We can end the chain by me letting you know I abandoned this account once more and moved to a new one! So if you get a follow by a person with a standard icon it’s actually me. I just want to stay invisible this time and not upload my sheep icon yet. (I will do when I am being less paranoid):)
I haven't been able to finish the scause episode yet, but I haven't really liked what I've seen. I have actually taken Stan and Jesus's side this episode, because I don't see anything overly wrong with doping. Even after checking out some online summaries, I still don't like it that much. I'm not sure how to explain why I don't like it, but I might try to explain later. Maybe it's because I read the doctor seuss story it seems inspired by yesterday, and I actually liked the message of that story better?
PS: it might say something about my mind, but I felt like I was noticing Hitler parallels with the arm bands and Arrogance from Stan's room being filled with posters of himself. Idk, but I think that helped influence my feelings on the episode.
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I might escape to a new tumblr again. If I do it's once again nothing against the users, it's my paranoid mind who feels haunted by my own posts. I'm scared I might find them again and reread stuff I have written and remember situations or emotions.
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I don't like people asking me questions.
Actually I don't understand why nobody from my real life contacts has understood yet that if I want to let people know something I usually start telling it, without the need of a question being asked.
(especially not the worst of all question: "How are you?" This is the worst of all because I automatically feel negative as soon as I have to /think/ about I feel)
And I tell them almost every time that I don't like questions and that questions make me feel bad usually. And still I am asked (the same) questions every day. And then people are offended when I don't want to talk or when I talk too much.
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every plan went wrong now I'm gladly at work. I had a meltdown at work but at least I am still here and have gathered the little rest of my sanity and energy to work on this stuff.
I have no idea how to handle the rest of the day though. Probably I will just flee and stay outside until night so I can avoid more contact with people who all only seem to have in mind how to making me feel stressed.
Anyway I wish I could do woodburning all the time without anyone near me.
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I may change Klemper's backstory into the WWII time though because then I also would specify the region he lived in as Austria.
This is the historical boy and victim of Aktion T4 I based most little details of Klemper's backgroundstory on. Only that this boy was living from 1929 until 1945 in Bavaria, Germany and was murdered by Nazis and my Klemper backstory instead played in Austria or Switzerland (I never really specified which alpine region exactly) from 1947 until 1964 and he was basically murdered by neglection and ableism. They also have in common, that parts of their disability was considered "caused / worsened" by their "mixed blood with jewish influence".
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This is the historical boy and victim of Aktion T4 I based most little details of Klemper's backgroundstory on. Only that this boy was living from 1929 until 1945 in Bavaria, Germany and was murdered by Nazis and my Klemper backstory instead played in Austria or Switzerland (I never really specified which alpine region exactly) from 1947 until 1964 and he was basically murdered by neglection and ableism. They also have in common, that parts of their disability was considered "caused / worsened" by their "mixed blood with jewish influence".
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My worst problem when I am interacting with people face to face
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Sorry I can't stand today. I tried to help two of my flatmates who are arguing every single day for almost 1 year by now and it's always the same reasons so I tried to help them with giving suggestions what they could both do to not have a reason to argue anymore (objectively my ideas were only logical if you ask me) but now both are super angry at me because they didn't like my helping suggestion since it subjectively gave them the impression that I am "always interfering".
I suppose I should just stop trying to help people. People can't stand my suggestions on how to solve problems in general. I mean they should be happy when I am in my rather seldom state of trying to socialize but it seems people rather want me to stop being 'annoying'.
No I am just pissed off I don't care if I am annoying or not I just hate everyone right now cause they never understand my intentions or even try out my suggestions.
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I'm always unsure about the Ghost Zone's ethical deal with stuff. I think it depends in which region you are and which ghosts you have to deal with. E.g. I headcanon Walker as a very mean and ableist ghost so I wouldn't want to have poor Klemper being tortured by him.
