nicksswedishblog · 1 year
Reflections on a year or Swedish Literature.
Titles read:
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest
Stieg Larsson- The girl with the dragon tattoo
word count:573
When i first picked out Sweden as a country to do i don’t remember the exact reason as to why i am not sure if i thought it would be a easy country to do or maybe it was just interesting to me. I started to research books and the books i found all seemed pretty interesting and how sweden was. The books i picked may not have been the best choice to really demonstrate real life in sweden seeing as my books contained a lot of crime more so than any real facts about sweden and the elements sweden has to offer. The news article the milenuim that was a staple in steig larsson and his books following blomkvist and Salander is not a real source in real life and eveyone is made up. There was some parts that where real like all the geography and where they were that was real for the most part. Book 1 was more accurate then book 3 was in the grand scheme of the book and how it was written. one big takeaway i have from the books is the names and how they are spelt/ pronounced and also the biggest was Kronor which is the currency that they use in sweden
What i learned from the girl who kicked the hornets nest is to never bite off more then you can chew with Salander in way to deep to get out of her problem with everything her getting basically hunted down to be killed and her actions from the past finally being caught up to her. You see this fearless person become weak and fraile. To be fair i am happy that independent reading is all done now because i didn’t like book 3 and it was hard to read for me with the gap from book one to book three it was hard to pick up where i didn’t get the peices to fill in.
What i learned from the girl with the dragon tattoo was that i could for real read and comprehend it. This book started off a little slow but that is kind of like everything. Once it got the climax it was hype and i wanted to go ahead and read more and looking back i could of and just drafted the ten pages and made it easier for the week and just publish the drafts. I learned that Salander was a string revenge ridden woman who got revenge on everyone and everything and the whole plot of Blomkvist looking for harriet and had me thinking and guessing who i really enjoyed seeing as that was also a big reason to look forward for it
What i learned about myself was that at first i thought it was just going to be read and write down a quote no real interest in it just kind of carry it along while we did it but i found that i actually enjoyed reading a lot and i don’t think i could read like a big long boring novel right now it is still a start i went from dreading it to actually enjoying it. At times it was tough i would forget or i would just not do it and say to myself i can just do it tomorrow and be fine.
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nicksswedishblog · 1 year
Week 20 blog
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest
Word count: 328
Summary: Edklinth is making up the case for Blomkvist and salander of how it is oddly suspicious that Zalenchko was “murdered” the same time that Blomkvist apartment was broken into and his strange report and also how it feels like something is up and as if he is compromising a secret operations. Salander is in prison still trying to beat the case and she keeps receiving these photo shopped images that all contain the word “whore” on them to refer to her. with the latest image being her on all 4s mounted from the rear in a glass cage as if she wre a dog or something.
Critical Analysis: “the salander investigation is fake. bjorrcks original doesn’t match blomkvist version. classify top secret” I chose this quote because it has to do with the first part of the reading this week. The case is getting to deep and is being federal investigated for further actions on what is real and what is not. Blomkvist and Salander cannot hide what they are hiding anynkre in light of the current situation salander is in. Salanders past is getting in her way with bjorck being mentioned again and he was the one from the 1st book. she cannot go around doing what she does.
Personal Response: Wow this year’s independent reading flew by. at times it was really tough and i have slacked off a little in these past few weeks because i am just not in to the book i am reading. to be honest a lot is just read not really perceived and it is difficult at some points to understand not because it is hard but because im not into it. I do not think i will be continuing reading this book after this last blog i kight watch the movies that are made for the series and kind of see my imagination on screen.
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nicksswedishblog · 1 year
“it is strange that they don’t appear anywhere in säpo organizational chart”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.301(297-307)
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nicksswedishblog · 1 year
“the salander investigation is fake. bjorrcks original doesn’t match blomkvist version. classify top secret”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.292(286-296)
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nicksswedishblog · 1 year
“The prime minister looked at the minister of justice. both understood that Edklinth was hedging his bets”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.281(275-285)
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
Week #19 blog
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest
pages - 231-274
Word count - 312
Summary - Salander is still in the hospital and she is plotting her escape because the hospital does not have any real reason to keep her “safe” from going to jail because she is supposed to be in jail but because she was hurt bad she is in the hospital. The are planning to release her because now at this moment in the book she is in “great shape”. Blomkvist is working on building a case on her dad Zalaenchako and getting him put behind bars and having Salander go free or atleast somewhat free.Salander is still scared of what will happen to her. She will be charged with aggravated assault and attempted murder and they have enough proof to prove it.
