nightlyarrows · 4 years
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after milo gifted him with a new wedding band, tristan became strangely attached to it. whenever his husband isn’t around, it’s the one thing that he has that can remind him they’re always going to be connected. whenever he’s nervous, he’s now known to grab the ring and spin it a couple of times. while it almost became a nervous tick, he also does so whenever he feels alone somewhere. along with when he has to remind himself what he’s fighting for, a future where they could be happy and not have to sleep with one eye open every single night.
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
Obelius scoffs, but finally lowers his weapon. “No. I mean, yes. I’m glad you’re okay. But I was so sure you weren’t.” It’s a weird head-space to be in. To think Obi left a perfectly naked Iggy to come here. “People were possessed before? We really need to work on finding a permanent cure for that. Aren’t there any charms we can— conjure?” he wonders, avoiding any questions about the person who helped detected Ari’s possessed and Obi’s lack there of. “Nice dick, by the way,” he grins.
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Even though he was just accused of a lot of things, he was glad that Obelius was worried this much. At least others were looking out for the camp. “Ari and the previous son of Hephaestus were cursed. Silas, a friend of mine, was corrupted. It’s been a long nine months.” Tristan sighed softly after he fully got dressed again and walked over to Obi. “There are charms, but nothing as powerful to prevent possession I think. At least not readily available here for us. Maybe we can ask Agathys, King, or Kalena if they know of any locations strong enough out there that can have items like that.” He chuckled softly and rolled his eyes. “Don’t tell me this was all for a show.”
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
“You heard me.” Tristan tries to spin this around, but the only thing he gets is laughed at. “I know I’m not possessed. I was around someone who could detect it, so I’m clean. But nice try.” Sadly, Obelius isn’t as smart as Astraea, because aside from trying to look for some suspicious jewelry, he has no idea what else to do. And Tristan has nothing on him. Nor is he acting suspicious, or nervous about getting found out. “I’m not sure. Do you have any new jewelry on you?” Obi’s a lot less angry now. Some of his bravo fades, as does the evidence he had against Tristan. “Take everything off. If something on you is possessed, you won’t be able to remove it just like that.”
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“You know someone? Was it Agathys or someone else? Knowing how to detect it can be quite useful around here, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.“ Tristan sighed softly as he thought that all of this was over for now. “Not new, though. I only have the necklace another demigod left me, the earring King gave me, and the ring Milo gave me.” He walked over to the table and took off all of the items that he mentioned, making sure to put them back on after a minute had passed by. “The necklace hurts like a bitch if I actually use it, but it saved me when I thought all hope was lost.” He looked over at Obelius after connecting the necklace again and slipping everything else on. “Are you satisfied?”
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
Obelius doesn’t buy it. “Take off your shirt,” he says instead, pulling the rope of the bow even further back, making sure the arrow will have enough power to plow right through Tristan’s possessed body. He needs to see Tristan doesn’t have any questionable jewelry on him, like Ari. “Come on. Off.” Pooh growls threateningly, as if underlining Obelius’ order. 
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"Excuse me, what?” Tristan was now more confused than ever. No matter what trap he walked into the dark aether, he would have never been prepared for this. “You know, pointing an arrow at me isn’t helping me think you’re not possessed. Plus, you somehow being the only one to know Ari was possessed isn’t helping either.” The hunter slowly stripped off his shirt, the only think exposed now was his body and tattoos. “What are you hoping to find?”
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
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#sleepy boy.
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
everything was happening so fast again. he finally thought that they were all in a good place again, but tristan was so fucking naive. after losing nugget because he wasn’t charming enough, losing axel because he wasn’t quick enough to hold onto him, dreaming about killing others, finding henri, and killing for the dark aether he finally thought that all of that was over. when was he ever going to learn? nyx, artemis, everyone was right about him. he wasn’t enough. whenever it was him alone with someone else, something always happened. someone almost got hurt and he always ended up failing somehow. seeing urania get absorbed by the time hole... him and jasper crashing out... jasper SACRIFICING himself for him. none of this was right, he couldn’t even grieve because he had to muffle his screams and run.