But then in the cartoon almost everyone seems to reject him, even the Box Ghost but since I am someone who doesn't stick to canon most of the time anyway I took myself the freedom to ignore this aspect and actually have some ghosts that canonically rejected him like him in my fanon world.
(Everything I imagine is AU anyway since I change lot of stuff from canon. I can't think of a single cartoon that works with my headcanons unless transformed into an AU)
any headcanons for Klemper? Like fav food, color, etc?
( I had actually planned a long reply, sadly my phone battery had died after most I have written already so I will now just super shortly sum up what I wanted to write)
Since I imagine Klemper having lived inside the 'correction house' for half of his short life he had to endure a very strict daily schedule of 'education' and 'training for usefullness' and the strict punishments that basically left no time for play. It was not encouraged to do social bonding with other children or people, instead work abilities and obedience was forced by the socialworkers. Having pets wasn't allowed and bonding with the animals that some of the boys were meant to train working with was considered a waste of time. Same the meals which were prepared without love. Blund and cheap daily portions of thin soups and mainly something called Getreidebrei (a sort of porridge made from different mashed up grains). Those who weren't eating were punished as well as those who didn't manage to follow the exceptions of the institution. Just the later ones had to stay hungry. Gladly for Klemper he usually was happy to do something where he could, even if restricted by obedience and silence, interact with others to find a friend. Food and rooms were basically barely any colours. Mainly brown and beige, which is a colour he doesn't like despite it's similarity to white which is one of his favourite colours. But since the institution was funded by the local church, they put a lot of emphasise on holidays like eastern and christmas. Eastern in the european alp region usually still goes along with snow, and so does christmas, but not just snow is what was part of his favourite ritual but also the sudden but regulary change in the daily tasks of food preparations they had been tought to help with. A sudden unusual kindness in the name of the 'holiday spirit', applying paint to eggs in eastern and cutting up apples, filling them with sweet ingrediences and warming them in the ofen on christmas. Klempers favourite colours aside white are yellow and red, since his first holiday was christmas, Sankt Nicolaus and Krampus brought a little golden and red coloured little metal orb for the christmas tree and Klemper was allowed to hang it up each year (sadly on his last christmas he accidently broke it). If he was to paint easter eggs he tried to made it look like the christmas tree orb. The hollow painted easter eggs put on the little eastern twigs reminded him of the orbs for the christmas tree, also they both had to be handled carefully. It was a part of his ritual of welcoming the time where they were actually encouraged and allowed to go outside and to build figurines with the snow and playing and saying goodbye to the freedom of snow play activities with the eastern equivalent of hanging up hollow eggs on twigs instead of metal orbs on trees.
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I just realized the water at the waterpark became a greenish shade at one point and I feel like: 😭
I mean I am a person of little disgust. I have a strong stomach and almost nothing makes me gag, but to know that the pee level in SP-universe is allowed to be up to 83% is simply killing me. 😹
It's one of the few episode where I actually was close to gagging. And usually it needs a lot to make me think of something as disgusting.
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I would love to share headcanons for every single character I like but sadly I prefer to avoid it after all for me it's extremly exhausting to write my ideas down and to try to explain the background for why I have those specific headcanons.
So that's why I am actually glad when people do not ask me for my headcanons. i occasionally mention my ideas on characters when I feel like it anyway.
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I just randomly imagined kindergarden Stan being 'encouraged' by Ned to use sleeping Uncle Jimbo's belly as a trampoline :D
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That actually makes me wonder if there are people in the fandom who have a background story for Klemper that does not include ableism. I wouldn't know how, though, without an AU setting, but maybe there is ways and conditions or even historical reality I haven't thought of.
Whats ur take on Klemper? Heres mine.
