nidaiime · 8 months
           LIKE A SKILLED HUNTER, Tobirama deftly ensnared the delicate slip of her tongue, a slip that dared to utter his name without the weighty mantle of his title. A subtle tremor coursed through his being, a tumultuous blend of emotions that befuddled his comprehension. Engrossed in the enigma of his own sensations, Tobirama found himself gazing longer than propriety dictated, his tongue paralyzed, words eluding his eloquent grasp. But he masked his hesitation beneath a façade of profound contemplation, as if delving into the deepest recesses of his intellect.
           “Speak of my work?” he echoed, the words lingering in the air, as much a soliloquy as a response to her inquiry. He discerned her yearning to unravel the tapestry of his essence, yet the rationale behind such a desire eluded him. Should not her thirst for knowledge be directed towards his brother, her betrothed? A perplexing notion indeed. “Perhaps actions shall elucidate more than mere words,” he mused, extending his hand with an affable grace, a gesture of congeniality.
           Though embroiled in the tempest of his own ruminations, Tobirama dared not relinquish the opportunity to captivate her, to leave an indelible impression upon her impressionable heart. Aware that he was naught but a willing martyr, surrendering himself to the inevitable wounds of unrequited affection, he could not suppress the longing that consumed him. For what his brother remained oblivious to, would not inflict pain upon him.
           And her genuine interest, a flicker of hope amidst the somber symphony of his thoughts, resonated within Tobirama, woven into the very fabric of her gentle chakra. A resilience tempered by a subdued elegance, an allure that blossomed within the confines of camaraderie. With unwavering certainty, Tobirama knew she would not spurn his proffered invitation, or so he fervently wished. And thus, the Senju extended his hand, an act imbued with both desperation and aspiration, yearning for her to perceive in him the qualities she so ardently admired in his brother.
As with all things concerning the Senju immediate family, Mito often found herself puzzled by the dynamic between blood relatives and first cousins. Obscenely droll and incredibly distanced— compared the loving, entangled warmth that she often felt with her sisters, friends, cousins, and everyone that graced her with endless love and joy on this Earth.
"Of course, Lord Senju," she agreed," a military operation with this level of prestige could only hold itself true with great intelligences."
There was no lack of great intellect and passionate minds across these scattered countries constricted under the Daimyo. The princess found herself seeing the major differences in preferences of study, but all the same, the yearning for advancement, betterment, and ultimately evolution of society remained consistent in all genres of spirited people.
"Tobirama- Ah, Lord Tobirama," she corrected herself. It was hard to maintain this unnecessary formality to someone who will very much be family sooner than she'd like to admit," I've come to you to relish in your insight and company. I have no need for another at this time."
"I want to know about you."
However many times she has to reiterate this want, she will. Her own sensor abilities mingled with his extended sensor reach, placing the both of them in a constant feeling within each others radius. The younger Senju was more or less withdrawn, stoic, and passive with the cool liquid of his temperament. It was undeniable that this soft, near-silkiness of his suiton nature washed over her with such a welcoming feeling of the morning spring running through her fingers.
Dare she say, it was almost addicting.
Or, perhaps, the want to cling to something she was not repulsed by.
"Tell me about your work... If you don't mind me asking," her tone brighter than it was before," if that's confidential, then tell me your thoughts. I'd love to know how your mind tackles your greater and mundane challenges."
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nidaiime · 10 months
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nidaiime · 10 months
           MITO’S TUMULTUOUS WAVES OF EMOTIONS CRASHED UPON TOBIRAMA, an onslaught of swirling tides that stripped away her youthful playfulness in an instant, unveiling the regal bearing and refined elegance befitting a princess. Uncertain of his own sentiments in response, Tobirama found solace in the ease with which he could now reign in his own turbulent heart.
           His gaze delicately traced every contour of her visage, every graceful sway of her form as she traversed. Adorned in an aura of graceful poise, Tobirama discerned the perfect match she would make for Hashirama, a coupling that would emanate unassailable power. Inwardly grimacing at such thoughts, Tobirama averted his eyes, directing his focus instead to the well-trodden path he knew intimately.
           Yet, lost in the labyrinth of his ruminations, his spine instinctively straightened at the sound of her words. “Lady Uzumaki, I did not intend for my words to be construed in such a manner,” he assured her, his voice a balm for any perceived malice. “No trace of ill intent emanates from your being.” With a solemn nod, he pressed on, “However, I held my dear brother in the highest esteem. If my frequent references to him cause you distress, fret not, for it is purely out of reverence.”
           And to stave off the unspeakable urges that plague my very core, he silently concluded.
           Despite his renown as a formidable sensor across the Land of Fire, Tobirama's powers fell short when it came to unravelling the deeper subtleties concealed within the emotions he perceived. He could discern a person’s innermost feelings, yet without sufficient context, he was left with a mere impression, devoid of explanation.
           And so it was with Mito’s emotions. For reasons unbeknownst to him, her essence exuded contempt, reluctance, veiled animosity, and abhorrence. Unable to pinpoint their origin, his only hypothesis disheartened him.
           However, he tucked that pondering away, reserving it for later, as he was compelled to address her derisive remark. “Though the Senju clan undeniably excels in matters of the military, we also possess intellectual prowess within our ranks. My cousin Touka, for instance, occasionally assists me in my scientific endeavours,” he revealed, then his tone tinged with sombreness, “And my late brother, Kawarama, possessed a genius that was uniquely his own.”
           Yet the intricacies of his studies and experiments remained shrouded in secrecy, unbeknownst even to Hashirama.
           The nagging thought that persistently gnawed at the recesses of his mind now surged forth. “Lady Uzumaki,” he embarked cautiously, gathering the fragments of his thoughts before they took flight. “Might you find the presence of another more preferable? Perchance my aforementioned cousin Touka would offer more suitable companionship.”
Tobirama's cold touch sobered Mito to the situation she was in. In her agony, she slipped beyond the refined Princess. Beyond the woman and into the little girl that sat, knees hugged to her chest like a foetus within herself. Smothering the distaste, hate, and disdain she beheld for the Foundry, all it left behind was a lost girl who stumbled on her own two feet trying to find home in the darkness of a vast forest. All around her were monsters and none of them bite; only stared with amusement at her failures.
Slipping her hand back to herself, she hid her extremities within her sleeves with her head poised high. The golden talismans that hung off her ornate seibons rested on either shoulder. The worthless seals doing nothing to ward off the ailment in her conscious.
Following the albino brother towards the gardens, she kept to the side of him, as proper protocol. It would be unsightly for her to trail behind him like a peasant, nor would she ever lower herself below the means of the barbaric Senju.
"Lord Senju," she spoke before he continued," there's no need to herald the reputation of your brother over yourself. I come to you as a princess of Uzushio, not as a woman scavenging for scraps of information."
In fact, she preferred he didn't. The whole purpose of this was to forget about that man she was soon to be betrothed to. Troubling thoughts captured her attention and try as she might to shake them away, each day she is failing to evade every consideration between treason and self-destruction.
"You're a scholar. Tell me, what do you study?" the youthfulness on display earlier was gutted with a knife and replaced with constricted chakra and the refined dignity of a young noble," I was not aware the Senju had intelligences within their ranks."
Mito had attempted to find a library at some place within the stronghold and found nothing. Some scrolls here and there, but were mostly marked techniques for battle. She had more than plenty of those in her own holdings that she desired anything else.