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almost nine months at camp and things like this were still getting to him. it wasn’t that death was new to him, sacrifice wasn’t either since he had thought about it before too. he just needed to make sure that he was strong enough to handle all of this. the last time that someone from the dark aether visited him in his dreams they told him to become stronger. to become a challenge the note said. flash forward a couple of months later and he was killing one of their own, an assassin sent just to die at the hands of tristan. he felt like whatever he did, whoever he was becoming, like the dark aether had some sort of hold on him. maybe that was why he didn’t feel right letting others lose their life for him. he didn’t know if he was worth it, if he was enough to fight for. 
after the small service that he had hosted for jasper, making sure it was small to follow what the son of demeter would have wanted, he went off by himself. a small jog through the forests led him back to his own cabin, which he was entering through the back now. tristan made his way to the bathroom where he stripped and got ready for his shower. as he looked at himself in the mirror, his jaw tightened as he felt something coming over him. the hunter was becoming stronger in the recent months, that much he knew, but at what costs? if he was just going to be a pawn for the dark aether to use, a part of whatever plan they had, then he didn’t know if it was going to go alright. 
maybe there was a reason why he was the one to find henri’s corpse in the bathroom. why he was the one jasper felt the need to sacrifice himself for. why he couldn’t save urania by getting absorbed through the time hole. he knew that he was a challenge now, at least as long as the moon was up, but a part of him had to wonder if that’s what they wanted from him. tristan gripped onto the sink with his left hand and punched the mirror in front of him with his right. “FUCK!” he hissed out in pain before his hand dropped into the sink. it took him a while to fish out all of the shards, but thankfully it was still nighttime. he managed to heal his hand before jumping into the shower.
with everything that had happened in the last couple of months, he knew he was going to have to prove himself. obelius had recently thought he was possessed by nyx and ignacio didn’t react nicely when he said he was staying behind. how could he mention that he was afraid? afraid that if he went to sweden with the others they were all going to die because of him. he didn’t know what eris or nyx had planned for him, but he knew this wasn’t a possession. he killed that midnight hunter out of his own free will even though he didn’t want it to come to that. he didn’t know what else he was capable of and they seemed to. that was why he couldn’t go. he was much better off far from their influence protecting those that were still at the camp, especially the companions that weren’t with their demigods. 
after the shower he wrapped a towel around his waist and laid down on his bed. tristan opened up his rooftop and stared up into the night sky. “what is it... what is my destiny, my fate, whatever...” he spoke to himself. “what is it that they want from me?” 
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
“Yes, you are!” He says sternly, knowing the signs fully well by now. And they were that there were no signs. Ari didn’t show any, nor did Ragnor. But here were the facts. “The others didn’t know they were possessed you know. Ari probably still doesn’t know, unless someone over there told him. What makes you so sure you’re not possessed? You already feel it, don’t you? You said so yourself. They have a hold on you, in your head. Face the facts, Tristan!” 
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“A hold on me, yes, but that’s different than what happened to them. I know it is. This isn’t me blacking out in the middle of the day or being knocked out outside of Milo’s cabin.“ Tristan rose his hands up in self defense after putting his weapon down. “What happened to Ragnor and Ari, it sucks, but I know it’s not happening to me. I can’t say I’m 100% sure since they didn’t know, but it’s different with me.” He sighed softly, hoping neither of them were going to attack. “I... One of the daggers I used to use belonged to Nyx, okay? That led her to me and ever since the dark aether have been cryptic. If you just sit down I can explain what I meant by they have a hold on me.”
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
Pooh comes in first, breaking the door with his front paws like it’s made of toothpicks. Obelius, high on worry and knowing now that anyone can be a suspect, barges in with his arrow pointed right at Tristan’t innocent face. “Nyx! Get the fuck out of him! Stop residing in my goddamn friends!”
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Hearing his door get smashed through set all of Tristan’s nerves on fire. This really was fight or flight. He grabbed a hold of his scimitar out pure instinct before finally seeing who it was that came through the door. “Obi, Pooh?” He set the scimitar down before his eyebrows pushed together. “Nyx? Obelius, I’m not possessed. Are you okay?” 
