nickhyfr · 10 years
Alright. Then tell me, Cassandra, what would be a good excuse in your books?
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That’s such a lame excuse, can’t use that sorry.
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nickhyfr · 10 years
I was working last night. I'm not lazy, I'm tired.
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God you’re lazy.
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nickhyfr · 10 years
I hate to disagree with you but sleeping past noon is amazing, babe.
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Sleeping past noon is such a waste come on Nick.
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nickhyfr · 10 years
Good morning to you too my delicate princess. Thanks for waking me up before noon.
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Well if it isn’t my knight in shining armor.
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nickhyfr · 10 years
i'll protect her ✖ self
❝ I’m the nightmare you fell asleep in and woke up still in. I’m your karma closing in with each stroke of a pen. Perfect time to have some remorse to show for your sin. ❞
After putting Cassie to sleep, Nick knelled down next to her and watched her sleep for a couple minutes before leaning in, pressing a kiss to her forehead and then getting up on both feet. The boy looked down at the girl laying in bed who looked so peaceful now compared to the way she was when he got there in the first place. He smiled softly as he took her in one last time before walking out of her room, and soon stepping outside her house all together. He still wasn't done processing everything he just witnessed; there were million of thoughts rushing through his mind, there were various questions rushing all over his head and to most of those, he didn't even had an answer to. At this point, he was only sure of two things -- one, he was sure to get some revenge on Mr Cross for ever considering laying one finger on Cassandra to start with; and two, he knew he'd protect Cassie, he wouldn't let anyone hurt her ever again.
Stepping outside Cassie's house, Nick walked up to his car and sat in the driver's seat for a few minutes before grabbing his phone and pressing two on speed-dial, directly calling Mark as he did. He knew he wanted to get revenge on the son of a bitch that hurt Cassie, he knew how he wanted to get it done and for it to work out perfectly, he'd need to get some help from his partner in crime -- literally -- Mark. It didn't take Mark too long to pick up, for once.
"Keller, talk to me." Nick heard from the other side.
"Alright, Rubio, I'm gonna need your help with something real quick."
"Anything, mate. What is it?"
"I'll tell you on our way to third Avenue, I'll pick you up now."
"I'll be ready."
Nick hang up and as he did, the Brit stepped on the gas and made his way to Mark's hous. You see, Nick has a quick, yet fool proof plan to teach Mr Cross a lesson, and all he needs Mark for is to watch out for the cops or any suspicious walk by's; anything else was just justice he wanted done by his own hands.
The boy parked in front of his friend's house and honked twice before laying back on his seat and waited for Mark to come out. A couple minutes later the passenger's seat door opened and the boy looked to his side to find Mark with a found smile on his lips before the two shared their handshake and Nick drove off once again.
"So what are we doing?" Mark asked.
"Well you'll be on the watch and I'll be teaching this son of a bitch a precious life lesson."
"What happened, Keller?"
"Mr Cross, you know the new biology teacher, that fucker hurt Cass so now it's my turn to hurt him." Nick sounded very calm, just like he always would in times like this. He knew he could easily make their teacher suffer and regret his actions without breaking a sweat -- so why stress over it, right?
"Are you really beating a guy up for a girl? This doesn't sound like you." Mark started. "I mean I know you and Cassie are close, but you and Matt are like brothers  and you never went out of your way to do anything like this because of him. What's really going on, Nick? What makes her so special?"
Nick knew Mark was right but he also knew he didn't have an answer for his question. Nick never went after anyone who attacked Matt or Gavin -- not even Winnie. But all of the sudden he's bothered enough to go after Mr Cross because he hurt Cassandra. Matt and Gavin were his best friends and Winnie was like his little sister. But Cassie was just a good friend, he didn't even know why he was so worried, he didn't know why he needed to protect her so badly, he just knew that he needed to do something about the matter, simply because it was about Cassie.
"I just need to take care of him, that's all."
"If I didn't know you, I'd say you're in love with her."
"Don't be ridiculous, mate." Nick stated with a laugh that was barely audible.
Nick parked the car and turned it off, unbuckling himself and handing the car keys to Mark who saved them in his picket. They both got out of the car.
"Is this his house? I knew this guy was uptight but not this uptight." Mark said with a chuckle.
"Yeah, he has a nice life, he'll probably ask for much less in a few minutes." Nick shrugged. "You know what to do if there's something I need to worry about."
"Yeah, I got you covered." The boys shook hands and Nick stepped right in front of Mr Cross' door, Mark spoke up again. "Be nice, Keller."
Nick smirked before busting the door knob like he's done countless time before and without any fuss whatsoever the door was open. The boy stepped inside the teacher's house and tried to figure out where the hell he was. The house seemed to be empty, that was until he heard the noise of a computer working coming from upstairs. He made his way up the stairs, trying to be as quiet as he possibly could as he tried to find the right room. Upon finding the room the noise was coming from, the boy opened the door slowly to avoid any noises and got into the door, then slamming the door shut, causing his biology teacher to jump on his chair and turn around. "Oh fancy seeing you here." Nick said as he watched the man stand up.