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nidaiime · 10 months
            IN THE DEPTHS OF HIS MIND, Tobirama realized, with a tinge of belated awareness, that his words had flowed too freely. Chitose posed her inquiries in such confidence that caught him off guard, immersing him in a sea of astonishment and yet evoking a profound satisfaction that she was willing to engage in this discussion.
            “Verily,” he intoned, locking his gaze with hers, “I do wish to court you. However, I would never dare undertake such a venture without your brother's blessing, for I hold your honor and that of your noble lineage in utmost reverence.” With measured breaths, he imparted his response, knowing that the course of their future hinged upon Chitose's forthcoming actions. Would she, perchance, accept his advances? Tobirama, engulfed by her very energy, sensed a pulsating aura of anticipation encircling him, whispering secrets of her acquiescence.
            A fleeting smile graced Tobirama's face, only to be swiftly eclipsed by an overwhelming wave of guilt. He acknowledged, with a heavy heart, that he was not the sole guardian of Chitose's affections. Her brother, too, held her in the depths of his love. And Tobirama surmised that by pursuing Chitose, he would place her treasured sibling in the throes of a most challenging predicament.
            Summoning his resolve, he inhaled deeply, allowing his words to cascade forth like a gentle breeze through verdant foliage. “I am acutely aware of my own shortcomings when it comes to the expression of my sentiments,” he confessed, his voice a melodic cadence carrying the weight of his sincerity. “Yet, I wish for you to understand that you have occupied my mind for a considerable span of time, Ryuketsu-san. Your intellect, and your indomitable spirit have ensnared both my heart and my mind.”
𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐀 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄, so she could better understand what it is about her presence that's so different compared to others. He always seems to have trouble expressing himself emotionally, becoming so flustered around her and questioning every gesture or step he makes. It must be exhausting, Chitose wonders.
At least, that's how Chitose has come to look at her feelings. They're a heavy burden to bear, but one she hasn't mind enduring since meeting Lord Senju.
As Tobirama continues to speak, something he says catches Lady Ryuketsu off guard. It's no surprise that he holds her in high regard, for he's told her many times that he values her as a person, but he mentioned the phrase 'courting'. That he will 'court' her.
❝What was that just now?❞ Chitose asks, rising from her seat for the first time during their conversation.
She walks around the desk and slowly approaches Tobirama, looking up to meet his gaze. There's a bewildered expression on her face, as though she hadn't heard him correctly.
❝Lord Senju, do you wish to court me, and are you saying you would if you had my brother's permission? Forgive me, I'm a bit confused. You're saying that you would never breach my trust by presuming to touch me, and that you would sooner court me before that happened. Is that what you're saying?❞ She seems serious about having these questions answered. All teasing aside.
❝I would never be offended if you showed me affection, Lord Senju, because I believe our feelings are the same for one another. I would welcome it.❞
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nidaiime · 10 months
            HER HYPOTHESIS UNVEILED ITSELF BEFORE TOBIRAMA'S DISCERNING GAZE, clear and concise, eliciting a subtle pleasure that graced his countenance. The mere thought of her incompetence would have sent waves of profound disappointment crashing upon his shores of expectation. Yet, such trepidation swiftly dissipated, for Tobirama harbored no doubt that she would prove herself. Countless times had she demonstrated her intellect, earning her place within his laboratories. In her, he had found the protégé his discerning eyes had sought, a decision he knew to be right, resonating with a harmonious certainty.
            “Yes, Ryuketsu-san” he affirmed, a slight inclination of his head accentuating his words. “That is precisely what I am postulating.” However, a deeper undercurrent coursed through his thoughts, a conviction that whispered of a more sinister presence weaving its malevolent threads within the tapestry of events. His brows, like knots of contemplation, furrowed ever so slightly, as he delved into the depths of his concentration.
            Leaving the scroll in Chitose's vigilant care, Tobirama turned to the body once more, a vessel of secrets waiting to be unearthed. With deft precision, he grasped a surgical instrument, its razor-sharp edge poised to part flesh with the grace of a master's touch. Diligently, he embarked upon his meticulous exploration, the incisions a symphony of practiced movements, until the inner sanctum of the guard's being was unveiled—a macabre tableau of organs rendered ashen and charred.
            A slow, agonizing demise had befallen the unfortunate sentinel. Tobirama, in an act of reverence, bestowed upon the fallen a humble bow of respect, paying homage to the cruel fate that had claimed him. Then, with measured steps, he navigated toward the sink, his hands stained with the vestiges of his investigation. As the water flowed, a cleansing cascade, his thoughts swirled in a tempest of contemplation. And amidst this tempest, Tobirama offered his response, his voice a vessel for the somber notion that had haunted his mind throughout the waning hour.
            “Perchance, Ryukestu-san,” he began, his focus fixated upon his hands as he unraveled the grim riddle that had danced within his thoughts. “You may be correct in your supposition, were it not for the unassailable truth that we do not issue these seals to the guards.”
            In a graceful pirouette, Tobirama turned to face her, his eyes alight with a fierce determination. “I am inclined to believe that these seals have been tampered with, their veils of familiarity concealing a deeper layer, an intricate tapestry of minuscule chakra interwoven with the essence of their original design.”
            Indeed, the deeper layer of chakra intermingling within the seals resonated as a tantalizing clue, whispering secrets of the elusive culprit's identity. Tobirama, ever the astute observer, recognized the significance of this enigmatic revelation. It was as if the chakra itself bore the fingerprints of a malevolent artist, leaving behind an intricate mark that defied casual scrutiny.
            Within the depths of his mind, Tobirama's deductive faculties wove a tapestry of possibilities. Who possessed the audacity and skill to tamper with such seals, intricately infusing them with their own chakra signature? 
𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐔'𝐒 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓-𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄 wrote such a crucial piece of literature. She’s yearning to inquire more about his rare book collection and the Senju family history, but it’s not why they’ve come here. Chitose carefully sets the book back on the shelf in its proper place, then joins Tobirama over by the table.
She gives Tobirama her undivided attention as he unravels a large scroll containing an ancient sealing technique. Admittedly, Chitose has little experience with fuuinjutsu apart from reading a few books on the subject, so this was quite fascinating to her. As a shinobi with a summoning contract to Ryuchi Cave, the principle didn’t seem too arduous to grasp.
Their gazes meet from across the table momentarily, then Chitose glances over the scroll again. Tobirama informs her this particular seal operates specifically as a trap. Believing that she understands what Tobirama is insinuating, she collects her thoughts to present a hypothesis.
❝It’s almost similar to a summoning technique, except it contains a different methodology when executed and with different results. You’re suggesting the seal used by the guards required proximity to be triggered.❞ Chitose murmurs allowed, almost to herself.
❝If that’s the case, something went awry while executing the technique. My guess is there was an imbalance during the creation of the seals.❞
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nidaiime · 10 months
             TOBIRAMA CREPT CLOSER, akin to a predatory wolf closing in on its prey, each step deliberate, his unwavering gaze locked onto his target. Orochi had admitted to intrusion, though his intentions may have been different. This fact alone spurred Tobirama into action, disregarding the accidental trap Orochi had sprung upon himself. Instead, it fueled his curiosity and raised his alertness.
             “I find myself wondering what it is that you seek,” Tobirama mused, more to himself than to the other man. Orochi had made it clear that he had no intention of complying. Tobirama's eyes narrowed, their ruby-red intensity fixated intently on Orochi's body, scrutinizing. Much could be inferred from Orochi's posture—his attempts to conceal something beneath his clothing, as if he were hiding stolen goods.