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
How Remy marveled at the way Tristan’s mind worked. “I’m curious to whether you can up with that idea on the fly or from experience.” Wondering if Tristan spoke of time of testing ambrosia or of antics from the life of a mortal. Either way what drew his concern was the tone of the words that followed. Had Remy done something that was really that offensive? He might not have been of full conscious mind when he found his way to his friend’s bed. Too drunk on ambrosia and the wild one leading him. It wouldn’t be the first time Remy offended a friends with his detachment from consequences and if he had it pained him to think Jasper could be that upset. “I will give it time for the air to clear. Apologies were never something I was good at though. I’m not often found to be wrong or with regret.” A subtle smirk to following his spark of humor. Maybe he would speak with Jasper soon enough. He valued his friendship with the son of Demeter and would mend it in time.
“Tristan…do you ever wish you could leave this life? Like just you and Milo running through lover’s bliss free of this war? I feel the pair of you would not be easily found if you need to just get away for a bit…even if you’d be greatly missed.” Often Remy was found with many strings of thoughts that went unspoken in his head. But when one was hooked by his lips he couldn’t help but give it a voice. Sadly it was the last train of mindful thought made before his lips were just a symphony of hungered moans. “By the gods, I forgot how good your cooking was.” Remembering their first official meeting happened over a moonlight picnic. Not one of romance but the building of an unbreakable bond.
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Some of the things that Tristan knew how to do he learned way before camp. It wasn’t something that he went around parading, but it was still a part of his life. “I was a part of a fraternity for almost four years of my college life. Drinking was something that I had to do a lot and I had to make sure that I was good at it, controlled.” At least now he was able to use some of the same tricks that he did last time. With a new tolerance after becoming a demigod, after gaining his powers, he had to take a whole night to himself to figure out his new tolerance again. That was why his method was still fresh in his memory as something that he knew could work sometimes. “Well we’re going out on a quest soon, so I hope that you sleeping with someone on his bed isn’t something that’s going to distract you. I figure we’ll still be able to work with each other.” Even though it was dealing with a zombie outbreak, he didn’t really think that they were going to suffer. 
“Sometimes I do, yeah, but I know that I’ll never be able to do it fully. The whole not looking back thing. I’ve been here for almost a year now and I have to remember what it is that we’re fighting for. Vacations and small trips away are what keep me sane. What about you?“ He knew that Remy had already left once before, so he was wondering if he would ever want to leave again. A part of Tristan was worried about what that answer was going to be, but he was confident now. “I’m glad that you still like my cooking. At least some things don’t seem to change.“ He grinned widely as he continued to eat the meal, going from the omelette to then the waffles.
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
Daith smiled and shook his head. “That’s a universal truth. I shouldn’t have to announce it out loud. Besides, who says I didn’t get lucky already?” he asked with a wink. He had his share of fun times already before getting at this point. But he was not one to kiss and tell. He’d leave the son of Artemis wondering about it. “Aww yes. I’d love that! A delicious and cuddly Daith sandwich, please… or more! The more, the merrier, right?” he said with a laugh. He was in his element, dancing and talking to the other male. It had been a while since he had done a routine, but he remembered almost like yesterday the steps, movements, sways, everything. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend the crowd cheering around them was just the patrons of the bar he used to work at. At one point, he sat on the other’s lap and began to give him his lapdance, gyrating his hips and shaking his bum in the most seductive of ways. Not only he was happy, but the alcohol had uninhibited him. “Hey! No touching, sir! That costs extra!” he said, as he got up to turn around and bend, so he could show off his jockstrap-clad bum to the other. “I know it looks nice, but you can only look. You are a married man” he said, as he began to do snake-like movements, the ones that always pleased the people. “I’m just doing this because you won… I’m definitely not having fun or dirty thoughts about this” he added with a playful, mischievous wink. The song was about to end, so he went back to a closer position, holding the back of the chair so they were almost pressing against each other. He liked this. He should offer the rest of the demigods lap dances more often. “I hope you enjoyed your price, mister… Tips are very much appreciated” he joked, now poking the other’s nose in retaliation. 