"Nicholas what are you doing here? How did you get in my house?" The man tried to look confident, intimidating even but even knew about Nick's reputation, even he knew Nick could easily kill him and make it look like an accident. So of course he'd be nervous about seeing him in his house per surprise.
"Oh you know I was just walking by and decided to come say hi. I just left Cassandra's house and she told me wonders about you, so I've come to get to y'know spend some quality time with you as well." The boy clicked his knuckles and slowly started walking towards the man.
"You went to Cassandra's?" The man asked, gulping nervously as he finished his sentence.
"Mhm.." Nick nodded. "I had a stressful morning after beating up this guy for messing with me and decided to go chill with Cassie, when I get there I find her crying and shaking. When she told me you did it, I decided to come over for the same treatment." The boy tilted his head to the side, giving away a little shrug. "Only, I won't be the one crying and shaking once I'm done here." Nick's lips were wearing a smirk as he spoke and Mr Cross' face was priceless to say the least.
"Nicholas you can't do anything to me, you don't know what she di--" Before the man could finish his sentence, Nick's fist was glued to his jaw, making him take a few steps backwards and groan in pain.
"Two rules, Cross. One, you don't tell me what I can and can't do. And two, the more you talk, the closest to dead you'll be when I'm done." Nick's smirk was still permanent on his lips as he started his job.
"Are you really going to attack me to protect that slut?" At this point, Nick couldn't decide if the man was brave or just stupid. But he swung towards stupid, since the boy was just about to beat him up and he still thought it was a good idea to call the person who was reason why he was even doing this for a slut. That infuriated Nick, causing him to yet again launch himself at his teacher, grabbing him the collar of his shirt and harshly slamming him against the nearest wall.
"Let's get this straight, you call her a slut or anything of that sort ever again and I'll make sure to slit your throat." Nick let go of the man's shirt collar and slammed his fist against his teacher's stomach, causing him to bend over, holding his stomach. Nick's elbow beat harshly against the man's back, making him fall to his knees as the man screamed in pain.
The boy looked down as his hand pulled the man's head up. He stared at him before his knuckles were repeatedly crushing against his jaw, nose and lips, quickly causing him to bleed. Nick was to have no mercy for him whatsoever, so once he got the man up on his feet once again his first instinct was to slam his back against the outer corner of the wall and once he heard the man's bones crack at the impact a found grin met his lips. Screams of pure pain and agony was all you could hear coming out of the teacher's lips and Nick couldn't be more satisfied with the outcome of his actions. He slammed one last punch to the man's stomach before throwing him to the floor one more time, this time making sure he laid there instead of just staying on his knees.
Before leaving the house, even the room, the boy walked up to his teacher's desk, got a black board marker and walked up to the man once again, ripping his shirt open and doing to him what he did to Cassie, just so he realized what he truly did to her. The boy opened the marker and started writing on his teacher's chest and stomach. Once he was done you could read "I beat up a girl" on his body and Nick smirked proudly before throwing the marker to the floor and making his way to the door. As he got to the door he turned around and spoke up. "Keep this in mind, I'll protect Cassie with my own life if I have to, but I'll take your life first." The boy walked out of the room, making his way down the stairs and out of the house where Mark still stood, waiting for him.
Mark got the car keys off his pocket and threw them back at Nick as the two made their way back to the car. Nick was wearing a smile on his lips and Mark noticed just with that little move that he's gotten what he wanted from coming here. "I see you got revenge on that ass for your girl just fine." Mark said and Nick's head turned to his friend immediately as he did, for the mention of the two words, your girl.
"Dude, she's not my girl." Nick responded as he got in the car. Mark followed and got in the car just a couple seconds later.
"Not yet." Mark stated.
"She'll never be."
"You just beat up someone because he hurt her." Mark started. "Dude, you're falling for Cassie, you just don't wanna see it."
Nick didn't bother replying and not because he didn't have a reply but because he didn't know what his reply should be since he didn't know what the hell was happening to him. Was Mark right? Was he actually falling for her? Because he didn't want to, he didn't want to fall for anyone. So instead of talking back he decided to just start driving. It didn't take longer than five minutes since he started driving for his phone to start ringing. He kept one hand on the wheel and grabbed his phone with the other. Looking at the screen he read just one name, Cassie.
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nickhyfr · 10 years
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♥142 likes ●cassiewillixms first things first we the realest x  view all 57 comments matthe_w dats my arm in the back im famous!! lunaxmoon you guys r cute ♥♥ cassiewillixms if by you guys you mean me, yes ♥ |LIKE| |COMMENT|                | ●●● |
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nickhyfr · 10 years
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Moodboard - Cassie and Nick
They weren’t like other people. Everyone thought their relationship was so strange, they’re always fighting and bickering and making stupid side comments about something meaningless. She never let people in and he didn’t have friends who were girls but they broke those barriers with one another and maybe they didn’t know it but everyone else did; this friendship, this thing of theirs was always something special.