             Tobirama allowed his chakra to flare out, marking all his belongings. His chakra signature was imprinted on each item, allowing him to easily identify anything that might have been stolen. However, Orochi had nothing belonging to Tobirama on his person. So why was he being so evasive? Did he not comprehend the precarious position he found himself in?
             No, Orochi understood perfectly well—perhaps even better than Tobirama guessed. The man had confessed to possessing knowledge about the Senju, stories of Tobirama's battles, no doubt. Tobirama had kept his research hidden to avoid situations precisely like the one unfolding before him. People only knew of his prowess on the battlefield, his strategies, tactics, and techniques invented by him.
             Something far more sinister was at play here. “It appears that you entertain the notion that I would strike you the moment you reveal vulnerability,” Tobirama speculated, lowering his voice to a warning tone. “I had no intention of causing you harm, but you are pushing me towards it.”
             A surge of chakra suddenly swept through the room, yet Orochi refrained from attacking, prompting Tobirama to file that observation away for later consideration.
             Now in close proximity, close enough to loom over Orochi, the wolf of the Senju brought his face nearer, his focused eyes searching for something to grasp onto. All he had were the fleeting waves of chakra emanating from Orochi's fluctuating emotions. “You refuse to comply, to speak the truth, and yet you claim to have heard tales about me?” His gaze hardened. “I doubt it, Orochi,” the name slipped from his lips with a subtle growl. “Because if you had, you would have divulged the truth from the outset.”
             Tobirama extended his hand, shifting Orochi's clothing aside, and his curiosity was quickly piqued by what he discovered. “Curious,” he muttered to himself. “Indeed, quite peculiar.” With a firm push, Tobirama sent the table sliding to the side, a fascinated observer as Orochi moved along with it. He ran his fingers over the point where Orochi and the table had merged. “Hydrification technique?” the white-haired man speculated aloud, not expecting a response from Orochi. It would certainly explain the earlier surge of chakra and the dripping water. “Body manipulation?” he ventured another guess, driven by his insatiable curiosity more than anything else.
             Tobirama's gaze then roamed over Orochi's figure, searching until he found the pair of legs. Without warning, the Senju infused chakra into the wooden table, carefully adding more and more until the wood could no longer contain it, splintering into pieces. Before Orochi had a chance to escape, Tobirama held a kunai against his throat.
             “Now, I strongly advise against attempting to flee. I will reach you before you can comprehend it,” he threatened, pressing the kunai a little deeper against Orochi's neck without breaking the skin just yet. “Now, let us ask again, how did you manage to infiltrate this place?”
Oh my. This interaction isn’t any good.
Orochimaru’s smile never wavered because his awe and fright for Lord Senju Tobirama never wavered. He felt like chuckling, and he clenched his chest to hold it in. Laughing in the face of one of his iconic idols when intruding upon him was one of the dumbest things he could do. Respect was better paid in reverence and politeness, than in humour and playfulness. 
However, it was so difficult to stay calm and collected when this encounter was exhilarating! It was so rare to find a proper adversary. It was rare to be matched in power, and if only five percent of the stories were true, he was outmatched. He knew intimately well that the was gambling the safety of his person with every word. And he knew he was crazy, because he loved this tit-for-tat dance.
“My my… I do all these great attempts to steer the conversation in the ways that I want…” 
He had pushed his emotions of fright, then pushed awe and wonder. And in reply, you put distance between us. You walked away from me, you took your eyes off me. My attempt had effect.
“-and I stall and stall… and you?” Orochimaru would admit it: “Fu fu fu… you see right through me.” Orochimaru was honourable, and valued quick minds. He would give confirmation where truthful confirmation was due: “Yes, sir. I tested my abilities and successfully arrived, only to find myself inadvertently confined.” He didn’t admit in which manner.
 "So, good sir, please forgive a poor idiot for stalling for time. I choose not to be expeditious because I am weighing the stakes. Yes, failure to comply is bad, and I detest failure and bad consequences more than any other. But I have heard stories about you, wondrous stories and terrible stories. I have little reason to believe that complying will bring me any good.“
Complying will rob me of time. I need time to think. He’s going to see through me eventually. He will pierce together the puzzle pieces, just as he hypothesized correctly that I’m trapped here. 
Can I mention time space jutsu? Or will that mess up the timeline? If my presence here creates a big Butterfly Effect or Mandala Effect, then I might un-do my own existence or create paradoxes. Where is Lord Niidaime in his research–is he already working on Time-Space jutsu? If so, then Lord Senju might eventually excuse his initial tight-lipped attitude eventually. What time period are we in?
His gaze darted through the room, looking for clues. The laboratory was a mess. The only indication he had that Lord Senju had been dabbling in Time-Space jutsu was the inky Benzaiten star on the ground. But it was obviously an abandoned or rejected project, since this damned table had been pushed over it.
If I freely reveal that I’m stuck in the table, it will intrigue him. My body will intrigue him. I can not permit his interest in my body. No. His interest would be the worst because it will be like mine. (Or rather, my style of interest is modelled after his). Only when he physically forces me to move, I’ll reveal that I’m stuck. Until then, I will keep body-blocking and using my clothes to block his view of how I’ve merged with the wood. 
I must hide the Benaiten star too. The ocean water that gushed off me, is erasing ink of the Benzaiten star. It’s already smudging and fading. With a little luck, I erase the clue. Then it will take him days to pierce the logic together and hypothesize that I used an abandoned project, one he doesn’t yet even consider possible. I need those damned days to recover from this injury.
I am fairly sure I can still leave, but it will be at great risk. I just expended a lot of chakra. Doing this jutsu a third time -without knowing where or when I’ll end up, and maybe fusing more with this misplaced table- does not appeal. Orochimaru would need to spend chakra that he didn’t have. He was pretty empty. He was out of options. Depart or stay? He clenched his teeth.
He choose to stay. I need time to recover. I’ll take my chances. He likes diplomacy–I will use that against him endlessly.
"I humbly apologise for the intrusion, my good man. Give me a while to recover,  and I will be out of your lab eventually. In other words: I aim to stall and intrigue, but I do not comply.”
I accept the bad consequences.
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nidaiime · 10 months
        TOBIRAMA DECIDED TO HUMOUR HER. "Verily, I must confess that a swift assault would indeed invigorate me to a greater extent than a surreptitious strike," he conceded, gracing her with a faint smile that bespoke an intimacy reserved solely for kin.
        With a gentle pat upon the seat beside him, he extended an invitation to the tempestuous kunoichi, accompanied by the words, "I implore you, do join me." Such an overture conveyed an enduring welcome, a perpetual embrace extended exclusively to her.
        Though lacking the gift of clairvoyance, Tobirama possessed an innate ability to discern the tumultuous currents of her ruminations with remarkable acuity, gleaned from the subtle interplay of emotions etched upon her face and the restless chakra that flickered just beneath the surface. With genuine concern marking his features, he inquired, "Pray tell, what plagues your spirit?" Should it be something that fell within the realm of his capacity to alleviate, he promised not to permit her to return home burdened in such a manner.
        "Though my expertise in dispensing counsel may not be unparalleled, I must confess..." he cast a furtive gaze around their surroundings, creating an atmosphere of conspiracy, "...your father often sought my counsel during our youth."
She had been about to leave her perch when he called out to her, having set her eyes on different hiding-spot. But it seemed the moment had passed.
“Is there anything you are in need of, Maeko?”