Klemper backstory- Died in the 60′s.  A lonely disabled kid(many people headcanon him to be special needs) . His parents were usually busy and none of the other kids ever wanted to play with him because of his disability and social awkwardness, didn’t help that at that time, there was a lot of stigma about those kinds of issues. One Christmas Night, the coldest year it’d ever been, when his folks were out for a party, he watched Frosty The Snowman and got the idea of making his own snowman friend to play with. He went far from his home and the town so the other kids wouldn’t try to destroy his snowman. As he was making his snowman he began to become affected by the cold conditions, to the point he even took off some of his snow clothes to give to the snowman, feeling extremely hot(some people have done this, its called paradoxical undressing I think, when experiencing hypothermia ) . He has absolutely no idea whats happening to him and isnt fully aware of whats going on, but is already quite far from home and still wants to finish his snowman. Before he could give him his hat, he fully succumbed to the cold and died that cold Christmas night. Now as a ghost he haunts, causing huge snow/ice storms, hoping to find a friend to play in the snow with him, forever.
  I’m thinking of making Klemper look like a snowman. Figure it fits the snow theme as well as his backstory. I wrote him to have died in the 60’s as thats when the frosty the snowman movie came out.
So, my take on Klemper is that I don’t know what to do with him.
Now, I know what I’d want to do with him, just not how.
Like, we all know that Klemper is portrayed in a way that coded him as high support autistic or mentally disabled. And the show uses that to make fun of him. That’s bad.
If I were writing a reboot, I would want Klemper to be portrayed very carefully and want the narrative to treat him with empathy and understanding.
So another thing about autistic representation is that when we’re not portrayed as emotionless assholes, the other popular portrayal is the savant who is exceptionally skilled in a specific area. An example is the Good Doctor.
Now, savants are fine, but when they’re the most prevalent representation that explicitly autistic, it feels like it’s saying that we should treat autistic people well because they have a skill that will allow them to contribute to society that will “make up” the cost of dealing with them. (Even though most autistics aren’t savants.)
Implying that whether or not a disabled person should get care and the accommodations they need is somehow tied to “whether they can be productive members of society.” That’s also bad. Disabled people deserve care, accommodations, empathy, and understanding because of their inherent worth as human beings. As people.
So for Klemper, I wouldn’t want him to be revealed to be a savant that somehow “makes up” for his difficulty communicating and high support needs. Klemper deserves kindness and love and care because of his inherent worth as a sentient being, not because he can be “useful.”
But I don’t know how I would write that. He’s a ghost that died of hypothermia and his obsession is making friends because he wasn’t able to have friends when he was alive. I don’t know where to go from there.
Now your take on how he died is just wonderfully and hauntingly tragic. I loved it. I can see it as the cold open for Klemper’s first episode. No explanation of how it’s related to the show. Just make the audience watch a kid die in part thanks to the neglect and abuse of the people around him. Beautiful.
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Sadly I am still awake at half past 3 am and now I start to panick because I can't endure another wave of insomnia. I better try to not use my phone today until the evening.
I have no awarness of daytime today so I hate it but I have to take my evening medication and testosterone at almost 1 am now, although I try to take it at least 5 minutes before midnight every day.
But better late then skipping again.
Also stability level is very high now probably because I know I have somehow made it to the most stressfull social events this year and endured traveling and being stuck over night at trainstations. So basically I gave anxiety the finger this year and made great use of coping skills.
so I deserve making a bit of a mistake with the medication as long as I take it now instead of skipping. I skipped too much lately but probably because of feeling stressed by having planned the past events.
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If they made an Danny Phantom spinoff / reboot I would adore to have such an episode with Klemper! Also to have him see that friendship is now encouraged instead of forced isolation in the name of obedience. I'm sure emotional neglect and false punishment for 'not being of use' was among the reasons poor Klemper did not live long and was so desperate to find friends.
Whats ur take on Klemper? Heres mine.
