nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
I can't be cute anymore but, internet is scary, I love you babe, stay safe see you Saturday hopefully
I love you to and your adorable
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
Hey cupcake this is harassment leave her alone.
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
Hey M8 I just want to make a friend, maybe more. You'll leave em one day I'll be a good source to pick up on, she likes quiet a few things I'm also into and she has a pride thing maybe she's not into men and she's hiding it from you? Just saying
Hey who's this "she" and we're not leaving each other anytime soon. So please stop.
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
Hey can you bibity bobity back the fuck off my girls page 😇😇 thanks
Thank you babe
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
Hey, im sorry I stalk a bit, you took down my ask? I was trying to say I like your repost your into some interesting things but I'm serious about the babe thing.
Yes because it was an accident I have a boyfriend I'm sorry
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
Soooooo im babe now? We jump from strangers to a couple I guess
Okay I'm sorry I thought you were my boyfriend trying to be cute. I apologize thank you for the kind words in sorry for the confusion.
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
[BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD] ♡♥♡ Once you get this award, you're supposed to pass it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and outside. Keep shining lovely!! 💖✨
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
Reblog if you'll stay in the Mianite fandom even if Season 3 never comes
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
An old and homely grandmother accidentally summons a demon. She mistakes him for her gothic-phase teenage grandson and takes care of him. The demon decides to stay at his new home.
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
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❤THANKS EVERYONE FOR 1,007 FOLLOWERS!!❤ ART RAFFLE! This is my first time doing this so it should be fun😄
-RULES- *You must be following me
*You need to reblog this post
*One winner per prize
*Winners will be selected randomly
*Ocs (I have to see they’re design first)
*Loils,nekos,stuffed animals,monster girls,glasses,ruffles,
*Too much details (armor,swords,wings,magic powers,crazy hairstyles,crazy clothing)
It ends May,31st so have fun!
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
last two letters of your first name
middle two letters of your last name
first two letters of your mother’s name
last letter of your father’s name
mine would be Urlelan. Reblog and tag this with yours!
last two letters of your first name
middle two letters of your last name
first two letters of your mother’s name
last letter of your father’s name
mine would be Urlelan. Reblog and tag this with yours!
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
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Let’s play a game
Add a gif of what you are doing right now
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
if you have ever suffered from…
• depression
• anxiety
• eating disorder
• self-harm
• ocd
• bipolar
• feelings of guilt and hopelessness
• suicidal thoughts
can you please reblog to show support for people who also suffer.
you are not alone.
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
I saw this I had to do it end of story
The first character I first fell in love with: Okay so I didn't like one character from the start but if I had to pick it'd be Jordan.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Okay I'm about to be murdered but Tom. I found him really annoying in the beginning reminded me to much of my older sister.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Again probably gonna be murdered again but Captain Capsize I just didn't like her. 🤷
The character I love that everyone else hates: I don't know do people hate like Helgrind I mean he was alright like I had noting against him kinda felt bad for him in the end.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Probably World historian I liked the shadows in the first season than it just ruined it for me in season two.
The character I would totally smooch: To be honest probably mot he's just really cute and I feel like we could completely ignored that it ever happened.
The character I’d want to be like: Ianite in Season one like she was a strong fearless leader who when through hell.
The character I’d slap: Would it be mean to say Steve? I really don't like him....I'm just gonna sit in the corner now.
A pairing that I love:Martha x Wag this ship brings me life.
A pairing that I Despise: A pairing that I despise: S I N D Y S P A R K L E Z. I just don't like it it's not my cup of tea.
0 notes
nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
crayola color asks 🖍️
chestnut — favorite fruit?
sunset orange — favorite vegetable?
bittersweet — get along with your parents?
melon — sexual orientation?
beaver — favorite planet?
mango tango — hair color?
tumbleweed — eye color?
neon carrot — favorite place to go?
banana mania — best concert you’ve been to?
sunglow — favorite musical?
inch worm — first album you bought?
granny smith apple — dream job?
mountain meadow — worst date experience?
tropical rain forest — favorite netflix show?
manatee — summer or winter?
razzle dazzle rose — favorite flower?
cornflower — what always makes you happy?
jazzberry jam — favorite holiday?
laser lemon — had any encounters with celebrities?
timberwolf — drink/smoke/do drugs?
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
full offense: michael tops
reblog to join the michaeltopsfoundation because there is no way in heck that jeremy heere, twinkiest of them all could ever top twunkiest twunk of them all michael mell
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nievejohnson-blog · 6 years
Reblog If Your Blog Is Safe For
Transgender people
Homosexual people
Bisexual people
Genderfluid people
Asexual people
Pansexual people
Autosexual people
Demisexual people
Bigender people
Agender people
Polysexual people
Straight people
Cisgender people
Straight allies of the lgbtqpiad community
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