The question made her pause, and a muscle to play in her jaw. With well practiced movement, she maneuvered herself through the tree, before swinging down and landing lightly at the base of its trunk. "Is keeping you on your toes not enough reason, uncle?" She ventured an easy smile and a few steps towards the bench. "But since that failed, I suppose I was hoping I could join your company, for a little while." It had become one of the worse parts. When she for one reason or another couldn't fill her day with training, the more intense the better, restlessness and the solitude would consume her. Her father. Busy. Her mother. Busy. Her older brother. Busy. Hell even little Kichiro was busy and would be even more so when he'd start the academy! As for the rest of the Senju, unless she had the desire to spend time with the very youngest then the same frustrating fact applied. Busy. It was driving her insane. "Please?"
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nidaiime · 10 months
         HER ACTIONS WERE PECULIAR, Tobirama decided after further inspection. Her youthful playfulness was a telling contrast against her usual stoicism and respectable aura she exuded at the presence of Hashirama. Were she trying something malicious, Tobirama would have detected it immediately.
         No, she was innocent, but guarded.
         A long sigh escaped Tobirama's lips, bespeaking an inner turmoil that defied verbal expression. On one hand, an ardent desire stirred within him, yearning to indulge in her company, to delve deeper into the intricacies of her persona—her preferences and aversions, her aspirations, any morsel of knowledge regarding her being. Yet, on the other hand, he found himself irrevocably bound by the constraints of honor and loyalty, acutely aware that she belonged not to him, but to his esteemed sibling. To seize her as his own would constitute an act of treachery, a breach of the unwavering reverence he held for Hashirama—a notion which Tobirama promptly dismissed, refusing to entertain it further, for his veneration of his brother was unassailable.
         His steadfast determination swiftly waned as she ensnared his wrist with an unexpected vigor, revealing a latent strength unbeknownst to him. The white-haired gentleman abruptly halted, his mind succumbing to a momentary void in the wake of her tactile contact... albeit briefly, before he swiftly regained composure. With utmost delicacy, he gingerly extracted his hand from her grasp, mindful of preserving her sensibilities and avoiding any semblance of offense.
         "Rest assured, Lady Uzumaki, all is well within the realms of acceptability. Should you deign to grace me with your presence," he pronounced with a graceful incline of his head, before deftly pivoting on his heel to embark on a purposeful stride. He refrained from casting a backward glance to ascertain her compliance, confident in his knowledge that she would indeed trail his path. To portray an air of excessive enthusiasm, he deemed, carried the potential for a myriad of intricacies best sidestepped with prudent discretion.
         With a reluctant admission, he conceded, "Anija, undoubtedly, would prove a more felicitous companion compared to my own presence. He exudes an affability that eludes me, for I am but a learned scholar." Concluding his statement, he punctuated it with a subtle click of his tongue, accentuating his point with finesse. "In due course, weariness shall inevitably ensnare your spirit in my company." A rather roundabout way of elucidating his mundane personality. 
As daring as she was to reach out for the box, it was whisked away from her grasp, tucked into those cobalt blues far from her touch. Mito's hand rescinded as quickly as it shot out, like she was burned by the rejection.
"Of course, I apologize," she formed a smile on her lips, the laden sadness becoming increasingly present within her honey irises.
Slipping her arms into her long kimono sleeves, she twisted her forearms together within the cloth and presented herself near statue-esque in poise and beauty. One that could nearly rival a Heavenly effigy.
"... Sure, that is fine."
Tobirama committed the unspoken sin of mentioning his dear brother twice in one conversation, invoking a disdainful, disinterested sideways look. She did not meet his eyes anymore, her attentions turning away to where there was natural light, despite the darkening of her expression.
It would be uncouth to say she didn't want to hear at all about his elder brother. Nor see whatever fancy items he has in this boring place. She wanted peace of mind and she can't have that when she thinks of this man, who might as well be her master because by all means, this was purely political.
"N- no, that's quite alright. I would hate to disturb him right now."
Desperate to avoid Tobirama from doubling back, or even insisting, she lunged forward, grabbing his wrist. She didn't care about what was in that box. She brought forward her strength ( a combination of hers and the recent small bijuu she encased within herself for protection ) and refused to let go of him should he even attempt to shake her off.
"Please, show me the gardens.... Lord Tobirama," her voiced died in her throat at the last bit, the malcontent smile ever-present on her painted lips," I'd like the chance to get to know you a little better. You're so... elusive to me."
A scared little girl running in a dark forest, grabbing a tree branch and pretending its God. That's all she's doing.
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nidaiime · 10 months
             TOBIRAMA NOTICED THE FANGS, adding it to the growing list of snake-like things about the strange man that appeared in his lab. He chose to stay silent about it for now, thinking that confronting the man about his peculiar appearance would probably throw him off somehow, make him more guarded. Tobirama needed him to stay loose; he should probably egg him on some more by feigning a little bit of ignorance. Though Tobirama doubted it would work anyway, he was well-known and only someone who lived under a rock or from a far away country wouldn’t have heard of him, Senju Tobirama, the Wolf of Senju and the brother of the God of Shinobi, Senju Hashirama.
           The white haired man kept his ruby red eyes trained on the other, each infinitesimal movement not unobserved by his keen stare. His left eyebrow rose up slightly in a silent question when the man, Orochi, he had called himself, calm, suspicious aura turned significantly more alarmed and wary. 
           Taking his time to study him more, Tobirama moved a little step back, crossing his arms over his chest as he moved his eyes all over the place, taking each and any hint he could find about this peculiar situation. He had to act and act fast, any delay in his actions could be his downfall and Tobirama refused to let that be his undoing. The room held no clues about what had transpired except for the fact that it looked like a storm had ravaged through his stuff. Tables toppled and glassware broken, his papers strewn all across the room and chemicals spilled and reacted together on the ground. The Senju wrinkled his nose at the disarray, already dreading cleaning this mess up.
           Tobirama walked over to one side of the room, righting a chair so he could grab the papers from beneath. It appeared as if everything was only thrown around, but nothing was stolen as far as he knew, and Orochi had nothing on him that would suggest he had taken anything. That only aroused his suspicions even more, but he filed that thought for later. He had more important things to worry about, like how in the hell did the man sneak into his lab without setting off his wards?
           The frown only deepened when a new wave of unwarranted emotions hit him in the face, for the lack of a better term. He almost missed a step, when the emotions only grew more intense, more focused. Deliberate. 
           Shame hit him first. Rising up in waves before it dwindled down just as quickly to make way for awe and wonder, which weren’t any better. Suffocated, he was. His sensory range was all of Fire Country, and he could easily ignore all of its inhabitants but for some reason, the barrage of chakra from the man’s intense emotions caused his own chakra to fluctuate a bit to accommodate the new sensation. Too much, too conscious. 
           He knows that Tobirama was a sensor and he was trying to aggravate his senses on purpose. Hackles raised, Tobirama walked back into the center of the room, carefully avoiding the spilled liquids and unbound scrolls.
           Quickly collecting his bearings, Orochi’s words had just registered in his mind before another thought caused Tobirama’s guards to rise harshly back up; the man was still in the same spot since this all had begun. “Are you trapped?” he asked, quick and to the point. “Did you test your abilities and successfully gain access to my laboratories, only to find yourself inadvertently confined?” If yes, than that would give the other some truth to his words. Getting trapped would surely not be in his plan of transgression, that would defeat the purpose.
            An accident, then?
           Tobirama’s hardened glare would have killed the other man on the spot if he had a suitable dōjutsu of his own. “I require the expeditious provision of the relevant details. Failure to comply may result in an unwanted scenario. I shall ask one more time, how did you discover the location of the lab?”