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nickhyfr · 10 years
You see this situation wasn't in any kind of way new to Nick, even if he wished to say that it was. A few years back, when he was just a kid and their parents were still together he's seen his mum in the exact same situation. His dad abused his mum, he left scars on her body that still haven't healed until this day and if Cassie was anything like his mum, right now she was even too scared to think about it, too scared to do anything about it and this time Nick was more than prepared to do anything in his power to help her with it. Back then he didn't know what to do, he was just a kid and he was just as scared of his dad as everyone else was. But now he was all grown up, he wasn't scared of anyone anymore, not even his dad and that should mean a lot seeing that his dad was feared by anyone else in England -- the boy's reputation and his ways didn't just come out of nowhere after all. Nick wasn't scared of going after Mr. Cross and he was sure that if he did, the man would end up far too scared to actually do anything smart about it, like call the cops and sue Nick. His background is a big part of the reason as to why he's worrying so much about Cass, why he's being so gentle with her and taking such good care of her -- but it wasn't all of course. Cassandra was also of the few girls -- one out of three, one of them was his sister -- that Nick can genuinely say that he actually cares about. So as he saw her the way that she was, the boy couldn't just ignore it, he couldn't just ask what was wrong and then let her be as if he never saw a thing.
The thing with Nick and Cassie is that they could be really different, they could have complete opposite views on stuff, they could be at each other's throats just to prove their point but if there's something they were very similar at was the fact that they had they similar reputations. For one reason or another they both were known as sluts -- Cassie for her habit of sleeping with older men and Nick because, well Nick's was thanks to having the habit of sleeping with a different bird almost every night. Everyone knew getting in a relationship with Nick was a handful, he's cheated on all of his girlfriends and whenever he'd get into a relationship was mostly because the girls were absolute prudes and wouldn't have sex with him if they weren't his girlfriend and such so Nick would make it happen but once he'd get what he wanted he'd get out of that situation as fast as he could, not giving two shits about the relationship anymore. That ladies and gentlemen, was Nick's wonderful reputation around London. But the difference between the pair was that Nick wouldn't let other people's comments get to him and apparently Cassie would. "Cassandra don't you ever say that again." The boy started as he locked his eyes with hers. "You are not a slut, a whore, a slapper, a slag or anything that might be running through your mind. Because then what does that make me?" He joked a bit, referring to his own fame around town. "Yeah you have some peculiar sexual habits but we all do and whoever calls you any of those names is just jealous because have you seen yourself? You're hot as fuck and of course you can get some. And you're real, you don't hide anything and that's what I like the most about you. You don't need to put on an act so everyone will like you, you're yourself with no fear and I love that. Of course you could be nicer to me when I try to make a move on you every now and then." The boy chuckled softly before just looking at the girl in his arms and smiling. "You are though, you are beautiful, Cassie." Nick heard the girl apologize and he shook his head before pressing his lips to her forehead and standing up, still with the girl in his arms and walking up to the other side of the bed, laying her down and putting her under the covers. "Don't." He started. "I would do it all over again if I had to."
be alright ✖ nick & cassie
Cassie knew she couldn’t do anything about the situation at hand here. She could hardly make some kind of complaint about him to the school because he’d probably lie and there was nothing she could do because none of the teachers would believe her considering she had slept with most of them already. Hell she had even gotten close to sleeping with the principal, she had a reputation. And the bruises on her face and wrists wouldn’t be any kind of proof because when her mother had enrolled her into the school they had told them about her past and the way her mother described it made it sound like she had some kind of thrill for adrenaline and pain. Like she loved danger. Her reputation didn’t clear that up either. There was literally nothing she could do. But then again, she probably wouldn’t do anything anyway, she wouldn’t want people to know what had happened. She didn’t even want Nick to know, he wouldn’t know if he hadn’t found her. Nobody would ever know and she could have just covered up the bruise on her face with make up, she was really good with make up like that. She could have pulled it off. In fact there was no doubt about how she would pull it off because she would have. It wasn’t that Cass was ungrateful that Nick had come and found her and was now taking care of her the way he was; treating her like an absolute princess. He was being gentle and caring like she was fragile, she could tell how careful he was being with her, like she was a piece of sensitive glass that could shatter at any second if he raised his voice too loud or held his grip on her too strong. Not that he would, she knew he wouldn’t. He usually only got mad at her when her whole mood thing she had going on was set in infuriating. When she was being the most annoying and troublesome person anyone could possibly cross paths with, that was all. And even then it was very, very rare. She’d seen him angry plenty of times, but never off his head angry. She knew he got like that but she also knew that she wasn’t one of the people to experience it. She’d experienced him seriously enraged which kind of scared her to think about the angry guy that probably only Gavin and Matt ever got to get a look at. She couldn’t even compare the angry she had seen to the Nick that was here now, the one reassuring her with just the gentle touch of his hand on her back. It was working too, knowing he was there and how softly and caring he touched her, just made her thankful.
