nightmarejim · 8 months
Sean's acting was phenomenal in that Dan and Phil games short
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I HAD to draw (and name) this new character 😆
(I know that sean named him father Jack, but I made this beforehand so in my heart he's father Séamus)
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nightmarejim · 9 months
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New voice, same feelings. 
(meant to make this a long time ago. A happy follow up from Elise also losing her voice.) :)
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nightmarejim · 2 years
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vintage markiplier fans to new fans at the possibility of seeing mark in the nude
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nightmarejim · 2 years
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I saw this on Facebook and went to check my registration status, sure it was fine because I voted recently, but I put in the info and it said I’m not registered
PLEASE, especially if you’re a Black voter, check your registration status at vote.org
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nightmarejim · 2 years
It’s All a Joke...
I’ve seen a lot of this scene from Darkiplier’s point of view, but I’ve not really seen any from Warfstache’s. And I’m having Warfstache feels tonight, so I wrote this. I’m sorry. Enjoy. ( @colonel-william-protection-army , @mayor-damien-protection-squad , @ego-protection-squad )
William sat in the foyer, holding Damien’s cane. He had searched the whole manor, but to no avail. Celine was gone. So was Damien. The cane had been the only trace of either of them he could find, and clutched it now like a lifeline. He glanced over at Y/N’s body, which lay broken and unmoving on the marble floor. He sighed, and put his head in his hands. How could this have happened? Where did it all go so wrong? A noise caught his attention, and he looked up, shocked to see Y/N slowly getting to their feet with their back to him. He sat up, confused. How were they… They turned toward him, and reeled back in surprise…in fear. “Oh no, no! It’s ok,” William reassured, standing and holding out his hand. He stared at them in wonder as they regarded him, a strange look on their face. “I thought you were dead.” A slight smile spread across his face, and he moved towards them, but they backed away again. “I-I mean, of course you’re not dead,” he continued, and his smile grew. “You’re not- how could you be dead? I-I wouldn’t have killed you!” He laughed a short, strangled laugh. “I-I didn’t kill you!” Y/N didn’t speak, they just stood there staring at him, an unreadable expression fixed on their face.   “I mean of cour-…I-I mean…of course…” William set Damien’s cane down on an end table, and let out another choked laugh. “I didn’t kill anybody. I-” He laughed out loud then, realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. “It was all a JOKE!” He laughed again, a sense of relief rushing through his entire body.  “Of COURSE, it was all a joke!” He turned back to Y/N, who still wasn’t laughing for some reason. “Were you in on this?” William asked, shaking his head. “Did Damien put you up to this? Of course he did. Damien, where are you, you rapscallion?” he called out, stumbling out of the foyer back into the manor. “Where are you? Celine? Oh, it’s time to come out now! It was good, it was good, you almost had me.” He laughed again, waiting for his friends to answer his calls. But he was met with only silence. “Ha…haha…Celine?” he called again.
He wandered through the halls, calling out to his friends, but they still wouldn’t answer him. “You guys are really taking this seriously, aren’t you?” he laughed. “But it’s no good, I figured you out! Where are you?”
“….where are you?”
A hand reached out from behind, and touched his shoulder. He whirled around, and for a moment, his face lit up. “Damien?” But no, it wasn’t Damien. The man standing before him was…grayer, somehow. He was holding Damien’s cane, and was looking at William with an expression that fell somewhere in between rage and pity. William laughed. “You can’t fool me forever, you know. Where are they? Where’s Damien? Where’s Celine?” Something stirred on the figure’s face for a moment, but his features quickly hardened. “They’re gone.” “No.” William laughed again, shaking his head. “No, you don’t get it. They’re just playing a joke on me. Damien’s probably laughing his ass off somewhere…DAMIEN! CELINE! WHERE ARE YOU???”  William’s shoulders were shaking now, and he couldn’t tell if he was laughing or crying. The gray man reached his hand out toward’s him for a moment, but stopped before he actually touched him. His movements were stiff and jerky, as if he couldn’t make up his mind on what limb to move when.  “It’s not a joke, Colonel,” he said quietly.   William kept laughing, tears streaming down his face.  “Nonononono, it’s a joke. It has to be a joke, it has to be…” His insides felt hollow, emptied out of everything but pain. It had to be a joke. “Colonel?” He was definitely crying now, his laughs turning into strangled sobs and gasps for air. It had to be a joke, right? It had to be….