             Tobirama’s next course of action largely depended on Orochi’s response.
“You can’t,” Orochimaru replied without missing a beat. Usually his smile showed only a glimpse of white, but now it widened until his smile showed the full snake fangs. The thrill was hot in his body. The nerves made his muscles buzz. He felt electric, and he loved it.
Play dumb, he reminded himself. But Lord Second was towering over him. 
He looked as tall as the trees that were named after him. The fire might’ve disappeared, but his chakra was still filling the entire room, and it made the air thick. It was hard to breathe--or perhaps he was still out of breath. Catching his breath wasn’t easy right now Lord Senju himself was flaunting his tree-trunk biceps and tree-trunk thighs. His wide chest and shoulders blocked out most of the view of the laboratory. Sensei always told me he was an imposing person. The real legend overwhelmed Orochimaru anyway.
He smiled wide, but swallowed thickly. His mind chose this time to remind him of his many in-depth analyses of Senju victories where Tobirama Senju had played a pivotal role by crushing his enemies. Orochimaru remembered too-vividly the gruesome details about each careful, precise crush. He had been unmatched in terms of intelligence, and ninjutsu, his senjutsu, and--oh.
Orochimaru suddenly felt like a rock dropped in his stomach. He was faced with a sensor. Sensors could feel lies and discord. Orochimaru could barely sniff out lies with his poor senjutsu skill. His own lie-detecting skills were laughable compared to a sensor. And no one was more known for their sensor skills than Lord Second. Of course Lord Second wouldn’t believe his chit-chatty tease about taking a wrong turn.
Orochimaru couldn’t expect Lord Second to believe the ‘veracity of his claim’ because Lord Second could probably literally sniff out Orochimaru’s every intent to deceive. Orochimaru counted himself as the idiot. He’s giving me a second try, and expects me to answer truthfully this time. That’s generous of him. He immediately damned his earlier plan to be dumb in the playfully manipulative style, and conceded to only speaking in truths from now on.
Speaking truths was a different power-game, and one he was more versed at. He had played it with Master Hiruzen for years, and with Danzo-sensei too. He could be truthful about his words. He could be truthful about his feelings. He lowered his head humbly in yet another bow, and created a precise ooze of emotion for Lord Second to latch onto.
You’re intimidating me, but you’re actually on the defense, hm? I’m the outlier, I’m the invading party. How many anti-intruder traps did I bypass? Ku ku ku... you have no idea who I am. You want to play sensor and gauge my person? Gauge my honesty? Sense me!
First, he let himself feel the whirlwind shame at his idiocy. 
Secondly, he combed through the feeling of awe. His muscles sang with tension at being intimidated. The Victor of Ten Thousand Battles. Orochimaru felt worried tug in his stomach. The Mastermind. 
Then, he combed through his honest reverence. Alchemist, and Light Bottler. Meeting the phenomenal ninja face-to-face demanded respect for his prowess. And Orochimaru acknowledged power above anything--so the excitement maintained his smile.
And lastly, he spoke truths. “Ku ku ku... my intrusion was without purpose. I merely wanted to... mm... test my ability.” He had dearly wanted to discover if the time-space jutsu worked, and it had. He looked at where he had ended up. His gaze went by the big Senju’s arm, to the room. I am in Lord Second’s laboratory!
He couldn’t resist the opportunity to shift the burden of answering questions back to Lord Second’s shoulders, and he did this by simply pointing out: “By mentioning `only authorized personnel` you have just confirmed this room is a laboratory indeed. So compared to this easily acquired confirmation from you yourself, does it really matter which details tattletaled? I respectfully ask if the details are clearly the pivotal security issue?”
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nidaiime · 10 months
@hatredcurse sent:
                  。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。
[Wet Dream Prompt]
“Oh, Lord Senju, go easy on me!”
Izuna moaned, himself greedily sitting down his full weight on Tobirama’s cock. Having restrained this irritating man at the wrists against the mahogany headboard, the Uchiha princeling had full control over his majesty’s body. Well, almost everything, save for the throb of his dick aching in the squeeze of Izuna’s tightness.
His own hands wandered over his own chest, thin fingers tracing over all his porcelain curves and tight muscle. His chest was pushed forward with a beautiful arch in his back, providing the very wonderful sight of Tobirama’s length bulging through the Uchiha’s front.
Bound at both wrists and ankles, Izuna further restrained Tobirama at the hips with his knees, forcing Tobirama to behave as the Uchiha took control of the rhythm; switching between a steady rock of his pelvis or posturing himself tall enough, threatening for Tobirama to slip from the heaven of his warmth before he dropped himself hard against his hips, happily taking all that the Senju had to offer.
“You’re such a naughty boy for liking this so much,” he berated him, a sickly sweet look in his lidded eyes,” who knew you were such a slave to little pleasures. It must make you sick that it’s coming from me.”
His hands eventually stopped putting on a show and sought the hard muscle of Tobirama’s chest, the chorded muscle of his arms, fingers massaging into the skin as they worked themselves up to his throat, seizing him hard around the throat; thumbs pushing into the small spot just beneath his Adam’s apple. As if it pleasured him too, Izuna’s moans raised in volume, lips parted with a drunk look overtaking his usually restrained expression. 
“C’mon, give it to me, baby. I can feel that you’re close,” he quickened his pace, really feeling the Senju’s eagerness hitting all the right spots in him. 
He knelt forward placing a hard kiss on his captive’s bound mouth, digging his knees into Tobirama’s side, encouraging him to finish, to claim him as his own—
—End Dream from Izuna (:
                  。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。
        TIGHT. So tight.
        The ropes almost snapped in half from how hard he pulled, having half a mind to just cut them down with a wave of chakra and take control over the other, showing him what he was capable off. But something about being tied, completely under Izuna's control had Tobirama trying to writhe and move his body to meet every demand, further submitting to Izuna despite himself.
        “Izuna,” he groaned, his head moving to the side as the hot, wet, tightness of Izuna's body almost damned him into hell. “Untie me,” he said but his order fell weak to his own ears. He liked it. 
        A bit too much.
        Bucking his hips upwards, Tobirama dove deeper into Izuna's warmth, cock sliding against his insides as the precum eased the movement. The squelching sound was filthy to his ears, skin slapping against skin as the Uchiha bounced over him, his eating his dick eagerly. “Just let me...” His words contained a dark promise. The moment Izuna would untie him, he would be trapped under Tobirama's larger body with no place to move, helpless ravished by the wolf of Senju.
        The thought along with the tightness around his cock, Tobirama was so close--
        Then Izuna choked him. “Fuck,” he swore, breathing heavily through his mouth, chest heaving with his breaths, almost jostling Izuna over him. “Are you close?” he asked, watching the Uchiha princeling through half-lidded eyes, the visual of complete debauchery  adding to his pleasure. “Fuck it, I am so close. You are good,” he admitted, not letting the teasing words get to him. “I am so close,” he repeated, hips bucking wildly and out of rhythm. 
        He bit Izuna's lips, basking in the taste of the other. He was surrounded by everything Izuna; his smell, his sounds, his taste, his heat, his tightness--
        Tobirama's eyes shot open, breathing loudly into the eerily quiet room. He sat up, confusion clouding his mind for a second before the sticky feeling running down his thigh woke him up. 