Cassie allowed Nick to move her so she was looking at him, despite her breath catching in her throat at being touched suddenly. She tried to find comfort in his eyes but then he spoke and her chest rose and fell slowly. She couldn’t believe what he was saying because even before this happened, she knew deep down she was a slut. She thought so anyway. It wasn’t like no one had never called her it before, they did all the time. Simply for her interest in older men. But not even that. If she was offered sex she would usually go for it. She was just always up for it and she knew that. “It’s not just him though is it?” she found her voice again as she spoke, not quaking and shivering like a frightened little girl anymore. “It’s true.” she found herself thinking about it shaking her head at herself, realizing more and more just how true it was. She looked up at him with pursed lips. “It’s true. I—I can’t put all this blame on him. I’m a slut, a whore. A slapper, a slag, what other words in the world is there to describe me? Because those ones seem just about fucking right.” she was speaking bitterly but not towards him, she wasn’t mad at Nick. She was mad at herself, no she furious with herself for causing this to happen. She furrowed her eyebrows at his ‘a man that hits a woman is disgusting’ reference. She had never seen that as wrong as it was. She felt like it was just society feeling sorry for girls like they were sad and pathetic and just couldn’t protect themselves. She was sure if she were her sister and a man hit her, she would hit back just as hard and it wouldn’t be a problem. The only problem she saw with that was that someone was just getting hit. But she didn’t voice her opinion, now was not the time for that. She allowed her eyes to shut and rested her head back down on his chest when he promised to not let the man come near her again, or anyone else who could hurt her. “Th—Thanks Nicky” she murmured out, feeling her breath catch again, for no one reason in particular reason this time. It just kind of got to her how he was treating her so well when she felt like she deserved to be treated so much worse than that. She wanted to tell him not to hurt Mr Cross, she didn’t need Nick getting himself in any trouble. “Just don’t” she whispered, not even sure if he heard her or not. “Don’t do anything stupid. You don’t need to get in any kind of trouble” she told him, with a pointed look. Funny how even now, in this situation she still found herself worrying about him. When she felt Nicks lips on her forehead again, she let out a sigh. She knew that she didn’t deserve to be treated like this. She deserved more what had just been done to her than how Nick was treating her. “I’m not” she choked out, willing herself to move a little away from him when he called her beautiful because she just couldn’t bring herself to believe it. She wasn’t going to fight him on it though. If the room were not so silent she wouldn’t have heard what he’d said. If there was even a mouse trotting along the ground, that would have blocked her hearing from his voice. The quiet way he promised made her believe him that much more. “I’m—I’m sorry you had to… Um.. that you have to…” she looked down once again when she couldn’t find the words. “Just, thanks” she let on a genuine smile this time even though it only just about reached her features.
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nickhyfr · 11 years
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nickhyfr · 11 years
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nickhyfr · 11 years
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nickhyfr · 11 years
When she started talking to tell him what happened, Nick still wasn't sure if she was finally going to answer the questions he's been desperately needing an answer to. At first he was losing hope on that thought as she started as not making sense anymore but soon it changed and as it did Nick blocked all his other thoughts to focus only on what the girl was going to tell him. It could get hard to hear what she was saying at times as the nervous wreck in her voice would take over and make her speak in a lower tone but he was still able to comprehend the words that would come out. He had to think about who was the new biology teacher, it's not like he pays much attention to it but after a minute he knew who it was -- Mr Cross or as Nick knew him better -- 'the jackass who sent his ass to the principal's office because apparently you can't tell a teacher to fuck right off'. He already didn't exactly like the man and now that he knew what he's done to Cass he sure as hell was fuming, the first that cross his mind was to go straight to that fucker's place and make sure he'd teach him a lesson but he sure wasn't about to leave Cassandra like this, specially not when she was crying against his chest, so down, so destroyed, thinking the worst about herself. How could she think so low of herself to think that what Mr Cross wrote was true? He was trying so hard to get his head around everything she has just told him and at the same time he was keeping her close in his arms, resting his head on hers as she cried against his chest. His hands copping her lower back, stroking his fingers softly on the fabric of her t-shirt in comfort, to show her it'd be okay; that he was there now and he wouldn't let anyone hurt her anymore.