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At the mention of Daith having has hid fun before, Tristan looked over at him and rose his eyebrows in unison. “Has there been someone recently? Someone special I mean that you could see yourself wanting to be closer to than just friends.” He was no Ignacio or Daith in this category, but he did want his friends to be as happy as they possibly could be. If that meant playing matchmaker every now and then, then he was going to go along with it all. “Depends on the situation. You’ll have to make sure that your partner is alright with the more the merrier. It’s only going to be as fun for you as it will for them.” Even though Milo was okay with stepping out of their relationship with a couple of guidelines, Tristan still hadn’t acted upon that. he was alright with the whole situation, but he just didn’t have to feel like he had to step out there just yet. With the whole touching costs extra comment, he made sure to put his hand back down to his side even if it was just the man’s nose. It was entertaining to see how much fun Daith seemed to be having with all of this. That was what made it into a win for him because he was glad that they could let down every now and then and just kick back. Dive into their normal selves, their lives before Mount Olympus. That was what cooking was for the hunter, so it was nice to see that was what dancing was for Daith. At least one of the things that he could go to. “You’re a respectful young man, I know there’s not a dirty thought going through that head of yours at all.” Tristan grinned slightly as the dance was over. After they were both standing up again, he nodded slightly over to the other man. “Of course I enjoyed it. it was nice to see who you were before all of this camp business.” 
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
the sight of his voluptuous and thick husband looming over him, ready to ride his dick like there was no tomorrow, had milo’s cock jerking excitedly in tristan’s palm. no one else could get him so revved up and certainly not for three rounds in perfect and torturous succession. “maybe?” milo chuckled. he couldn’t last on a maybe. he needed those massive pecs in his mouth, against his cock, anything but a maybe. “fuck, yes, wanna be inside you already, babe,” he groaned, suppressing the urge to just teleport out of his restraints and have his way with tristan now. he wasn’t used to being told no. he angled his hips to rut his cock towards tristan’s ass, needing to be inside him already, even if his dick was slightly sore from his last two orgasms. he definitely wasn’t going to feel satiated without finishing inside of his husband, though. “c’mon babe,” milo cooed. “sit on my cock. make yourself feel good.” he was all for servicing tristan if all his husband needed was a seat of pleasure.
a part of him was surprised that milo didn’t actually try to teleport out of the ropes or something. he thought that he was going to get some magically bonding rope, like the type of bracelet agathys made for despoina. thankfully, he wasn’t going to have to go that far right now. “the fact that you can keep going on always manages to amaze me.” a dark smirk formed on his face as he placed his left hand on his husband’s chest. while squeezing his pec, he squeezed his cock with his right hand simultaneously. “this is going to be so much fun.” tristan aligned the cock with his whole and slowly pushed it inside. his head tilted back and his eyes closed as milo started to fill him up. “fuck...” the hunter whispered softly after the man was already halfway in. that was when he let go of his cock and now both of his hands were on his pecs. “make sure you make this one is a good one, it’ll be the last one of the night.” tristan started to fuck himself on milo’s cock, speeding up every half minute until he was burying the other deep inside of him.
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
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Wearing leather jackets and all black just felt like it was apart of him by that point.
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
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“yeah, but there was no hard feelings. he isn’t exactly himself.” he kept his tone brusque, clean of the worry he had for his father’s well-being. dionysus was undeserving of the father of the year award but he was his father; his divine blood coursed in ragnor’s veins. “is that what sons of artemis are cursed with? insomnia?” a tiny laugh escaped him. he gestured to a table for tristan to set the plates on, and then shook his head. “i’ll be merciful this time and demand nothing. c’mon.” a twist of the brass key in the lock and the door to the cellar swung open, a waft of earth and grapes drifting past them. small muddy steps led them to a wood-lacquered room where casks and bottles were kept, a makeshift vineyard. the air smelled of every wine there was, fruity scents, notes of figs and citrus. ragnor picked up a bottle, turned it to read the label, and uncorked it. “what did you see what you last prayed?” he asked as he poured the wine into two glasses and handed one to tristan. “it’s excruciating, when you make that connection. it’s like – it’s like you can feel a semblance of their pain.”