4. Tobirama is very aroused.
5. He had an orgasm in his sleep.
6. He is now looking for Izuna to tie him up.
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nidaiime · 10 months
         DESPITE HIS BACK STILL FACING HER, Tobirama could easily visualise her demure act from her tone. Not one to fall easily for other people's acts, he squared his shoulders as his fingers almost dug  into the wood.  “There is no need to be concerned, Lady Uzumaki, no inconvenience has been caused,” he assured her.
         He allowed her some time to study their surroundings, and in turn it gave him more time to think about what should be done with the piece of jewelry in hand. Moving now would arouse suspicions, and the Uzumaki was already beyond agitated for being within Senju territory. Clever as he was, it was admittedly the first time Tobirama let himself be caught off guard. Not since he was a child on the battlefield, failing to save his brother.
         Quickly removing the dark thought from his mind before it could consume him, Tobirama turned to face the woman, his ruby red eyes almost betraying him as his mind tried to paint the image of her deep within its grooves.
         Tobirama's blood almost ran as cold as his alias when a pale hand shot forward to take what he desperately wanted to hide. Recollecting his thoughts and straightening his back, the whitehaired Senju promptly removed the box from her reach. “Do not trouble yourself with such trivialities, Lady Uzumaki,” he said, managing his voice into a calmer tone than his raging thoughts.
         “Had Anija not show you the garden? He is exceptionally proud of it,” he started, as a way of diversion, concealing the box with his hand. “I could walk you there if he has not had the chance yet.”
         Though, the garden didn't have that many activities that could entertain the lady, it was better than having her roaming around, bored out of her mind. 
         And how dare he assume she would like his presence? 
         Solemnly, he added,  “Anija is a bit busy in the office but I could call for him if you would prefer his company. ”
It had been an arguably terrible morning for Mito. Each morning she wakes up in this miserable encampment surrounded by grey-stone walls, it was enough to drive her mad. The colors on her robes felt like the only surviving trail of color left in her life, aside from the bright blossom of her red hair.
Should she dwell on it too long, it was bound to consume her. Force her resolve to falter until she was unable to attend to her duty. Which would appease no one, especially not her father nor would she imagine the Senju clan be all too amicable with her stubbornness either.
Instead of dwelling on irreversible treaties, she distracted herself with her especially particular morning routine. Stabbing several golden pins into her ornate hair, along with the few talisman's she kept on her body to ward her from spiritual influence. That, along with her seafoam and white robes, often had her feel more ostracized from the Senju community. Of which, she couldn't bring herself to care anymore. Until Hashirama vowed himself to her, she was a Uzumaki until she wore those white and red robes.
Carrying herself out with a touch of grace, she walked herself throughout the Senju noble tower. She helped herself to the sights of the garden and the population down below. All of it bereft of a certain beauty she was familiar to.
It would be the markings of a great day if she can pass through, take in the sights ( what little there is of it ) and bide her time until her new retainer called for her for evening tea. It would probably be the best day of her week if that was the case, but in a tower so small, she was bound to run into someone else.
"Oh—" a hand shot up over her lips, shielding the startle in her eyes," I didn't see you there, Lord Senju."
Embarrassed by her lack of grace, she tipped her head forward as an apology. This is what she gets for being too far into her own head and not paying attention.
Thankfully, she didn't notice anyone else besides this tall, ice-clad man. Which allowed her shoulders to slacken a smidge and allow her to take a deeply calming breath. The young Senju was often unaccompanied, so it shouldn't have a surprise to her to see him alone, but his staggering glare alone is enough to unbalance her from her steadfast resolve, if she were not careful enough.
"I was just taking a small stroll before I'm called elsewhere. There's not much to do around here," she joked, lightly but seriously.
Avoiding that piercing stare of his, her eyes dropped to the strangled box in his hands, her eyebrows furrowing a bit; almost worried for it as if it were a pet.
"What do you have there?" she reached a curious hand forward to inspect it, forgetting her formalities. The harden noble look that she masked herself in faded for a brief moment as her youthful playfulness returned in the soft glean of her dark eyes.
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nidaiime · 10 months
Like this post if you want me to send you the wet dream meme. :)
Specify muses(s) if you want or else I'll pick.
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nidaiime · 11 months
Quick update:
I'm still alive but I'm a bit busy with my Master's application and my job. I have to write an essay which will then be graded and the best 10 will be chosen in September.
I might go on a little hiatus until the 24th of August. Everything will be clear by next weekend. I apologise if you're waiting for a reply from me, I really am sorry. I want to get back to writing as soon as possible but real life happened.
I will try to write every now and then but I can't promise you that. In the mean time, I'm lurking. You can chat with me if you want. :)
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nidaiime · 11 months
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nidaiime · 11 months
           HE WAS CALMED A LITTLE BY THE OTHER'S NERVOUS ENERGY. Tobirama was not one to act rashly. He knew he had to be careful. Weighing the risks and benefits of each, he considered his options carefully. He could attack the intruder, but that would be risky and he didn't want to cause unnecessary damage. He could attempt to reason with the other man(?) as well, but he didn't know who they were or what they wanted.
           Choosing a more diplomatic approach to the situation at hand, Tobirama's chakra lessen into a dull glow until it faded, just waiting beneath his skin, ready at his command. With measured steps, he approached the other who, suspiciously but Tobirama ignored it for now, didn't move away from him or readied themselves into a stance.
           The Senju was a cautious man. He knew that this could be a dangerous situation so he paused for a moment to assess the situation and to think about his next words.
           "Am I to understand that you expect me to place faith in such a claim?" he would have scoffed but that would be showing too much emotion to someone potentially vicious. “I will not repeat myself again.”
           Tobirama took his time into observing the other, documenting everything into his mind for later use if the intruder stupidly decided to attack him in his own turf. The man (Tobirama didn't like to assume but until the other proved him otherwise, he was a man in Tobirama's eyes, and made it easier to address him later) had some peculiar features about him. 
           If Tobirama dared to think it, he would say that he had some decidedly snake-like features; pale skin, golden eyes and slitted pupils, fang-like teeth. His parents were rather...cruel...for naming their child “Orochi” just because of his appearance.
Something about his words made Tobirama reel back for a moment. The fact that he used the title 'Lord' when addressing him and—
           “Laboratory?” he inquired, choosing to give him the benefit of the doubt. For now. With a quick sweep over his destroyed, he noticed that nothing should be recognisable as lab tools or equipments, except for the trained eye. “Pray, enlighten me on the basis of which you have discerned this to be a laboratory?”
           Crossing his arms over his chest, Tobirama's eyes narrowed into a frown, the place between his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pulled into a thin line. “And it is restricted solely to authorised personnel, and not open to the wandering masses.”
           The authorised personnel were only him. His suspicions rising even further, Tobirama took a step closer to the other. Tobirama's ruby red eyes surveyed the scene studiously, taking in everything that could help him devise a plan should the need arise. The man had yet to move from his position, which should be a warning in and of itself. 
           “How can I be assured that your words hold veracity and are not intended to deceive?”
