nickywood-blog2 · 4 years
Who we are...
Our mission is to help educate, create, and motivate a lifestyle that is surrounded by balance. Have you ever heard the phrase, everything in moderation? Of course, you have! It is not good to have too much or too little of anything. So that is why we are here to help guide you and show you how to live life in moderation. It is hard for people to balance school, work, fitness, having a social life, and still being a good family member. That’s why we are here to help you find ways to better balance your life.
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nickywood-blog2 · 4 years
:) Have fun !
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nickywood-blog2 · 4 years
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Relationship advice
Sometimes when we get involved with someone else we tend to forget about ourselves as much. We get in the pattern of wanting to always please them and make them happy but sometimes we forget to make ourselves happy. If you are starting afresh relationship or have been in one for a few years remember to put yourself first. Your goals and aspirations always come before a relationship. You need to have independence and security with yourself to be in a happy healthy relationship. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your happiness. Don’t expect someone to give you happiness, you have to find that for yourself. A partner is supposed to add to your life like an accessory.
At the beginning of a relationship, people tend to be overly consumed by that person. It is important to maintain balance throughout a relationship.
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nickywood-blog2 · 4 years
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Sugar isn’t That Sweet…
Consuming too much sugar can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. It is important to keep track and make sure you aren’t consuming more sugar than needed. Especially if you have kids, it is important to keep track of their sugar intake and try to stick to all-natural organic fruit snacks, and stay away from processed added sugar snacks. Sugar is also terrible for your skin. Oxidative stress causes inflammation which is rooted in any food with added sugars. It is caused when the sugar we consume attaches to the proteins in our skin and bodies, then breaking down. Sugar is the opposite of antioxidants. Keeping a balanced diet is most important, especially when it comes to sugar.
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nickywood-blog2 · 4 years
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Is yoga scary?
Yoga is not scary. There’s this connotation about yoga and how people are afraid to try it. Incorporating yoga in your weekly workout with have a tremendously positive effect on you. What most people don’t know about yoga is that improves your mental health. Yoga is the practice in which you focus on the strength and power of your body while also focusing on your breathing. At the end of every yoga practice, you go into Shavasana (relaxation at the end of the practice) and the goal is to let your thoughts come and go with no emotional attachment to those thoughts. This is where you find inner peace and relaxation to the fullest after you struggled through moving your body in difficult positions. Yoga is a movement meditation.
With our busy lives and our daily routines sometimes we forget to relax our minds and listen to where we need to be healed. Try to balance yoga in your schedule next week, you’ll thank me later.
The benefits of yoga are:
Perfects your posture
Builds muscle strength
Good for digestion
Protects and strengthens the spine
Increases blood flow to the heart
Drains your lymph
Boosts immunity
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nickywood-blog2 · 4 years
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Homeopathic Remedies
Most women have had a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis that has been painful and uncomfortable. The next time you have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis, in a hot bath, put two and a half cups of apple cider vinegar. Add 2 cups of Epsom salt, tea tree oil, and lavender. Soak in the bath for 20- 30 minutes. I am a big fan of food as medicine. We keep seeing time and time again how good nutrition can help bring energy, longevity, mental clarity, and good health. Some greens and veggies that are high in alkaline and have powerful carotenoid antioxidants are kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, and romaine. These greens are incredibly rich with antioxidants and taste amazing! When it comes to eating fruits try to stick to berries, they have less sugar and are very high in antioxidants. I’m not saying you can’t have a bag chips and a chocolate bar for dinner but it’s important to maintain balance in your diet also.
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nickywood-blog2 · 4 years
Having a hard time adjusting to the new norm of, work from home?
Here are a few tips to help you work better from home.
First and foremost it is important to have a workspace of your own. Find an area in your home that’s going to be your workplace, whether it’s a desk, your bed, or the couch. Make sure the space allows you to stay focused and determined. It is crucial to stay true to your routine. When people get out of routine it messes up the flow of things. Start your day right by waking up early, getting ready, and have a good nutritious breakfast. This helps prepare your mind and body for a productive day of working. Set aside at least thirty minutes to stretch or do a small workout so that when you come back to working your mind is refreshed. Next, you should make a list of priorities for that day. Set goals at what time you want to complete your tasks and make sure you stick to your schedule. Last but not least always take a break when you need it. Everything in moderation. The key to a successful day is balance.
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nickywood-blog2 · 4 years
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A note from Nicky:
I decided to launch Moderation because I felt something was missing from the healthy lifestyle industry. People always put a healthy life style with the idea that you have to be extreme with your body and what you put in it. I think it is important to break away from that idea and for everyone to realize, that the very essence of healthy living is moderation. It’s a mindset.
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