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“none of them seem to be, but then again we all go through something every now and then.“ tristan knew that he wasn’t consistent throughout the eight months that he had spent at camp. with their parents being immortal, he didn’t know how they could deal with something like that. “normally i just slept late and woke up early, but milo is definitely an early bird and the smell of his cooking wakes me up. maybe it’s just a tristan curse.” he shrugged slightly and chuckled a bit. he definitely didn’t mind waking up to his husband and he got a lot done at night. “a merciful princess, i’m going to have to find out how to repay you soon enough.” the smell was the first thing that caught the hunter’s attention, familiar from the last time that he was here. he set the plates down and went to grab the glass from ragnor. “a stag, not a normal one. although the last time i made the connection it was terrible.” tristan gulped down about half of the glass. “it was months ago now, but i was almost mortal again. i was desperate to connect with her and getting drunk off of this seemed to help.” he sighed softly. “did you feel a void? maybe that was just me.” 
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
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Play fighting + parabatais 
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
“I hope they do… there are few things that are more fun than flip-fucking” Daith blurted with a chuckle, all filters set aside thanks to the alcohol he had consumed. He liked to experiment and come up with new things from time to time and he hoped his partners also appreciated that when they were with him. “I know, right? I just love cuddling, Tristan. I feel so incredibly cared for when I get a cute guy to cuddle with me, and I want also to care for them too. It’s so amazing…” he said dreamily, starry-eyed even. It did amuse him how he could change from lewd to romantic in such a short span of time, but he was used to it by now. As Tristan nudged him, he laughed. “Yeah, but he’s probably the smartest one!” he joked. He was about to reply about the hunting trip when the other threw his dart. It landed and it was obvious the son of Artemis had the upper hand… even if their collective score was… a bit low to be honest. “I blame the liquor… but yeah, you win dad!” he said, giving him a hug and putting him on a chair. “Not at all. It will only make more fun the choice for me then… Hmmm… Oh, I know” he said with a dangerous smirk as he asked someone to change the music to a song he knew very well. “So… I’m out of practice but this one was a favorite of the crowd back at my days so… I hope you like it~” he said, swaying his hips as the music started. Not only that, but Daith began to also lip-synch, as he got closer to the other and began to dance for him, holding onto the back of the chair to get that closeness that made for a good lap dance. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked with a huge grin. 
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“Say it louder for the other people to hear you. Maybe you’re going to get lucky by the end of this night.“ Tristan couldn’t help but chuckle softly as he realized how brazen the other man could get when he was under the influence. At least he knew that he was going to get his true thoughts about anything and that he wasn’t going to hold back any time soon during the party. “I’m not going to lie, cuddling always felt weird before I did it every night with Milo, but I know you’re going to find someone to cuddle every night too. Maybe a couple of someones at the same time? Who knows just how lucky you’re going to be getting recently.” Next time he was going to make sure that he wasn’t so rusty with a damn dart board. It could have been the fact that he didn’t pick up his bow and arrow recently. A lot of the things that he was doing was in close range, but he wasn’t going to give up. If it meant staying up even later and practicing in his cabin, then so be it. “Liquor does do a lot to make people not clearly see the bullseye, so I’ll actually side with you on this one.” As the dance started he could honestly say that he wasn’t expecting any of it to go down like that, at least not that fast. Although as he heard a couple of the words, he quickly realized that Daith had picked out some Ciara. Thankfully he was still pretty old school that he could pick out and artist that was popular when he was still considered to be young. Tristan moved his hand up to tickle the man on his side before poking his nose. “You definitely are an expert.”
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
“spar?” he questioned, incredulously, “if that’s all it takes, lets do it now. i’m eager to get my hands on it.” he smiles, brilliantly, as he finally turns to look at the taller, more muscular, hairier man. he blinks, casually, flirtatiously, because he can’t help it, and then waves his hand through the air. “i’m not in the habit of telling people my personal dealings,” he explains, and shrugs, eyeing the necklace greedily, “just know that i need it for a good cause. so, it’s obviously not for me.” he may have winced, if tristan was paying close attention, but it was very subtle. “anything will help, since agathys expects us to be made of drachame to get any sort of help from her.” there was definitely some resentment in his voice, despite his face never faltering from the picture-perfect smile. 