Orochimaru squinted against the light of the chakra. It was blue, like Kabuto's, but the feeling of being near was wholly different. It was intimidating and hostile. He saw... Lord Second Hokage? He stared. His pupils shrank to dots, and trembled. This should not be possible. His breath snagged his throat. Genjutsu? He reset his chakra flow. If this was an illusion, it would be interrupted. This didn’t work. And Lord Second still stood before him.  He seemed so real. Who else but him could emit so much chakra that it became visible? This far beyond normal. Taijutsu fighters had to open Lotus Gates in order to make their chakra visible. Lord Second didn’t. Standing in his presence felt like standing by a bonfire. The glow would be pleasant, if his power level wasn't so terrifying. "My my," Orochimaru smiled nervously. It was a dastardly smirk. He always smiled when he was nervous. He needed time to understand this situation, though the clue seemed obvious. It seems I travelled to the past. Or perhaps I am drowning and this is the dream that heralds death if I do not wake up. "Lord Ssssec-dju," he bowed his head and torso respectfully, as good as he could with the table embedded in his skin. "My name is... Orochi-." He stopped himself before he could say 'maru', because that would betray he was of a certain birth. He did not say his surname, never did, and it would certainly not help him here. And Lord Second was intimidating. He was gigantic, towering over Orochimaru. His chakra flames licked the ceiling and had to fold in order to fit in the room. His shoulders were wide. His arms were as logs. His hands were big and had callouses. The guy had muscled hands--the type of muscle definition no artist or potter had. The Princess called them 'war hands'. Those fingers were truly fearsome weapons. His tall stature was intimidating. He sure knew how to fill a room. This man was every bit the beast from sensei's legends... and from the many notes Orochimaru had been reading over the years. The encounter with this legend made Orochimaru feel young. Although I am certainly older. I’m older in years? Or in experience? Or maybe not experience. And this body vessel is younger too. How does one count age with time travel? Do I make use of relative time? He stored the question for later. He smiled nervously instead. "It seems I took a wrong turn. I ended up inside your laboratory. Ku ku ku..." He did not draw attention to his stuck position. He knew better than to highlight his vulnerabilities. It was awkward though. With the table to his waist and leg, he could not slip away or dash off. "You don't mind, do you?" Of course the giant would mind, but Orochimaru chose to play dumb. Fools were more comforting than geniuses. Especially when discovering them in your lab. And the world was full of the fools. Genius was hard to come by. Orochimaru's yellow eyes reflected the azure chakra flames, and his eyes shimmered with happy fascination that he hoped didn’t show.
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nidaiime · 11 months
roleplay commentary IF THATS OK??
Eeeyooo, maybe it's my brain running away with me but...yeah.... it's kinda cute?? How TObirama's like "wow I invented a new jutsu! I sent a little orb to go poof and this has the potential to change wars!" but we know he has to test first. Like. You know. Test orbs first, then weirdly shaped objects and hope they don't arrive in puzzle pieces on their destination. Then maybe animals and then hope they don't arrive dead or inside-out. And BIG MAYBE people afterwards.
Meanwhile 😂😂😂
Orochimaru's appearing behind him like: (travelled through time nearly flawlessy‼) "My biggest problem is like 5% of dis table." And 🤭. Probably his second biggest problem is that he's... ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝) Ah, jk jk... just saying the description of tobirama's size wasn't convincingly straight... 😏or is that just me??
That's more than okay. I'm flattered that you actually read through the rp thread. <3
I know right? Tobirama just took over my brain and the process looked a bit like "Tobirama takes over my brain > invent new jutsu > cackle like a mad scientist", so I get what you mean. I don't even know how I came up with it but I can see how beneficial it could be.
Just imagine the sheer madness that would arise by testing that jutsu, LOL. Hashirama will have to rein in his brother at this point.
Ah, Orochimaru not wanting to bring attention to his vulnerable position had me "oh, oh, oh, this is interesting."
The description of Tobirama's size did things to me. Good things. Incredible things. I'm all about Senju men built like friggin' trees.
@uchihacollector, thought you should see this. :)
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nidaiime · 11 months
           IN THE DEPTHS OF HIS LAB, Senju Tobirama was hard at work, his eyes fixated on the strange, glowing object in front of him. His mind whirled with possibilities as he delved deeper into the realm of space-time ninjutsu, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible. The air around him crackled with energy, sending chills down his spine.
           Tobirama was a master of the ninja arts, a genius in the world of jutsu, and his latest invention promised to be his greatest yet. He had devoted countless hours to the study of space-time ninjutsu, delving deep into the mysteries of time and space to unlock the secrets of teleportation. His lab was a testament to his skill, filled with strange devices and arcane instruments, each one designed to unlock the secrets of the universe.
           The object in front of him was his latest creation, a small, shimmering orb that pulsed with an otherworldly energy. Tobirama's eyes gleamed with excitement as he reached out to touch it, his fingers tingling with anticipation. With a flick of his wrist, he activated the orb, and the air around him shimmered with a strange, pulsing light.
           Beneath the surface, Tobirama knew that his latest invention was dangerous, a weapon that could be used for both good and evil. He had created a tool that could manipulate the very fabric of reality, a device that could change the course of history itself. But Tobirama was no fool. He knew that such power came with a price, and he was willing to pay it.
           As he worked, Tobirama's mind raced with the possibilities of his new invention. He could see the potential for it to revolutionize the world of ninja warfare, to give his clan an edge that no one else could match. With this new technique, they could teleport weapons, supplies, even entire armies from one place to another, without ever leaving the safety of their own territory.
           The air around Tobirama crackled with energy, and the lab filled with an eerie, otherworldly light. He knew that he was on the verge of a breakthrough, that he was about to unlock the secrets of teleportation and change the course of history forever.
           With a final burst of energy, Tobirama activated the orb, and the air around him shimmered with a strange, pulsing light. Suddenly, the orb vanished, leaving behind a strange, pulsing energy that filled the lab with an eerie glow.
           Tobirama smiled to himself, knowing that he had done it. He had unlocked one of the secrets of space-time ninjutsu, and created a new, dangerous technique that would change the course of history forever. But as he looked at the pulsing energy in front of him, he knew that he had to be careful. He had created a weapon of immense power, and he had to be sure that it was used wisely.
           With a final, satisfied smile, Tobirama turned his attention to the next challenge, documenting his findings in a secret scroll, sealing its contents with strong fuuinjutsu he had learned from Uzumaki Mito. 
           The ability to teleport weapons, supplies, and even entire armies from one place to another could give  any clan a significant advantage over their rivals. They would be able to quickly and efficiently transport troops and resources to the front lines of battle, while their enemies would be left struggling to keep up.
           Moreover, the technique could be used to launch surprise attacks, catch their enemies off guard, and gain the upper hand in battles. This could make a clan a more formidable opponent, and allow them to dominate the battlefield in ways that were previously unimaginable.
           Any clan that gains access to this technique could use it to their advantage, potentially upsetting the balance of power among the different ninja clans. It could lead to an arms race, with each clan trying to develop their own version of the technique or find ways to counter it.
           This could result in an increase in ninja warfare, with clans engaging in more frequent and intense battles to gain the upper hand. It could also lead to the development of new, more dangerous techniques, as clans try to outdo one another in the quest for power—
           His brush skidded across the paper as the ground trembled beneath his feet, sending shockwaves through the air. The rumbling grew louder and louder until it was a deafening roar, like the sound of a thousand thunderclaps all at once. The earth heaved and buckled, like a wild animal struggling to break free from its chains.
           Tobirama quickly channeled his chakra to his feet to regain his balance as the sound of shattering glass and falling masonry filled the air. It upset the Senju wolf to a greater degree when he saw years of work demolished by an unpredicted earthquake. 
           Soon enough, the rumbling quieted and the earth laid to rest once more. It was unusual for an earthquake. The thought had barely crossed Tobirama's mind before the strong chakra flow alerted him to the presence of another.
...in his lab.