“COLONEL!” The gray man seemed to be at a loss for what to do. Then, he flickered, and a red aura reached it’s tendrils out towards the colonel, pushing the gray away. “Will…?” it asked, sounding unsure of the word coming from his own mouth. Will stopped sobbing, and looked up at the gray man. “Will?” he repeated. It sounded so familiar. “Will. Will. She…she preferred to call me Will. Preferred Will. Preferred Will, preferredwillpreferredwill…Wilford…? Wilford!” He laughed maniacally, throwing his head back and roaring towards the ceiling. “Wilford! Such a funny name! Wilford! Is that my name? Yes…yes it must be. Wilford…” The red aura reeled back from Will’s display, a horrified expression crossing the man’s face.  Wilford laughed again, pointing at the gray man.  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost! What are you doing here, anyway? What are you-” he stopped, and frowned slightly. “What am I doing here? Why is Wilford here?”  “Well…” the figure paused, mulling over its words. “It doesn’t matter,” he eventually said, shaking his head. “We need to go.”  “Go? I’m not going anywhere! I need to find…I need to find someone…am I looking for someone?” Wilford looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. He was sure he had been here before…but when? Why? “I don’t even know your name…” “It’s…” the man paused, thinking. “It’s Darkiplier,” he said, sounding the word out slowly.  Wilford giggled.  “Well now I know your name! It sounds familiar.” He paused. “Do I know you?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. Darkiplier’s grey aura was punctured by a layer of red and blue at once.  “Yes…Wilford.” His voice was rich and layered, as if multiple people were speaking in unison. “You know me.” “Fabulous!” Wilford said cheerfully. “Now, we’ve gotta go! We have to go look for them outside!”  “Look for who, Will?” Darkiplier asked carefully.  Wilford frowned slightly.  “I don’t know.” He shrugged, and grinned. “Guess I’ll know them when I see them!” He bounded out the front door into the morning sunlight. Darkiplier watched him go, then looked down at the cane in his hand.  “Maybe you will, Wilford,” He said to himself. “Maybe you will.”
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nightmarejim · 2 years
Mermay request: Robbie the zombie as angler fish mer
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Okay ngl this is one of my favorites that i've done. Thanks for the request anon! <3
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nightmarejim · 2 years
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clothes swap✨
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nightmarejim · 2 years
ppl be like "i need to watch a based streamer who calls out their chat whenever theyre dumb and doesnt have an audience of eleven year olds" like sneegsnag isnt right there
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nightmarejim · 3 years
Happy Turkey Day Everyone!
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nightmarejim · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 -- Trust Fall
On what was supposed to be a peaceful walk, Mikey bites off a bit more than she can chew in a big way.
These versions of Illinois and Yancy, along with Connie and Aiden, belong to @regalrain, created in collab with me for our rp :D
Day #4 for @whumptober2021
Commission Info | Buy me a ko-fi 
Tags: @vociferous-chaos @itsjustkyss @takethepainawaybae @the-pan-anon @ts-famderartist @revolutionbastard @toothfairy2298 @sororia04s @darkest-shade-of-light @bitchbyebibye @lulu-chaos-incarnation @regalrain @parental-tendencies @tried-my-best @mirrored-calamity @thomothy @scubacatwhisperer @thelivelylibra1111 @oonessawness @rat-bat @thetruequeenoftheabyss @rightbeforethespring  As always, if you’d like to be added, just let me know!
 Warnings: Falling, Child Endangerment, Vomiting  Pairings: Darkiplier/Yancy/Illinois  Characters: Darkiplier, Yancy, Illinois, Mikey (OC), Wisconsin (OC), Aiden (OC)  Word Count: 1307 words
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nightmarejim · 3 years
My Favs of Ego Manor
1. Everyone Has Bad Days – Man, I always gotta show love for the first….I wouldn’t be anywhere without it, and though it’s pretty venty, and I don’t really like the writing anymore, just…..I love the story. Love
5. Blind Love – Any story about the Host and Dr. Iplier are up there on my list, simply because they were and still are so entertaining to write…..and I like the cheesy stuff, and just – that one fucking line in this story (you know the one), God, still remains one of my favorite lines I’ve ever written ever XD
26. Yandere – I’m still more impressed by the concept of this one more than anything, and I think it turned out really nicely for how batshit off the walls the idea was XD thank you 3:00am brain
29. Reunion – If you love squishy, bittersweet Darkstache, this is def a fic you’ll enjoy XD I liked this one a lot, I thought it was nice….