His left hand traveled from her back to her cheek, which he used to pull her face up so that their gazes met once again. "Listen to me alright? You're not or ever will be a slut or a whore alright? Ever. That jackass shouldn't have even dared to make you believe in such thing. He shouldn't even have dared to lay one finger on you." Nick said, not taking his eyes off hers as fingers stroked the soft skin of her cheek ever so slowly. "Yes maybe you should have stopped when he asked you but he should have never have even tried to hurt you, what he did to you doesn't make him a better person. A man simply doesn't hurt a girl, that's disgusting." Nick lived up for that, he had never in his life placed one finger that was in any girl to harm them. Yes he beat the living crap off any guy that would mess with him, kill them even but never to a girl -- that would be a coward move. "I promise you I won't let him come near you again, him or anyone who tries to hurt you. And believe me that bastard's gonna pay, karma's gonna hit him one way or another." More like, Nick's gonna hit him, hard. Nick noticed how scared she still was, he placed his hands on both sides of her face and pulling her to him his lips pressed onto her forehead. "You're beautiful, Cassie." He said in a lower tone, just loud enough for her to hear him. He knew she probably wouldn't believe him and would still blame herself but Nick had to say something, he had to show her how he was there to protect her and make her feel safe. His arms found her lower back once again, Nick's head rested on hers, that way going back to their initial position. "I won't let anyone hurt you again." The boy said, in such a quiet whisper, he doubt it that she heard him.
be alright ✖ nick & cassie
Cassie felt horribly guilty. She didn’t want anyone to find her, she hadn’t meant for anyone to find her. Any decent being that would have walked in and seen her the way she was would just make sure she was alright just by asking and taking her sobbing yes as answer enough for them, maybe. Actually, in most cases they would probably just up and leave; pretend they hadn’t seen anything. While she appreciated, so much, what Nick was doing, she kind of wished he did the pretending not to see her thing. She wasn’t sure which emotion was stronger right now, the humiliation or the guilt. She was humiliated because she had been found like that; sobbing on the ground in nothing but a shredded t-shirt, her hair stuck to her forehead and filth written across her body. If any kind of human being out there could be found like that and not be embarrassed, Cassie would give them all the medals in the world. She felt guilty too because Nick hadn’t asked for all of this. He hadn’t asked for this ridiculously complicated friend who could never decide on what mood she was going to be in for the day, for the week, for the month. She pissed him off constantly and then went right back to him looking for a friend. She was selfish, in search for a better word. Well she felt selfish at least. Occasionally she would catch herself and realise that yes, she was a bad friend. And on her worser days, just a bad person. She felt sorry for Nick a lot when she remembered how much of her shit he put up with. They must be pretty close for him to stick around through everything, she figured. But now to add to the down she believed she put in his life, he was having to take care of her. If he hadn’t found her he wouldn’t even need to know about this, and probably wouldn’t. She would have just kept this to herself and not burdened him with it, now she couldn’t. Now he was going to have to have this memory. When he lifted her up, there was something about him that just screamed ‘safe’ when she had felt in so much danger before. She curled up on herself in his arms, allowing him to carry her without hesitance. She just hummed and nodded in response to his telling her to stay where he had lay her down in the bed, grateful at how gently he had done it. He was treating her like a princess and she almost had to remind herself that this was the very same Nick she’s known all this time. It wasn’t until he actually left the room that she realised she didn’t want to be alone. She almost had to keep her eyes trained on the door to make sure it was Nick that would come back and not Mr. Cross— or anyone that could potentially harm her. When she heard Nicks’ footsteps, her heart stopped and her breathing caught in her throat, she should have known it was going to be him but the fear still washed over her. As he started dabbing at her with the wet cloth, she let him. Her eyes flickered open so she was watching him, focused on making the situation somewhat better. She would probably have smile lightly, if she had it in her. When he left the room again, she wasn’t scared this time. The look he had had on his face had assured her he’d come back and not let anyone come in and hurt her.