           Tobirama's chakra quickly grew into a visible azure aura that surrounded his person as he readied himself for an attack. The earthquake shouldn't be a coincidence, then. He approached the other side of the lab, where the damage dealt was far stronger and more devastating. A frown quickly painted itself on his face and his earlier glee at finally discovering a secret came to an end. 
           “State your name and declare your purpose of your intrusion,” Tobirama ordered, his tone dripping with hostility at the silhouette in front of him.  Who stood before was of peculiar appearance, but the Senju didn't allow that to lower his guard. He did not for the other to defend themselves. “Be haste with your answer.”
Benzaiten jutsu
Tobirama likes being associated with Space-Time Ninjutsu better. His techniques are outrageous; things that have never been done before; the manipulation of physics and nature.
Orochimaru’s obsession with collecting knowledge from the past, landed him in the past. He did more than ‘take a wrong turn’ today. He should’ve known better than to experiment with Space-Time Ninjutsu.
He had had plenty of opportunities to think that maybe, just maybe, he should stop. He dived under the waves of the deadly whirlpool waters of Uzushiogakure. He had swum to the sunken temple of the water goddess of fertility and flow: Benzaiten. In most drawings, Benzaiten had a white snake in her headdress, and she herself could transform into a white snake. The white snake was associated with rebirth. The cultural significance had gripped Orochimaru’s fascination, because shrines always hinted to ancient and forgotten ninjutsu practises. Underwater, Orochimaru had found a vault door. Inside were glass bottles, which held one scroll each. He took only one thing, because he knew how gods punished greed. He promised the goddess that he would return the scroll, borrowing wasn’t theft, and perhaps he should’ve thought twice about taking items from a deity’s shrine vault without making an offer first.
Perhaps the old scroll should have given him pause. It was significantly older than the Founder Scrolls he possessed. But it wasn’t completely unrelated. He recognized a pattern of the mysterious pattern on one of Lord Second’s scrolls. He put them side by side, and grinned so wide his face split in half, and his whole body shivered with excitement. He paid heed to the extensive clause and subclauses of warnings that Lord Second had written at the back of the scroll. It looked like Space-Time Jutsu to travel large distances. No wonder that Lord Second had tied the white-black warning ribbon around it. The same zebra stripe ribbons were used in funeral rites.
Then Orochimaru had carved out the same star-shaped pattern in the stone floor of Otogakure’s experimentation hall. He had the kids polish it, and he measured the depth, and it was equal on all sides. He took the toddler triplets that could heat up metal buckets to impossible temperatures, and together they poured molten gold in the shape. It took extremely long to cool off, and Orochimaru didn’t want to take any risks. He had the figure sanded, and then used the last bucket of Premium Black Starline Ink (Jiraiya’s brand) to draw the rest of the seals on the walls and the ceiling. Many times, he cursed his own handwriting.
Seals were a language. Every country had seals. Every language develops regional dialects. Grandmother Mito’s handwriting had been without accent, but Orochimaru’s handwriting had an accent and it wasn’t native to the Hidden Leaf. By practise, he knew how to draw the common seals without accent. When you got to the A-level seals, ninjas who were versed in fuuinjutsu would recognize his accent clearly and some jutsus would fail. And at the highest level, level S, he made the most mistakes, precisely when he couldn’t afford to do so. He checked his work often.
He ate, slept, stocked up on weapons, and prepared the imminent arrival of the replacement Orochimaru. Then he went to the seal of gold, and practised the sealing sequence that was way too long. It made him wonder if he should stop. After he had practised the sequence forty times, he cracked his neck left, he cracked his neck right, and he began.
His jutsu made the whole hideout tremble as well as the neighbouring villages. He caused a small earthquake, and slammed his hands on the centre of the golden star. Orochimaru was replaced with his weight in water, which splashed onto the floor like a dropped chandelier scatters pearls.
He had flashed, and now he was underwater. He was inside the submerged vault of Benzaiten shrine. The water was wet, cold, and heavy. He held his breath, and swam. It worked! I travelled through both space and time! He was floating above the star-shaped golden seal that functioned as an anchor-point. I unlocked instant long-distance travel. This jutsu has the potential to turn the tide in any war! His initial joy that the jutsu had worked raced through his body, and made him grin. The joy was soon replaced with grimness. He discovered that he couldn’t open the door and swim out. It was stuck. No jutsu worked on the door, and he didn’t want to break the bottles with other ancient jutsu scrolls. The goddess’ wrath? He wondered, and he felt panic rise to his throbbing throat. Or a lesson? Is she daring me?
He narrowed his eyes, looked around. He saw a gold-star seal pattern on the floor of the shrine. It was twice as big as his own. He decided to rise to the challenge. He connected his feet to the star with chakra, so he wouldn’t float up.
This time when he did the seals, he was extra motivated for it to work. If he didn’t do it right, he would die from drowning. He gritted his teeth, bubbles escaped from his mouth. He used extra chakra. He slammed his hands against the floor. Home! This must work!
Orochimaru landed during the most awful earthquake, and he theorized with certain confidence that his very own landing onto the stone floor had caused the quake. “Pah! Huff… huff!”
He was indoors, in a lab. First he was extremely confused. This wasn’t his laboratory. But he didn’t have time to be confused during the violent quakes, and braced himself as lots of things were falling onto the floor. Chairs fell, constructions fell, pinboards fell and took entire strings of notes along. Some pots and vials bounced out of (what Orochimaru recognized as) their anti-earthquake secure locks, and shattered upon contact with the stone floor. They spit out clouds like little jinns. Some fumes were translucent, others had rainbow colours. Others pots that tumbled or broke, spilled power that he recognized as copper shaving and gold kernels. 
Orochimaru worried if the roof would give in under this terrible trembling. He would fall onto the floor, but he was stuck. A table troubled him greatly. This table stood mostly over the star-shaped seal pattern as if someone had moved it there ‘over an old project’ to make space. This was inconvenient for Orochimaru. The edge of a wooden table had merged with the muscles and fat on his waist. His lower leg had merged with the table’s wooden leg. If a spear had stabbed his calf and come out at the other side, it would look sensible. This? It didn’t even look like the table leg had stabbed his calf. The wood had merged completely with his gastrocnemius muscle. Fascinating, he thought briefly, while the adrenaline held the pain at bay.
The harrowing earthquake began to calm, and Orochimaru had stayed upright. Now there were only tremors. In comparison to the quake, the tremors almost seemed friendly. He put a hand on his chest and he noticed the tremors were synchronized with his heartbeat. Orochimaru wanted to get his heartbeat down to normal, perhaps it would still the tremors. 
For now, he panted unapologetically. ���Huff… puff…” He stood there, trying to adjust. He was soaking wet. The ocean water ran from his nose, his hair, his chin, and the hems of his clothes in many streams. It formed a pool around his feet. The water softened the edges of the star-shaped seal mark. The old ink mixed with the water. He licked droplets from his lips and tasted the salt of the ocean.
I am taking long. Usually I recover faster. I can’t fight well in this condition. What is this laboratory even for? Why is here an anchor-point for the Benzaiten jutsu? Orochimaru lift his head. He first checked his stuck body –he really couldn’t escape– and then his surroundings. Now he had the opportunity to look around, he sought for clues about the owner.
This place is a mess, he thought, which he knew wasn’t a fair judgement for a first impression. His gaze went over the many notes on the walls and floor, and the broken projects on the floor, and crazy constructions that had toppled to lay on their sides. He recognized some. He drew the same conclusion. A mess. And whoever owns this laboratory is clearly nuts. “Huff, hruff…”
I hear footsteps.
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