32. To My Dear Host… – Like I said, most stories about the Host end up way up there on my list XD I love this story, I think the drama’s nice, I think I executed it pretty well, and, yeah, I’m a sucker for angsty shit, and though this isn’t exactly medically accurate (tbh not a lot of my stuff is) I still think it’s nice :D
33. And Peggy – Peggy my beloved <3
38. A Zoo Without Cages – what an absolutely ridiculous, nutty mess. I fuckin’ love it.
40. Five Times the Egos Were Caught Sleeping – I just love how squishy it is….
47. A Broken Songbird Still Can Sing – Silver doesn’t get enough content in this fandom, and I think this turned out super well :D of course, it plays into my personal favorite tropes so perhaps I’m biased but skdfjgn
57. Nightmarish Reality – I cannot express how many times I read and reread this one over and over before it came out skdfjgn I love this fic, man is it dark as fuckin’ Hell but I am so proud
66. Desperation – Oh boy. One of the most difficult things I’ve ever written, and it came out so well. The feedback on this one makes me cry every time I read the comments. I’m so glad it was received well, I put so much soul into it, and just….yeah
67. Shimmering Depths – Merman Bim <3
71. May the Best Android Win – Not enough people portray the androids as squishy and the deserve to be squishy. This story is ridiculous. Poly robots for the win
82. The Wedding – THE WEDDING!!!!!!!! Another one I am so so so unbelievably proud of, and I’m so glad everyone loved it!!!! I still remember absolutely sobbing over writing the vows skdfjg
88. Kids in the Manor – Not my most creative title (titles are not my strong suit) but!!!! This one turned out Hell cute, plus the little secret in there, just <3
96. The In-Between – YESSSSSSS!!!!! God I love this fic, I worked super hard on it, and it came out so nice, just – I love the Host so Goddamn much XD
102. Worst Date – Listen. Listen. I have never before laughed so hard while writing a story skdjfgn this one was just so much fun for me to write, I think it’s great XD
106. Rampaging Chaos – Jims my beloveds <3
111. The Past’s Reflection – A lot of people had been asking about the DA for a long time, and finally, I wrote it!!! I think it came out super nice, I love how I wrote the DA, and how they interacted with Dark, the little splash of silly, I love it
115. The Writer and the Prophet – :)
121. Happy Halloween! – Also Google’s birthday, I just didn’t want to put the whole title. Anyway, fem!Dark my beloved <3 Also this is just straight up Hella cute sdkjfg
122. This is Halloween – I struggled so hard with this story within a story idea skdjfgn but!!! I think it came out super neat, the Host is a bastard, more fem!Dark skdfjgn and super neat horror story!!!
127. Snark = Regret – Dr. Iplier you stupid bastard. I do love this fic though sdkjfgn I don’t write the Host pissed off often but <3
132. The Streets – My God. This took. fucking forever to Goddamn write, and yet it was so worth it skdfjgn it came out beautiful and I adore it to pieces
134. Adorable – Squishy <3
144. A Gift to this World – Squishy!!!! Not many Eric/Reynolds centric stories on this list, but I like this one :D
152. Egyptian God – Oh I completely forgot about this one till I read the name. Oh wow. Wow. Yes. I adore this one.
154. Is That a Challenge? – Illinois my beloved skdjg
156. Something’s Up with the Host – Ah yes, my own silly self-indulgent birthday fic XD I loved writing this, it’s so cute
159. The Beginning of the End – :)
172. Star-Crossed Roses – This was….so unbelievably difficult to write. I was already deep into my burnout by the time this came out, I wrote it all the night before it was set to come out, I was worried I’d have to delay it, especially since I built up the wedding date so much, but it came out on time, it came out pretty good if I do say so, and I’m glad everyone enjoyed it. Still the last Ego Manor story to come out, and maybe one day I’ll get to finish this series out like I wanted, but for now….it’s good to end on something so delightful
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nightmarejim · 3 years
Rev you’ll never guess what I found deep within my notes app!!!
An old unfinished Ollie and Anti fic from the retroverse!!!
Anti peered over Ollie’s shoulder as he ran his routine system checks.
“What ya doin’?” The glitch questioned, controlling himself from accidentally jumping into the yellow Google’s system.
“Routine system checks! Blue makes us run through them every day, especially since you started hanging around.” Ollie replied cheerfully, before registering his sentence and looking at Anti, preparing to apologise. Instead, he found the glitch pouting harmlessly at him.
“Excuse you. I can control myself very well thank you very much.”
“I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just since all the incidents, Blue makes sure we keep our firewalls strong. It’s nothin personal. I don’t think...” Ollie trailed off before resuming his work. He was almost done, so soon he would be able to pay more attention to Anti, something he should’ve done from the start.
The glitch, having been distracted again, fiddled with his knife absentmindedly, failing to realise that the odd glitch was straying further and further until Ollie froze unnaturally. Anti only had a few seconds to register what had happened before he himself was pulled into the hardware, an unfortunate side effect of his type of entity.