She nodded when he said it was going to hurt, just accepting it really cause he was gonna do it anyway. She bit back a hiss at the pain as she let out a gasp only. Usually she would probably try get him to stop, would assure him she was fine but she just didn’t have it in her right now. She was too exhausted emotionally and physically to even try stop him. He would have won anyway. She slowly took the clothes off him with a gracious smile on her face as a means of thanks. She dressed slower than she intended to and then somehow ended back up in Nicks’ arms. Her breath was still slightly quivering but after what he’d done for her she had calmed down and figured she could tell him what happened. She owed him that.. right? “Well” she started with a shaky breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply. “Like I said, it was my fault. And don’t— don’t try to tell me it’s not because it is.” her hand somehow landed on her stomach as if the word ‘slut’ was still written there. “He was right” she murmured, referring to the insults that had been scrawled upon her. “I’m a slut. A whore.” she figured she was doing this again; not making sense. She shook her head and let out another breath, ready to tell the story right. “Okay. Okay. So you know I suck at biology, and you also know I thought the new biology teacher was— was hot. Well he— he was here” she murmured really quietly as she explained, her voice going up and down she wasn’t even sure if he knew what she was saying. “He was tutoring me— well supposed to be, I can’t be tutored in that stupid subject” she looked up at Nick again, not sure why she was looking up at him, it wasn’t like he could read her mind so she could stop telling the story. She looked away once again, not being able to face him as she spoke. “I got sick of it, studying. I didn’t want him to tutor me I wanted— I wanted him. So I, uh, I started flirting. I tried to te—tease him. I kissed him but he didn’t, he didn’t like it. He didn’t want it, he didn’t want me. He told me to stop. But I didn’t stop” Cass felt her voice catch in her throat slightly remembering what happened. “He got angry” she sniffled, she was now telling the story in between crying. “He— He grabbed my wrists and he—he squeezed them so tightly" she whispered, her hand wrapping around one of the wrists, seeing the red mark there. "And he he grab—grabbed my hair." Cassie shut her eyes as if it were going to stop the tears from rolling down her face. If she was being honest, the hair grabbing had traumatised her a little more than the punch or the shoving. "I couldn’t breath Nick. He didn’t care though, I had to pay for being.. for being a slut" she choked out the last bit, knowing it was true, convincing herself it was. Cass looked up at him again, despite the tears rolling down her cheeks at this point. "So I asked for it. It was my fault. I’m to blame" she breathed out, wrapping her arms around herself, even though he had his arms around her to. She was just curling in on herself which made her curl in on him too, her head resting on his chest as she cried and took deep breaths to try and calm herself down. 
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nickhyfr · 11 years
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nickhyfr · 11 years
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nickhyfr · 11 years
Nick was confused to say the least, he knew something happened, someone did something to her and apparently it was because she provoked it. But the real answers that the boy wanted were still not there. What happened? Who hurt her? Where can he find whoever bastard it was and teach him a lesson? He wasn't getting any of those answers and it was bothering him beyond belief. Usually he wouldn't force her to tell him anything, if he caught her on an off day, he'd just hold her in his arms and not force her to tell him what happened. But this was certainly different, whatever it was that happened damaged her more than anything else that happened before, the girl was shaking in his arms, she was crying and she above all she was hurt and Nick was sure than it was more than just physical. The boy grab a tighter hold on her and standing up her carried her bridal style to her room where he laid her on the bed before kissing her forehead. "Stay here okay?" He told her in a soft tone, hopeful to calm her down. That before making his way down to the kitchen and grabbing a piece of fabric and a small bucket with water. Going back to her room, Cassie was still sitting on her bed and approaching her, the boy stood in front of her on his knees and emerging the piece of fabric in the water so it was dump, he took it to her skin, not only cleaning up the word 'slut' off her stomach and 'whore' of her forehead -- words that he was simply hopping that even if she knew they were there, she wouldn't believe them as she wasn't neither a slut nor a whore -- but also the evidences of blood coming from her soft, sensitive skin. As it was clean he walked out of the room again, walking up to the bathroom to find what he needed to heal her bruises and when he did he went back to the room, to the girl. "This might hurt a little, yeah?" He asked her before brushing the piece of cotton bumped with peroxide through the open bruises to help them heal. And in case you're wondering, yes, Nick was used to doing this a lot, even to himself.
As the boy was done with taking care of her bruises he walked up to her closet and looked for a few clothes for her to put on. You could say he's currently taking care of her and even though he thought she would retaliate, she didn't which made it all a lot easier. He found a pair of leggings and a t-shirt and brought them back to her, giving them to her so she would put them on. As he waited her sat on her bed and as she was done the boy pulled her back to him slowly and softly, sitting her on his lap just like he did before. "Now, what actually happened? Who did that to you, baby?" Nick asked her once again, hopping to finally get the answers he was looking for. He couldn't help being this worried and very honestly most of him didn't know why, why was he so worried about Cassie? Why was he so mad that someone hurt her so much? Was all the rage just for this situation? Because ever since he walked in the house and saw her he completely forgot that he was mad from before, from his encounter with John and his crew earlier that day. If he was confused before from Cassie's lack of explanation, imagine how confused he was not that he was worried about someone that isn't in any way family related to him. He never worried this much about any of his friends before. Yes if you touch Matt, Gavin or Winnie -- he'll probably kill you -- but they were like family, they were his brothers and sister; Cassie was a really good friend but for example Juliet and Kara were really good friends too and he knew he wouldn't get like this for them. This was new, he didn't know where all the rage came from, he didn't know why he felt the need to protect this girl so much but he did and all of that made him ever so confused.