Klemper backstory- Died in the 60′s.  A lonely disabled kid(many people headcanon him to be special needs) . His parents were usually busy and none of the other kids ever wanted to play with him because of his disability and social awkwardness, didn’t help that at that time, there was a lot of stigma about those kinds of issues. One Christmas Night, the coldest year it’d ever been, when his folks were out for a party, he watched Frosty The Snowman and got the idea of making his own snowman friend to play with. He went far from his home and the town so the other kids wouldn’t try to destroy his snowman. As he was making his snowman he began to become affected by the cold conditions, to the point he even took off some of his snow clothes to give to the snowman, feeling extremely hot(some people have done this, its called paradoxical undressing I think, when experiencing hypothermia ) . He has absolutely no idea whats happening to him and isnt fully aware of whats going on, but is already quite far from home and still wants to finish his snowman. Before he could give him his hat, he fully succumbed to the cold and died that cold Christmas night. Now as a ghost he haunts, causing huge snow/ice storms, hoping to find a friend to play in the snow with him, forever.
  I’m thinking of making Klemper look like a snowman. Figure it fits the snow theme as well as his backstory. I wrote him to have died in the 60’s as thats when the frosty the snowman movie came out.
So, my take on Klemper is that I don’t know what to do with him.
Now, I know what I’d want to do with him, just not how.
Like, we all know that Klemper is portrayed in a way that coded him as high support autistic or mentally disabled. And the show uses that to make fun of him. That’s bad.
If I were writing a reboot, I would want Klemper to be portrayed very carefully and want the narrative to treat him with empathy and understanding.
So another thing about autistic representation is that when we’re not portrayed as emotionless assholes, the other popular portrayal is the savant who is exceptionally skilled in a specific area. An example is the Good Doctor.
Now, savants are fine, but when they’re the most prevalent representation that explicitly autistic, it feels like it’s saying that we should treat autistic people well because they have a skill that will allow them to contribute to society that will “make up” the cost of dealing with them. (Even though most autistics aren’t savants.)
Implying that whether or not a disabled person should get care and the accommodations they need is somehow tied to “whether they can be productive members of society.” That’s also bad. Disabled people deserve care, accommodations, empathy, and understanding because of their inherent worth as human beings. As people.
So for Klemper, I wouldn’t want him to be revealed to be a savant that somehow “makes up” for his difficulty communicating and high support needs. Klemper deserves kindness and love and care because of his inherent worth as a sentient being, not because he can be “useful.”
But I don’t know how I would write that. He’s a ghost that died of hypothermia and his obsession is making friends because he wasn’t able to have friends when he was alive. I don’t know where to go from there.
Now your take on how he died is just wonderfully and hauntingly tragic. I loved it. I can see it as the cold open for Klemper’s first episode. No explanation of how it’s related to the show. Just make the audience watch a kid die in part thanks to the neglect and abuse of the people around him. Beautiful.
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I can't remember exactly how the law and similar historically changed in Germany, but in the 60s/70s people tried to educate instead of 'contain'. Sadly at least in my place, extreme violence was considered a form of necessary and regulary tool for education, ESPECIALLY in the case of disabilities.
Whats ur take on Klemper? Heres mine.
Klemper backstory- Died in the 60′s.  A lonely disabled kid(many people headcanon him to be special needs) . His parents were usually busy and none of the other kids ever wanted to play with him because of his disability and social awkwardness, didn’t help that at that time, there was a lot of stigma about those kinds of issues. One Christmas Night, the coldest year it’d ever been, when his folks were out for a party, he watched Frosty The Snowman and got the idea of making his own snowman friend to play with. He went far from his home and the town so the other kids wouldn’t try to destroy his snowman. As he was making his snowman he began to become affected by the cold conditions, to the point he even took off some of his snow clothes to give to the snowman, feeling extremely hot(some people have done this, its called paradoxical undressing I think, when experiencing hypothermia ) . He has absolutely no idea whats happening to him and isnt fully aware of whats going on, but is already quite far from home and still wants to finish his snowman. Before he could give him his hat, he fully succumbed to the cold and died that cold Christmas night. Now as a ghost he haunts, causing huge snow/ice storms, hoping to find a friend to play in the snow with him, forever.
  I’m thinking of making Klemper look like a snowman. Figure it fits the snow theme as well as his backstory. I wrote him to have died in the 60’s as thats when the frosty the snowman movie came out.
