The modern world
We live in a world where everyone wants fast things Fast money,Fast miracle as if God is a God of sharp sharp No one wants to work for anything We just sit around waiting for money to come and blaming the government We live in a world that says if a woman is independent then she is seeping around or doing dirty jobs We live in a world where women aren't appreciated We live in a world where teenagers aren't meant to have problems because they are "too young" We live in a world where we are afraid to be ourselves in order not to get judged We live in a world where girls are afraid to walk down the street because of how they look We live in a world where boys are used as ATM machines Where boys are used and dumped; Boys feel things too,because they act tough doesn't mean they are,they don't deserve to be treated like rags,they deserve to be treated better We live in a world where material things is all that matters We live in a world where girls depends on their boyfriends to do everything for them We live in a world that has changed the quote from "A patient dog eats the fattest bone" to "A patient dog will die there" We live in a world where people raise awareness for the sake of raising awareness and taking pictures We live in a world with fewer kind people We live in a world where no one wants to help another "every man for himself" We live in a world where suicide is a daily routine We live in a world where talents go unnoticed We live in a world where when rape is mentioned people suddenly say "Men are monsters" What about women who rape boys We live in a world where hard work doesn't pay off Market women, vendors and other entrepreneurs are being disregarded Don't you know they're trying to make a living? We live on a world where people blame God for everything We live in a world with broken dreams                                                         Pls follow my IG page @rxannie for any questions
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