Anti only spent a minute or so inside Ollie’s artificial mind, but it was long enough to contribute to the already existing damage left over from Anti’s previous, more ill-purposed attacks. It was also long enough to alert the other Googles that something was malfunctioning within their brother. That led two Googles Red, Green and Blue all watching as Anti reformed himself next to Ollie. There was a solid second where Anti crouched where he had reformed, staring at the Googles guiltily. He then swiped his knife off the floor and, upon seeing the Googles prepare for a fight, glitched away, to somewhere that they couldn’t follow.
Anti didn’t know where he was going when he first glitched away, just that he had to be out of that situation if he wanted to preserve himself. Now, he knew exactly where he had teleported himself to. If the dark room and ominous yet neatly arranged desk didn’t tell him, the glaring ego sat in the chair in a flawless suit did. It struck him that he hadn’t glitched where the Googles couldn’t follow, he had gone where the Googles wouldn’t follow. He let out a sigh.
Googles Red, Green and Blue fretted as they quickly fixed and replaced the damaged hardware, and cleaned any lingering damage to the software that Anti’s presence may have made.
Hey, bud! Can you tell I *never* check my notifications anymore because this has been here a while, sorry! But I love this! It makes me miss my boys, especially Anti and the Googles. I also miss Mare... And Host... (If you guys ever want to send me your own or someone else's stories about them either by tagging me or whatever else, I will definitely read them because it's been just too long) Also, may or may not be in the process of creating a few OC's that are lovingly inspired by these weirdos just because I can't go on living without them~
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nightmarejim · 3 years
NAYKT S1 - Deleted Scene - Marvin and Silver
Tag List: @undocumented-terriaki @ask-barkiplier-rp @supersepticsteph @penpaulkon6 @are-you-here-posts @markifucker-fischfuck @killza-minecraft @anomalous-duck @risiskifi @squishy-anon @margarita-is-the-answer @hemooryctolagus @my-analogical-romance @nightmarejasmine @paintedsnowflakes @brookeisanerd @aquilacalvitium @darlingarkangel @1queer-galaxy1 @bokunobandicoot @pumpkins2000 @insanegoldie2 @phantomshellreapers @codebreaker-alex-manes @frostymooncosplay
I was going through my notebooks and found this Deleted Scene and figured, why not clean it up and post it? It was aimed to be posted sometime shortly after chapter 44 when I first introduced Silver Shepherd. It was intended to show highlight the complex relations between Silver’s past (as Dark in another universe in a relationship with his own Marvin) and his present, and ultimately scrapped for reasons I honestly don’t remember any more. Hope you enjoy it.
NAYKT S1 Master List | NAYKT S2 Master List
It’s been a rough ass week.
Silver has spent nearly every day throwing himself at every petty and organised criminal that’s dared to cross his path. I mean he does that every week, but he’s really thrown himself into it this time. Purposefully picking fights, working ridiculously long hours, and he’s gotten some wonderfully colourful bruises for his efforts. Anyone paying attention might suspect he was getting his ass kicked on purpose.
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nightmarejim · 3 years
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A relic from the past
God this took 24 hours and a half and I got NO asleep at all so I am not doing well lol but it was all worth it just to finish this. I had to stay up cause this was due literally on the 21st and I had to speed run that shit and it’s for an unus annus project 🤫
But anyways please please PLEASE reblog it helps me so much ❤️❤️❤️
@markiplier @crankgameplays my friends told me to tag them so I’m doing this against my own will😔
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nightmarejim · 3 years
Same Snake, Same Story
All stories must end eventually.
Don’t ask me what this is skdjfg idk
Commission Info | Buy me a ko-fi
Tags: @smash-ash26 @vociferous-chaos @itsjustkyss @takethepainawaybae @the-pan-anon @ts-famderartist @revolutionbastard @toothfairy2298 @sororia04s @darkest-shade-of-light @bitchbyebibye @xoskeletonkid @lulu-chaos-incarnation @regalrain @parental-tendencies @tried-my-best @mirrored-calamity @thomothy @scubacatwoman @thelivelylibra1111 @oonessawness
 Warnings: None  Pairings: Darkiplier/Wilford Warfstache (only mentioned/implied)  Characters: Darkiplier, The Actor  Word Count: 880 words
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nightmarejim · 3 years
Be sure to add a link to your channels bro!
 Oh, you’re right! Thanks for reminding me!
G/t channel
Non-g/t channel (nothing on this one yet, though)
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nightmarejim · 3 years
One of these day’s I’ll figure out the whole keeping a consistent schedule with ADHD thing.
I’m streaming now at https://www.twitch.tv/ailithnight.
Today, trying something a little different. Hardcore mode. I might fare fine. I might die in 5 minutes. Tune in to see for yourself.
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