be alright ✖ nick & cassie
If the circumstances were any different, Cassie wouldn’t fail to notice the absolute change in Nicks character. He was known as this playboy that slept around and care about nothing but the women he would get back to bed with him. I mean obviously the girl knew he wasn’t all bad, she would never waste her time on being friends with a complete dickhead, especially as close as they were. She knew his life didn’t revolve around sex.. Well sometimes she knew. Other time she had to stop and hope he didn’t revolve his life around sex because that would be pretty sad. Some people thought of him as heartless and Cass wasn’t sure if they were stupid or if she knew the boy too well because she knew he wasn’t. As much as she teased him, she really liked Nick and wanted good things for him, he was one of the friends in her life she was most grateful for. She knew he must have had some kind of fucked up past to make him the way he’d become, so she always wanted good things for him. She loved that boy. That didn’t change the fact that had the situation been different, she would never expect him to come to her rescue. If they were to talk about something like this happening she would probably say something like ‘You’d probably just laugh’ and to be quite honest the boy would probably agree. That is before now, seeing something happen to her. And it was strange to see the worry stricken in the boy. Nobody would recognize him like that, they probably wouldn’t even believe the story if it were told. His voice was angry and she knew it. That made her feel bad. It made her feel like it was her fault that he was angry. There was a chance that he had been upset before coming over and maybe that could have been why he’d come over because sometimes the two actually had their moments when they were nice with one another. Just like the other day when Cass had been upset, he had willingly just held her when she needed it, without even asking what was wrong like he knew she would tell if she wanted or that it was probably nothing. She hadn’t wanted to talk about it and he hadn’t made her. Maybe he had come over to not talk about something and not be made talk about it. Or even to talk about something cause they did that too as well. But what if he hadn’t? What if he had just come over to come over? She didn’t know why he was here but what if he hadn’t been the least bit upset before? She doubted that she could be the cause to all of that rage in his tone, while simultaneously being afraid that she was. 
Cassie couldn’t help but flinch at his questions. Going back to the whole ‘if the circumstances were different’ thing, if they were, Cassie would probably shake herself off, get up and pretend like nothing had even happened. Like Nick hadn’t just found her the way he had. When Cassies’ dad was alive, he didn’t abuse her as such. She’s not one of those kids with the sad sick dad in the past. But she did get hit occasionally. But what he really did when he was angry, was grab her by the hair. Whether it was to slam her against the wall to shout at her there, or just to pull her back from walking away from an argument, he would lock his hand in her hair and yank her back. And when he got really angry he would always press his face up close against hers so she could smell the alcohol on his breath and feel the spit on her face along with the rough stubble. Then Mr. Cross came along and pulled her right back to that memory. Maybe if he had just hit her, she wouldn’t be so affected. Maybe if he had just ripped her shirt and left the words she was now starting to believe, she could assure Nick she was fine, but right now? He wouldn’t believe her. So she decided that she’d have to tell him, unless she could think up of some lie right then but she knew she wouldn’t be able to. She shook slightly, still crying and then she shut her eyes. She didn’t know if he could see her but she didn’t care, she needed to calm down and this was how she did it. With her eyes closed she started taking slow and steady breaths, taking in deep ones and blowing out, doing that several times until the crying subsided. Then her red-rimmed eyes opened, her eyelashes wet from tears. “I d—didn’t do it to myself. But I caused it” she spoke quietly, her voice so gentle she wasn’t sure it was her own. She looked up at him, just for some kind of assurance she wasn’t sure of. “He.. He said no. He told me to stop..” she closed her eyes again and took another steady breath before continuing. “But I didn’t stop, I just kept going. I couldn’t just stop, jesus christ, it’s my fault.” she looked away from him, feeling the tears well up again. “Don’t look at me sympathetically or anything because it’s my fault. I could have just listened to him. I could have stopped and this wouldn’t have happened, he wouldn’t h—have..” Cassie knew she wasn’t making sense to Nick, but she was more talking to herself at this point, trying to tell herself what happened.
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nickhyfr · 11 years
Nick had a clear vision of Cassandra now, she was shaking, bruising; he could see how scared she looked and that was the first time ever he's seen her really scared -- he's seen her just a tad moved up the other day but it didn't even come close to this. Every time he'd seen her before she looked so confident and strong and now there she was weak, scary and shaking in his arms. So much questions were running through Nick's head. What could have happened to leave her like that? Who would have even dared to hurt her like this? Did they know they were friends and he would kill whoever did it? But most importantly what could he do to calm her down and get her to stop shaking and whimpering like she was? He didn't know but he sure knew he wanted to figure out, he didn't want to see her like this, he didn't want to see her hurting and scared. 'I did it to myself' really? Did she think he was stupid? Nick was anything but stupid and he was pretty darn sure someone did it to her and he was as sure it wasn't her and he was sure he would destroy whoever did it. "Don't bullshit me like that. You and I both know that's not true, there's no way you could harm yourself like this." He said, trying his hardest to hide the rage behind his voice. He was now even more pissed than he was before. All he wanted now was to beat the living crap of John and of whoever dared to touch Cassandra. Yes, that's right, he was worried about her, he wanted to protect her and yes this is still Nick -- he's not sick, he's not dying, he's not high -- even though that last one's debatable; he just wanted to protect her and make sure that if he left her side she'd be alright. "Now please, tell me what really happened. Who wrote this crap on you and who hurt you like this? Who were you telling to leave you alone?" He asked once again, still holding onto her tightly but carefully; the girl was slightly bruised, he didn't want to cause her any more pain as he knew the one she was going through now was more than enough.