Critical Analysis: “my father was a psychopath killer, and batterer whose name was alexander zalachenko” Now this is the quote i chose and i could of expanded on it more because there was more of the part to quote but i chose this part because this shows how Salander is fighting for her freedom and how she needs people to see that she only did what she had to not because she wanted to. This was getting posted to the millennium for Many to see.
Personal response: I am ready for the end of journals this being the second to last week is good. i liked journals during this year but at times it got tough and skipping from book 1 to 3 probably didn’t help because i was confused that kind of made me lazy when it came to reading every night. The series is good and there is a movie for both of the books i read so i might watch those after just to kind of see it in “person” and see how i perceived it vs how it looks on the screen
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
“my father was a psychopath killer, and batterer whose name was alexander zalachenko”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.269(264-274)
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
“There’s nothing in her file that says why.she was out of a job for several months”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.263(253-263)
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
“Berger had received 23 emails by the time she arrived at SMP at 6:30 on wednesday morning”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.250(242-252)
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
“it means that i have no legitimate reason to keep you isolated here and the prosecutor will soon be having you transferred to a prison in stockholm”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.237(231-241)
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
Week #18 blog
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest
Word count: 326
Summary:Blomkvist is going to write up an article somethinh similar to the wennerstorm affair but this time it being on Zalachekenko. Olson a stinger had recored all these findings watching the flow of people in Götgatan.Blomkvist covered how salander is a suspect now and how she was raised and why she is hiding away. Blomkvist wrote this so salander could go to trial and have a good shot at getting the best possible outcome. They did not even bring to measure how much illegal activity Zalachenko had done so far. Breaking into Blomkvist home, narcotics, weapons,etc.
Critical Analysis: “it was not always a bad choice but it be fine without her consultation. As an act of defiance” I chose this quote because it has everything to do with the section of the book i’m reading this Blomkvist saying this that it is not a bad choice to right the article because it will help clear Salander name, but she is scared and doesn’t want it because she is so scared that something may happen to her that’s how she feels about it, So him doing it for the Good is an act of defiance because he is going against salander choice and doing it for her.
Personal response: I kept up with my quotes this week and did not miss a day. i just had to get back in to it because of the two weeks off it threw me off then the hard part was getting back in to the schedule of posting a quote and reading every night. but once i got back into it it was easy. I like how they refer back to book 1 with the reference to the Wennerstorm article that was in book 1 i am not sure how many references there are to book 2 since that’s the missing one.
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
“Nevertheless, check it out. your entire investigation has to be carried out without a single person other than me knowing anything at all about it.”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.225(220-230)
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
“someone is committing a whole bunch of crimes, the question is, who?”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.215(209-219)
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
“we have nothing to indicate that he’s left the country, but really that seems his most logical course”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.205(198-208)
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
“My two uncles were murder by Saddam in the nineties. My mother died in 2000”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.196(187-197)
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
“it was not always a bad choice but it be fine without her consultation. As an act of defiance”
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest pg.185(176-186)
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nicksswedishblog · 2 years
Week #17 blog
Stieg Larsson- The girl who kicked the hornets nest
pages: 143-175
word count: 307
Summary: Salander is still in the hospital. giananini who is now interviewing her can not get information out of Salander and she is getting very frustrated. Salander is in a deep depression and doesn’t want to deal with her situation or even deal with her future is making it difficult. after two weeks of wasted time because she could hardly speak it felt one sided. Salander refuses to speak to the police because she thinks they will flip it and use it against her. She is not doing well not taking care of her self and overall not caring.
Critical Analysis: “Your on the road to recovery. but you have to work harder, and your picking the scab on your. head you need to stop that.” I chose this quote because it just really highlighted the fact that salander is not taking care of her self and she needs to do better. She is thinking about her entire life and not focused on the present and what she needs to do for here future. She is stunned and in a bad state
Personal response: I am still kind of not grasping some parts of the book i don’t know why it is kind of flowing in one ear and out the other. it could of been the fact there’s more breaks and it is like i’m not remembering or i don’t know. i need to stop slacking on reading i just forget to. i did better this week but i still missed two days. The book is good i do find it interesting because salander went from so strong to so fragile in the matter one book that i didn’t read it makes me interested to what exactly happened in that book that i’m missing.
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