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Villain or Hero Edition:
-“You’re going to save them and for what? They don’t appreciate you!”
-“You spill your blood for this city/village and for what? So they can never know the name of the man/woman who saved their miserable lives?”
-“How many times are you going to bleed for them?”
-“Aren’t you tired yet? Haven’t you had enough?”
-“Despair, misery, and chaos. It’s like air to me. But to watch them suffer is much more entertaining.”
-“Look at their miserable lives and tell me what you see. They’re just begging for you to end them.”
-“You’re conflicted I can see it. You don’t want to be the hero but you’re not evil enough to be the villain. So what are you?”
-“You can’t be nothing because you have to be something.”
-“You can’t be nobody you have to be somebody. They need you. Help them.”
-“You’ve shed enough blood. It’s time to stop. You’ve avenged their deaths enough.”
-“You’ve fought until your face was bloody, your ribs cracked, and your soul broken. How much more can you give to them!”
-“You won’t be satisfied until your dead.”
-“This city/village has torn you apart. They don’t deserve anymore saving.”
-“You’d give your soul to them? They won’t ever be satisfied until you’re dead.”
-“You give and you give and give when is it your turn to take?”
-“You’ll burn this city/village to the ground. Murder its people. And then will you be satisfied?”
-“I can’t watch you tear yourself apart anymore for these people.”
-“You’re cruel.”
-“You’ve been caught. There’s nothing more you can do so why are you still fighting?”
-“It’s over. It was a long war filled with countless bodies and bloodshed. So stop…it’s over.”
-“I know you. You aren’t this terrible person people see you as and made you become. There’s still some light within you. I see it…”
-“What has the world done to you to make you feel this broken that you feel the need to hurt other people?”
-“You hurt others because they hurt you.”
-“I can see the torment within you. I can especially tell by the way you mangle the bodies of your enemies.”
-“You don’t owe people anything else.”
-“You’re like the sun and moon. You can either be the light that guides peoples lives to a better world. Or you can be the moon and darken their world. Or- you can be an eclipse and be a little bit of both good and evil.”
-“What do YOU want to become?”
-“You’re the only one who can give others hope.”
-“If it wasn’t for you we’d all be dead.”
-“The histories will never know who really saved us because he/she didn’t want to be known as a hero.”
-“Don’t die for our selfish selves.”
-“You brought this upon yourself.”
-“You can either save lives or take them. So which is it? Who will you become?”
-“You say you’d burn the city/village to the ground. But what happens when you’re standing on a pile of ash and smoke with no subjects to rule?”
-“Your mentor molded you to be a monster.”
-“Your mentor molded you to be a beckon of hope for others.”
-“They will never bow to you.”
-“You’re nothing but a usurper from a foreign place to us. We will never call you King/Queen.”
-“You hide behind a mask all the time and I don’t mean the one upon your face.”
-“Of all the things to have happened to you are you still capable of love?”
-“You were born a villain but you will die a hero.”
-“You were born a hero but will die a villain.”
-“You’ve changed since we first met. You’re becoming something I don’t recognize anymore.”
-“You’re no longer a man. You’re a beast.”
-“Greatness was thrust upon you but you decided not to take it. Why?”
-“We don’t choose these roles they just happen.”
-“I won’t watch you die.”
-“What are you fighting for?”
-“Fates can be changed there’s still time.”
-“Your fate isn’t set in stone.”
-“There’s pain in my chest every time I see you in anguish.”
-“You never meant anything to them. So you turned into the thing they feared the most to leave an impression upon them.”
-“I wish you could see your worth.”
-“Your life is not worth the weight of gold they will pay you for helping them.”
-“I won’t watch you become someone I don’t recognize.”
-“I can’t even say who are you becoming because I don’t even know what you are anymore.
-“When they write of your history they will say it began on this day.”
-“Your scars are a reminder of who you were. So never forget who bled for this village/city. Who it was that saved the damned and the good. Who it was that almost died for them. Who it was that became a legend in their eyes. A legend to be remembered a thousand years from now.”
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On reflex they’d drop the elevation to avoid the flames, which worked for the most part with also some getting on their tail. ‘I fear running may be my only option..’ Necro thought while a hand went to slice off the burning section of their tail before it could spread to the rest of their body.
