruining his very expensive shirt, and he didn't have time to change before a stock holder's meeting he was told was absolutely mandatory. It ended up being a huge fucking waste time as he never needed to speak once in the whole two hours he was there. He tried to calm down by processing some of the photos he'd taken recently and accidentally spilled the photo solution all over himself and the pictures, overexposing them. Finally, after changing again, Hitoshi decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack and wait for the universe to balance itself out.
Except he didn't even make it to the kitchen before a little bullet of a body collide with his chest. Looks like his luck was slowly starting to turn around seeing as whoever charged into him barely budged him while sending themselves backward. Though, they seemed to be in just as bad as a mood as Hitoshi by the way they snapped at him when they ran into him. Staring down at the other, he quickly decided this wasn't worth his time, and with only a raised eyebrow as a response, he simply moved around the tiny boy and continued on his way.
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nickelsdrocs · 7 months
Despite literally everyone's insistence that alcohol was not the way to go, Seto still found himself staring down the bottom of a bottle, curled up and pouting in his room surrounded by numerous plush toys he had swiped since coming to Hope's Peak. That asshole's words kept ringing in his head; even worse, his weren't the only ones. A much more familiar voice whispered in his ear, telling how much of a burden it was to take him in and to take care of him.
'All I need you to do is lesson the load a little. It's what a good son would do.'
Why was he so worthless? Of course everyone would leave him if all he did was take and take and take. But as a thief, that's all he knew how to do.
Staring down a little frog plushie, it almost seemed like it was the one mocking him. 'You're doubting me? All I have ever done is what's best for you, and this is how you repay me? With doubts and questions?' the frog scolded him.
That's right. He was being selfish again. And selfish boys deserve to be punished. Grabbing handfuls and armfuls of soft toys as he unsteadily stood up, Seto climbed in a vent to go rid himself of his forbidden luxury.
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