So, my take on Klemper is that I don’t know what to do with him.
Now, I know what I’d want to do with him, just not how.
Like, we all know that Klemper is portrayed in a way that coded him as high support autistic or mentally disabled. And the show uses that to make fun of him. That’s bad.
If I were writing a reboot, I would want Klemper to be portrayed very carefully and want the narrative to treat him with empathy and understanding.
So another thing about autistic representation is that when we’re not portrayed as emotionless assholes, the other popular portrayal is the savant who is exceptionally skilled in a specific area. An example is the Good Doctor.
Now, savants are fine, but when they’re the most prevalent representation that explicitly autistic, it feels like it’s saying that we should treat autistic people well because they have a skill that will allow them to contribute to society that will “make up” the cost of dealing with them. (Even though most autistics aren’t savants.)
Implying that whether or not a disabled person should get care and the accommodations they need is somehow tied to “whether they can be productive members of society.” That’s also bad. Disabled people deserve care, accommodations, empathy, and understanding because of their inherent worth as human beings. As people.
So for Klemper, I wouldn’t want him to be revealed to be a savant that somehow “makes up” for his difficulty communicating and high support needs. Klemper deserves kindness and love and care because of his inherent worth as a sentient being, not because he can be “useful.”
But I don’t know how I would write that. He’s a ghost that died of hypothermia and his obsession is making friends because he wasn’t able to have friends when he was alive. I don’t know where to go from there.
Now your take on how he died is just wonderfully and hauntingly tragic. I loved it. I can see it as the cold open for Klemper’s first episode. No explanation of how it’s related to the show. Just make the audience watch a kid die in part thanks to the neglect and abuse of the people around him. Beautiful.
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any headcanons for Klemper? Like fav food, color, etc?
( I had actually planned a long reply, sadly my phone battery had died after most I have written already so I will now just super shortly sum up what I wanted to write)
Since I imagine Klemper having lived inside the 'correction house' for half of his short life he had to endure a very strict daily schedule of 'education' and 'training for usefullness' and the strict punishments that basically left no time for play. It was not encouraged to do social bonding with other children or people, instead work abilities and obedience was forced by the socialworkers. Having pets wasn't allowed and bonding with the animals that some of the boys were meant to train working with was considered a waste of time. Same the meals which were prepared without love. Blund and cheap daily portions of thin soups and mainly something called Getreidebrei (a sort of porridge made from different mashed up grains). Those who weren't eating were punished as well as those who didn't manage to follow the exceptions of the institution. Just the later ones had to stay hungry. Gladly for Klemper he usually was happy to do something where he could, even if restricted by obedience and silence, interact with others to find a friend. Food and rooms were basically barely any colours. Mainly brown and beige, which is a colour he doesn't like despite it's similarity to white which is one of his favourite colours. But since the institution was funded by the local church, they put a lot of emphasise on holidays like eastern and christmas. Eastern in the european alp region usually still goes along with snow, and so does christmas, but not just snow is what was part of his favourite ritual but also the sudden but regulary change in the daily tasks of food preparations they had been tought to help with. A sudden unusual kindness in the name of the 'holiday spirit', applying paint to eggs in eastern and cutting up apples, filling them with sweet ingrediences and warming them in the ofen on christmas. Klempers favourite colours aside white are yellow and red, since his first holiday was christmas, Sankt Nicolaus and Krampus brought a little golden and red coloured little metal orb for the christmas tree and Klemper was allowed to hang it up each year (sadly on his last christmas he accidently broke it). If he was to paint easter eggs he tried to made it look like the christmas tree orb. The hollow painted easter eggs put on the little eastern twigs reminded him of the orbs for the christmas tree, also they both had to be handled carefully. It was a part of his ritual of welcoming the time where they were actually encouraged and allowed to go outside and to build figurines with the snow and playing and saying goodbye to the freedom of snow play activities with the eastern equivalent of hanging up hollow eggs on twigs instead of metal orbs on trees.
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