*When Necro arrived upon a new world and roused the dead with promises of revenge he would find several previous battlefields all with many dead calling for revenge.. and all of them.. apparently seeking it against one individual... Necro could see through flickers of the Dead's memories.. they remembered a Monster, a warrior wielding a black eastern-styled sword, and with a tattoo of a black dragon that burned and tore at their flesh in the battle... the Darkblade.. Hazik Murok...*
The necromancer had to put a hand over their right eye from so many similar flashes of memory, yet they smirked from being ever so glad the dead all agreed to the deal. “Yes my new recruits, focus your hatred on the one who killed you, chant their name to call them home! With my power flowing through your bones all of you will get the vengeance you so rightfully deserve!”
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It felt too real, the claw leaving a trail on their chest, this was no mere illusion. Necro would try to calm down, rationalize the situation. “Alright, say this isn’t a joke. You seem like a reasonable being and i feel like i should know myself” they told this nightmare.
*As Necro walks through his lab he suddenly finds himself feeling a sensation... one he had not felt in many a year now.. the grip of the aura of fear of his former master, it seemed to clutch at his very soul.. and he felt he was being watched... stalked....*
While true they haven’t felt it for a long time.. there was no mistaking it, the shades in and around the building would begin feeling nervous and scared as well. ‘This isn’t good.. if that sheep found a way to travel out of the nightmarescape he’s sure to be after me..’ Necro thought before quickening their pace, now going for an exit to their lab mostly due to not wanting any work or specimens to be destroyed.
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Send me a face for a headcanon about my muse!
(`・ω・´) : What does your muse completely gush over?
_| ̄|○ : What situation would your muse give up in?
(`-´)> : Who does your muse honor the most?
(´;ω;`): What brings your muse into a state of
ヽ(´ー`)ノ : What calms your muse down?
ヽ(`Д´)ノ : What irritates your muse the most?
(#゚Д゚) : What does your muse do if they're angry?
( ´Д`) : Is your muse loud in bed?
( ゚Д゚) : What does your muse do when surprised?
┐('~`;)┌ : When your muse can't answer something, what
do they do?
(´∀`) : What could your muse care less about?
( ´_ゝ`) : Who or what is your muse most indifferent
Σ(゜д゜;) : Is your muse easily scared?
( ゚ヮ゚) : When is your muse happiest?
キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! : What does your muse do when
very excited?
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ : Does your muse like to cuddle?
( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ: Does your muse pat others on the
head? If not, do they get pat on their head?
(((( ;゚Д゚))): What is your muse terrified of?
Σ(゚Д゚): What would your muse be most shocked to obtain?
( ゚д゚): What amazes your muse?
(´ー`)y-~~ : Does your muse do any drugs? Smoke?
( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) : How often does your muse drink?
ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ: How friendly is your muse around new people?
('A`) : What does your muse do when they're alone?
(´-`).。oO( ... ) : What does your muse think about a lot?
(゚Д゚;≡;゚Д゚): Is your muse impatient?
( ´д)ヒソ(´Д`)ヒソ(Д` ): Does your muse enjoy gossiping?
(・∀・)つ⑩ : Does your muse enjoy saving or spending money? Or are they indifferent?
(゚д゚): When your muse didn't expect something, what do they do?
(゚⊿゚) : Is your muse in denial a lot?
(・∀・) : Does your muse like to tease people?
(・A・) : What does your muse consider to be bad?
(゚∀゚) : If your muse was a drug, what kind would they be?
( つ Д `) : When your muse is sad, what do they do?
♪┏(・o・)┛♪ : Can your muse dance well?
d(*⌒▽⌒*)b : What makes your muse the happiest they could ever be?
(╬ ಠ益ಠ): What infuriates your muse to the point they may kill whatever it is?
(≧ロ≦): Is your muse a screamer in bed?
(ΘεΘ;): How much of a tsundere is your muse?
(‐^▽^‐): What does your muse's laugh sound like?
┌(;`~,)┐ : What discombobulates your muse?
ε=ε=ε=┌(;*´Д`)ノ : How does your muse run?
ヽ(´▽`)/ : What does your muse look like when happy?
ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ : Is your muse violent when angry?
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Necro’s right eye widened in surprise before maneuvering in the air to avoid the dragon, they might be new at flying their own body but to a degree that had to completely control various shades to make them fly to specified areas to spy on others. “You won’t get me that easily! I know how dragons work and i may just take you down yet” they taunted, though they normally liked to do that outright.