Anyone who'd see this and just isn't used to seeing Nick showing any kind of emotion would think 'who are you?' or 'what happened to Nick?'. But this was him, he worries and he cares for people -- not for everyone and don't ask him what will make him ever worry about you, it just happens. He didn't exactly chose to be heartless towards most people, he didn't chose to be a complete dick and use most girls for nothing but his own selfish, sexual needs -- well that last one he somehow did, but it wasn't on himself; he didn't wake up one morning and decided that's all he'd ever give girls, he didn't wake up one morning and decided that he wanted to become a man whore, a player, an ass and a cheater, it all happened throughout the years and it all started when he found out the reason behind his parents' divorce. His dad cheated on his mum, countless times and at the end he had the nerve to say it was her fault, that she caused it all and that she didn't deserve anything other than all the pain he caused her -- after hearing this from his own father what made you think that he'd ever think anything else out of love? His parents dated for five years and were married for seven and he still treated her like he did, how was that love? How could Nick not believe that love was nothing but a bunch of good for nothing crap? So you have his dad to thank for his man whore ways. But as he looked at Cassandra, everything in him sank; he has never seen her like this, he was worried, he wanted to help her, he wanted to make her feel better again and not knowing how to do it was eating him inside and he didn't even know why.
be alright ✖ nick & cassie
Cassie didn’t know how she felt. Obviously she felt horrified, terrified and just like complete shit. She felt horrified because of what had just happened, that wasn’t supposed to happen. That wasn’t how it was supposed to go. She had never wanted anything like this. Even if the man had said no, she would have gotten over it. But he didn’t just say no, he made sure she knew that his answer was no. He punished her for being the way she was. She felt terrified because he could come back at any second, could change his mind and hurt her even more. She wouldn’t be able to stop him if he did come back, because she was already traumatized. She was completely frozen in place in shock, so much so that even the idea of fighting back and defending and protecting herself was alien to her. She wouldn’t know how. it was true when she said she couldn’t hurt a fly, she was harmless. She didn’t get in fights and she didn’t even attempt to get in fights, she was skinny and weak, defense wasn’t something she harbored. She based her being safe and protected on luck, hoping that no one would ever come so near to her to put her in harms way. She was careful and watched out and rarely went out after it got dark when she was by herself unless she was going straight from one place to the other. This was just shit luck, she supposed.  After a few minutes passed since the teacher had left she had started letting her thoughts run wild. She had begun to think that maybe it was her own fault, she had asked for bad things to happen to her just by being her. She flirted with teachers which everyone knew was a big no no, even more so of a never. Any sensible person would know it was a bad idea. But no, not Cassandra. She just threw herself out there, let pretty much everyone know she was available. 
She stayed in the way she had been left, lying on the ground with her t-shirt ripped open, just kind of sobbing into herself. She had managed to curl herself up almost as small as she felt. Her head was swarming while being completely empty. She honestly just wished he’d pushed her in a way that she hit her head so she could have been knocked out. She didn’t want to be awake right now, she didn’t want to realize that she had pushed the boundary too far and now look where that had gotten her. When she heard a voice, she let out a shrill whimper, a fear coming over her. He had come back, she thought. Her fear was right, he was going to make this whole thing worse. But what could she do but just lie there? She couldn’t move, she couldn’t even bring herself to attempt to move. “Just l—leave me al—lone!” she stuttered out, attempting to shout but knowing she’d be lucky if he even heard her through her crying. Then she heard her name being repeated again and she recognized the voice. ‘God' she thought, purely because what worse state was there to find her in? She felt embarrassment flood over her when she felt the presence beside her. She heard her name being spoken again and that confirmed it, it wasn't Mr. Cross back, it was Nick. Of course it was Nick. It was her luck for him to turn up at a moment like this, when she was so weak and vulnerable. “N—Nick?” she managed out in a stutter at the sound of his voice. 'What happened? Who did this?' she heard the question but she didn't know how to answer it. She had done this to herself, she believed. It was her fault, she had caused this to happen. She didn't blame Mr. Cross for turning on her like that; she deserved it. “I did it to myself” she whispered, not even sure if it was audible, as she allowed him to pull her onto his lap. She wondered what he was doing here. She wondered how long she’d been lying on the ground until he had got here. She didn’t actually care, she was just trying to think about something other than what had just happened. It was too clear to her that she was basically naked, barr from the shredded t-shirt and underwear, she was naked. She wanted to thank him for wrapping his jacket around her but she could barely bring herself to talk.
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nickhyfr · 11 years
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