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“not many people would have agreed that quickly, i can tell that this is something important to you even more now.“ all tristan could do was nod slightly as ignacio told him he wasn’t going to get too personal with him. “i have my own fair share of secrets, so trust me when i say that i get it.” since it wasn’t for him he could only assume it was for one of the other demigods. it wasn’t his domain to play cupid or pry into their lives, so he already made up his mind quietly. he knew he wouldn’t have wanted a fight if he was trying to get something for milo. “that’s all i need to know. hey, she’s been around longer than any of us have had.” tristan chuckled softly as he moved over to put the necklace in a small box, wrapping it up nicely. “i’m sure if you had twenty-four demigods asking you for favors you would start charging them a lot of money for them, right?” he stepped across again and handed iggy the box. “i know this will be in good hands.”
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nightlyarrows · 4 years
Remy could recall through his haze of the night before that he and Tristan declared themselves family. It was an honor even if spoken through the high of a flower. And so he could imagine the worry was just the same concern he would have if Tristan was in danger. Even if he believed his mentor capable of handling himself. “Well I guess last night was my chance to test that limit. Though as much I wish I could tell what that limit was some things are still a blur.” Oddly enough Remy felt better mentally even though there was tiny troll tap dancing on his skull. The seclusion and words from Obelius gave him perspective and the party gave him a chance to breath. He was ready to move forward again. Though he might need to apologize to Jasper first. “I think Obelius and I may have had sex in his bed…I can’t really be sure…but I’m pretty sure…” Given the theme of the party, love flowers, ambrosia and the fact Jasper gave out dildos of his cock, could it not be expected?
Remy looked at the cup placed before him and felt his stomach twist from the sight of it. “You’re lucky I trust you with my life…” Taking a deep breath bringing the cup to his lips and taking the entire glass down in one rush. Slamming the cup to the table, waiting to see if he it would settle or if Remy would need to run to the nearest sink. “I prided myself on never throwing up from too much alcohol and I won’t start now.” Laying his arms and head across the table while he waited for his savior to feed him. ���How was your night at the party? Did you and your husband have a second honeymoon or what?” Remy just as much a fan of the love between Tristan and Milo as he was his demi-brother. Though it would take more than some sacred flower to get him to admit he loved love.
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Maybe the party showed people different things. Since he had chosen to go the whole night with one drink, he didn’t really feel anything long lasting like Remy did. It was an ideal moment to bond with a couple of people throughout the night and grow closer to them. Apparently, the white haired male was one of those people even though he didn’t think they could have gotten closer than how they already were. “There’s no shame in trying again to find your limit. Maybe next time mark how many drinks you’re having on your arm and hope that it doesn’t wash away by the morning. The last mark that you have you know you were at least coherent enough to write it down.” Hearing that he had sex with someone on another man’s bed was shocking to say the least, but Mount Olympus had prepared him for news like that long ago. “Did you... Well did you at least not get anything dirty and clean up? I’d definitely bring it up and apologize, but that’s up to you.” Tristan had his own rule about no one else being able to fuck on his bed.
Noticing that Remy took the drink like a champ at least settled him a bit. Now he could focus on the food again. Breakfast was normally Milo’s thing to make, but the speedster had already made several meals in the morning and it was finally the hunter’s turn to start cooking. “With a mindset and willpower like that, you’re never going to have to hurl a day in your life.” He nodded a bit, clearly proud. “First of all we barely had a first honeymoon to begin with. No offense, being around twenty-two of you doesn’t exactly set the scene. It was special though, we snuck away for a long time.” A dark smirk formed on Tristan’s face as he finished serving the two places. Home fries, an omelette with a couple of veggies thrown in, and finally some waffles, and finally some fried chicken thrown on the side. He moved over to the table and set two plates down after covering Milo’s. “Dig in, I have to go feed the other kids real quick.” He snorted softly as he went out back to give the companions their lunches.
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