*When Necro arrived upon a new world and roused the dead with promises of revenge he would find several previous battlefields all with many dead calling for revenge.. and all of them.. apparently seeking it against one individual... Necro could see through flickers of the Dead's memories.. they remembered a Monster, a warrior wielding a black eastern-styled sword, and with a tattoo of a black dragon that burned and tore at their flesh in the battle... the Darkblade.. Hazik Murok...*
The necromancer had to put a hand over their right eye from so many similar flashes of memory, yet they smirked from being ever so glad the dead all agreed to the deal. “Yes my new recruits, focus your hatred on the one who killed you, chant their name to call them home! With my power flowing through your bones all of you will get the vengeance you so rightfully deserve!”
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Their eyes widened, a feeling of confusion began setting in with their fear. “Is this some kind of twisted joke” they said in an unamused tone, trying not to let the fear be obvious.
*As Necro walks through his lab he suddenly finds himself feeling a sensation... one he had not felt in many a year now.. the grip of the aura of fear of his former master, it seemed to clutch at his very soul.. and he felt he was being watched... stalked....*
While true they haven’t felt it for a long time.. there was no mistaking it, the shades in and around the building would begin feeling nervous and scared as well. ‘This isn’t good.. if that sheep found a way to travel out of the nightmarescape he’s sure to be after me..’ Necro thought before quickening their pace, now going for an exit to their lab mostly due to not wanting any work or specimens to be destroyed.
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The moments before passing out grew darker and darker for the necromancer, their left eye having trouble staying lit until it finally gave out, confirming that they were unconscious.
Upon waking and finding themself in their old laboratory in nightmarescape they couldn’t help but be alarmed, further panicking as they felt the restraints against them. 
*As Necro walks through his lab he suddenly finds himself feeling a sensation... one he had not felt in many a year now.. the grip of the aura of fear of his former master, it seemed to clutch at his very soul.. and he felt he was being watched... stalked....*
While true they haven’t felt it for a long time.. there was no mistaking it, the shades in and around the building would begin feeling nervous and scared as well. ‘This isn’t good.. if that sheep found a way to travel out of the nightmarescape he’s sure to be after me..’ Necro thought before quickening their pace, now going for an exit to their lab mostly due to not wanting any work or specimens to be destroyed.
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‘Interesting.. quite interesting..’ Necro mentally commented as they gained more altitude, not liking how easily the now dragon was tearing through their shades with little resistance. The shades of course now were doing what they could to avoid the dragon’s attacks, some though would through their weapons in attempts to damage him.
*When Necro arrived upon a new world and roused the dead with promises of revenge he would find several previous battlefields all with many dead calling for revenge.. and all of them.. apparently seeking it against one individual... Necro could see through flickers of the Dead's memories.. they remembered a Monster, a warrior wielding a black eastern-styled sword, and with a tattoo of a black dragon that burned and tore at their flesh in the battle... the Darkblade.. Hazik Murok...*
The necromancer had to put a hand over their right eye from so many similar flashes of memory, yet they smirked from being ever so glad the dead all agreed to the deal. “Yes my new recruits, focus your hatred on the one who killed you, chant their name to call them home! With my power flowing through your bones all of you will get the vengeance you so rightfully deserve!”
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Send me an emoji to find out how well(or horribly) my muse would do in certain professions/careers!
Some of these can get pretty chaotic...
💼: Politician
⛪️: Pastor
🚁: Emergency Services
🚓: Law Enforcement Officer
🎭: Actor
⚡️: Electrician
📷: Photographer
💻: IT Specialist
🔧: Mechanic
🔪: Assassin
💊: Pharmacist
🏥: Nurse
💉: Surgeon
🔭: Astronomer
🔬: Biologist
⚽️: Athlete
🎸: Musician
🍸: Bartender
📚: Teacher
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Surprisingly the skeletal would pop off, much like how a lizard’s does to distract predators. Though Necro themself was quick to panic, two of their hands trying to pry the creature’s one off of their skull, left eye engulfing its socket as they resisted. ‘No! I will not die here... I still have so much to do..’ they thought before attempting to retaliate, their third hand flying over to try and crush one of the creature’s kneecaps.
*As Necro walks through his lab he suddenly finds himself feeling a sensation... one he had not felt in many a year now.. the grip of the aura of fear of his former master, it seemed to clutch at his very soul.. and he felt he was being watched... stalked....*
While true they haven’t felt it for a long time.. there was no mistaking it, the shades in and around the building would begin feeling nervous and scared as well. ‘This isn’t good.. if that sheep found a way to travel out of the nightmarescape he’s sure to be after me..’ Necro thought before quickening their pace, now going for an exit to their lab mostly due to not wanting any work or specimens to be destroyed.
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‘Well, that was unexpected’ Necro mentally commented, raising themself a foot or so more in the air as they carnage went on. ‘And if one were to make a hypothesis, I’d say it would be the levels of aggression that changed the man. How interesting.’ 
*When Necro arrived upon a new world and roused the dead with promises of revenge he would find several previous battlefields all with many dead calling for revenge.. and all of them.. apparently seeking it against one individual... Necro could see through flickers of the Dead's memories.. they remembered a Monster, a warrior wielding a black eastern-styled sword, and with a tattoo of a black dragon that burned and tore at their flesh in the battle... the Darkblade.. Hazik Murok...*
The necromancer had to put a hand over their right eye from so many similar flashes of memory, yet they smirked from being ever so glad the dead all agreed to the deal. “Yes my new recruits, focus your hatred on the one who killed you, chant their name to call them home! With my power flowing through your bones all of you will get the vengeance you so rightfully deserve!”
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Boogeyman in a place were its a bit chilly
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Their noncompliance would cause Necro’s flame of a left eye to flicker a few times. “And here i thought you didn’t have any spine, really though this is not a situation in which you want to be brave in i assure you” the skeletal necromancer told the other.
[roleplay-parlour] A tv headed humanoid seemed to wander into the area the necromancer was, Glitch's head seemed to tilt slightly in confused at where they were, seemingly lost
While unusual for Necro, the large skeleton did join their shades every so often to find any survivors of the onslaught they brought to the planet that hosted their lab of death. Traveling with the seventeen foot necromancer were two bestial shades and three avian shades, none of which so far seemed to notice the humanoid in any way.
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“Oh but that’s the thing” Necro started, a few pillars of bone sprouting through the floor on the other side of the door, several sharpened pieces stabbing through the wood for emphasis. “You don’t have much of a choice whatsoever, now get on the table.”
[roleplay-parlour] A tv headed humanoid seemed to wander into the area the necromancer was, Glitch's head seemed to tilt slightly in confused at where they were, seemingly lost
While unusual for Necro, the large skeleton did join their shades every so often to find any survivors of the onslaught they brought to the planet that hosted their lab of death. Traveling with the seventeen foot necromancer were two bestial shades and three avian shades, none of which so far seemed to notice the humanoid in any way.
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Necro’s left eye of a flame would quiver from hearing the roar again, almost causing them to lose balance . ‘What even happened to the sheep to have him become this?’ they asked themself before attempting to use their tail to fend off the beast’s attacks.
*As Necro walks through his lab he suddenly finds himself feeling a sensation... one he had not felt in many a year now.. the grip of the aura of fear of his former master, it seemed to clutch at his very soul.. and he felt he was being watched... stalked....*
While true they haven’t felt it for a long time.. there was no mistaking it, the shades in and around the building would begin feeling nervous and scared as well. ‘This isn’t good.. if that sheep found a way to travel out of the nightmarescape he’s sure to be after me..’ Necro thought before quickening their pace, now going for an exit to their lab mostly due to not wanting any work or specimens to be destroyed.
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‘Interesting.. quickly, get back in there and attack, he’s distracted! This is your chance!’ Necro mentally commanded the army, though only a slight few seemed to follow through and charge the swordsmen. The rest would back away, despite wanting vengeance they didn’t like what was happening.
*When Necro arrived upon a new world and roused the dead with promises of revenge he would find several previous battlefields all with many dead calling for revenge.. and all of them.. apparently seeking it against one individual... Necro could see through flickers of the Dead's memories.. they remembered a Monster, a warrior wielding a black eastern-styled sword, and with a tattoo of a black dragon that burned and tore at their flesh in the battle... the Darkblade.. Hazik Murok...*
The necromancer had to put a hand over their right eye from so many similar flashes of memory, yet they smirked from being ever so glad the dead all agreed to the deal. “Yes my new recruits, focus your hatred on the one who killed you, chant their name to call them home! With my power flowing through your bones all of you will get the vengeance you so rightfully deserve!”
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